What's the current state of wisdom for REST API security? - security

I'm receiving mixed signals on the web regarding preferred REST API authentication/authorization mechanisms, especially for mobile applications.
There is OAuth 1.0, but it's claimed to be more complicated than it needs to be and doesn't support native clients too well (callback URLs are very browser-centric). On the other hand, there is one major provider that supports it (Twitter).
Then there is OAuth 2.0, which is supposed to be an improvement over 1.0, and it gets rid of client-side crypto in it default incantation (replaced with bearer tokens), but some people are of the opinion that it's broken by design, and bearer tokens are no better than cookies. An SSL certificate from a sketchy provider can trick a mobile client more easily into believing that the endpoint is a trusted authority. However two major providers (Google and Facebook) support it.
And then there are people, who advocate sidestepping the whole mess and rolling your own.
So which is it?

This is going to sound like a hedge, but the answer is "whatever is appropriate for your application".
3rd-party authentication systems like OAuth and OpenID have their place, and they are perfect for some applications, especially for the kinds of systems that would allow clients to become API users without having to fork over their personal credentials to yet another server system.
However, you might be building a system that doesn't have that constraint or requirement, and it may be reasonable to ask your clients to simply create an account on your server. In that case, you can probably simplify things dramatically by using HTTPS and Basic Auth. Have the client pass their username/password in the appropriate header and ensure that your connection is SSL-protected. Or, have the client use a certificate for their credentials.
I would suggest you start by enumerating what "security" means to you, and work from the ground up. Consider every related facet like integrity guarantees, non-repudiation, replay protection, client impact, performance and API usability. From there, figure out if all you need is HTTPS/basic auth, or if you also need to add API keys, OAuth, OpenID, checksums, etc.

I'd recommend OAuth 2, but with additional certificate checks in the clients. If your certificate comes from Verisign, then invalidate all certificates from other CAs. Make sure to always get your certificates at the same CA though, unless you like distributing updates.
In the end, however, only a client can verify that the connection to the server is completely safe. Never forget that.


What is the most secure way store keys in React Native

Thanks for your help in advance.
I'm using React Native and Node.js to deliver a product for my company.
I've setup the steps on the backend to retrieve a password, validate it and respond with a token. The only problem is - the password I use on the front end (mobile app) to be validated by the back end is hardcoded.
My question is:
How should I securely store this password on the mobile app so that it can not be sniffed out by a hacker and used to compromise the backend?
My research so far.
Embedded in strings.xml
Hidden in Source Code
Hidden in BuildConfigs
Using Proguard
Disguised/Encrypted Strings
Hidden in Native Libraries
These methods are basically useless because hackers can easily circumnavigate these methods of protection.
Although this may obfuscate keys, these still have to be hardcoded. Making these kind of useless, unless I'm missing something.
I could use a .env file
Again, I feel like the hacker can still view secret keys, even if they are saved in a .env
I want to be able to store keys in the app so that I can validate the user an allow them to access resources on the backend. However, I don't know what the best plan of action is to ensure user/business security.
What suggestions do you have to protect the world (react- native apps) from pesky hackers, when they're stealing keys and using them inappropriately?
Your Question
I've setup the steps on the backend to retrieve a password, validate it and respond with a token. The only problem is - the password I use on the front end (mobile app) to be validated by the back end is hardcoded.
My question is:
How should I securely store this password on the mobile app so that it can not be sniffed out by a hacker and used to compromise the backend?
The cruel truth is... you can't!!!
It seems that you already have done some extensive research on the subject, and in my opinion you mentioned one effective way of shipping your App with an embedded secret:
Hidden in Native Libraries
But as you also say:
These methods are basically useless because hackers can easily circumnavigate these methods of protection.
Some are useless and others make reverse engineer the secret from the mobile app a lot harder. As I wrote here, the approach of using the native interfaces to hide the secret will require expertise to reverse engineer it, but then if is hard to reverse engineer the binary you can always resort to a man in the middle (MitM) attack to steel the secret, as I show here for retrieving a secret that is hidden in the mobile app binary with the use of the native interfaces, JNI/NDK.
To protect your mobile app from a MitM you can employ Certificate Pinning:
Pinning is the process of associating a host with their expected X509 certificate or public key. Once a certificate or public key is known or seen for a host, the certificate or public key is associated or 'pinned' to the host. If more than one certificate or public key is acceptable, then the program holds a pinset (taking from Jon Larimer and Kenny Root Google I/O talk). In this case, the advertised identity must match one of the elements in the pinset.
You can read this series of react native articles that show you how to apply certificate pinning to protect the communication channel between your mobile app and the API server.
If you don't know yet certificcate pinning can also be bypassed by using tools like Frida or xPosed.
Inject your own scripts into black box processes. Hook any function, spy on crypto APIs or trace private application code, no source code needed. Edit, hit save, and instantly see the results. All without compilation steps or program restarts.
Xposed is a framework for modules that can change the behavior of the system and apps without touching any APKs. That's great because it means that modules can work for different versions and even ROMs without any changes (as long as the original code was not changed too much). It's also easy to undo.
So now you may be wondering how can I protect from certificate pinning bypass?
Well is not easy, but is possible, by using a mobile app attestation solution.
Before we go further on it, I would like to clarify first a common misconception among developers, regarding WHO and WHAT is accessing the API server.
The Difference Between WHO and WHAT is Accessing the API Server
To better understand the differences between the WHO and the WHAT are accessing an API server, let’s use this picture:
The Intended Communication Channel represents the mobile app being used as you expected, by a legit user without any malicious intentions, using an untampered version of the mobile app, and communicating directly with the API server without being man in the middle attacked.
The actual channel may represent several different scenarios, like a legit user with malicious intentions that may be using a repackaged version of the mobile app, a hacker using the genuine version of the mobile app, while man in the middle attacking it, to understand how the communication between the mobile app and the API server is being done in order to be able to automate attacks against your API. Many other scenarios are possible, but we will not enumerate each one here.
I hope that by now you may already have a clue why the WHO and the WHAT are not the same, but if not it will become clear in a moment.
The WHO is the user of the mobile app that we can authenticate, authorize and identify in several ways, like using OpenID Connect or OAUTH2 flows.
Generally, OAuth provides to clients a "secure delegated access" to server resources on behalf of a resource owner. It specifies a process for resource owners to authorize third-party access to their server resources without sharing their credentials. Designed specifically to work with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), OAuth essentially allows access tokens to be issued to third-party clients by an authorization server, with the approval of the resource owner. The third party then uses the access token to access the protected resources hosted by the resource server.
OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It allows Clients to verify the identity of the End-User based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the End-User in an interoperable and REST-like manner.
While user authentication may let the API server know WHO is using the API, it cannot guarantee that the requests have originated from WHAT you expect, the original version of the mobile app.
Now we need a way to identify WHAT is calling the API server, and here things become more tricky than most developers may think. The WHAT is the thing making the request to the API server. Is it really a genuine instance of the mobile app, or is a bot, an automated script or an attacker manually poking around with the API server, using a tool like Postman?
For your surprise you may end up discovering that It can be one of the legit users using a repackaged version of the mobile app or an automated script that is trying to gamify and take advantage of the service provided by the application.
Well, to identify the WHAT, developers tend to resort to an API key that usually they hard-code in the code of their mobile app. Some developers go the extra mile and compute the key at run-time in the mobile app, thus it becomes a runtime secret as opposed to the former approach when a static secret is embedded in the code.
The above write-up was extracted from an article I wrote, entitled WHY DOES YOUR MOBILE APP NEED AN API KEY?, and that you can read in full here, that is the first article in a series of articles about API keys.
Mobile App Attestation
The use of a Mobile App Attestation solution will enable the API server to know WHAT is sending the requests, thus allowing to respond only to requests from a genuine mobile app while rejecting all other requests from unsafe sources.
The role of a Mobile App Attestation service is to guarantee at run-time that your mobile app was not tampered, is not running in a rooted device and is not being the target of a MitM attack. This is done by running a SDK in the background that will communicate with a service running in the cloud to attest the integrity of the mobile app and device is running on. The cloud service also verifies that the TLS certificate provided to the mobile app on the handshake with the API server is indeed the same in use by the original and genuine API server for the mobile app, not one from a MitM attack.
On successful attestation of the mobile app integrity a short time lived JWT token is issued and signed with a secret that only the API server and the Mobile App Attestation service in the cloud are aware. In the case of failure on the mobile app attestation the JWT token is signed with a secret that the API server does not know.
Now the App must sent with every API call the JWT token in the headers of the request. This will allow the API server to only serve requests when it can verify the signature and expiration time in the JWT token and refuse them when it fails the verification.
Once the secret used by the Mobile App Attestation service is not known by the mobile app, is not possible to reverse engineer it at run-time even when the App is tampered, running in a rooted device or communicating over a connection that is being the target of a Man in the Middle Attack.
So this solution works in a positive detection model without false positives, thus not blocking legit users while keeping the bad guys at bays.
What suggestions do you have to protect the world (react- native apps) from pesky hackers, when they're stealing keys and using them inappropriately?
I think you should relaly go with a mobile app attestation solution, that you can roll in your own if you have the expertise for it, or you can use a solution that already exists as a SAAS solution at Approov(I work here), that provides SDKs for several platforms, including iOS, Android, React Native and others. The integration will also need a small check in the API server code to verify the JWT token issued by the cloud service. This check is necessary for the API server to be able to decide what requests to serve and what ones to deny.
I want to be able to store keys in the app so that I can validate the user an allow them to access resources on the backend. However, I don't know what the best plan of action is to ensure user/business security.
Don't go down this route of storing keys in the mobile app, because as you already know, by your extensive research, they can be bypassed.
Instead use a mobile attestation solution in conjunction with OAUTH2 or OpenID connect, that you can bind with the mobile app attestation token. An example of this token binding can be found in this article for the check of the custom payload claim in the endpoint /forms.
Going the Extra Mile
OWASP Mobile Security Project - Top 10 risks
The OWASP Mobile Security Project is a centralized resource intended to give developers and security teams the resources they need to build and maintain secure mobile applications. Through the project, our goal is to classify mobile security risks and provide developmental controls to reduce their impact or likelihood of exploitation.

Mutual SSL vs. Token-based auth

I am working on a web application and security is one of our main concerns in this application. I was looking at different methods of API security (mentioned here on OWASP) and couldn't understand the difference between Mutual SSL auth and token-based auth. Here is a brief into of both before I move forward,
Mutual (or two-way) SSL authentication provides a combination of an encrypted data stream, mutual authentication of both server and client, and automatic sign-in convenience.
Every single request will require the token. This token should be sent in the HTTP header so that we keep with the idea of stateless HTTP requests.
From what I get, they both are probably alternatives of each other, so here are a few question that I have in mind and if you could answer them, I'd be so thankful.
In my opinion, both of these methods are alternatives of each other, is it so?
Yes? Then which one is better then the other and why?
No? Then should we use one of these or both? Also, whats the difference between them based on which you're saying that they are different.
In my opinion, both of these methods are alternatives of each other,
is it so?
Both of these method should be used based on your context. Two methods are used based on the need and security context.
No? Then should we use one of these or both? Also, whats the
difference between them based on which you're saying that they are
Token-based auth (OAuth) usually used in a scenario where there is a need to establish a secure communication between mobile app/ web app and api server.Where password is not stored in the device.It store a temporary token to the device which expire over time.
Mutual SSL Mutual Authentication can be good candidate for establish a secured communication between two servers.
So it is the context which decide the choice!

Reliable ways to register a user's computer with a server

As part of strengthening session authentication security for a site that I am building, I am trying to compile a list of the best ways to register a user's computer as a second tier of validation - that is in addition to the standard username/password login, of course. Typical ways of registering a user's computer are by setting a cookie and or IP address validation. As prevalent as mobile computing is, IP mapping is less and less a reliable identifier. Security settings and internet security & system optimization software can make it difficult to keep a cookie in place for very long.
Are there any other methods that can be used for establishing a more reliable computer registration that doesn't require the user to add exceptions to the various cookie deleting software?
If you're looking to do device authentication, you may want to consider mutually authenticated SSL. Here, you'd deploy a client identity certificate to each endpoint you'd want to authenticate. Then, you set the server up to require client authentication, so that a client would need to present a valid identity certificate in order to form the SSL tunnel.
This, of course, is not a perfect solution. In reality, this presents much of the same weaknesses as other solutions (to various degrees) Once your client identity certificates go to your clients, they are out of your control; should a client give their certificate to anyone else, you lost the device authentication that you have based on it. SSL identity certificates are generally stored in a keystore on the client which is encrypted with a password or other credential needed to unlock them. While a client certificate could still be compromised, it's somewhat stronger that just a cookie or something like that (assuming you don't have a client that is trying to give away its credential). In addition, you'd want to come up with some validation routine that a client would need to go though in order to get a credential in the first place (how do I know that this is a client device that I want to remember/register?).
Remember, these types of approaches only do device authentication, not users. There are more in-depth schemes already developed for device authentication than what I've mentioned; for example, 802.1x is a network protocol where an endpoint needs to present a client-side certificate to the network switch to get on a LAN. This is out-of-scope for a web application scenario, like what you've described, but the idea is the same (put a cryptographic credential on the client and validate it to establish the connection).
This, like all other security matters really, is a risk decision. What are you trying to accomplish with such a countermeasure? What are the threats you're trying to prevent and what are the consequences if someone does log in on an unregistered device? Only your situation can answer those questions and let you see the real risk, if you need/should mitigate it, and, if so, how strong of a solution do you need to get the risk level down to an acceptable level?
the best ways to register a user's computer as a second tier of
From my point of view this approach does not offer much in the aspect of authentication.
You are not authenticating a user and have no idea who is using the PC that you would accept as being registered.
The way you describe it, this step should be a configuration rule in the firewall to accept connections from specific IPs only.
IMO the filtering of the PCs is the responsibility of a firewall and it would be much better handled by the firewall than any application level filtering.
Just think that you would have the overhead in your application to examine each request and decide whether to accept it or not.
Better leave this preprocessing overhead to the firewall. That's why it is there.

Using cookies/sessions for mobile application authentication?

Is there any reason why I shouldn't use cookies/sessions for native mobile applications, usually used by browsers, to authenticate with my server and for subsequent API calls?
Clarification: It seems the de-facto method of authentication on mobile clients is token based systems like OAuth/XAuth. Why don't traditional browser methods suffice?
This depends on your application (your threat scenario to be more exact).
Some of the most common threats are
- eavesdropping (-> should encrypt)
- man in the middle (-> must authenticate other party)
- ...what are yours? (how secure is your cookie store,....)
A cookie at first only holds a token as proof that sometime you have successfully made an authentication. If the cookie is valid long enough or transport not encrypted, there is a good chance that someone someday will find out...
In addition you must take into account what additional security measures are in place, at first and most important SSL.
What is your authentication method (what credential does a client need to logon)? Do you have the possibility to work with authentication based on PPK infrastructure or is the communication "ad-hoc"?
Wrt. to OpenAuth: as far as i understood the protocol its main concern is authentication delegation. A scenario where you authorize an agent to do some very specific task on behalf of another identity. This way you dont scatter your credentials all over the web. If you have OpenAuth in place, a client can use the protocol directly, too. So why bother adding another. But OpenAuth explicitly states that with a direct client scenario you again run into security issues as now the token is available on the device and must be protected accordingly (as you must do with your cookie).

Preventing mobile API client identity theft

We're developing a REST API to be consumed by a couple of mobile applications. It's important that we're able to trust the identities of these mobile applications. In our current design, each API call is authenticated with an "API Key" parameter and secured with HTTPS.
My concern is that the API Key is embedded within each copy of the mobile app, which means there's no way we can keep it secret. It will be on thousands of phones, and theoretically any hacker with a binary editor or HTTP Traffic analyzer could extract the API key and then 'pose as' one of the applications, sending us requests that we'd have no choice but to trust. Client certificates would appear to have the same risk.
Is there an architecture that solves this problem?
It is being discussed from time to time in different places including StackOverflow. In brief - whatever you put to user's possession is not yours anymore. You can obfuscate the private key, of course, yet I see at least three ways to bypass your security measures.
The only way to solve a problem could be to employ cryptographic device (smartcard or USB cryptotoken) which keeps private and secret keys and doesn't let them out, however with handhelds use of such devices is quite complicated (if not impossible) from both technical and usability points of view.
Also you might want to reconsider your approach and let any client software use the service given that they pay for it. And your server will authenticate users and not software. Then the topic of keeping login data secret will be users' task.
