Running IIS server with Coypu and SpecFlow - iis

I have already spending a lot of time googling for some solution but I'm helpless !
I got an MVC application and I'm trying to do "integration testing" for my Views using Coypu and SpecFlow. But I don't know how I should manage IIS server for this. Is there a way to actually run the server (first start of tests) and making the server use a special "test" DB (for example an in-memory RavenDB) emptied after each scenario (and filled during the background).
Is there a better or simpler way to do this?

I'm fairly new to this too, so take the answers with a pinch of salt, but as noone else has answered...
Is there a way to actually run the server (first start of tests) ...
You could use IIS Express, which can be called via the command line. You can spin up your website before any tests run (which I believe you can do with the [BeforeTestRun] attribute in SpecFlow) with a call via System.Diagnostics.Process.
The actual command line would be something like e.g.
iisexpress.exe /path:c:\iisexpress\<your-site-published-to-filepath> /port:<anyport> /clr:v2.0
... and making the server use a special "test" DB (for example an in-memory RavenDB) emptied after each scenario (and filled during the background).
In order to use a special test DB, I guess it depends how your data access is working. If you can swap in an in-memory DB fairly easily then I guess you could do that. Although my understanding is that integration tests should be as close to production env as possible, so if possible use the same DBMS you're using in production.
What I'm doing is just doing a data restore to my test DB from a known backup of the prod DB, each time before the tests run. I can again call this via command-line/Process before my tests run. For my DB it's a fairly small dataset, and I can restore just the tables relevant to my tests, so this overhead isn't too prohibitive for integration tests. (It wouldn't be acceptable for unit tests however, which is where you would probably have mock repositories or in-memory data.)

Since you're already using SpecFlow take a look at SpecRun (
It's a test runner which is designed for SpecFlow tests and adds all sorts of capabilities, from small conveniences like better formatting of the Test names in the Test Explorer to support for running the same SpecFlow test against multiple targets and config file transformations.
With SpecRun you define a "Profile" which will be used to run your tests, not dissimilar to the VS .runsettings file. In there you can specify:
<IISExpress webAppFolder="..\..\MyProject.Web" port="5555"/>
SpecRun will then start up an IISExpress instance running that Website before running your tests. In the same place you can also set up custom Deployment Transformations (using the standard App.Config transformations) to override the connection strings in your app's Web.config so that it points to the in-memory DB.
The only problem I've had with SpecRun is that the documentation isn't great, there are lots of video demonstrations but I'd much rather have a few written tutorials. I guess that's what StackOverflow is here for.


Intermediate step(s) between manual prod and CI/CD for Node/Next on EC2

For about 18 months now I've been working in Node; and for the last 6 months I've been slowly migrating my existing WordPress websites to NextJS.
To date, I've been deploying to production manually. I log into my production server, checkout the latest release from GitHub, build, and do a pm2 restart.
Even though the above workflow seems to be the most commonly documented around the internet, it's always felt a little wrong to me.
Recently, I found myself in a situation where I needed to customise some 3rd party code. So, my main code now has a line in package.json that says
"dependencies": {
"react-share": "file:../react-share/react-share-4.4.1.tgz",
which implies that I'm going to checkout my custom react-share, build it somewhere on the production server, change this line to point to wherever I put it, and then rebuild.
Also, I'm using Prisma, which means that every time I deploy, before I do a build, I need to do an npx prisma generate to create the client.
This now all seems really, really wrong.
I don't know how a "simple" CI/CD environment might look, but whatever it looks like, it feels like overkill. It's just me doing development, and my production environment is a single EC2 server sitting behind AWS CloudFront.
It seems to me that I should be doing something more/different than what I'm currently doing, in service to someday moving to a CI/CD model, if/when I have a whole team working on this, or sufficient users that I have multiple load-balanced servers and need production to be continually up.
In particular, it feels like I shouldn't be building on the production server.
Are there any intermediary step(s) I can/should be taking for faster/less-error-prone/less-down-time deployment to a single EC2 instance for Next/Node apps, between manually deploying as I am currently, and some sort of CI/CD setup? Or are my only choices to do what I'm doing now, or go research how to do CI/CD?
You're approaching towards your initial stages of what technically is called DevOps, if not already as it appears from your context. What you're asking is a broad topic, which is an understatement, and explaining each and everything here will almost be like writing an article about it, at the very least.
However, I'll brief you overall on how to approach with this.
I don't know how a "simple" CI/CD environment might look, but whatever it looks like, it feels like overkill.
Simplicity & complexity are relative terms. A system which is complicated for one might be simple for another. CI/CD doesn't define any laws that you need to follow in order to create a perfect deployment procedure, as everyone's deployment requirement is unique (at some point).
If I mention it in bullet points, what you need to figure out before you start with setting up CI&CD, is -
The sequence of steps your deployment procedure needs in order to deploy your latest version. As you have stated already that you've been doing deployment manually, that means you already know your steps. All you need to do is to fine-tune each step so that it shouldn't require manual intervention while being executed automatically by the CI program.
Choose a CI program, like Travis CI, Circle CI, or if you're using GitHub, it has it's own GitHub Actions for the purpose, you can read their documentation for more details. Your CI program will be responsible for executing your deployment steps which you'll mention to it in whichever format it understands (mostly .yml).
The CI program will execute your steps on behalf of you based on the condition which you'll provide, (like when code is pushed on prod branch). It will execute the commands on a machine (like your EC2), specifically, GitHub actions runner will be responsible for running your commands on your machine, the runner should be setup beforehand in the instance you intend to deploy your code on. More details on runners can be found in relevant documentations.
Since the runner will actually execute the commands on your machine, make sure that all required commands and parameters, including the concerned files & directories are accessible to the runner program, from permissions point of view at least. For example, running your npx prisma generate command should require that npx command is available and executable in the system, and the concerned folders in which the command will CRUD files is accessible by the runner program. Similarly for all other commands.
Get your hands on bash scripting as well.
If your steps contain dynamic info, like the one you mentioned that in your package.json an npm script needs to be updated, then a custom bash script created to update the same automatically will help, for instance. There will be however, several other ways depending on the specific nature of the dynamic changes.
The above points are huge (by huge, I mean astronomically huge) oversimplification of the ways through which CI&CD pipelines are setup. But I hope you get the idea of it at least.
In particular, it feels like I shouldn't be building on the production server.
Your feeling is legitimate. You should replicate your production environment (including deployment procedures) into a separate development environment as close as possible, in order to have all your experiments, development and testing done separately from production environment, and after successful evaluation on the development environment, deploy on production one. Steps like building will most likely be done on both environments, as it is something your program needs to run, irrespective of the environment it is running in. Your future team will appreciate this separation of environments.
if/when I have a whole team working on this, or sufficient users that I have multiple load-balanced servers and need production to be continually up.
Again, this small statement in itself is a proper domain of IT department, known as System Design, in which, to put it simply, you or your team will create an architecture for your whole system which will support your business requirements and scaling as your audience increases, which is something a simple Stackoverflow QnA won't suffice to explain.
or go research how to do CI/CD?
is what I'd recommend and you should also feel is the right way ahead, after reading everything above.
Useful references to begin with (not endorsing any resources, you can search for relevant/better resources too)
GitHub Actions self-hosted runners
System Design - Getting started
Bash scripting
Development, Staging, Production

Run scripts in a Node server

I have a server application using Node, and sometimes I need to run some script in it. Some examples of scenarios when this would be necessary:
During development, I need to create many entries in the database to simulate an use case.
In production, some bug happened and some information was not correctly stored in the DB, I may need to backfill it.
The way I know how do it in node is to deploy some instance of the server with an endpoint that contains the code to be run.
It is interesting to use the node server because it already has a lot of code that I can reused, for example DAO and safe create/delete funcitons.
Django has a interactive Python interpreter that does this job, but I do not know any similar way to it in Node.
Other strategies of doing this use cases are very welcome.
During development, you can just go with debugging, although that requires triggering a breakpoint. Alternatively, if it's just about your database, there are better external programs to interact with your database.
To actually answer your question: Node does have a VM module to run code and even a REPL module to help writing custom REPLs. This does require some work to link up your APIs though, but doable.
As for how you actually interact with that REPL, there are several options. Using a raw socket (and Telnet), a terminal on your site communicating over a WebSocket, a simple HTTP endpoint, ...
You can add scripts in your package.json to handle this with a path to the script. For example "seed:db": "node ./src/seeder.js -i", "drop:db": "node ./src/seeder.js -d" where the i an d flags will be used to determine if i am inserting or deleting, and can be gotten with process.argv[2]

Heroku workers in dev

I'm looking into using a worker as well as a web for the first time as I have to scrape a website. I'm just wondering before I commit to this about working in a dev environment. How do jobs in a queue get handled when I'm testing my app before it's pushed to Heroku?
I will probably be using RabbitMQ if that's relevant here.
I guess it depends on what you mean by testing. You can unit test the code that does the scraping in isolation from any queue, and you can provide a mock implementation of the queue operations to handle a goodly portion of your integration tests.
I suppose you might want a real instance of the queue for certain tests, but depending on the nature of your project, you might be satisfied with the sorts of tests described in the first paragraph.
If you simply must test the queue operation and/or you want to run a complete copy of production locally then you'll have to stand up an instance of Rabbitmq. You can stand one up locally or use one of the SAAS providers.
If you have multiple developers working on the project, you might want to make it easy for them by creating something like a vagrant script that sets up a complete environment in a vm. Or better still something like docker. Doing so also gives you a lot more deployment options (making you less dependent on the heroku tooling).
Lastly, numerous CI solutions like Travis CI provide instances of popular services for running tests (including rabbit).

Are the built-in integration tests run concurrently or sequentially?

I am writing integration tests to work with a database. In the start of each test, I clear the storage and create some data.
I want my tests to run sequentially to ensure that I am working with an empty database. But it seems that integration tests are run concurrently because sometimes I get existing documents after cleaning the database.
I checked the database and found that the documents created in different tests have approximately the same creation time, even when I'm adding a delay for each test (with std::thread::sleep_ms(10000)).
Can you clarify how the integration tests are run and is it possible run them in order?
The built-in testing framework runs concurrently by default. It is designed to offer useful but simple support for testing, that covers many needs, and a lot of functionality can/should be tested with each test independent of the others. (Being independent means they can be run in parallel.)
That said, it does listen to the RUST_TEST_THREADS environment variable, e.g. RUST_TEST_THREADS=1 cargo test will run tests on a single thread. However, if you want this functionality for your tests always, you may be interested in not using #[test], or, at least, not directly.
The most flexible way is via cargo's support for tests that completely define their own framework, via something like the following in your Cargo.toml:
name = "foo"
harness = false
With that, cargo test will compile and run tests/ as a binary. This can then ensure that operations are sequenced/reset appropriately.
Alternatively, maybe a framework like stainless has the functionality you need. (I've not used it so I'm not sure.)
An alternative to an env var is the --test-threads flag. Set it to a single thread to run your tests sequentially.
cargo test -- --test-threads 1

FluentMigrator Migration From Application_Start

I am currently changing our database deployment strategy to use FluentMigration and have been reading up on how to run this. Some people have suggested that it can be run from Application_Start, I like this idea but other people are saying no but without specifying reasons so my questions are:
Is it a bad idea to run the database migration on application start and if so why?
We are planning on moving our sites to deploying to azure cloud services and if we don't run the migration from application_start how should/when should we run it considering we want to make the deployment as simple as possible.
Where ever it is run how do we ensure it is running only once as we will have a website and multiple worker roles as well (although we could just ensure the migration code is only called from the website but in the future we may increase to 2 or more instances, will that mean that it could run more than once?)
I would appreciate any insight on how others handle the migration of the database during deployment, particularly from the perspective of deployments to azure cloud services.
Looking at the comment below I can see the potential problems of running during application_start, perhaps the issue is I am trying to solve a problem with the wrong tool, if FluentMigrator isn't the way to go and it may not be in our case as we have a large number of stored procedures, views, etc. so as part of the migration I was going to have to use SQL scripts to keep them at the right version and migrating down I don't think would be possible.
What I liked about the idea of running during Application_Start was that I could build a single deployment package for Azure and just upload it to staging and the database migration would be run and that would be it, rather thank running manual scripts, and then just swap into production.
Running migrations during Application_Start can be a viable approach. Especially during development.
However there are some potential problems:
Application_Start will take longer and FluentMigrator will be run every time the App Pool is recycled. Depending on your IIS configuration this could be several times a day.
if you do this in production, users might be affected i.e. trying to access a table while it is being changed will result in an error.
DBA's don't usually approve.
What happens if the migrations fail on startup? Is your site down then?
My opinion ->
For a site with a decent amount of traffic I would prefer to have a build script and more control over when I change the database schema. For a hobby (or small non-critical project) this approach would be fine.
An alternative approach that I've used in the past is to make your migrations non-breaking - that is you write your migrations in such a way they can be deployed before any code changes and work with the existing code. This way both code and migrations both can be deployed independently 95% of the time. For example instead of changing an existing stored procedure you create a new one or if you want to rename a table column you add a new one.
The benefits of this are:
Your database changes can be applied before any code changes. You're then free to roll back any breaking code changes or breaking migrations.
Breaking migrations won't take the existing site down.
DBAs can run the migrations independently.
