JavaFX 2 Titlebar color - javafx-2

How can I change the color of the title bar in javafx 2 desktop app?

Area of the window there title is written is controlled by OS. OS manages it's color, active/passive state, close-minimize buttons, etc. and FX has no API to handle that.
You may opt to create your own titlebar by using Stage with StageStyle.UNDECORATED and draw any decoration you like for such window.


Layout management inside Cairo DrawingArea/Context?

I have a window in mono gtk#, which has lot of VBoxes & HBoxes. These boxes contain some buttons, labels, and some other widgets also. Now I need to make this window alone to transparent.
I created one drawingArea by referring zetcode page.
But inside this drawing area I'm not able to do the arrangements of my widgets, one Move function is available, but it is not much use for me. So how do I do widget arrangement neatly inside a drawingArea?

How to properly display a focus rectangle in a compact SplitView menu item

I'm building my first Universal Windows Platform (UWP) App and am trying to implement the popular "Hamburger Menu" using the SplitView class.
Inspired by many samples, the items hosted on the SplitView pane are re-styled RadioButton controls, with a vertical highlight-rectangle, an icon and a text. The appearance is similar to that of the Groove app.
I'm now trying to implement navigation and selection using the keyboard, and this now bring a little focus-rect around the items in the SplitView pane. However, since the pane clips its contents when its DisplayMode is either CompactInline or CompactOverlay, the focus rectangle is also clipped, which is not the behavior a user would expect.
Please, can anyone advise on how to property display the focus rectangle in this situation ?
Just an idea, what if you set the width of all radio button's to be same as the CompactPaneLength property of SplitView. The default is 48 DIPs.

Transparent icon in start menu for universal app

I'm developing a universal app. I have a list of icons in the manifest. The icon on the taskbar is fine, transparency works.
The start menu icon doesn't have transparent edges.
No edges.
The list of icons that I have.
How would I make the edges transparent? Should I add any other icons?
This is by design as the background (behind the tile itself) may be colored quite differently. In the start menu, there's a dark background whereas there's a white background in the Cortana search. Maybe try sending MS your wishes via the feedback app :)
Seems like that it's by design, as you can see, default Windows Apps behave the same too, even those which use transparent color for their logo (like Calculator, Mail, etc).
However, If you set background color of logo and tile to "transparent" (in app manifest) your app icon may get displayed in start menu with transparent background in some circumstances like when Windows is in hight contrast theme.

Ncurses: Dialog box background color be changed?

I am working on Linux Operating System. I want to display a dialog box on an item selection from a drop down menu implemented in ncurses, but the problem is that the dialog box fills up the screen with blue background and further nothing can be done.So, is there a way to display ncurses dialog box inside current window preserving existing ncurses components?
Thanks in advance.
You might use CDK (Curses development kit) to the create dialog box. It provides many other widgets that you can use such as,
Entry Field
File Viewer
Floating Scale
Floating Slider
Histogram etc...
see this

I can't set background in Midlet

Some people say you can't set background in Midlet and use canvas. I used canvas mode and search for add TextFiled I can't do it because canvas is low level UI and drawing textfield
Can help me for set background in Midlet without Canvas?
You can't set Background in Midlet. The reason behind this Midlet is not an Compoment it-self. Midlet is a framework that allows to code for J2ME/Java ME Applications. A Midlet it self holds the the project components like Forms, Canvas TextBox etc.
You can not set background in Midlet, but you can assign a canvas or form to it and set its background.
A Canvas comes in Low level UI, while TextFied is higher level UI, which requires a component like Form for hold it. So you can not draw/put TextField on Canvas.
