Using legend in MATLAB - string

I have a plot in a for loop and I need to use the legend command to label them. I need to create a array of strings to use the same. For some reason it just doesn't seem to work. Can somebody help. I am pasting the code below.
for i = 1:len
for j = 1:C{i,1}/n
cc = hsv(12);
str = num2str(Same_mean{i,j+1});
srt_array = [str_array; str];

Try this:
legend_labels = cell(10,1);
for i = 1:10
h(i) = plot(randn(10,1));
hold all
legend_labels{i} = sprintf('This is label #%i', i);

Try using the DisplayName property. Has the nice side effect that you can guaranty the legend is in sync with your lines.
hold on
for i = 1:10
col = rand(3,1);
semilogx(1:10,rand(10,1),'DisplayName',sprintf('This is curve %i',i),...


How can i add this other condition to this code?

i have this subroutine that i use to make labels. for some reason i cant just make another subroutine where instead of "CGI_SAMPLE_LABEL" it uses "YCI_SAMPLE_LABEL" because of other subroutines. any suggestions on how i can add this so that it chooses either one or the other. if tried using WHERE OR but that didn't work. i edited some of the tags because LIMS basic language is also like smalltalk.
pTableNameStr = "SAMPLE"
pLabelNameStr = "CGI_SAMPLE_LABEL"
NumSamples = Ubound(selectedObjects, 1)
FOR X = 1 TO NumSamples
SampleNumber = selectedObjects[x]
pKeyNameArr[1] = SampleNumber
pNumLabelsInt = 1
pLabelNameStr = "CGI_SAMPLE_LABEL"
pReasonStr = "Auto Label Generation"
pActivityStr = "Label printed for sample logged event"
NEXT 'Sample

Using MATLAB to write String values into Excel spreadsheet via ActiveX protocol.. found a problem

I'm using MATLAB 2017a and have been using xlswrite in the past to perform this operation. The problem I ran into was with execution speed and I was looking for a better way. So, I decided to use actxserver and write data using get(obj) from MATLAB and Range.Value from ActiveX. Here's what the code looks like:
e = actxserver('Excel.Application);
eWorkbook = e.Workbooks.Add;
e.Visible = 1;
eSheets = e.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets;
eSheet1 = eSheets.get('Item',1);
A = ["Str1";"Str2";"Str3";];
eActivesheetRange = get(e.Activesheet, 'Range', 'A1:A3');
eActivesheetRange.Value = A;
This inocuous bit of code does not execute, nor does it throw a warning or error message.. Nothin'. In my mind, the eActivesheetRange evaluates to: Range("A1:A3") on the ActiveX side. Interestingly, if I replace
A = ["Str1";"Str2";"Str3";];
A = char(["Str1";"Str2";"Str3";]);
then the program writes the A char array to each cell in the eActivesheetRange Range.
Is there a way to call cells() using the MATLAB Range.Value connection? Would cells().Value be able to solve this problem?
I don't think writing to Excel using ActiveX is able to handle string types properly. In this case, you can make it work by simply converting your string array into a cell array of character vectors using cellstr. Changing your last line of code to the following works for me (in R2016b):
eActivesheetRange.Value = cellstr(A);
Replacing the last two lines with the following also works:
e.Activesheet.Range('A1:A3').Value = cellstr(A);
The solution to this is of course, a for loop.
% iterate through data array
for i=1:21
if ~isreal(tsc{i,1})
T = (tsc{i,1});
for j = 1:length(T)
rrange = xl.ActiveWorkbook.Activesheet.Range(char(string(alphacolumn(i)) + string(j+1)));
xlcompatiblestring1 = char(string(T(j,:,:)));
rrange.Value= xlcompatiblestring1;
% write data to xl target file
xlActivesheetRange = get(xl.Activesheet,'Range',write1);
xlActivesheetRange.Value = tsci;

Plot excel chart from Matlab, how to change colors?

Hi I try to change the color of my excel bar chart via MATLAB.
wksheet = eWorkbook.Worksheets.Item('Sheet2');
co = wksheet.ChartObjects.Item(1); % select the plot (this selects the first plot)
nbSeries = co.Chart.SeriesCollection.count;
% Delete previous series
for i= 1:nbSeries
Series = invoke(co.Chart,'SeriesCollection',1);
% Create Series
nbNewSeries = size(organizedData.Page2.CorrToIndex2Txlsx,1);
for ii = 1:nbNewSeries
NewSeries = invoke(co.Chart.SeriesCollection,'NewSeries');
NewSeries.XValues = organizedData.Page2.CorrToIndex2Txlsx(ii,2);
NewSeries.Values = organizedData.Page2.CorrToIndex2Txlsx(ii,3);
NewSeries.Name = organizedData.Page2.CorrToIndex2Txlsx{ii,1};
I have tried this:
NewSeries3.MarkerBackgroundColor = paletteColors(iii,:)*255;
but I get an error:
Parameter must be scalar.
Do you know how can I change colors from MATLAB?

Matlab Data Preprocessing and Dynamic Struct Assignments

I'm quite new to Matlab and I'm struggling trying to figure out how to properly preprocess my data in order to make some calculations with it.
I have an Excel table with financial log returns of many companies such that every row is a day and every column is a company:
I imported everything correctly into Matlab like this:
Now I have to create what's caled "rolling windows". To do this I use the following code:
function [ROLLING_WINDOWS] = setup_returns(RETURNS)
bandwidth = 262;
[rows, columns] = size(RETURNS);
limit_rows = rows - bandwidth;
for i = 1:limit_rows
ROLLING_WINDOWS(i).SYS = RETURNS(i:bandwidth+i-1,1);
Well if I run this code for the first column of returns everything works fine... but my aim is to produce the same thing for every column of log returns. So basically I have to add a second for loop... but what I don't get is which syntax I need to use in order to make that ".SYS" dynamic and based on my array of string cells containing company names so that...
ROLLING_WINDOWS(i)."S&P 500" = RETURNS(i:bandwidth+i-1,1);
ROLLING_WINDOWS(i)."AIG" = RETURNS(i:bandwidth+i-1,2);
and so on...
Thanks for your help guys!
EDIT: working function
function [ROLLING_WINDOWS] = setup_returns(COMPANIES, RETURNS)
bandwidth = 262;
[rows, columns] = size(RETURNS);
limit_rows = rows - bandwidth;
for i = 1:limit_rows
offset = bandwidth + i - 1;
for j = 1:columns
Ok everything is perfect... just one question... matlab intellissense tells me "ROLLING_WINDOWS appears to change size on every loop iteration bla bla bla consider preallocating"... how can I perform this?
You're almost there. Use dynamic field names by building strings for fields. Your fields are in a cell array called COMPANIES and so:
function [ROLLING_WINDOWS] = setup_returns(COMPANIES, RETURNS)
bandwidth = 262;
[rows, columns] = size(RETURNS);
limit_rows = rows - bandwidth;
%// Preallocate to remove warnings
ROLLING_WINDOWS = repmat(struct(), limit_rows, 1);
for i = 1:limit_rows
offset = bandwidth + i - 1;
for j = 1:columns
%// Dynamic field name referencing
Here's a great article by Loren Shure from MathWorks if you want to learn more: ... but basically, if you have a string and you want to use this string to create a field, you would do:
str = '...';
s.(str) = ...;
s is your structure and str is the string you want to name your field.

Excel VBA For statement

I want to create a loop for the following code . The only thing i need the to loop to do is move to the next column (which would be column F). the rows will stay the same. any suggestions?
xlSheet.Range("e23") = (Me.overrings)
xlSheet.Range("e33") = (Me.overingTax)
xlSheet.Range("e27") = (Me.Sampling)
xlSheet.Range("e28") = (Me.Waste)
xlSheet.Range("e29") = (Me.Promo)
xlSheet.Range("e42") = (Me.Online)
xlSheet.Range("e34") = (Me.freebieTax)
xlSheet.Range("e49") = (Me.totalDepo)
xlSheet.Range("e38") = (Me.CreditCards)
If you really want the same value in the adjacent cell, you can modify your existing code like this (no loop required):
xlSheet.Range("e23:f23") = (Me.overrings)
For x= 5 to 6
With xlSheet.columns(x)
End with
Next x
