What is xsession-errors? - linux

So I was looking into why a program was getting rid of my background, and the author of the program said to post .xsession-errors and many people did. Then my next question was: What is .xsession-errors? A google search reveals many results but nothing explaining what it is.
What I know so far:
It's some kind of error log. I can't figure out what it's related too (ubuntu itself? programs?)
I have one and it seems like all Ubuntu systems have it, though I cannot verify.

Linux graphical interfaces (such as GNOME) provide a way to run applications by clicking on icons instead of running them manually on the command-line. However, by doing so, output from the command-line is lost - especially the error output (STDERR).
To deal with this, some display managers (such as GDM) pipe the error output to ~/.xsession-errors, which can then be used for debugging purposes. Note that since all applications launched this way dump to the same log, it can get quite large and difficult to find specific messages.
Update: Per the documentation:
The ~/.xsession-errors X session log file has been deprecated and is
no longer used.
It has been replaced by the systemd journal (journalctl command).

It's the error log produced by your X windows system (which the Ubuntu GUI is built on top of).
Basically it's quite a low level error log for X11.


Why cannot I use xterm to see log infos from modules directly but through log files?

I have been reading linux kernel dev by Love (3 edit). I assume, it is quit well known book for kernel development. I have although encounter, I am not able to use code, because I do not know how to compiled in kernel space (e.g. cannot use <asm/thread_info.h>). So i have decided to read guide to compile and use kernel modules first (I have also disable secure BIOS in order to load my own modules), here How Do Modules Get Into Kernel. I suppose, once I would learn, how to compile kernel space, then would be able to use kernel libraries, thus examples of the book.
Then, from exactly that link (guide), there is mentioned:
It is highly recommended that you type in, compile and load all the examples this guide discusses. It's also highly recommended you do this from a console.
You should not be working on this stuff in X.
Modules can't print to the screen like printf() can, but they can log information and warnings, which ends up being printed on your screen, but only on a console.
If you insmod a module from an xterm, the information and warnings will be logged, but only to your log files.
You won't see it unless you look through your log files. To have immediate access to this information, do all your work from console.
But how can I use console? If i do echo $TERM, : xterm-256color. So i do have xterm, but I should not have.
Conclusion: There are 2 questions.
Should I learn the guide of kernel modules first, in order to use Love's examples?
If so, How do I use console instead of xterm then?

ncurses disable kernel messages on console screen?

Im looking for a way how to get rid of (kernel?) messages that appear in my ncurses app. I wrote the app myself, so i would prefer a API that redirects these messages to /dev/null. I mean messages like, a USB stick that is inserted.
I tried to add this, but unfortunately it doesn't work
freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr);
I'm not running X, just ncurses direct from the console.
I mean messages like, a USB stick that is inserted.
Someone votes to close this question because it would not be related to programming. But it is, i wrote the ncurses app myself, i'm looking for a way how to disable the kernel message. I updated the question.
Let me explain what i'm doing, and whats the problem in more detail:
I'm using Tiny Core linux, thats after boots starts (self written) ncurses program. Now when you for example connect a USB drive, a message (i suspect kernel) is shown over my program. I guess the message is written straight into the framebuffer. Im using TC 5.x since i need 32 bit, im running as root and have full access to the os.
You should be able to use openvt to have your program run on a new Virtual Terminal.
I'll also note that it should be possible to embed control for the VTs yourself if you prefer to break the external dependency, but note that structures used may not be stable between kernel versions, and may require recompilation.
See the KBD project's sources, specifically openvt.c to see how it works.
Try configuring the kernel through boot parameters with the option:
loglevel=3 (or a lower value)
0 (KERN_EMERG) system is unusable
1 (KERN_ALERT) action must be taken immediately
2 (KERN_CRIT) critical conditions
3 (KERN_ERR) error conditions
4 (KERN_WARNING) warning conditions
5 (KERN_NOTICE) normal but significant condition
6 (KERN_INFO) informational
7 (KERN_DEBUG) debug-level messages
source: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt
See also: Change default console loglevel during boot up
It might be impossible to block some other process with sufficient access from writing to /dev/console but you may be able to redefine console as some other device, at boot time by setting console=ttyS0 (first serial port), see:
Also if we know exactly which software is sending the message it may be possible to reconfigure it (possibly dynamically) but it would help to know the version and edition of Tiny Core Linux you are using?
E.g. this website has a "Core", "TinyCore" and "CorePlus" versions 1.x up to 7
This would help reproducing the exact same behavior and testing potential solutions.

Detect Fast User Switch Linux

I'm currently attempting to detect when a user has fast-user-switched to another user on the Linux platform (specifically, Fedora 14-16, RedHat 4.7-6.x, CentOS 4-6, OpenSuse 10-11). I've been looking for something similar to the WTSRegisterSessionNotification() function that is available on Windows, but all I've come across is a bunch of references to bugs in the Wine software.
Has anyone else run across this snag? There seems to be a ton of resources on how to do this on Windows and Mac OS X (which is fine), but on Linux there seems to be nothing...
Apparently, on newer systems (at least Fedora 16) this may appear to be a viable option. I wonder if it has a DBus interface...More to come soon!
First of all, I need to tell you I'm not an expert in this area, but I have enough knowledge to give you pointers to places where you may go and learn more. So I may be wrong in some ways.
My guess is:
this is not easy
for most methods you may implement there are probably many ways to trick them into believing something that's not true, which may lead to security problems
your method may depend on the:
chosen Linux Distribution
version of the Distribution
Desktop Environment
Display Manager
As far as I know (and I may be wrong if something changed during the last years), fast user switching is implemented by launching another X server on another VT. So one way would be to detect if there are multiple X servers running.
But there are many cases where there multiple X servers running and it's not because of fast user switching. Examples: Multiseat or even simple Xephyr logins. With Xephyr and XDMCP, you may even have the same user logged in twice in a non-fast-user-switching case.
I started googling about this and found this old web page:
If things haven't changed since then, you should study ConsoleKit and PolicyKit (and also DeviceKit and maybe Systemd today) and their DBus APIs.
There are also the commands ck-list-sessions and ck-launch-session. But I believe you can fool these commands easily: try to ck-launch-session xterm and then ck-list-session.
Why exactly are you trying to detect fast user switching? What's your ultimate goal? Maybe you can solve your problem without trying to detect fast user switch...
Well it appears that the most useful way of getting at this information is to use the ConsoleKit DBus interface.
The following procedure outlines how to enumerate the sessions and determine if they are active or not:
1.) Enumerate the sessions using the following:
Bus: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit
Path: /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager
Method: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GetSessions
What is returned is an array of object paths that export the Session interface. These, in turn, can be queried using DBus to get their appropriate properties. For example, I used dbus-send to communicate with ConsoleKit to enumerate the sessions in my system:
dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GetSessions
And what I received in return was the following:
method return sender=:1.15 -> dest=:1.205 reply_serial=2
array [
object path "/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2"
2.) Using the returned object path(s), I can query them for their attributes, such as if they are active or not using the following:
Bus: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit
Path: /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2
Method: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session.IsActive
Depending on the method, I can query what I need from the session(s)! Using the ConsoleKit interface I can also retrieve the identifier for the current session, so I can always query it to see if it's active when I need to. Just for fun, here's the output of the following command:
dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2 org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session.IsActive
method return sender=:1.15 -> dest=:1.206 reply_serial=2
boolean true
You have to do it by polling to be sure of working on all machines (you obviously don't have to have DBus running to do user switching!).
Solaris, HP-UX, and others, do not do user switching on the console.
Platforms to support: linux, FreeBSD, AIX. Linux/BSD use virtual terminals; AIX uses /dev/lft0 if you're interested.
Suppose you want to reliably and securely run a application on the console, and restart it on the new active X server when the console switches to another VT. The problems are that you may or may not have a desktop environment running (some of us use twm!). The session may not have been started via a login manager (you could do Ctrl-Alt-F2 on linux, login, and run startx quite happily). The system might not even have xdm/gdm/similar installed.
The dumb solution is the only reliable one: every few seconds, query what the active virtual terminal is (VT_GETSTATE on linux, VT_GETACTIVE on BSD). If it's changed, you know a switch has happened. If you switched to a non-graphical session (eg with Ctrl-Alt-F1) there won't be an X server active.
Otherwise, you have to hunt hard to find which display number is active. For example, you might see two X servers in ps, with display numbers :1 and :2. Which of those is on VT7 though? The final piece of the puzzle, mapping VT numbers to display numbers, is the hardest. This question is answered in this duplicate question, "Which virtual terminal is a given X process running on?".

Disk failure detection perl script

I need to write a script to check the disk every minute and report if it is failing by any reason. The error could be the absolute disk failure and a bad sector and so on .
First, I wonder if there is any script out there that does the same as it should be a standard procedure (because I really do not want to reinvent the wheel).
Second, I wonder if I want to look for errors in /var/log/messages, is there any list of standard error strings for disks that I can use?
I look for that on the net a lot, there are lots of info and at the same time no info about that.
Any help will be much appreciated.
You could simply parse the output of dmesg which usually reports fairly detailed information about drive errors, well that's how I've collected stats on failing drives before.
You might get better more well documented information by using Parse::Syslog or lower level kernel reporting directly though.
Logwatch does the /var/log/messages part of the ordeal (as well as any other logfiles that you choose to add). You can either choose to use that, or to use its code to roll your own sollution (it's all written in perl).
If your harddrives support SMART, i suggest you use smartctl output for diagnostics as it includes a lot of nice info that can be monitored over time to detect failure.

Logging frameworks for embedded linux?

I need a small, portable framework for logging on embedded linux. Ideally it would output to a file or a socket, and having some sort of log rotation/compression would also be nice.
So far, I've found a lot of frameworks, but almost all of them have daunting build procedures or require the use of application frameworks (e.g. log4cxx requires the Apache Portable Runtime, which I'd rather not bother with...).
Just looking for something simple and robust, but everything I seem to find is complicated or requires lots of secondary junk just to run.
Suggestions? (and if the answer is roll my own, that's fine, but...it's be great to avoid that)
Use syslog(3) and syslogd from BusyBox. BusyBox can be very compact when stripped down and doesn't depend on anything other than libc. You can strip out everything you don't want so it is perfectly possible to use it only for logging.
We use BusyBox on a number of embedded systems, both Linux and uClinux, and find its logging facilities highly reliable.
I have no experience with the log4cxx-module but I am using APR on an embedded target running Linux (it is based on the Atmel AT91SAM926x processor family). It was really simple to configure and compile (more or less ./configure --host=arm-none-linux-gnueabi) so I would not be to afraid of going down the log4cxx-path.
Maybe you should consider spending some time on a good logging framework, since this is what you are going to use on your embedded Linux. ... and printf ...
I cooked something where I can enable/disable various logging levels per module in runtime.
Did you ever try debugging multithreaded apps on Linux?
Good luck!
Implementing very robust logging mechanism in C taking about 1000 code lines (from our code base). 90% of this defines of different sections. This includes different macros DBG_E DBG_W DBG_TRACE etc ... and spliting to the section, run time changing of debug level and debug modules (does not include compression just simple print abstraction that can be implemented in different ways file/socket/serial etc...) .
I will estimate that it take about few days to implement. The down side you will spend a few days the up side that you will get something that works for your needs and nothing more, i understand that you are working on embedded platform and footprint and memory usage are important, the best and optimized solution will be one you write. We invested those few days ones. and using it across different products/project and adjust/improve with the time past according to real needs. Main problem of generic solution that it usually will do sort of what you need and a lot more, this more usually just waist of resources.
I can't imagine that your platform is too small to include log4cxx and APR, neither is a large library, and even the tiniest platform is likely to have space for them.
You could just use syslog, which is provided by the C library - a syslog daemon is provided by busybox (which no doubt, you already use if you're on a really tiny platform). I don't know if busybox's syslogd can log to the network, but it has some level of flexibility. You can do log rotation using shell scripts pretty trivially.
Use klogd it reads the kernel log messages(from /proc/kmsg kernel) interface and redirect those messages to appropriate directory. you can use user configurable syslogd daemon along with klogd that will redirect kernel messages into appropriate files in /var/log/ directory.
For instance logs related to mail service will be stored in /var/log/main.log and logs related to kernel booting process will be stored in /var/log/boot.log . User can configure log parsing using syslogd configuration file.
But the use of syslogd may lead to your system performance degradation because for every log messages syslog daemon will do disk operation to store that log into appropriate file
Log sequence
Messages from kernel
---> klogd ( access messages from kernel ring buffer)-->syslogd --> /var/log/*
