Spotify App Dead - spotify

As others have posted, I'm having an issue with my Spotify app (in development) dying after the Spotify update. I can no longer access it as it throws a metadataFailed error. I've tried accessing using the new method "spotify:app:application-identifier-in-manifest" and it doesn't work. I've set both the BundleIdentifier and BundleVersion in the manifest.
Also, I've tried the app on several different computers with several different developer accounts.

Just to be clear, you need to set the BundleIdentifier and BundleVersion keys, restart Spotify then load it with your identifier. So, if you set your BundleIdentifier to awesome-app, you'd load it with spotify:app:awesome-app.

I happened upon a similar issue today, and it was down to my manifest.json not parsing correctly.
Make sure you run your json file through a lint before committing and debugging. Saved me a whole bunch of time yak shaving.


Azure App Services Web App not registering update

I have a Azure App Service app that I'm trying to get deployed.
Today I ran into an issue where .NET informed me (via the yellow screen of death when I browse to the URL of my app) that I had a missing DLL (for the purposes of this question I don't think it really matters).
I used FileZilla to publish my changes in an attempt to do a manual deployment first and then work my way to automate it.
After so many attempts to fix it I later realized that the error message never changed. I did something more severe and renamed my bin folder into something completely different and the exact same error message would appear.
I've stopped the service, restarted it, and as mentioned, renamed folders, etc. and still the exact same error message persisted.
I also decided to open up the Azure Portal Console for my App Service app to browse a bit and to my amazement, nothing seemed to have reflected at all. The FTP shows one thing and the Console shows another.
Would anyone have any idea as to why this is happening?
I eventually got it to work and I will share what I tried.
I deleted the web app and created it again (I found this to be important the first time around). This was quite time consuming and did help but it wasn't long before the same problem happened again.
Then I finally found a solution that seems to give me consistent results:
I kept on editing the Web.config which seems to force a recompile and clear some sort of cache. So each time the web app stopped updating, I would make a slight change in the Web.config, upload it via FTP and the app finally updates.
If anyone has any more details on this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Unable to log into WeChat Sandbox

Revisiting a project I've not opened for a month or so I've found that the sandbox account I previously set up cant be accessed, visiting;
Allows me to log in via. the scanning of the QR code but after (seemingly) managing to log in it then gives the error 'Unable to initialize'
Previously this worked I'm wondering if there's been an unpublicised change to the WeChat platform?
So I've not been able to figure out if/why the sandbox service has stopped working and if I'm an isolated case or it is a common problem
I did discover that the Weixin sandbox service on allows me to log in / access the same test app tied to my WeChat account so for others having issues the answer may be to use;
Same here! The International sandbox is not letting me in, but the Weixin one works.

Specific Page Won't Update

I'm making an app in the Cloud9 IDE using Node.js with the Express.js framework. Something very odd is happening to a specific .ejs file where if I try to update it (like typing some mumbo jumbo in an h1 tag and then saving and restarting the server), it NEVER gets reflected in the browser no matter what I do. For example, if I delete my jumbotron, save, restart the server, and then refresh the browser, I still see the same page with the jumbotron. I also tried deleting this entire file and then restarting the server and I still see the page and it doesn't break my application which is bizarre. All other .ejs files are fine and I can see the changes that I make.
I've spent about 4 hours trying to figure this out and no one else seems to have my specific issue. I tried clearing my browser cache, using different browsers, logging in/out from Cloud9, creating a new database, going back to older versions of my code, etc. and nothing seems to be working. I'm not even sure what code to post on here since my entire app is about 2000 lines of code so far. Does anyone have any suggestions because this is really frustrating.

How to make a service application in Firefox OS?

I need a service application in Firefox OS which should start at boot time. I searched several sites but didn't get anything useful. Also I would like to know what all changes should be made in the manifest file and js file. Also the requirement of index.html file.
There is the Background Services, but it's not available yet, and tagged a certified app right now. So it's not possible at the moment.
The most relevant API that could act as 'service' is alarm API, which allow app to trigger itself periodically and do some stat checking. Calendar/Email App use that technique to pull new event/mail from internet.

Unable to deploy ASP.NET MVC 4 app as Azure Web Site

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 app that I'm trying to deploy as an Azure Web Site. My app works fine in my local environment. When I publish the site to azure though, I receive the following error:
Multiple types were found that match the controller named 'Root'. This can happen if the route that services this request ('') does not specify namespaces to search for a controller that matches the request. If this is the case, register this route by calling an overload of the 'MapRoute' method that takes a 'namespaces' parameter.
The request for 'Views' has found the following matching controllers:
Why would I get this error on Azure but not locally? I can't figure out how to get around it.
Thank you
I've had this problem before. Let me explain why it happened.
We added a new project to our solution, let's call it NewProject. This project had been set up incorrectly so we recreated it as NewProject2. Once the project was setup and working, we renamed it to NewProject. This is when the problem started. Under certain build configurations we were getting the same error as you. It was complaining about ambiguous controllers with namespaces NewProject and NewProject2. Doing a find-in-files returned no matches for NewProject2. The was thoroughly frustrating. Given that this was only occuring under certain build configurations was a big sign that the problem was with left-over references in the bin folder(s). Doing a clean didn't seem to fix the problem. The ultimate fix was to do a complete code purge. DLLs typically do not get committed to source control. I backed up and deleted all code and got it back from source control. The issue no longer occurs.
It's worth mentioning that this issue was not global. It only occurred on certain developer machines. I figure the ones that were affect were the ones that had gotten latest from source control during the process of create1/create2/rename2/delete1.
Try doing a clean and rebuild in the affected build config.
Try manually removing your bin and obj folders.
Try a complete code purge
