Yii Lazy Loading From Object Instance ($this) with Criteria (Is it possible?) - object

I'm new to Yii and used to Kohana. I have two models:
1. sampleRequests -> (this has many SampleShares)
2. sampleShares
In my case I have already instantiated an object (sampleRequest) and I am trying to get a particular sampleShares based on added criteria.
In Kohana I could do:
$myShare = $this->sampleShares->where('user_id','=',$my_user_id)->find();
It Yii I have tried something similar:
$myShare = $this->sampleShares->find(array(
The previous does not work for me however, the following will work:
$myShare = SampleShare::model()->find(array(
'condition'=>'sample_id=:id AND user_id=:user_id',
'params'=>array(':id'=>$this->id, ':user_id'=>Yii::app()->user->id)));
So my question is, can you grab related models with appended select criteria to the relationships established in Yii (particular with the instance or $this)? (Similar to my Koahana example?) If so how do you do that?

$myShare = SampleShare::model()->findAll(array('condition'=>'sample_id='.$id.' AND user_id='.$user_id));
and relation query example
$myShare = SampleShare::model()->with('sampleRequests')->findAll(array('condition'=>'sample_id='.$id.' AND user_id='.$user_id));
you can find the realtion name in your model file...
And then you can get the related table records using $myShare->sampleRequests

you can set relationship between the tables in your model file, like this:
public function relations()
return array(
'category' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'CategoryCategory', 'category_id'),
how to use:
$model=Blog::model()->with('category')->findAll(); //object

Nevermind I figured it out. I just had to replace:


Flask-AppBuilder equivalent of SQLite WHERE clause to filter column data

I'm new to Flask and have started designing a front end for an inventory management database using Flask-AppBuilder.
I have created several models and have have managed to display my sqlite data in tables using Flask-AppBuilder's views.
However, I don't seem to be able to find the equivalent of SQLite WHERE clause to filter or "restrict" column data. I've been reading a lot about sqlalchemy, filters, queries but this has left me more confused that anything else and the explanations seem to be extremely elaborate and complicated to do something which is extremely simple.
Assuming we reproduce the following SQLite query in Flask-AppBuilder:
FROM Table_A
WHERE Field_A = 'some text'
result = session.query(Table_A).filter_by(Field_A = 'some text').all()
Where does the above line of code go in my app?
Considering I have the following Class:
class Table_A(Model):
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
Field_A = Column(String)
def __repr__(self):
return self
and View:
class Table_AView(ModelView):
datamodel = SQLAInterface(Table_AView)
label_columns = {'Field_A':'A'}
list_columns = ['Field_A']
After much digging flask-appbuilder uses it's own filterclass in order to enable you to filter your views.
All the classes are referenced here on GitHub:
Flask Filter Clases List
Also not the difference between FilterEqual and FilterEqualFunction here:
What is the difference between : FilterEqual and FilterEqualFunction?
For other customisation and first port of call of Flask-appbuilder go straight to the API Reference where you'll find a couple of examples of the filterclass in action.
In essence it is extremely simple. In your views.py code within the ModelView class you want to filter simply add base_filters = [['field_A', FilterEqual, 'abc']] like so:
`class Table_AView(ModelView):
datamodel = SQLAInterface(Table_AView)
label_columns = {'Field_A':'A'}
list_columns = ['Field_A']
base_filters = [['field_A', FilterEqual, 'abc']]`
This will only show the lines where the field_A variable is equal to abc.
Hope this helps someone as it took me nearly (sigh) two weeks to figure it out...
SQLALchemy is an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), it mean that you dont have to deal with raw SQL, you will call a function that you "build" (by adding filters in your case). It will transparently generate an SQL query, execute it, and return the result as python objects.
I would suggest you to read closely at sqlalchemy documentation about filters again, especially filter_by :
It is the easiest way to apply a WHERE with sqlalchemy.
If you have declared correctly the model for Table_A, you should be able to use it so:
result = session.query(Table_A).filter_by(Field_A = 'some text').all()
Here session.query(Table_A).filter_by(Field_A = 'some text') will generate the SQL, and .all() will execute it.

Yii2 : Getting class name from relation attribute

I went through all API documentation of Yii 2.0 to find a way to reverse back to relation class name from a model attribute.
let us suppose that class Customer has a relation
$this->hasOne(Country::className(), ['id' => 'countryId']);
and in a controller function the parameter was the attribute "countryId". How is it possible to detect the class name for the related model
Get the name of the class by removing Id from the end of the variable and capitalize it. But I cannot image any situation where this would be a normal development practice. You can also define am array to make this translation for the model.
You can try to use http://php.net/manual/en/intro.reflection.php to get the names of all the functions and try to guess the name of the relation / model based on the name of the field. If you name your classes and relation fields in a proper name then you should be able to try to again guess the model.
This still feels like a hack, create a function that returns the name of the model based on the field... easiest solution. I know you try to be lazy but this is a hacky way of programming.
I'm not very clear on what data you have to start with here. If you only have a column countryId I am not sure. But say you have the relation name 'country' and the following code in your Customer model:
public function getCountry()
return $this->hasOne(Country::className(), ['id' => 'countryId']);
This is what I would do:
$relationName = 'country';
$customer = new Customer;
$relation = $customer->getRelation($relationName);
$relationModelClass = $relation->modelClass;
You could look at \yii\db\ActiveQuery::joinWithRelations() for how they do it.

Retrieving Properties from DbSqlQuery

Background: Project is a Data Import utility for importing data from tsv files into a EF5 DB through DbContext.
Problem: I need to do a lookup for ForeignKeys while doing the import. I have a way to do that but the retrieval if the ID is not functioning.
So I have a TSV file example will be
Code Name MyFKTableId
codevalue namevalue select * from MyFKTable where Code = 'SE'
So when I process the file and Find a '...Id' column I know I need to do a lookup to find the FK The '...' is always the entity type so this is super simple. The problem I have is that I don't have access to the properties of the results of foundEntity
string childEntity = column.Substring(0, column.Length - 2);
DbEntityEntry recordType = myContext.Entry(childEntity.GetEntityOfReflectedType());
DbSqlQuery foundEntity = myContext.Set(recordType.Entity.GetType()).SqlQuery(dr[column])
Any suggestion would be appreciated. I need to keep this generic so we can't use known type casting. The Id Property accessible from IBaseEntity so I can cast that, but all other entity types must be not be fixed
Note: The SQL in the MyFKTableId value is not a requirement. If there is a better option allowing to get away from SqlQuery() I would be open to suggestions.
Ok What I did was create a Class called IdClass that only has a Guid Property for Id. Modified my sql to only return the Id. Then implemented the SqlQuery(sql) call on the Database rather than the Set([Type]).SqlQuery(sql) like so.
IdClass x = ImportFactory.AuthoringContext.Database.SqlQuery<IdClass>(sql).FirstOrDefault();
Ok What I did was create a Class called IdClass that only has a Guid Property for Id. Modified my sql to only return the Id. Then implemented the SqlQuery(sql) call on the Database rather than the Set([Type]).SqlQuery(sql) like so.
IdClass x = ImportFactory.AuthoringContext.Database.SqlQuery<IdClass>(sql).FirstOrDefault();

Custom field name mapping in expressionengine

I am making some changes to a site using ExpressionEngine, there is a concept I can't seem to quite understand and am probably coding workarounds that have pre-provided methods.
Specifically with channels and members, the original creator has added several custom fields. I am from a traditional database background where each column in a table has a specific meaningful name. I am also used to extending proprietary data by adding a related table joined with a unique key, again, field names in the related table are meaningful.
However, in EE, when you add custom fields, it creates them in the table as field_id_x and puts an entry into another table telling you what these are.
Now this is all nice from a UI point of view for giving power to an administrator but this is a total headache when writing any code.
Ok, there's template tags but I tend not to use them and they are no good in a database query anyway.
Is there a simple way to do a query on say the members table and then address m_field_1 as what its really called - in my case "addresslonglat".
There are dozens of these fields in the table I am working on and at the moment I am addressing them with fixed names like "m_field_id_73" which means nothing.
Anybody know of an easy way to bring the data and its field names together easily?
Ideally i'd like to do the following:
$result = $this->EE->db->query("select * from exp_member_data where member_id = 123")->row();
echo $result->addresslonglat;
Rather than
echo $result->m_field_id_73;
This should work for you:
$fields = $data = array();
$member_fields = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT m_field_id, m_field_name FROM exp_member_fields");
foreach($member_fields->result_array() as $row)
$fields['m_field_id_'.$row['m_field_id']] = $row['m_field_name'];
$member_data = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT * FROM exp_member_data WHERE member_id = 1")->row();
foreach($member_data as $k => $v)
if($k != 'member_id')
$data[$fields[$k]] = $v;
Then just use your new $data array.

Kohana 3.2 ORM Does not contain model info

I'm working with Kohana 3.2 and have the following code in my controller.
$Blog_Post = new Model_Blogpost();
$Blog_Post->where('id', '=', 1);
$content = $Blog_Post->content;
I Currently have 3 records in my db with id's 1, 2, and 3.
$Blog_Post->content, or any other field return null. and I'm not sure why.
Use ORM::factory('blogpost', $id) or new Model_Blogpost($id) if you need an object with PK == $id.
Check your model after loading.
if $Blog_Post->loaded()
// it works!
// record not found
If record not found, you can see last DB query with $Blog_Post->last_query()
UPD. From comments. Your model will not work with this modifications. Note that ORM data stored in $_object property, and $Blog_Post->content is just a shortcut for $Blog_Post->_object['content'] via __get() method. Of course, if you define public $content property, $Blog_Post->content will return NULL value instead of using DB data.
There is no reason for defining model fields as properties. If you need IDE hints, just use PHPDOC.
At the firm I work for we were looking into upgrading to 3.2 very recently. However, in our evaluation I don't recall seeing a difference in ORM handling methods.
Yours above looks like it should be something like this:
$Blog_Post = ORM::factory('blogpost')->where('id', '=', 1)->find();
$content = $Blog_Post->content;
Assuming your table is called blogposts, of course. I may be wrong about that and if I am, can you link to the documentation that shows this kind of model interaction?
