Detect if a tab was POSTed to from Google Chrome extension - google-chrome-extension

Is there a way to detect if a particular tab was POSTed to via a Google Chrome extension? I am working on an extension that includes an "undo closed tab" type of function and would like to handle tabs which were POSTed to differently than GET pages.

I believe a solution exists in chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest via the 'method' return parameter. I will report back with a working code example once I have time to try this out.


Adding buttons on the GMAIL Toolbar

I currently have a chrome extension which adds a new button on the GMail Toolbar each time I open a message in GMail on a chrome tab. This is done currently using inboxSDK's (1) registerThreadViewHandler() and (2) registerMessageViewHandler()
Unfortunately, using inboxSDK library will make the extension call remote code which is disallowed in Manifest V3.
I would like to ask if there are other possible and sustainable ways to do this without inboxSDK.
Thank you very much.

data extraction from google chrome

I want to get table data from money control website. I want to use google chrome to open this link and then click on previous years link and get that table too along with the table on that page. I need to click previous years as the url even after clicking previous years remains the same and I cannot directly navigate to it. It is easy with internet explorer but I cannot use it. If there is any other method other than having to click on the link please tell.
Without using a third party library it is only possible to use the Internet Explorer object.
To automate Google Chrome you can try to use Selenium VBA. It's a COM library which creates a Windows COM wrapper for Selenium.
In Google Chrome you have to install a plugin, which helps executing the VBA commands in Chrome.
Download page:

Retrieve History of a specific Tab in chrome [duplicate]

I am developing a little extensions called "Tab Bundler", which in short saves all the open tabs in a window into a bundle that can be opened with the click of a button. When a bundle is opened however, no history of how the user got to that url is saved, ie. the user can't click back to see how they got to that url. This is functionality I want to implement. I looked for a while, googling, looking thoroughly through the google chrome extension documentation: But I couldn't figure out how to get this information without tracking it myself. Is that the only option I have? Any thoughts would be really appreciated.
Look, many people tried this before. You are not alone in this quest!
At the moment the answer in Google Code was: anybody asked for it when they where developing the History API. Then there's no elegant way to access tabs' history.
Of course, you can hook chrome.tabs.onUpdated to record every page and make your own tab's history...
You could probably hook as well as some state or focus change hook to correlate.
I really want this, please make it!

Chrome Extensions in Gmail, autosave removes it

I'm trying to write a chrome extension that is used in the GMail compose screen. So far I have it working the way I want to except that when the GMail does its auto-save it removes my extension.
I'm adding in my extension with the content_script via java inject. and appending to the compose iframe.
Any help would be appreciated :)
You have to track DOM changes and re-add your code after the auto-save. There is another answer that gives a quick intro to DOMNodeInserted events. You should be able to watch for the Draft saved at ... insert.

Chrome Extension - Get Tab Preview Images

I'm developing a chrome extension. I need to get a preview image for each tab. How can I do this?
The Tab API has captureVisibleTab functionthat you can use:
Do a simple search on stackoverflow to see how it works, I have answered many people regarding that feature.
If you want to alter that image after you capture it, then you can use HTML Canvas to do so.
Hope that helped
