Supporting multiple screen sizes/resolutions/aspect ratios using MonoGame - xamarin.ios

What is the recommended way of supporting multiple screen resolutions/aspect ratios across devices like iPad, iPhone, Windows Phones, and Android phones/tablets? Should I simply #if/#else specific code for each device? I don't know how well this would work. Especially for Android phones/tablets which come in all different sizes. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Here is what we are doing for our game:
All menu or ui elements are positioned based on the screen size (we implement Horizontal and Vertical alignment)
All levels scroll, so on some devices you just see less of level of the level at a time
Our levels also zoom in on smaller devices where needed
Design fixed levels (ones that don't scroll) so that a bit of unused space is on the edges of the screen. This way it can get cropped on some devices no problem.
Make 3 sizes of images: small (3GS), medium (iPhone 4, Android, WP7, iPad), large iPad3
Position sprites/ui elements based on an images size
Take advantage of the #2x naming scheme for images
We made an iPhone-only and iPad-only version of the app, this helps in only having to put 2 sets of images in each app
Using the screen size for positioning is your best bet. Being able to center or dock to the bottom or right of the screen is also very helpful in general.
I could tell more, but I can't reveal specifics about our game yet.


How to correctly layout wxWidgets/wxGTK items taking their size into account?

Everything inside my application is laid out using sizers with hard-coded border sizes. This makes it fit very nicely inside Windows with wxWidgets:
But when I started porting it to Linux with wxGTK, since GTK+3 elements can vary a lot in size, everything ends up being misaligned:
Is there a way to responsively layout items taking into account that controls can be in different sizes, and the discrepancies between points and pixels as units of measurement?
You can't hard code any sizes to have a fighting chance of a layout working well on different platforms with different font sizes, DPI settings etc. If you're defining your layout in C++, use wxSizerFlags::Border(), DoubleBorder() etc methods. Also, align controls relatively to each other, e.g. using Center() for all the controls that should be in the same row (or use wxFlexGridSizer).

Scaling a kha-app for retina on iPad

I have a kha app that runs perfecly on an iPad2 (1024/768px).
When I run the same project on a later iPad Mini with 2048/1516. My coordinates are all half the size, which kinda makes sense.
So when I double all the sizes of my objects and GFX it will work on the iPad mini, but will be too big for iPad2.
I looked into a backbuffer and a renderTarget as explained here:
There is also the windowSize option in khafile, which seems to do nothing.
Surface x and y coodinates always seem to come in in real screen coodrdinates of the device.
What is the best way to write a resolution independent app?
Perfect would be a way that is either retina or non-retina, depending on the device, where the code stays the same.
According to there's automated scaling for some targets. If you need other targets you have to manually scale everything to fit the screen.
The page mentions using this class for the task:
Also you could take a look at how Wyngine does it: &
You replied (to my comment) that scaling wasn't enough. So far it was enough for all of my games with the right display settings, but if you really need retina sized graphics you always have the option of using multiple graphics sets. Eg:
a set for retina resultion (eg iPad 3)
a default resolution (eg iPad 2) set at half retina size
a low res set for cheap android devices?
At startup of your app you check the screen size. You use that to choose the internal game size and the graphics set that fits the actual screen resolution the best. The internal game size as well as all X/Y positions for the selected graphics set can be calculated by applying the graphics sets scale factor to the raw base values.
Finally you use Scale.scale() to scale your game from the internal game size to fit devices like the iPad pro 12" and the wide variety of Android devices.
That approach is common with a lot of game engines, google should find you links like that also explain screen ratios and how those can be handled.

Which resolution to work with in photoshop for websites?

I just need to create a single page website in Photoshop, the display has to be optimized for PC, tablet, phone etc. Which resolution do I work in to achieve this?
You will have to create several designs that are suited for those devices that you expect to be typical. Decisions depend on the product you are selling and the personae of the typical clients.
Since you are doing a single page app the exact height is not as critical but you still need to design to several base heights for the various devices and get the developer to just display more background to fit.
The screen size for PCs is increasing but usually a good bet is to go for either 1280 or 1400 wide. For tablets and phones there is an ever increasing set of form factors. Note that many tablets can display higher than a typical PC, its your call how high you want to support. Google for advice or read here.
So designers choose to do the smallest form factor first to identify the key information and content and then create the next width up etcetera.
I usually design for at least three screen sizes (as defined by research of my clients expected users) and set some guidelines on how the various elements degrade as width in/decreases so the developer knows how to setup his CSS correctly and hopefully support new devices that come to market without a redesign.

Making Software ready for Retina Display - Why is this necessary?

Now that the new Macbook Pro is coming out with a Retina Display, there are a lot of resources out there on how to make Mac apps and now even websites "Retina Display Friendly". Even Google is updating Chrome for Retina Display...
Why is this necessary at all? From what I understand, Retina Display is just a higher resolution screen. Right?
I thought when you develop gui's for desktop software and develop websites, you are developing something that is supposed to work and scale properly with virtually any resolution... When you resize an app's window, or display it on a higher or lower resolution display, it is supposed to scale and display properly.
So why are these people coming out with guides on how to make something look good on a Retina Display? Shouldn't it already look fine by default? Is there something about Retina Display that I'm not understanding?
And for the record, I'm not talking about iPhone 4 Retina Display. Most iOS dev's make their apps with fixed position elements since they know the screen's won't change size/shape. So I understand the importance of developing an app to look good on the iPhone 4/s vs 3g/s.
With the Retina display apps don't actually scale like they're being resized, all the controls are resized to be twice as big. If an app would be scaled normally, not by scaling all the controls, etc. you wouldn't see anything, because everything would be too small. It's the same difference between a Retina and a lower-resolution display as on the iPhone 3GS / iPhone 4.
An example:
These images are actually the same size, just the pixel densities differ.
And here's how it looks not properly scaled (using some app to disable proper scaling):
I thought when you develop gui's for desktop software and develop websites, you are developing something that is supposed to work and scale properly with virtually any resolution... When you resize an app's window, or display it on a higher or lower resolution display, it is supposed to scale and display properly (StackOverflow, for example, uses a 960px-wide container).
From a web developer standpoint, you are often asked to develop fixed-width websites (ranging from normally 940 to 1000 pixels wide), and they don't get to scale at all. There are a lot of websites like this and many apps just aren't designed to increase in size.
Also, apps that do grow in size usually expect that a bigger resolution also means a bigger screen, so they simply stretch the main application panels and are done with it.
Now, consider static elements, like a 150x50 button that says 'Click me'. This button is not intended to become bigger and is perfectly acceptable on a regular 1440x900 display. Now the retina screen comes in with its 2580x1800 resolution. The app sees the resolution change but it thinks "Hey, that user must have a huge screen" so it keeps the button the same size.
The problem that now occurs is that the button, because both resolutions apply to the same 13" screen, is now appearing to be a fraction of the size of the original button. Depending on your user vision, he might not be able to read the text on it, and might have a hard time clicking it, depending on the mouse settings.
To fix that problem, Apple and Microsoft used two different solutions:
Microsoft decided to tell the app the display had a 2580x1800 resolutions, but that the user wanted to have everything scaled to 200 dpi. This means that, if an app does not follow the guidelines, it will look smaller. Many apps simply ignore the DPI settings (though this might change with Windows 8);
Apple decided to report to apps that the resolution of the monitor was 1440x900, but that it could display higher-resolution elements if asked to; This means that apps existing before the new retina settings will appear to be the same size as before for the end-user (with added benefits like crisper text if they use the default Apple APIs), but that they can decide to provide high-DPI images that will look much better on the display.
Both solutions requires apps to be aware that the display is high-DPI ('retina'), but the way Apple handled it means the static websites and apps mentioned earlier will keep looking just fine, except they wont have super-crisp, high-resolution images to use. And, to opt-in to the retina features, they have to provide 200x200 images for a 100x100 canvas, for example, and Apple will take care of the rest.

How to generate sprite art assets for different resolution screens?

I'm working on a game using OpenGL displaying sprites, i.e. 2d quad-mapped graphics with no projection, that will be displayed on several different resolution screens. (i.e. iPhone retina/non-retina, iPad.. my next project the problem will expand to desktop resolutions which are far more numerous)
I'm OK with handling different aspect ratios, that can be handled by opengl and my placement of the sprites. I'm also OK with slightly different resolutions - use same art and either border the screen, or display a little bit more info.. but when things start to grow/shrink by like 50%+ it's a major issue.
What is standard procedure for generating the art assets in this situation? Generate for the largest resolution and just let OpenGL worry about resizing during it's rasterizing, or do people generate art sets for each main resolution?
Rasterized sprite art tends to get ugly when it's stretched (interpolated), so I'm concerned.. but generating different sizes really means for practical purposes I have to go with vector drawings and export several resolutions. Limits the artist and is somewhat complicated as far as loading and managing the assets
(Yes, I can "just try it" to an extent, but I already have an idea of the results. I'm looking for solutions people use and angles I maybe wouldn't have thought of. This question does have an answer(s) it's not subjective or lazy)
You are correct that scaling bitmaps tends to make sprites bad. There are a couple of ways of dealing with that:
Draw them (pixelart) at all required resolutions. That is a lot of work but gives you full control.
Draw them (vectors) and render them at all required resolutions. Less work but scaling up or down beyond 50% or 200% might give bad results.
Draw them (3D appliction) and render them at all required resolutions. Quite some work but a very consistent set of sprites.
For each of these options you are free to post-process the bitmaps to clean them up or add details but if you do this for options 2 and 3, you are breaking the chain and will have to apply the changes again when rendering the same set again.
An other option is to limit the variation of resolutions.
As far as I know it is very common in the (game) industry to make all (or the most used/visible) sprites as pixel perfect as possible. This is what they pay the artists for...
