Google Picker authentication flow - google-docs

Can someone help me figure out how to get the content of a Google Document selected from Google Picker. In the earlier version of Google Picker, there was an "accessToken" concept with which we can download the document content but as the support to "accessToken" is removed(no accessToken param in the response json string) for Google Docs documents in Picker how can this be achieved now??. How do the authentication flow works now??
By the way, when will the new documentation for Google Picker be ready so that we'll have a clear idea on how the flow works?

The new flow has been documented by the Google Drive team. The documentation is here:
Instead of getting a token for each document, you need only to get one appropriately scoped AppID from the Google API Console. See:
Once you have an ID, associate this to the Picker instance with the setAppId method. Voilà!


Instagram API - search user

i am building a website where you can get services for your Instagram account, i want to create a Search box that when you put your user name (e.g. "#John") it returns your profile picture and asks you if that is the correct profile (without logging in to your Instagram account),
I've found a website that made that possible already, does any one know how?!
the website -
thank you in advance!
You should check out this resource that allows you to do that. See an implementation of it here and test it here.

How to get friend's feed using Instagram Graph API or Instagram Basic Display API?

After one day instagram will disable Legacy API. There will be two official ways to access Instagram data - Instagram Graph API with base and the Instagram Basic Display API with and url bases.
How to get friend's profile feed with new ways ?
Seems like old way was GET{user-id}/media/recent
I tried GET{user-id}/media?fields=id,caption&access_token={access_koken} endpoint but I got following error:
{"error":{"message":"Unsupported get request. Object with ID
'{user-id}' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing
permissions, or does not support this
I presume you did replace {user-id} with an actual user id ? Generally speaking you can use the word "me" in it's place.,caption&access_token=<your access token>
If your application was an old Instagram "client" app then I think that it will no longer work after the deadline. We have had to create a new Instagram app via a Facebook application (
From there you can add "Products" and "Instagram" is one of those products. You have to go through an app review having requested "instagram_user_profile" and "instagram_user_media" in order to start using the app in live mode, but you can add testers whilst you are developing it. This is found via the "Basic Display" link (under the Instagram product) where you will also find you app id and secret.

Receiving "nonexisting field" error when using Instagram API

When using the Instagram API to retrieve basic info about our own business account (/?fields=instagram_business_account) we are returned the following error:
(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (business_discovery) on node type (InstagramUser)
Can anyone shed any light on what might be going on here - are we missing some configuration on our side?
Open Facebook Page
Open Instagram profile and convert business profile
Instagram profile connect to Facebook page
Go to Graph API Explorer
Get token by your app (you have to add manage_pages permission)
Choose Facebook Page
Get "me?fields=instagram_accounts{username,id,follow_count,followed_by_count}"
I ran into a similar issue. Eventually i figured out it i was using the username instead of the business id.
from the API Documentation:
"...Notice that business discovery queries are performed on the Instagram Business or Creator Account's ID ..., not the username of the Instagram Business or Creator Account that you are attempting to get data about..."
To get the Business ID you can use the following query (note that you need to replace your_valid_access_token_here with your valid access token:
the json result will look like this:
"id": the_actual_id

Microsoft Graph Custom User Properties

I followed instructions here: which allows me to add custom profile fields to MS Delve.
Is there anyway to access those created fields via the MS Graph api? I've tried everything I Can think of, including using the beta api, directly $select 'ing the data in the REST request, and can't seem to figure it out.
I've read a lot about extensions, but can't seem to get this data.
You made a custom profile field in the SharePoint User Profile Database. Currently there is no MS Graph API for accessing a user profile in SharePoint. You could use the SharePoint Rest API for this.

get Access token in foursquare

I want to get access token foursquare like this link `' and this is code
I don't understand what YOUR_CLIENT_ID,YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET and YOUR_REGISTERED_REDIRECT_URI are. Can you explain and show some examples ? Thank you very much for helping.
"Before you get started, you should create an app on Foursquare. This will give you a client ID and client secret which are needed for using the API. The documentation in this guide is meant to give a high-level conceptual overview of the Foursquare platform, help you grok its different parts and capabilities, and get started using the API’s most popular features."
Go to the link:
Click the option: "Create a new app". Enter the name of the app and a valid url from where your app can be downloaded. These two fields are mandatory. You can provide the details for other fields also. If you don't have a download link, you can create a folder in dropbox (google drive, onedrive) and provide that link. Create your app and you will get your private CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.
