change start menu name during minor version upgrade in installshield - installshield-2011

Currently, in program start menu I have as below
Program Menu - [XXX] - Product name
Now , I want to change as
Program Menu - [YYY] - Product name
How to change start menu name during minor version upgrade in installshield?
Is it possible to do this during minor upgrade?
Please Help.

I have achieved something similar for setting the name of my short cut folder based on property decided at run time. I wouldn't know how to change the name of an existing folder though I take it you are looking to rename the folder from something like 'Product v10' to 'Product v11'
When you add the [XXX] directory name, give is a name such as ShortcutCompanyName.
Then add a 'Set Directory' custom action (type 35) that changes sets:
Directory Name : ShortcutCompanyName
Directory Value: [ProgramMenuFolder]\[MyShortCutFolder]
Install UI Sequence: After CostFinalize
Install Exec Sequence: After CostFinalize
Admin UI Sequence: After CostFinalize
Admin Exec Sequence: After CostFinalize
Where [MyShortCutFolder] is a property I have set to the name of the folder I want i.e. XXX or YYY in your case.


Not able to create flutter linux desktop application snapcraft build

I have developed a Linux desktop application with the help of flutter but now I am facing an error when I am trying to create the snapcraft build in #Flutter Project and the project is running perfectly when I am run on a Linux system . Please let me know if anyone can connect with me and help me to solve this error. when I was run snapcraft cmd to create project snap so terminal showed this error.
**Error while processing...
The store was unable to accept this snap.
human review required due to 'deny-connection' constraint (interface attributes)
Could not find 'Exec=' in desktop file
Could not find 'Type=Application' in desktop file**
projectname.desktop file code
Icon=snap/gui/projectname.png # replace name to your app name
Categories=Utility; #adjust accordingly your snap category```
snapcraft.yaml Code
```name: projectname
version: '1.0.8'
summary: projectname summary
description: |
projectname description
confinement: strict
base: core18
grade: stable
# icon: snap/gui/projectname.png
# architectures:
# - build-on: armhf
- build-on: armhf
# run-on: amd64
snap_daemon: shared
dbus-projectname: # adjust accordingly to your app name
interface: dbus
bus: session
name: # adjust accordingly to your app name and
command: projectname
extensions: [flutter-master] # Where "master" defines which Flutter channel to use for the
# desktop: snap/gui/projectname.desktop
- network
- desktop
- dbus-projectname
source: .
plugin: flutter
flutter-target: lib/main.dart # The main entry-point file of the application```
I faced this issue a while ago and is was quit simple to solve. Check your .desktop file. It can't have extra spaces
change this
Icon=snap/gui/projectname.png # replace name to your app name
Categories=Utility; #adjust accordingly your snap category
to this
Icon=snap/gui/projectname.png # replace name to your app name
Categories=Utility; #adjust accordingly your snap category
I hope it helped you
I ran into exactly the same issue. I copy pasted from the guide on when creating my .desktop file. That left all entries with preceding spaces. Removing all the spaces fixed my issue.
If you fix those issues you'll still get the "human review required due to 'deny-connection' constraint (interface attributes)" but it will trigger a manual review this time after which you'll need to wait a couple of days for a human to review your submission.

Getting Issue while setting up Cassandra in Windows 8.1

Below are steps to Install and configure Cassandra on windows
1) Downloaded Java setup from , Java Set up version is Version 8 Update 73
2) I have gone to and downloaded apache-cassandra-3.4-bin.tar.gz
3) extract apache-cassandra-3.4-bin.tar.gz in D:\Learning Office work\Learning\Cassandra
4) After extraction it will create a folder called apache-cassandra-3.4
5) Set JAVA_HOME variable in windows 8.1
Steps :
• Go To My Computer
• Right Click on it select Properties
• Click on Security
• Click on environmental varoables
• In The System variable Section click on New
• enter variable name as JAVA_HOME
• enter variable value as C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_73
This depends upon in which drive you have installed java
• create a new system variable named, CLASSPATH as like above box, and its value %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib
• For PATH, if it already exists, select it and choose the Edit option; in the editor add the value;%JAVA_HOME%\bin (the new values are separated by a semicolon from the existing ones)
• To check the system variables is done by opening a new command prompt window (Start -> cmd) and try with following commands.
C:\Users\Catalin>echo %CLASSPATH%
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\jre\lib
C:\Users\Catalin>echo %JAVA_HOME%
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16
C:\Users\Catalin>echo %PATH%
• To make your system know of these changes, Restart your computer
6) Create three New Folders anyware(inside the - D:\Learning Office work\Learning\Cassandra /new folder or out of the - D:\Learning Office work\Learning\Cassandra) your in your directory structure with names commitlog, data, saved cache
7) Go to Cassandraa extracted archive and navigate to folder named “conf”
8) Open the file named “cassandra.yaml” in your favorite text editor.
9) In the “Cassandra.yaml” Set the values of
“data_file_directories” to the path of newly created “data” folder.
“commitlog_directory” to the path of newly created “commitlog” folder.
“saved_caches_directory” to the path of newly created “saved cache” folder.
So my values in “cassandra.yaml” look like this:
directories where Cassandra should store data on disk.
- D:\Learning Office work\Learning\Cassandra\Data
commit log
commitlog_directory: D:\Learning Office work\Learning\Cassandra\commitlog
saved caches
saved_caches_directory: D:\Learning Office work\Learning\Cassandra\saved_caches
10) Add new environment variable “CASSANDRA_HOME”
Steps :
1) Go To My Computer
2) Right Click on it select Properties
3) Click on Security
4) Click on environmental varoables
5) In The User variable Section click on New
6) enter variable name as CASSANDRA_HOME
7) enter variable value as D:\Learning Office work\Learning\Cassandra\apache-cassandra-3.4
11) Open cmd as Adminstartor and navigated to the D:\Learning Office work\Learning\Cassandra\apache-cassandra-3.4\bin (bin of the Cassandra) type cassandra -f as like below
Once I run above command in CMD I started getting below error
Sounds like you're missing an environment variable.
Add this to your Path environment variable:
Change your script to this:
%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command "your command"

stop checking for updates

In sublime terminal (ctrl + `) every minute I got annoing lines:
Checking for updates:
Sync Enabled: True
Sync Timeout: 60000
Latest Update at: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
Thread is: Thread-4
Paths: [{'path': '', 'display': ''}]
It interrupt me from debuging sublime plugins.
How to disable this Checking for updates?
I tried 2 things to disable it:
I added line "update_check": false into /Users/maks/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings:
"JavaScript Console",
"update_check": false
And restarted sublime. But nothing...
I tried to find string 60000 in all files of sublime folder: /Users/maks/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3
But nothing good found. Maybe 60000 ms is default value.
Created function to search text in packages and installed packages:
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Installed\ Packages; zgrep -e $1 *.sublime-package ; cd ../Packages; grep -R -e $1 *
With help of it I searched by different words: "Checking for updates", "Sync Enabled", "Sync Timeout", "60000", "Latest Update at", "Thread is", "Paths". But nothing found.
Seemingly this update is internal sublime 3 option. Don't know how to disable it...
My current version of sublime text 3 is 3083. Here how the guys solved it HERE.
Text version
Go to Preferences -> Settings-User -> and paste that line of code in the end:
"update_check": false, or "update_check": false (without last comma if it's last item in the array). After that press CTRL + S (on Windows OS) to Save file or go to File -> Save
Image version
Since Sublime Text 3 packages are in zipped .sublime-package files, you'll need to use zgrep to search them:
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Installed\ Packages
zgrep -e "Checking for updates" *.sublime-package
If nothing is found, try looking in the Packages directory:
cd ../Packages
grep -R -e "Checking for updates" *
Hopefully one of these will match a package. If so, add the package to your ignored_packages setting and restart Sublime.
If neither search works, try using other fragments of the message as your search term: "Sync Enabled", "Latest Update", etc.
Good luck!
Please Note:
This is not the same issue as this one, where setting "update_check": false in your user preferences does not stop Sublime Text 3 from displaying upgrade messages when a new build is released. This particular issue was caused by a plugin constantly printing a message to Sublime's console. As the OP commented below:
using turning off and on every single plugin, target plugin found, its name: "My Snippets" in Installed Packages folder.
Two solutions, depending on what exactly you want to accomplish.
Since I am not sure - possibly my English - so I give you two solutions.
I use Sublinter as an example.
Preferences > Package Settings > Package Control > Settings – User
... and add something like this to block package:
// Packages to not auto upgrade
"auto_upgrade_ignore": [
If you want Sublime to stop updating and you do not trust in-app update blocking solutions, just nuke 'em.
On Windows (system I use) go to:
... and open file named 'hosts'.
You may have to move this file onto desktop, edit it and move it back to original location, as Windows may not allow any changes to it - even, if you try as Administrator.
Then add to 'hosts' file this line of code: localhost localhost
Version with 'www' will do, as sublime sends updates from '' location.
Above code will prevent any connection from your machine to '', hence no updates anymore.
That does not apply to packages, they need option #1.

Why Chef do not find my files?

I'm developing a Ganglia recipe in Chef.
Is very simple, I build four different configurations files, I already tried to use as template, but to keep it simple, I build these configuration files.
This is my recipe:
return if tagged?('norun::ganglia')
case node[:platform]
when "ubuntu", "debian"
pkg = "ganglia-monitor"
when "redhat", "centos", "fedora"
pkg = "ganglia-gmond"
package "#{pkg}" do
action :install
cookbook_file "/etc/ganglia/gmond.conf" do
owner "root"
group "root"
mode "0644"
source "gmond/" + node['base']['dc'] + "/node/gmond.conf"
# Adding ganglia-gmond as service
service "gmond" do
supports :status => true,
:restart => true
action [ :enable, :start ]
And this is how my recipe is structured:
cookbooks/ganglia/files/default/gmond/* // I have others sub-folders here too
But when I tried to run my recipe, it gives the follow error:
[2013-05-14T14:23:38+00:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound: cookbook_file[/etc/ganglia/gmond.conf] (ganglia::default line 25) had an error: Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound: Cookbook 'ganglia' (0.1.0) does not contain a file at any of these locations:
This cookbook _does_ contain: ['diveo/monitor/gmond.conf','diveo/node/gmond.conf','awsvir/monitor/gmond.conf','awsvir/node/gmond.conf','awssp/monitor/gmond.conf','awssp/node/gmond.conf','alog/monitor/gmond.conf','alog/node/gmond.conf']
Basically it says that I not have the file, but I do, in the right path, right ?
If node['base']['dc'] is a platform name, then cookbook_file statement should look like
cookbook_file "/etc/ganglia/gmond.conf" do
owner "root"
group "root"
mode "0644"
source "gmond.conf"
and structure of your conf files should be like that
And a little advice - use template instead of cookbook_file. One day you'll want to add some parameters to your gmane.conf anyway.
Also, here is a cookbook_file doc page from -

How to remove multiple virtual directories?

I need to remove a big amount of virtual directories, some of them don't have associated physical directories.
As you need to remove a large amount, I'm guessing you'll want to use some form of script.
IIS 6.0, using IISvdir.vbs( article # MSDN):
At the command prompt, use the cd command to change to the directory where the Iisvdir.vbs script is installed. The default location for this file is systemroot/system32/iisvdir.vbs.
At the command prompt, type:
cscript iisvdir.vbs /delete "Sample Web Site" VirtualDirectoryName.
Substitute your Web site name and virtual directory name as appropriate. If there are spaces in the Web site name, use quotation marks around the Web site name, as shown in the preceding example.
IIS 7 using AppCmd.exe (article # TechNet):
To remove a virtual directory, use the following syntax:
appcmd delete vdir / string
The variable vdir.namestring is the virtual path of the virtual directory.
For example, to remove a virtual directory named photos from the root application of a site named contoso, type the following at the command prompt, and then press ENTER:
appcmd delete vdir / contoso / photos
To remove a virtual directory named photos from an application named marketing in a site named contoso, type the following at the command prompt, and then press ENTER:
appcmd delete vdir / contoso / marketing / photos
You could also write an msbuild script to do this and use the msbuild extension pack which is available here. I have used this successfully to do exactly what you are saying for 100s of vdirs in iis 6 AND in iis 7.5.
Its pretty simple and took me longer to write the .proj file than it did to figure out how to do it.
have fun :)
the resultant msbuild target would look like as follows
<Target Name="IIS7VirtualDirectories:Delete">
Where Application and VirtualDirectory are defined in an external proj file :)
