Configure the Drupal 6 module to appear only on home page - drupal-6

I am building a drupal 6 module.
I want to code it such a way that it shows up only on the home screen of the website when someone enables it.
What should I add and where?

Basically in YOURMODULE.module file add the following condition
//display conditions


How to create single page application in liferay 7?

Can anyone share some detailed info on how to create a Single Page Application (SPA) in Liferay 7 using SennaJS.
I could't found any documentation on How to create SPA in Liferay 7.
It comes by default, except if you unset the following property:
BTW, it is rather annoying in dev instances, as it takes a while to load pages in the first access, sometimes you even need to reload the page. Also, be aware, in some especial cases, some applications might break, normally due to code that counts with page reloads to function properly.
you can even create it in 6.2 by using the following code.
// initializing senna
var app = new senna.App();
// Set links selector for navigations
// set basic path of liferay site
// Id of DOM element which will be replaced from
// next page request
// using content div - default in liferay theme
// define routes for all the navigation links
// route link = Base path + page link
new senna.Route('home', senna.HtmlScreen),
new senna.Route('second', senna.HtmlScreen),
new senna.Route('third', senna.HtmlScreen),
Thing which you need to take care of, if it is SPA, then all the events need to be bound first i.e. delegate as there is not going to be page refresh.
i.e things like document.getReady is only going to be called once.
Whatever the portlet you are going to create and deploy with Liferay SDK/Workspace OR any compatible liferay plugin it will be SPA by default.
No need to do any coding on top of it.

Drupal8 module development: hook_node_access not called

for my current site I have a content type that stores a user in an entity reference field. I want to allow the user referenced in this field to edit the data of that node. In drupal7 I would do that with a node_access hook - which I am not getting to work in drupal8.
Here is a demo code of my hook - for testing purposes I want to forbid everything. However it is never called, and no - I am not logged in as user1. Also reseted cache, uninstalled and installed the module again and rebuilt the permissions - nothing seems to make this hook work.
function mymodule_node_access(\Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node, $op, \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account) {
$access = new AccessResultForbidden();
return $access;
My question is why is this hook never called - and if there is now with drupal 8 a better way to do so?
Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards,
This hook is never called for user 1, since he bypasses every access control.
Try testing anonymously or as another role.
Try the following command. The tool 'drupal console' is required.
drupal node:access:rebuild

How do I configure an existing website or create a new one in WiX?

I'm creating a wix installer to install multiple web applications, I give the user the option to select an existing website or create a new one. So far, I have implemented the user interface and queried the IIS for the existing websites, but the problem is that I don't know how to configure these two options. I tried using conditional components where I check for a property I set in a custom action but the issue with this scenario is that I end up placing the website element inside a component which I don't want to do in case the user chose an existing website(to avoid it from getting deleted on uninstall)..I found solutions on the web for installing to an existing website or creating a new one but never the both..Can anyone help me with this?
You can create Custom action for that and set the result of it to wix property.
string result ;
session["RESULT"] = result;
then in your wxs :
<Custom Action="InstallWebsite" After='InstallFinalize'>NOT Install AND (<![CDATA[RESULT<>"Existing"]]>)</Custom>
You can create Custom action for that and set the result of it to wix property.
string result ;
session["RESULT"] = result;
then in your wxs :

Drag 'n' Drop files to a Chrome Package App?

Has anyone successfully implemented drag and drop with files from desktop to the app?
I've tried just putting this drag 'n' drop example into the index file but I just get this error:
Can't open same-window link to "file:///C:/Users....whatever"; try target="_blank".
Please share your stories, what you've tried and if you have succeed :)
Some resources to help you:
New Chrome Packaged Apps codelab that we've been working on covers drag-and-drop in both AngularJS and pure JavaScript.
AngularJS drag-and-drop:
JavaScript drag-and-drop:
There's an early version of docs too for AngularJS drag-and-drop for Chrome at
We're working on the docs to cover both samples though.
I have done this a while ago and it worked.
The problem you've got is that you are creating a file url, then trying to navigate to the url. The navigation is failing, not the read. It's failing due to CSP, and you probably won't be able to override that with a different CSP due to security restrictions we've placed on allowable CSPs.
But, you should be able to just read the file and use the content. You need to change that sample code to use ReadAsText or ReadAsArrayBuffer instead of readAsDataURL. Look here for more details.
Please let us know how you get on!
Just listening for drop won't work. You will have to prevent the default functionality of dragover.
document.body.addEventListener('dragover', function(e) {
document.body.addEventListener('drop', function(e) {
alert('it works!')

TYPO3: extension with both backend module and frontend plugin

I am trying to create an extension ('XML Uploader') with a backend module and a frontend plugin also.
The backend module will be used for managing xml files (upload, validate against a DTD), and the frontend plugin should be used for displaying the uploaded xmls.
The problem is with the frontend part:
I followed
the basic extension tutorial - added a new page, created a content element of type 'Insert plugin' - but when trying to add a new record, the type 'XML Uploader' does not appear in the list of new record types. Moreover, the changes made to class.tx_xmluploader_pi1.php have no effect.
So how should I work with the frontend plugin? Or would it be better to create a separate extension instead?
Any help would be very much appreciated.. Thank you.
When creating your table with the extension kickstarter you must check the "Allowed on pages:" checkbox to allow records from this table to be created on regular pages.
If your changes have no effect, it could be that the page is cached by typo3. In that case you can clear or disable the cache with the admin panel or in the page configuration menu.
You have to include the static template of your extension (I presume you used the kickstarter or extension_builder):
go to the your template, in the object browser you should see something like:
plugin.tx_xmluploader_pi1 = USER
if you can't find it, edit your template (edit/modify => edit whole template record) and add your extension template in the tab 'Includes'
Additionally, check your ext_localconf.php for the line
t3lib_extMgm::addPItoST43($_EXTKEY, 'pi1/class.tx_xmluploader_pi1.php', '_pi1', 'list_type', 0);
This is where your FE plugin is being registered.
