Mobclix Ads not showing in subviews - ios4

I have added Mobclix Ads successfully to my app but its showing in first view only and not showing in subviews . I tried a lot but I am not getting the solution.
If anyone can help me please reply
Thanks in advance.

I got the answer by only adding this line to bring subview to front where another subview is added to view and mobclix ad is showing in every subviews.
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:self.adView];
here adView is the reference of Class MobclixAdView.


Can't find UIModalPresentationStyle enum value blurOverFullScreen

I am now developing a modal view presented on UINavigationController.
I tried to blur the content of UINavigationController's rootViewController under the modal view.
So I set up modalPresentationStyle value as .overFullScreen or .overCurrentContext. But I can't get the right result.(A blurred effect was shown for a second and it was disappeared.)
I read Apple's document and found that there is .blurOverFullScreen configuration on it.
But I can't use it on my environment(Xcode 10.1).
Please help me how I should solve this issue.

Custom UINavigationItem disappears on pushViewController

I am running into a weird issue with a custom UINavigationItem disappearing when I push a viewcontroller. Here's my setup:
RootViewController is UITabController
I have a custom UINavigationItem (with rightBarButtonItems) that I push on to the CustomNavController for all the tabs. Everything works fine with the first level view controllers on the tabs.
The problem occurs when I push a new ViewController (say VC4) on to a ViewController (say ViewController3) - either via a segue push or through pushViewController with a custom nib.
The custom navigation item disappears and the only way I seem to get it back is to customize the self.navigationItem in VC4 - which I don't want to do.
Any ideas and help is greatly appreciated.

Create Custom view in Android

I need to create a Custom view in android which will have dynamic text like price, address etc. and also an ImageView inside it as shown in the image below. I tried to find google some tutorial for custom view but didn't find something satisfactory to do all these things. I also need to use onClick event on this view. Please guys, some code would be of great help. I'm a novice to android. I read google tutorial to create custom view but couldn't implement this.
Thanks for attention.
This is called Custom Overlay for MapView.
You can check example and implement as per your requirement - Android MapView Balloons
You can use FrameLayouts. It is very simple to use. FrameLayout can add several views on top of each other. It creates a stack of the views. Just add whatever views you want to inside FrameLayout and use the property setVisibility() to control when to show which view.

White Screen during loading the ViewBasedApplication in iphone

I am new to iPhone. I have Develop one aplication that is of ViewBased Application.
Everything is right but while i run the application, instead of showing list of content it shows the white screen. After doing studies come to know that it may be for the XIB file references. As my code is right at all. So will u tell me while it appear like it ?
Thanks in advance.
check your .xib file and see whether you have link it to datasource and delegate or not.
Check your xib and properly check inteface builder that a datasource and delegate is set or not. for showing a view you have to set datasource and delegate..and also you have to check in appdelegate file that a object of your view controller have been made or not... i.e. you have to allocate memory of your view controller in app delegate file..

Updating an AnnotationView Callout after details entered in View Controller that was pushed form the map view

I have a simple maps app with multiple pins on a map view. My intention is to tap a pin, show a callout with an accessory view, push to a Detail View Controller where you can edit that pin/locations details. This all works fine, but once i pop the Detail View Controller the callout on the map view is still there, which i want, but it still has the old uneditied values. How can i refresh/update the callout view once the Detail View Controller is popped?
I am using Core Data with a simple database. I have tried using controllerdidchangecontent, Map View Controller Will Display methods etc but my main problem is identifying which object has been added/updated/deleted and which is the corresponding callout/selected pin.
Any help appreciated...
Not sure if you had find your answer but the way to do it is to extend MKAnnotation class and creating custom annotation and passing them while creating placemarks. Later you can get them from MKAnnotationView's annotation property.
See a good implementation here
The only way I could find to update the callout info was to mess directly with the subviews of the callout.
The callout view is the first subview of the annotation view.
In the following example, I update the subtitle.The title label is the 6th and the subtitle is the 7th subview of the callout:
if (myAnnotationView.subviews.count > 0)
((UILabel*)[((UIView*)[myAnnotationView.subviews objectAtIndex:0]).subviews objectAtIndex:7]).text = #"Some example";
