Open source projects in groovy? [closed] - groovy

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am a java programmer who recently took interest in groovy. I want to dabble further into the language as I enjoy programming in groovy. So, I am looking for projects to start with. I find many projects in C, C++ and java but not many in groovy.
I do not know where to start. Can you please suggest me some good open source projects in groovy, if any?

This question is probably going to get closed as overly vague or off topic, but what sort of things are you looking for?
There's Grails of course as one example of Open source projects
Or of course, you could just look at all the repositories on GitHub with Groovy as their base language...


How to write calabash features in a optimized way? Refer me any source to learn? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am a newbie of calabash-android. i did learn how to write scripts for automation testing. please refer me some "books" or "articles" to learn how to write scripts in a optimized way.
I recently started a new job as an automated tester for a mobile app and found the following book a good introduction to the Cucumber framework:
It doesn't go into lots of detail about Calabash specifically but does have lots of information on writing tests in general.
Once you have your feature files in place you just write the underlying code (Ruby in my case) to make the app do what you want (ie. touch, swipe).
It's also good to use:
query('*') whilst in the calabash-android console. It dumps out the all the information you need to know for example what ID's and text to check for on any given screen.

I need some links for Groovy Tutorials [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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i need some tutorials to hence my knowledge in learning Groovy. I have been reading Groovy In Action book for the past one week, i found it very useful. But at the same time, i need some more tutorials for enhance my groovy knowledge, say articles about groovy, tips and tricks about groovy like that kind of stuff.
Here is a good answer Language Books/Tutorials for Groovy
I definitely agree on Euler Project idea in the accepted answer.

Looking for a smart command-line tool in Linux which can generate xsd out of xml [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I can also settle for a web-based interface, but a good command-line tool is preferable. Now, I have tried to use xsd.exe that comes with mono-devel, but that skipped a whole bunch of stuff that was mentioned in the xml file.
I understand that I will need to hand-tweak the output, but I do want something decent to start with.
Try the tool that comes with the spring framework:

Where can I find a good tutorial/introduction to Live Coding? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've just stumbled across this fascinating article on the BBC website regarding producing music in realtime using a programming language - so called "Live Coding"
I can't seem to find much info on getting started having a go at this sort of stuff, has anyone here heard of Live Coding?
Where do you get the tools / IDE to start doing this stuff?
The Toplap website has links to people, audio, gigs, tools and demos. There are some introductory exercises there which provide some pointers. Chuck is an example of one of the programming languages used for this type of coding. Supercollider is an integrated environment and audio programming language that looks pretty good.
If you're on a Mac, you can try impromptu.

What is the largest open source project written in Visual C++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What is the largest open source project written in Visual C++ ?
I can see that eMule project is pretty big, but what is largest?
I think some of the largest pieces of software that you will find are some of the open Source Game engine, such as
These are a couple of quite large open source projects if you want to get your teeth in to something.
Panda3d is another one wrote in c++ ( altho its better used with there nice python based API )
Google Chrome is build with Visual C++. According to Ohloh it has 2-3M lines of code, but I have no idea if that's an accurate number.
