DDD: Connection objects are Entity Object or Value Object? - domain-driven-design

I am working on an application where users can follow each other, in a similar fashion to Twitter.
After reading up on DDD, I understand that my users are Entity Objects - I refer to them using their unique ID.
When one user 'follows' another (i.e. forms a Connection), the relationship is stored in a many-to-many table. Its fields include FollowerID, TargetID, and Status. There can be only two records for each Follower/Target combination (one Active, the other Inactive), so I can safely identify objects based on their attributes.
So, I think my Connection objects are Value Objects, not Entity Objects, but I'm not sure. Can you help me with this decision?

You are correct that entities are unique and carry the notion of having an identity (i.e. only one unique user can exist). A Connection is dependent on other User entities. It represents some aspect between two users. That aspect is whether there is an active or inactive connection. Without containing the data of which users are connecting, a connection has no identity. It may even have it's own primary key in the database, but from a domain perspective, it has no identity of it's own.
Therefore, I would say that Connection is a value object.
To support my conclusion, Microsoft.Net Architecting Applications for the Enterprise, page 187, says:
A value object class represents an entity in the domain that mostly
contains data and lives for the data it contains. A value object is
fully identified by a combination of values it contains. An entity
object, on the other hand, has its own life and rich behavior
regardless of the data it contains. Entity objects are usually objects
with a longer lifetime. A value object represents an aspect of an
entity and can live only in relation to an entity.
And also on page 189:
One further comment is needed to explain the difference between
entities and value objects. You don’t need a repository or a data
mapper for a value object. You need a repository only for an entity.
The repository (or the mapper) for a given entity will certainly take
care of all value objects that depend on a given entity.

Some time ago, I saw a cartoon about scientist that had invented cloning. Every time he cloned himself, he destroyed previous version. Then person that was watching demonstration decided to interrupt and sabotaged destruction part so there were two scientists. Cartoon ended with some interesting existential questioning.
Values vs entities is not about having or not having id fields in one or another form. Point is - how we are looking at those objects through our domain perspective. If they are value objects, then only their value matters - 1st, 3rd and 53rd scientist are the same. If we care about identity, if we think that cloning 3rd scientist will never be like 1st one, then our object is an entity.


DDD: Domain Objects Structure

I'm new to DDD and I want to clearly understand each domain object structure and role:
Aggregate Root:
1.1. The only contact point the client can interact with the domain objects, the client should not be able to modify or create new Entities or value objects whiteout the aggregate root? (Yes/No)
1.2. Can an aggregate root contain only value objects ? for example User root, it contain only address, phone, things which are value objects as far as I understand. So is it a sign of bad design when your aggregate root contain only value objects? shall it contain only entities and via entities interact with value objects?
Entities: Shall the entities contain only value objects? or it can also contain other entities? can you give me a simple example please ?
Value Objects: shall I go ahead and encapsulate every primitive type in an value object? I can go deep and make every primitive type as an value object, for example: PhoneNumber can be a string or an value object which contains country code, number. the same thing can be applied to all other primitive type value such as name, email. So where to draw the line ? where to say "Ok I'm going to deep", or going deep is the right way of doing DDD?
Factories: Do I really need them? I can go ahead and write an static method within the domain object which knows more precisely how to construct it, am I doing wrong ?
Sorry for the long questions, but I'm feeling little lost despite of continues reading, if you can help me I would be glad.
I'll try to answer all your questions:
1.1. The only contact point the client can interact with the domain objects, the client should not be able to modify or create new Entities or value objects whiteout the aggregate root? (Yes/No)
Entities live within ARs and allowing the client to create them would violate encapsulation, so for entities you are correct, ARs create their own entities which don't get exposed to the outside (copies/immutable views could be).
On the other hand, value objects are generally immutable and therefore there's no harm in having them supplied to the AR as data inputs.
In general all modifications needs to go through the AR so that the AR is aware of the modification. In special situations the AR could detect modifications within it's cluster by listening to events raised by internal entities when it's impractical to go through the root.
1.2. Can an aggregate root contain only value objects ? for example User root, it contain only address, phone, things which are value objects as far as I understand. So is it a sign of bad design when your aggregate root contain only value objects? shall it contain only entities and via entities interact with value objects?
Favor value objects as much as you can. It's not unusual for all parts of an AR being modeled as values. However, there's no limitation or law stating whether or not an AR should have only values or entities, use the composition that's fit to your use case.
Entities: Shall the entities contain only value objects? or it can also contain other entities? can you give me a simple example please ?
Same answer as above, no limitation nor law.
Value Objects: shall I go ahead and encapsulate every primitive type in an value object? I can go deep and make every primitive type as an value object, for example: PhoneNumber can be a string or an value object which contains country code, number. the same thing can be applied to all other primitive type value such as name, email. So where to draw the line ? where to say "Ok I'm going to deep", or going deep is the right way of doing DDD?
Primitive obsession is worst than value object obsession in my experience. The cost of wrapping a value is quite low in general, so when in doubt I'd model an explicit type. This could save you a lot of refactoring down the road.
Factories: Do I really need them? I can go ahead and write an static method within the domain object which knows more precisely how to construct it, am I doing wrong ?
Static factory methods on ARs are quite common as a mean to be more expressive and follow the UL more closely. For instance, I just modeled as use case today where we had to "start a group audit". Implemented a GroupAudit.start static factory method.
Factory methods on ARs for other ARs are also quite common, such as var post = forum.post(author, content) for instance, where Post is a seperate AR than Forum.
When the process requires some complex collaborators then you may consider a standalone factory though since you may not want clients to know how to provide and setup those collaborators.
I'm new to DDD and I want to clearly understand each domain object structure and role
Your best starting point is "the blue book" (Evans, 2003).
For this question, the two important chapters to review are chapter 5 ("A model expressed in software") and chapter 6 ("the life cycle of a domain object").
ENTITIES and VALUE OBJECTS are two patterns described in chapter 5, which is to say that they are patterns that commonly arise when we are modeling a domain. The TL;DR version: ENTITIES are used to represent relationships in the domain that change over time. VALUE OBJECTS are domain specific data structures.
AGGREGATES and FACTORIES are patterns described in chapter 6, which is to say that they are patterns that commonly arise when we are trying to manage the life cycle of the domain object. It's common that modifications to domain entities may be distributed across multiple sessions, so we need to think about how we store information in the past and reload that information in the future.
The only contact point the client can interact with the domain objects, the client should not be able to modify or create new Entities or value objects whiteout the aggregate root?
Gray area. "Creation patterns are weird." The theory is that you always copy information into the domain model via an aggregate root. But when the aggregate root you need doesn't exist yet, then what? There are a number of different patterns that people use here to create the new root entity from nothing.
That said - we don't expect the application to be directly coupled to the internal design of the aggregate. This is standard "best practice" OO, with the application code coupled to the model's interface without being coupled to the model's implementation/data structure.
Can an aggregate root contain only value objects ?
The definition of the root entity in the aggregate may include references to other entities in the same aggregate. Evans explicitly refers to "entities other than the root"; in order to share information with an entity other than the root, there must be some way to traverse references from the root to these non-root entities.
Shall the entities contain only value objects?
The definition of an entity may include references to other entities (including the root entity) in the same aggregate.
shall I go ahead and encapsulate every primitive type in an value object?
"It depends" - in a language like java, value objects are an affordance that make it easy for the compiler to give you early feed back about certain kinds of mistakes.
This is especially true if you have validation concerns. We'd like to validate (or parse) information once, rather than repeating the same check every where (duplication), and having validated vs unvalidated data be detectably different reduces the risk that unvalidated data leaks into code paths where it is not handled correctly.
Having a value object also reduces the number of places that need to change if you decide the underlying data structure needs improvement, and the value object gives you an easily guessed place to put functions/methods relating to that value.
Factories: Do I really need them?
Yes, and...
I can go ahead and write an static method within the domain object
... that's fine. Basic idea: if creating a domain object from so sufficient set of information is complicated, we want that complexity in one place, which can be invoked where we need it. That doesn't necessarily mean we need a NOUN. A function is fine.
And, of course, if your domain objects are not complicated, then "just" use the objects constructor/initializer.

Updating a value object from the aggregate in one-to-many relationship

I have recently dived into DDD and this question started bothering me. For example, take a look at the scenario mentioned in the following article:
Let's say that a user made a mistake while adding an EstimationLogEntry to the Task aggregate, and now wants to correct that mistake. What would be the correct way of doing this? Value objects by nature don't have identifiers, they are identified by their structure. If this was a Web application, we would have to send the whole EstimationLogEntry value object as a request parameter, along with the new values, just so we could replace the old value object with the new one. Should EstimationLogEntry be an entity?
It really depends. If it's a sequence of estimations, which you append every time, you can quite possibly envision an operation which updates the value only of the VO. This would use VO semantics (the VO is called to clone itself in-mem with the updated value on the specific property), and the command can just be the estimation (along with a Task id).
If you have an array of VO's which all semantically apply to Task (instead of just the "latest" or something)... it's a different matter. In that case, you'd probably have to send all of them in the request, and you'd have to include all properties too, but I'd say that the need to change just one, probably implies a need to reference them, which in turn implies a need to have an Entity instead of a VO.
DDD emphasizes the Ubiquitous language and many modelling questions like this ones will derive their answer straight from that language.
First things first, if there's an aggregate that contains a value object, there's a good chance that the value object isn't directly created by the user. That is, the factory that creates the value object lives on the aggregates API. The value object(s) might even be derived directly from the aggregates state instead of from any direct method call. In this case, do you want to just discard the aggregate and create a new one? That might make sense depending on your UL.
In some cases, like if you have immutable value objects (based on your UL), you could simply add a new entry into the log entry that "reverses" the old entry. An example of this would be bank accounts and transactions. If bank accounts are aggregate roots and transactions are the value objects. If a transaction is erroneously entered, you can simply write a reversing transaction to void it.
It is definitely possible that you want to update the value object but that must make sense in your UL and it's implementation must also be framed around your UL. For example, if you have a scheduling application and an aggregate root is a person's schedule while the value objects are meetings. If a user erroneously enters a meeting, what your aggregate root should do would be to invalidate the old meeting (flip a flag, mark its state cancelled e.t.c) and create a new one. These actions fit the UL for your scheduling app. The same thing as what you are calling "updating the entry" above.

Having id-field on a value object in DDD

I'm working on a project where I had a value object (called SkillProfile) within an aggregate. Aggregate root is the User entity and the User has a unidirectional one-to-one association to it's SkillProfile. There is use case in the business where a SkillProfile can be shared with another User, but always as a copy (so modifying one of the profile won't change any of the other users profile). So far so good.
Now the business has the new requirement that it should be possible to see in reports which users share the same skill profile. This requirement cannot be fulfilled by the equals method on the skill profile, since there are skill profiles which coincidentally have the same values but weren't "shared" in terms of explicitly doing it. Of course the old requirement that skill profiles have to be immutable is still valid.
So here my question: Is it a good idea to invent a new field "Id" or "SharingCode" on the SkillProfile class and therefore give it some sort of identity although it's still a value object and not an entity since it has no state or lifecycle?
so modifying one of the profile won't change any of the other users profile
If SkillProfile is indeed a value object, there should be no possibility to modify one! Replacing it within the User is fine of course. (just to have this clear before discussing your question)
With the new requirements, SkillProfile needs an identity - whether explicit or implicit - because it can no longer be compared by just looking at its value. Thus, it is now an entity.
Note that you don't need to treat it much differently than you were the value object before - it's a good idea to keep the entity immutable, for example, because this is still in the nature of the concept. So it shouldn't be a big step to make it an entity.

Domain Driven Design - Value object immutable

I'm trying to understand the concept of value object. One aspect of value object is immutable. I would like to know that do we have to implement a thing that manages value object? For instance, Person is entity and Address is value object. Two person have same address.
+ Can we assign the same instance address for each person?
+ How do we know the address already existed so we don't need to create new one?
+ How we manage value object?
I don't whether i understand immutable aspect correct or not. Could you please advice me on this matter?
With reference to Eric Evans' Domain Driven Design: Tackling Complexity In The Heart of Software, a key attribute of value object is that they are often transient (i.e. short-lived), created for a specific operation and then discarded. If you are using programming languages that don't have any built-in automatic garbage collection mechanism (like C, C++), you will have to manually free up their memories at the end of their lifecycle. Otherwise, you shouldn't need any heavy duty implementation to manage them. (Eric Evan talked about garbage collection when comparing Entities and Value Objects too.)
The immutable aspect of value objects simply means that once created, none of their attributes can be modified except by full replacement of the entire object. So if two Person entities shared the same Address value object, and one of them changes her address, a new separate Address value object will be created to represent the new address.
Of course, this is not a die-hard rule. Legitimate cases for mutable value objects include:
If the value objects change frequently,
Their creation and/or deletion processes are computationally expensive,
Their replacement (instead of modification) disrupt the stability of the system,
Another aspect of value objects is that they have no conceptual identity. But that doesn't mean they can't have low-level identifiers such as a column marked as their primary key in a relational database. Eric Evans also talked about association between entities and value objects. So if you decided to shared an Address value object between two Person entities, you can determine if the address already exists by querying the database, or whatever shared in-memory data structure accessible to the entities.

DDD: Can immutable objects also be entities?

I've read countless posts on differences between Entities and Value objects and while I do think that at least conceptually I understand how the two differ, it appears that in some of these posts authors consider a particular domain concept to be a VO simply because it is immutable ( thus its state will never change, at least within that particular domain model ).
Do you agree that if the state of an object will never change within particular domain model, then this object should never be an entity? Why?
thank you
Do you agree that if the state of an object will never change within
particular domain model, then this object should never be an entity?
I'd say 90+% of entities will change at some point in their lifetime. But some entities might be unchangeable because of their nature in the domain - a PrepaidPhoneCard, a TransferOrder in a banking system for instance.
Some also like to make their Entities immutable by default because it helps shaping a design that preserves invariants and makes domain operations explicit : http://www.jefclaes.be/2013/04/designing-entities-immutability-first.html
The object could be an entity if you need to identify it.
According to the DDD book, if an object has identity and lifecycle but will not change over time, you could also consider the object as an event.
In two words: yes, they can.
Eric Evans in his book tells about a "thread of continuity" inherent to entities. In layman terms, an entity can be POSTed by a front-end as JSON, get converted into a DTO by a framework, then into a domain object, then into a DTO again and then finally get stored in a database table. During all these transformations the entity will be easily distinguishable because it possesses one or more unique business ids.
With this in mind, aren't some forms of immutability a form of another thread of continuity? Imagine copy-on-write: all of the immutable object's copies are formally different objects representing it at different points of its lifetime. Yet, there is a unique id allowing us to say it's the same entity.
Now, let's talk about the "extreme" form of immutability: read-only objects. Can an entity be a read-only object? Sure, a good example is a credit card statement.
Summing up:
One entity can exist in many forms. In fact, you will almost always have multiple representations of your entity in a program without being aware about it.
A true requirement an entity is an existence of a unique business identity (not a surrogate id that is used for technical purposes) that makes it distinguishable from other entities.
Entities can be immutable, whether we talk about COW or read-only objects.
