So i have a function that writes up some text in an image currently the text is fixed at a position but i want it to dynamically adjust itself based on size of text and lowest and right most coordinate i also wanna add the title after i add the body text here is my current code code
I also want the right most coordinate for the body text to be 302 and bottom most to be around 308 to 311. This is the output i expect when my gif finishes processing:
here the title and and body (in blue) adjust according to the size of text and stay between the specified left right most and bottom most coordinated while the top part varies.
is there any option to continue one word in other line if it length exceed max width?
In my code line breaks are working correctly when word isnt long enough to exceed max width. when i have too long word in my text component then it is drawing outside the layout area.
worked for me
I have a multi-line title side by side to an icon. I would like to keep the line-height of that title at about 1.6 . If I do so though, the text does not align on top because it stays vertically centered to the line. The result is that the top of the icon is not aligned with the top of the text. If I use line-height 1 the problem does not occur because the middle vertical alignment of a text in a line of the same size is the same as the top alignment.
You can see what I mean in this code pen.
Any idea?
You can add a negative top margin to your title.
Defining both your font size and the margin in em will allow you to achieve alignment regardless of what font size is inherited.
I have tspan element with some text in it. I specified some font-size for it as well. In addition I have parent's box size, i.e. width and height. So now I'd like my text to fit the box with the specified width and height.
One of the options I have is manually calculate string width and height (but it became more complicated in case of different fonts and browsers).
So is there any other way in SVG to resize tspan to necessary sizes? Please note that I want text font size to be changed properly, i.e. so text will be displayed in max font size and any single char from it will be visible.
Well, I've came up with the following solution - have absolutely positioned div element outside of visible area. Apply all fonts and other-related styles (except font size) from tspan to that div, put text into the div. Next try different sizes (you can use binary search for better performance) and measure div size. Once max font size found - apply it along with the text to tspan.
I'm using a userForm in vba and I have a list box. I want to remove the horoz. scroll bar from the bottom. Is there a way to do this? I don't see any option in the properties box.
This can occur when you have the column width format property of the listbox set to something wide, then you size the control to the data, it will show the scroll bars.
To fix this, change the "Column Width" property under the format tab to something really small, then play around with this property and the size of the listbox control until you get it how you want, and no scroll bars are displayed.
You need to set the property ListWidth of the listbox or combobox bigger than the property ColumnWidth.
The first being the size of what you show on screen,
and the second being the size of what you want to put inside the first.
As mentioned in other replies, this is a combination of the ColumnWidth and the Width. The main players are
ColumnCount: Listboxes allow the data to snake through multiple columns but that is a different story. For the simple case, set the Column Count to 1
Width: This is set by stretching the drawing
ColumnWidths: This will set the widths of the columns. In the simple case, find out what Width has been set to and subtract the scrollbar width from that value. By default, the Column Width is set to the Width. Since in also includes the size of the vertical scrollbar. The horizontal scrollbar appears if
((sum of columnwidths) + vertical scrollbar width) > (width / column count)
In the simple case, there is only one column width and only one column so the horizontal scrollbar will appear if
(columnwidths + vertical scrollbar width) > width
To find out the scrollbar width, drag a scrollbar on to the canvas. Scroll to the bottom of the properties and find the width. In my case it is 12.75 - make it 12 to simplify the arithmetic.
Worked Example:
Column Count = 1
Width = 48pt
Column Widths = 48 - 12 = 36pt
Try making the listbox a little wider.... not mucn wider, but just enough to get rid of the horizontal scroll bar.
Maybe that will work.
Click on the Userform. Under the Property Stats, look for KeepScrollBarsVisible.
Change it to 0 - fmScrollBarsNone
I was working with this for two hours - trying to find the answer in the ListBox. It is NOT there!
I declared columnwidth in start of form and it works like a charm!
The technique that actually worked for me was to set ColumnWidths property in section Data to a smaller number than the property Width in Position section. In the image below I set 30pt size on ColumnWidths which is smaller than number 40 in property Width. Please find an image showing both properties. I hope this helps.