Is there Rich Media Support for iPhone Applications ? - ios4

Is there Rich Media Support API for iPhone Applications ?

The term "rich media" is commonly used to describe "a broad range of digital interactive media" . For up to date view of available (built-in) support for audio/video formats and related technologies available to developers of iOS (iPhone) applications check out:
Kind regards,


Chrome Apps UX guidelines

In the Google Cast SDK Overview video published on YouTube by Google, the presenter says
There are design implications that are driven from the Design Checklist so in addition to the platform specific guidelines for Android, iOS and Chrome, it is important to do a thorough review of the Google Cast Design Checklist.
The sentence reads like legal-speak, but more importantly, it mentions existence of platform specific design guidelines for Chrome. I never knew that there is anything like that. I attempted googling around, I could find guidelines for Android, iOS, but nothing for Chrome. Does anybody know where the Chrome guidelines can be found?
The design checklist is here:
The starting point for Chromecast developer doc is here:
There is an unified design guide for both Android and Web Apps that was announced on June 25 2014 at the Google I/O keynote. It is available at the site. Regarding Google endorsed UI frameworks, there are two. Polymer Paper and Google Web Starter Kit. Additionally, there are stylesheets on GitHub from various people that aim to replicate the look and feel of the Chrome Settings page as well as various widely-used opinionated Responsive CSS Frameworks that can provide design clues, most notably Twitter Bootstrap and Foundation.
Polymer Paper
Polymer Paper is a set of Polymer Web Components which implements the unified mobile and web UI concept called Material Design. Some of the distinctive characteristics is the use of drop shadows and animated transitions to hide latency and give feeling of responsiveness. The components are built with the Polymer framework on top of web components, so it works best in cutting edge browsers.
Google Web Starter Kit
Together with the Google Web Fundamentals developer guide the Starter Kit provides a starting point regarding look and feel for your web app (a style guide with UI elements, e.g. sandwich sidebar), as well as preconfigured selection of helper tools to better manage your CSS styles, minify resources, keep performance considerations in mind and so on. The Starter Kit employs production ready tools and procedures that can be used today.
There is nothing like that, the presenter probably just misspoke. The Thinking in Web Apps page on Google Developers could give you some hints, but it feels outdated in many aspects.¨
Just some more general advice on that:
People tend to gravitate towards Twitter Bootstrap these days, so base your design on that and you will play well with others.
Watch the trends and adopt what the big players are using. For example, the sliding drawer on the side seems to be big now.
Regarding the ongoing effort by Google to allow easy porting of Chrome Apps to mobile phones, looking at the Android and iOS guides may help. Most importantly try to optimize your app for touch, avoiding hover, right clicking and minimize the need to type.

MonoTouch - cross-platform API abstraction layer?

I understand that with MonoTouch and MonoDroid that you develop against the native UI layer, which is a good thing. However, I was wondering if there were any cross platform Mono API layers for features such as camera, location, storage, notifications etc... ?
PhoneGap supplies a JavaScript a abstraction layer that does just this. Is there a Mono equivalent?
There is an official monomobile api project from xamarin - that provides camera, contacts and gps abstractions, plus there are discussions (but not firm roadmaps) about extending this further. See for an intro
Beyond that:
some api's exist cross platform from the start - eg isolated storage can be used on all platforms.
I've seen a few other GitHub projects started - eg chrisntr's mono extensions
I've written a few abstractions (e.g. File, gps, camera) in
I recently came across MonoDroid.Dialog. I have yet to use it, but if it is as easy as MonoTouch.Dialog to do tables then I will be very happy with it.

what are the major Difference between ordinary notes applications and a Xpage applications

I am new to Xpages application,
can any body tell me what are the major Difference between ordinary notes applications and a Xpage applications, so that i can understand and start from the bassics if any body helps.
Thanks in advance.
That's a very high level question.
You can create web applications using XPages. XPages "is based on web development languages and standards including JavaScript, Ajax, Java, the Dojo Toolkit, Server-side JavaScript and JavaServer Faces" (source:
In order for you to start with XPages I will suggest that you read the following book:
Mastering XPages: A Step-by-Step Guide to XPages Application Development and the XSP Language
I will also suggest that you look at the available resources and videos on
Have a look at my blog post on available resources for XPages too:
There's also a whitepaper on maximising the benefits of Domio 8.5.3 with XPages
Basically, it allows you to develop for browser and Notes Client with a consistent interface. In my experience, after the learning curve, developing for web in XPages is significantly quicker than developing for web in traditional Domino. The Extension Library reduces the time further, as do resources from OpenNTF. Plus with the Extension Library you can develop for mobile browsers using XPages as well.
There is a browser plugin coming in 8.5.4 which will allow traditional Notes Client applications to be used from a browser. However, I doubt you'll get as nice a user experience from that as you could get from XPages.
I would say Partial Refesh, Works on almost any device and Speed.
go to and we (TLCC) have a free course that introduces you to XPages and explains what they are as well as gets you started on your first XPage.

I want to capture audio for all VoIP applications such as Skype, G-Talk, Msn, etc

I need some links to record both microphone and audio in all the applications. I'm developing a audio recorder feature for an application.
I tried intercepting some APIs like IDirectSound and Wave API but I'm missing something since some applications are recorder and some others aren't.
Can someone send me a clue around this?
Best Regards.
In my compary we've developed an Audio Recorder SDK because it's very difficult to make all the hooks you need to intercept all the applications. You should hook MCI Wave API calls, IDirectSound interface and the new IAudioClient interface, part of the Windows Vista / Windows 7 Core Audio engine.
Our SDK supports Skype 4.x and 5.x, G-Talk and Msn. We've tested with other applications and it's working but we don't support them.
Additionally, we bring some UI features such as handling button clicks and get windows text using the SDK.
I hope this information can help you.

web based document view solution?

Is anyone aware of a web based file view solution?
Specifically, I'm looking for a solution that i could view CAD、3D Model(most of them are made by intergraph/bently/aveva 3D model software) via Internet browser.
I found Oracle Autovue, and Aveva VNet.
Anyone have any recommendations?
If plugins (flash, java, 3rd party) are not authorized in your definition of "web based", there is nothing that could allow you to view 3D CAD models on the web. Maybe with the rise of WebGL something will emerge.
Otherwise, if plugins are a possible solution, maybe have a look directly at products and technologies of CAD software editors. For example, Dassault Systemes is promoting the 3DVia plugin to view documents from the CATIA ecosystem, and Siemens PLM is promoting JT as a file format for CAD visualization.
Be warned that these solutions may have strong commercial limitations, and/or "locked" towards the respective ecosystem/PLM of their vendors.
