Doxygen: Class diagram (grey box) without collaboration diagrams - uml

I want to create the image for a class diagram (UML styled), without the collaboration data.
I already have Doxywizard, but don't see how to do it without the collaboration relations.
What combination of options should I use?
This is ASCII representation of what I want:
| Foo |
| -bar1 |
| -bar2 |
| +Foo() |
| +~Foo()|
This is what I get currently:
---------- -----------------
| Foo | | OtherClass |
---------- -----------------
| -bar1 | | -test1 |
| -bar2 | | -test2 |
---------- -----> -----------------
| +Foo() | | +OtherClass() |
| +~Foo()| | +~OtherClass()|
---------- -----------------

Did you try setting COLLABORATION_GRAPH to NO?
set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented
class showing the direct and indirect implementation dependencies
(inheritance, containment, and class references variables) of the
class with other documented classes.


Merge Vertical Table to Horizontal table in Excel

I want to merge a vertical table to a horizontal table in excel with logics. I do not know where to start in excel. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
Horizontal Table:
| Node | Volume | Disk Size | Disk Space Used |
| -------- | -------------- | --------- | --------------- |
| A | E:\ | 140.00GB | 138.22GB |
| A | C:\ | 119.90GB | 83.97GB |
Vertical Table:
| Node | CPU Count | CPU Load |
| -------- | ----------- | --------- |
| A | 8 | 1.43% |
The Table I wanted:
| Node | CPU Count | CPU Load | C Disk Size | C Disk Space Used | D Disk Size | C Disk Space Used |
| -------- | ----------- | --------- | ----------- | ----------------- | ----------- | ----------------- |
| A | 8 | 1.43% | 119.90GB | 138.22GB | 119.90GB | 83.97GB |
I don't use excel much. Any idea or advice in the direction of how to solve this would be great.
Is this even achievable in excel?
I have solved, Vlookup function don't work in my case -(because Vlookup only can look up one field at a time). however, I got a workaround to archived something similar.
Merge the tables. excel merge table
Then use Pivot Table function.
thanks a million for the help.

boost MSM how to define transition between two sub-states?

I'm using the Boost 1.64.0 MSM library to produce a hierarchical state machine. For test the transition mechanism, I implement a state machine like this
| S |
| +-------------+ +-------------+ |
| | S1 | | S2 | |
| | +-------+ | | +-------+ | |
| | | S11 | | | | S21 | | |
| | +-------+ | | +-------+ | |
| +-------------+ +-------------+ |
| |
So how to define transition from S11 to S21, according to the same situation described in wiki the transition execution sequence should be 'exit S11' -> 'exit S1' -> 'enter S2' -> 'enter S21'.
According to the document,
it is only possible to explicitly enter a sub- state of the target
but not a sub-sub state.
it is not possible to explicitly exit. Exit points must be used.
So you cannot do explicit exit from S11.
You can use exit point pseudo state instead of the explicit exit. And I recommend that use entry point pseudo state instead of the explicit entry.
Here is an example code of the entry point pseudo state
and the exit point pseudo state.

How to translate syntatic parse to a dependency parse tree?

Using Link Grammar I can have the syntaxic parse of sentences something like the following:
+------->WV------->+------Ost------+ |
+-----Wd----+ | +----Ds**x---+ |
| +Ds**c+--Ss--+ +-PHc+---A---+ |
| | | | | | | |
LEFT-WALL a koala.n is.v a cute.a animal.n .
+------->WV------>+---------Osm--------+ |
+-----Wd----+ | +------Ds**x------+ |
| +Ds**c+--Ss-+ +--PHc-+-----A----+ |
| | | | | | | |
LEFT-WALL a wolf.n is.v a dangerous.a animal.n .
+------->WV------>+--------Ost--------+ |
+-----Wd----+ | +------Ds**x-----+ |
| +Ds**c+--Ss-+ +--PHc-+----A----+ |
| | | | | | | |
LEFT-WALL a dog.n is.v a faithful.a animal.n .
+------->WV------->+----------Osm----------+ |
+-----Wd----+ | +-------Ds**x-------+ |
| +Ds**c+--Ss--+ +--PHv--+-----A-----+ |
| | | | | | | |
LEFT-WALL a monkey.n is.v an independant.a animal.n .
The problem with this that it's not possible AFAIK to make sens
of that output programmatically; It seems like the way to go
is to convert that syntaxic output to a dependency parse tree
how can I achieve that?
You may want to look at RelEx (at GitHub).
From link-grammar at Wikipedia (emphasis mine):
The semantic relationship extractor RelEx, layered on top of the
Link Grammar library, generates a dependency grammar output by
making explicit the semantic relationships between words in a
sentence. Its output can be classified as being at a level between
that of SSyntR and DSyntR of Meaning-Text Theory. It also provides
framing/grounding, anaphora resolution, head-word identification,
lexical chunking, part-of-speech identification, and tagging,
including entity, date, money, gender, etc. tagging. It includes a
compatibility mode to generate dependency output compatible with
the Stanford parser, and Penn Treebank-compatible POS tagging.

Splitting workspaces in the notion window manager

I have been using the Notion Window Manager ( for a few weeks. I was wondering if it is possible to create a keybinding that splits a workspace in the same way that META+S and META+K S splits a frame horizontally and vertically.
So if I had two vertical frames in a workspace like this:
| | |
| | |
| | |
The keybinding to split horizontally should add a new frame that spans the workspace horizontally:
| | |
| 3 |
Currently META+S only splits the selected frame horizontally:
| | |
|-| |
|3| |
Is there any way to accomplish splitting the entire workspace horizontally or vertically in Notion?
The solution I came up with is to add a keybinding to the split_top function in cfg_tiling.lua. To split horizontally I added:
kpress(META.."Z", "WTiling.split_top(_, 'bottom')")
to the WTiling defbindings function. I also added
kpress("Z", "Wtiling.split_top(_, 'left')")
to the submap META.."K" bindings.
The split_top function splits at the root of the split tree. This will create a new frame that splits the entire workspace rather than the current frame.
One sizing issue that I noticed with this approach is that it will try to split the workspace exactly in half. If there is a horizontal frame splitting a workspace split_top will resize it to the smallest size and add a new frame below it. If there is a vertical frame it will become about 10 pixels wide when the new frame is added.
Horizontal size issue. New frames are 0 height:
Start ->Mod1+Z ->Mod1+Z
-1--2-- -1--2-- -1--2--
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
-3----- -3----- -3-----
| | -4----- -4-----
| | | | -5-----
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
------- ------- -------
Vertical size issue. New frames are 0 width:
Start -> Mod1+K Z -> Mod1+K Z
-1----2---- -4--1-2---- -5-41-2----
| | | | || | | ||| |
| | | | || | | ||| |
| |3---| | ||3---| | |||3---|
| | | | || | | ||| |
| | | | || | | ||| |
----------- ----------- -----------
Another issue is the focus does not change to the newly create frame. Hitting Mod1+Z will create the frame but the user has to Mod1+TAB to the frame to manipulate it.
This is a start but a comprehensive solution would check for frames that already split the workspace and split them instead and change the focus to the new frame.
Yes, you can.
You either need to put your binding in the workspace context or from the frame/mplex context you need to look up the managing workspace and then call split on that.
(I'd post code and more concrete terms but I'm not in front of a notion machine at the moment and don't want to confuse things by using the wrong ones.)

Show object creation (from DAL) in UML sequence chart

I have 3 classes: Controller, DAL and Entity. The controller calls the DAL requesting an Entity. The DAL retrieves the entity data from the DB and creates a new Entity class which is then returned to the Controller. How do I show this on a UML sequece chart (no need to show the DB)?
2nd question: how should we share UML diagrams on SO? :)
Thanks in advance
Controller DAL DB
| | |
| get entity | |
|----------->| get entity data |
| |---------------->|
| |< - - - - - - - -|
| | |
| |-- |
| | |create entity |
| |<- |
|<- - - - - -| |
note: "Create entity" is a "self-message", so it starts from DAL's lifeline and goes back into DAL's lifeline. I just can't draw it better with characters. Forward messages are continous line, reply messages are dashed line.
EDIT: reflecting on comment, you can also show Entity's lifeline, if it's important.
Controller DAL DB
| | |
| get entity | |
|----------->| get entity data |
| |---------------->|
| |< - - - - - - - -|
| | |
| entity |---->Entity |
|<- - - - - -| | |
| | | |
It's useful if you want to show other calls to Entity as well.
