node.js http.connections - node.js

I am looking over node.js code and can't understand some of it. Please help me with it.
var http = require("http"),
server = http.createServer(function(req,res) {});
if(MaxUserCheck <1 ){
logmsg(level1, server.connections);
For the above code,
what is "watcher" and how to use it?
"server.connections" - what is this? and how to use it?
I have seen using server module as
server.on('request', function (req,res){};
server.listen(52273, function(){};
and I can understand as above, but using as "server.connections" can't understand and haven't seen it use like that.
I looked up on node.js manual but doesn't explain it.(
It seems that "server.connections" returns how many clients connected to our server..(Server uses Fugue for multi clients)
where can I find the usage of "server.connections" and "server.watcher"
Thank you.

These two syntaxes might have been used/required in other directories. If I export this module to a different file and say require('watcher') there , it will work.however I'm not sure what watcher is used but it could be webwatcher module.


Breaking up node module code (for a library/api client)

I'm writing a node module to consume a REST API for a service. For all intents and purposes we might as well say it's twitter (though it's not).
The API is not small. Over a dozen endpoints. Given that I want to offer convenience methods for each of the endpoints I need to split up the code over multiple files. One file would be far too large.
Right now I am testing the pattern I will outline below, but would appreciate any advice as to other means by which I might break up this code. My goal essentially is to extend the prototype of a single object, but do so using multiple files.
Here's the "model" I'm using so far, but don't think is really a good idea:
function TwitterClient(){ = "bar";
require("fs").readdirSync("./endpoints").forEach(function(file) {
require("./endpoints/" + file)(TwitterClient);
var exports = module.exports = TwitterClient;
endpoints/endpointA.js etc
module.exports = function(TwitterClient){
TwitterClient.prototype.someMethod = function(){
//do things here
The basic idea obviously is that any file in the endpoints folder is automatically loaded and the TwitterClient is passed in to it, so that it's prototype can be accessed/extended.
I don't plan to stick with this pattern because for some reason it seems like a bad idea to me.
Any suggestions of better patterns are very much appreciated, cheers

Which nodejs library should I use to write into HDFS?

I have a nodejs application and I want to write data into hadoop HDFS file system. I have seen two main nodejs libraries that can do it: node-hdfs and node-webhdfs. Someone have tried it? Any hints? Which one should I use in production?
I am inclined to use node-webhdfs since it uses WebHDFS REST API. node-hdfs seem to be a c++ binding.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
You may want to check out webhdfs library. It provides nice and straightforward (similar to fs module API) interface for WebHDFS REST API calls.
Writing to the remote file:
var WebHDFS = require('webhdfs');
var hdfs = WebHDFS.createClient();
var localFileStream = fs.createReadStream('/path/to/local/file');
var remoteFileStream = hdfs.createWriteStream('/path/to/remote/file');
remoteFileStream.on('error', function onError (err) {
// Do something with the error
remoteFileStream.on('finish', function onFinish () {
// Upload is done
Reading from the remote file:
var WebHDFS = require('webhdfs');
var hdfs = WebHDFS.createClient();
var remoteFileStream = hdfs.createReadStream('/path/to/remote/file');
remoteFileStream.on('error', function onError (err) {
// Do something with the error
remoteFileStream.on('data', function onChunk (chunk) {
// Do something with the data chunk
remoteFileStream.on('finish', function onFinish () {
// Upload is done
Not good news!!!
Do not use node-hdfs. Although it seems promising, it is now two years obsolete. I've tried to compile it but it does not match the symbols of current libhdfs. If you want to use something like that you'll have to make your own nodejs binding.
You can use node-webhdfs but IMHO there's not much advantage on that. It is better to use an http nodejs lib to make your own requests. The hardest part here is try to hold the very async nature of nodejs, since you might want first to create a folder, and then after successfully create it, create a file and then, at last, write or append data. Everything through http requests that you must send and wait the for answer to then go on....
At least node-webhdfs might be a good reference to you take a look and start your own code.
Fabio Moreira

require().server. Require with a dot in the statement

var WebSocketServer = require('websocket').server;
I came across this in some NodeJS code and I don't believe I have ever seen a require with a dot in the statement like this ever before. Is the dot perhaps loading just a portion of the websocket module or is there another meaning to it?
Thanks in advance...
Out of the object exported by module.exports you are taking the object referred by server key.
If you look at the code you could see that it is requiring this module

Is this method of static file serving safe in node.js? (potential security hole?)

I want to create the simplest node.js server to serve static files.
Here's what I came up with:
fs = require('fs');
server = require('http').createServer(function(req, res) {
res.end(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/public/' + req.url));
Clearly this would map http://localhost:8080/index.html to project_dir/public/index.html, and similarly so for all other files.
My one concern is that someone could abuse this to access files outside of project_dir/public. Something like this, for example:
I tried this a little bit, and it wasn't working. But, it seems like my browser was removing the ".." itself. Which leads me to believe that someone could abuse my poor little node.js server.
I know there are npm packages that do static file serving. But I'm actually curious to write my own here. So my questions are:
Is this safe?
If so, why? If not, why not?
And, if further, if not, what is the "right" way to do this? My one constraint is I don't want to have to have an if clause for each possible file, I want the server to serve whatever files I throw in a directory.
No, it's not safe.
For the reason you mention.
Use fs.realpath() or fs.realpathSync() and check that the normalized path points to where you want it to.
It is not safe so use something like that:
if (req.url.indexOf('..') !== -1) {
PS: by the way, use readFile instead of readFileSync and watch for errors... your implementation is too bad even for an example -_-

node.js - eval'ing to a live process

Did anyone set up something like this for himself using the existing
node.js REPL? I didn't think of a quick way to do it.
The way I do it today is using emacs and this:
This module is composed of:
A SLIME-js addon to emacs which, in combination with js2-mode, lets
you simply issue a C-M-x somewhere in the body of a function def - and
off goes the function's string to the ..
Swank-js server (yes, you could eval from your local-machine
directly to a remote process) written in Node.js - It receives the
string of the function you eval'ed and actually evals it
A whole part that lets you connect to another port on that server
with your BROWSER and then lets you manipulate the DOM on that browser
(which is pretty amazing but not relevant)
My solution uses SLIME-js on the emacs side AND I require('swank-
js') on my app.js file
Now.. I have several issues and questions regarding my solution or
other possible ones:
Q1: Is this overdoing it? Does someone have a secret way to eval stuff
from nano into his live process?
Q2: I had to change the way swank-js is EVALing.. it used some
kind of black magic like this:
var Script = process.binding('evals').Script;
var evalcx = Script.runInContext;
this.context = Script.createContext();
for (var i in global) this.context[i] = global[i];
this.context.module = module;
this.context.require = require;
r = evalcx("CODECODE", this.context, "repl");
which, as far I understand, just copies the global variables to the
new context, and upon eval, doesn't change the original function
definitions - SOOO.. I am just using plain "eval" and IT
Do you have any comments regarding this?
Q3: In order to re-eval a function, it needs to be a GLOBAL function -
Is it bad practice to have all function definitions as global (clojure-like) ? Do you think there is another way to do this?
Actually, swank.js is getting much better, and it is now much easier to set up swank js with your project using NPM. I'm in the process of writing the documentation right now, but the functionality is there!
Check this out
var util = require('util'),
vm = require('vm'),
sandbox = {
animal: 'cat',
count: 2
vm.runInNewContext('count += 1; name = "kitty"', sandbox, 'myfile.vm');
// { animal: 'cat', count: 3, name: 'kitty' }
Should help you a lot, all of the sandbox things for node uses it :) but you can use it directly :)
You might take a look at, which runs JS in a sandbox, and then exposes that to the world as a quick little test server. Here's the github repo.
Also, stop into #node.js and ask questions for a quicker response :)
