ImageMagick MVG vs. SVG -- graphic context - svg

I am currently porting some app of me from ImageMagick MVG to SVG output. I made heavily use of the "push graphic-context" command of MVG and now wonder, what's the equivalent to this in SVG?
What "push graphic-context" does is in short (copied from some other source):
When a graphic context is pushed, options set after the context is pushed
(such as coordinate transformations, color settings, etc.) are saved to a
new graphic context. This allows related options to be saved on a graphic
context "stack" in order to support hierarchical nesting of options. When
"pop graphic-context" is used to pop the current graphic context, the
options in effect during the "push graphic-context" operation are restored.
Is the equivalent to use nested SVG documents, like the following example?
or should i use something else?
Thanks in advance!

You can use either <svg> or <g> elements for this, I'd recommend <g> elements unless you need a new viewport - in that case go for <svg>.


Adding event to svg elements in Phaser3

I have one SVG image file, having some paths. Something like:
<path id="land" class="land" d="M108.114,402.043l0.683,1.604l-1.204.(truncated)">
<path id="ice" class="ice" d="M288.114,402.541l0.683,1.604l-1.204...........">
<path id="water" class="water" d="M038.114,402.543l0.683,1.604l-1.204........">
I need to know which path was clicked. When I load SVG image file in Phaser using load.svg(), the event is triggered for the entire image and not just for the area (or path).
So, how can I detect which path was clicked? Any help is appreciated.
Might be using the wrong terms, but the SVG loader paints the projected SVG to a static bitmap texture. This eliminates the existence of these pathed objects. Even if you split these paths into their own SVG and layer them, the hitboxes for textures is going to be rectangular, based on the size of the texture.
If you separate these paths into their own SVGs, a more computationally expensive hitbox exists, with pixel-perfect enabled for the hitbox setup Docs Phaser3 #makePixelPerfect. This will look at the projected texture and apply a hitboxArea over the pixels that each SVG renders.
A less expensive hitbox for each SVG would be to implement a custom hit test function when the input manager tests for pointer-events. Docs Phaser3 HitAreaCallback. This is going to be more difficult, and its difficulty depends on the shape of the hitbox you are going for, and how accurate you need this hitbox to be. Basic geometries and contains methods for hit tests can be found in Phaser.Geom namespace, if those don't match your use case you would need to write/find a function yourself.

How to adjust the resizing of a SVG?

I need some help to figure out how I can adjust the resizing of an SVG graphic when displayed on my web page.
Here are joined 2 screenshots of the graphics, one shows the graphics on a desktop wide screen, and the other on a smartphone
My problem is the graphics are too small on the smartphone. How can I make it bigger? I didn't anything about the responsiveness of this graphics, just the plain SVG in my web page. So I guess something can be made but I don't know what exactly.
Here is the beginning of the SVG graphics:
<svg viewbox="0 0 1920 632" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<g style="isolation:isolate">
<g data-name="before animation starts" id="0482fa28-2c72-43bc-8627-b57f09f318d3">
<path id="main-oval" class="main-oval" d="M1354.63,260.62C1338.38,142.2,1144.68,71,922,101.54c-109.4,15-205.35,51.8-272.82,99.38-69.92,49.26-109.23,110-101,170.29,16.31,118.42,210,189.59,432.62,159.07,110.79-15.17,207.86-52.73,275.44-101.15C1324.59,380.18,1362.8,320.12,1354.63,260.62Z" data-name="oval"></path>...
Attribute names in SVG are case-sensitive. So viewbox should be viewBox.
It is possible that there are other things wring, but I can't tell without seeing the complete SVG file.
Because your SVG has a viewBox attribute without a width and height attribute it is by default responsive and will scale to fit it's parent container.
In the case of your mobile view, it is the parent container that is restricting the size rather than anything in your SVG. Try inspecting the width, margin and padding of the parent container to ensure it is 100% wide and your SVG will scale to suit.
If the SVG is still not quite legible after that you will need to modify the graphic using CSS media queries to scale and transform specific elements. That is beyond the scope of the question so I won't go into it here.

Zoom in SVG with currentScale

I've a web page in which there is a SVG box <svg id='graph'>...</svg>.
I would like to give to the user the possibility to zoom in the SVG box.
I use for this purpose document.getElementById("graph").currentScale*=2; if I want to double the size of the box, for example.
The problem is that all the window is resized, even the HTML elements outside the box.
Do you know the origin of this problem please ?
In order to apply zoom to only svg , use this...
<g transform="scale(2)">
This may be off the mark without knowing which browser you're using, but you may not be able to implement currentScale if you're using anything other than Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. You can test this for yourself by trying this JSBin in different browsers and see where it scales.
Diving into this deeper, a Google search of "SVG currentScale" found these bug threads from Google and Mozilla discussing similar issues. The Mozilla thread discusses it was a choice made specifically for consistency's sake. SVG's currentScale only applies to container elements and not to inner elements. This could interfere with functions like zoomAndPan used on inner SVG elements. Additionally, better cross-browser solutions are already in place such as scale() via the transform property.

SVG 'maskContentUnits' not rendering properly in mobile safari

I have an SVG I am building with Javascript. I load in a large SVG file, break it apart into pieces all drawn with paths, and place each element in my page. I'm only using these SVGs as masks for other images I am loading. Basically my structure is like the following.
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="26.750152587890625 10.117172241210938 197.24969482421875 348.1596221923828" width="197.25" height="348.16015625">
<mask id="designMask" maskContentUnits="objectBoundingBox">
<g id="CutContour1bg">
<path d="[my path coords]" style="fill:#FFFFFF;">
<image href="http://myImage.jpg" style="mask: url(#designMask);" width="800px" height="800px" x="26.75" y="10.1171875">
This renders the image being masked by my SVG perfect, in FF, IE9, Chrome, Safari 5.1 (desktop). In mobile safari however, the image does not render properly. I trace out coords of the mask, they are all correct. In FF I can see the SVG load (all black) then disappear as it becomes the mask. (I am waiting until the design is loaded, then wrap my <g> with <mask> since FF has an issue looking for the mask before the content is loaded.
This tells me the mask's position is exactly where it needs to be, but the maskContentUnits are not. They remain in the top left corner instead of the object's bounding box, like I'm telling it. I can barely see part of the image in the mask, so the mask units are correct, but I cannot get the maskContentUnits to work or be read in mobile safari.
Has anyone ever seen this issue, or any idea how to correct it? I hate having this work everywhere except mobile safari, as it is meant to mostly work on mobile... which defeats its not purpose haha.
I haven't found a way to make maskContentUnits work properly in mobile safari yet, I'm pretty sure it's just not recognized yet like other browsers. But I figured out a 'hack' to make the example work.
The issue is, the mask area resides in the top left corner of the browser, rather than of the svg object being used as the mask. So if you have an svg in the middle of your page, the image being masked will not follow the same positioning.
The way I found for it to work, is, I wrapped the svg inside a div with the same width as the svg, and modify the position of the div instead of the svg. This way the mask is technically still in the 'top left' corner, but of the div rather than the offset position of the svg.
If anyone finds a better way, to make maskContentUnits render proper in mobile safari, I'd like to hear it!

Rollover overlays with SVG

i want to acheive the effect on this page using SVG. As you can see it uses a series of PNG transparent overlays when the user mouses over a polygonal hotspot drawn on a product.
What i want to achieve is the same thing with SVG, but without messing about with creating a load of PNGs, so that when the user mouses over an area the transparent shape (with link on it) appears over the top. The SVG shape would be built from a set of coordinates exactly as a polygonal hotspot would on an image map.
So i guess my first question is, can this be done with plain old SVG or do i need to use something like Raphael to achieve this? Never seen this effect before with SVG so if anyone has an example like that would be very useful.
Thanks in advance.
There are several ways to get this effect with plain old SVG. Probably the simplest is to use CSS within the SVG. For example:
opacity: 0.5;
<a xlink:href="http://www.wherever/you/want/to/link/">
<path class="overlay" d="Coordinates of your shape..." />
I've written about various other methods at:
Yes it can be done with SVG only, with or without javascript.
One way to get the effect would be to overlay a white semi-transparent path on top of the image that you want to whiten. Another way would be to use an SVG filter to process the image directly, similar to what I've done here or here to recolor a PNG (view page source and feel free to reuse that in any way you like).
You'll want to make use of the 'pointer-events' property most likely. Here's an example showing how to detect mouse-events on the fill and/or stroke of an svg shape, even if the shape is invisible.
