Load dataset from Internet QCAR v1.5 - qcar-sdk

I'm writting an application that can load Dataset from internet at runtime ( i'm using QCARV1.5)
I heard that QCAR v1.5 supports this.
is there anyone have experience about loading dataset from internet at runtime with QCAR v1.5?

you can download Dataset from server and store in sdcard then in imagetarget.cpp in loadTrackerData change QCAR::DataSet::STORAGE_APPRESOURCE to QCAR::DataSet::STORAGE_ABSOLUTE.
Everytime you download dataset just replace old one before calling load dataset from java,this will work.

They have announced that the next version of Vuforia will be cloud-based which fetch the data from Internet. But meanwhile, the answer that #yogi has given is the best choice.
This is not actually related to Vuforia but it's just downloading file from Internet in Android.


How to recover source code of Nodejs GAE project

I've an application which is deployed. I'd created simple get fetch services on cloud in a project and have deployed it. Unfortunately in confusion b/w the projects, I deleted the project. I can access the web service by fetching through urls but couldn't get the source code. Any help?
At the moment it's only possible to download Java, Python, PHP and Go application's source code.
What I can recommend you is to submit a Feature Request through this link asking for this feature also for Node.js. Also you may consider using Cloud Source Repositories, which is free and can help you mitigate this kind of issues in the future.

Image Caching from http sources

I've read in a post from December 1st 2012 at Slodge bloch that File and DownloadCache plugins could be used for downloading and caching images from http sources. I think that's what I need in the app I'm trying to develop with MvvmCross (great framework, congratulations!!).
My app, first connects to a remote server to download some basic configs. One of these configs points to an url to get the app icon. To save bandwith, I'd like app caches the icon the first time it gets it until the url changes.
I performed some search with no much success and I'd like somone pointing me to a good demo on how to cache images from http sources and then binding these image to UI Image controls (Droid, iOS and WP)
Showing images on wp, winrt, xamarin.android and xamarin.touch from http is shown in these two N+1 videos:
Kittens - N=2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-ZKgO8fTw4
Books - N=6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He6QvnLsPUA
I've faced the same issue recently and finally solved it. It was pretty easy, you just need to make sure that you added and initialized Cirrious.MvvmCross.Plugins.Json plugin in your project.
I created a similar question that it's solved already https://stackoverflow.com/a/17891681/1309164

File System Filter and CryptoAPI issue in Win CE

I have been working on a file system filter for the past two weeks and I have come across an interesting issue. I basically built the encoding/decoding implementation in an app that runs on the OS startup in Platform Builder first to verify that it works and for debugging purposes. This app works fine and is able to acquire a context ,generate keys , encrypt /decrypt without issue.
When I try to do the same thing on filesys dll load (this is the point at which file system filters are loaded in my understanding), no CSP services seem available to my file system filter. CryptAcquireContext fails with NTE_BAD_KEYSET or when I attempt to use the default provider, it fails with NTE_PROV_TYPE_NOT_DEF.
In frustration I wrote some code to enumerate all the providers available at that time and it turns out there arent any when filesys is loaded, wondering if anyone has any experience or ideas that can help. I have officially run out of ideas.

XNA 4.0 load external 3D objects on Windows

I'm working on a project where my XNA 4.0 powered 3D engine needs to load external fbx models input by the user, in run time rather than in the default compile time way.
I understand XNA is built to bundle/process complex resources compile time to make the runtime smaller, but as I only need to target Windows I wonder if it is possible to load models with textures externally, and if so, how?
Yes, as #Andrew mentioned, using the built in content pipeline would require a developer install so that the content pipeline is available. Of course, you can parse it yourself and pull out the information at runtime to avoid that dependency. There are people out there doing it ... for example, the guys at sandswept studios have an API to do this, and are willing to discuss commercial agreements (just contact them):
I found the solution here:

core data editor problems

I was recommended by someone in Stack Overflow to use Core Data Editor http://christian-kienle.de/CoreDataEditor/ to manage the sqlite persistent store. However the latest version (3.0) crashes on launch everytime. Older versions load but I see nothing when i point the config to the persistent store and the object model directories. There is no documentation either.
can someone point me to the right place to sort this problem? I am trying to find a more manageable way to coordinate core data development than sqlite consoles.
thank you
You have to set the compiled model in Core Data Editor (ending in .moc, not the .xcdatamodel). You can find it in the resources folder of your app bundle.
