InstallShield Change Company Name - installshield

I'm using InstallShield Professional v.11 and I need to make multiple installation packages where the only difference is the company name (which changes the default install location, and the location of the start menu shortcuts). How do I do this?

You should be able to use InstallShield's Automation Interface. CompanyName is one of the items you can access/set.
From IS2010:
' create the automation object
Set m_ISWiProject = CreateObject("IswiAuto16.ISWiProject")
' I think for IS11 it's IswiAuto11; check your Help
' Build path to the .ism file
strFile = "C:\<WindowsFolder>\Profiles\<UserName>\Personal\MySetups\Test.ism"
m_ISWiProject.OpenProject strFile
m_ISWiProject.CompanyName="<Company Name>"

You might try a project template:
A project template (.ist file) contains all of the default settings
and design elements that you want to use as a starting point when you
create an installation project or merge module project.
You could create new projects for the different companies based on the same template, but changing the company name.
Creating Project Templates
Basing New Projects on Templates


Automatically create Subfolders on SharePoint Document Library

I have been trying to accomplish this for weeks now and end up hitting a wall.
I have a document library on SharePoint Online with the following (close enough) structure.
-> Schools
-->Client Name
---->Project Name 1
---->Project Name 2
-->Client Name
---->Project Name 1
---->Project Name 2
... and so on.
Inside the "Projects" folder there is a set of folders as well.
Right now we have a Project template folder that we used to just copy/paste and rename when we had our file server, but now on SharePoint, the copy to process is way too many clicks to get it to that location.
What I am trying to accomplish is be able to create a new project folder and automatically create all the folders under it.
Appreciate the guidance on this.
I was able to figure this out.
My challenge was when creating the folder, it always wanted to create it inside the root of the document library and not the subfolder.
So I created 2 Content types for folders, one for clients and one for projects.
Used SharePoint Designer to create the workflow, but the trick here was to extract the URL from the current item, which is the folder being created, and remove the first x amount of characters from it which equals the SharePoint document library location. The remaining part of the string was the exact location where I wanted the subfolders to be created.
After that, I used that variable to create all other subfolders.

Class name is invalid or already implemented in the selected source file

I have a solution in VS2017 including 7 different C# or C++ projects. I add a new project to generate a dynamic link library (.dll) and then trying to create a new class in the newly created project using add option. But I get the following message:
"Class 'sampleProvider' is either invalid or already implemented in the selected source file."
Previously, I have defined a class with the same name in a project of the current solution, but then I have removed and deleted the project and all relevant references.
I checked the windows registry. There is no any entry, key or value in the windows registry with the same name. Also there is no any file in the windows file system with the same name.
But in my solution directory in a hidden folder named ".vs" in '...\.vs\MySolutionName\v14' there are two files named '.suo' and 'Browse.VC.db' which include few references to old class name. I know that '.suo' is a file includes 'Visual Studio Solution User Options' and 'Browse.VC.db' is IDE Database File. I am not pretty sure what happens if I delete these two files or all mentioned references from these two. Dose it possible to define my own class with my preferred name, afterwards?
Any help is appreciated in advance.

sharepoint workflow to move files of a content type to new folder (after creating it if needed)

I have multiple SP document libraries for different meetings. I want to keep the libraries organized by meeting day. So each meeting would have it's own folder and all the files for that day would go in that folder.
To make it easy I wanted to make it so you can upload a file and then a SP workflow will create a folder for that meeting, if needed, and move the file.
So I created a "meeting file" content type that also gets meeting date and file type (minutes, presentation, misc, etc...)...
What I need to do next is check if a folder for that meeting date exists and create it if it does not. Then move the file over to that folder.
Any ideas how I could do this?
I could also try it without using content types but then the workflow starts automatically for every file added and then I cannot create a new folder with that workflow (because it would start a new instance of that workflow).
I was hoping to keep it reusable so I could just use one workflow for all the document libraries. I thought the workflow could find the path of the list it is being run on, and create the folders and do the other work within that list.
Any ideas are appreciated.
For creating folder via workflows:
Creating folders and sub-folders using SharePoint 2010 Designer Workflow
and for checking folder name:
Create a string workflow variable.
Now create a lookup for your folder and set the variable to the folder's title. Take a look here for some helpful information and usage guidelines when it comes to list folders.
The actions dependent of the existence of the folder have to be placed inside an if-statement
E.g. the if-statement should be like "if [variable] not equals [folder name]" if you want the actions only to be run when the folder does not exist
and here the whole tutorial that I found:
Create folders using a SPD workflow

Add Custom WPFControls to toolbox automatically

I am trying to add a WPF control to the toolbox in VS 2010. I tried setting the ToolboxAutopopulate.This works only within the project. But i want the control to appear every time i open the VS irrespective of the project.
I tried making an entry into the RegEdit after deleting the tdb fils. It somehow doesn't appear in the toolbox still. Can somehow help me?? I don't know what i am missing. If someone wants to know more details i can provide.
The steps i followed were:
Close all running Visual Studio 2008 instances.
Delete *.tbd file located in your \Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0 folder (for example: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0 in Vista or 7).
Add a new key to:
or on x64 OS
The key is named like "QLeftPanel, Version=3.5.30729.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cd45d629e1d8d371", where you replace the WpfCustCtrl and PK token value with your own.
In the key created in step 3, add the following values:
(Default) = "My WPF Controls" This is the toolbox tab name, String
CodeBase = "C:\Users\Aneesh\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\QSharedLibrary\QSharedLibrary\bin\Debug\QSharedLibrary.dll" This is the path to your control assembly.
WPFControls = "1" This is important!
Try installing your control's design.dll and into GAC. then, take a backup of your existing tbd and delete the existing. Now, launch the Visual Studio, it will create the new tbd files. Now, It should load.

Changing Discussion Folder Names in SharePoint 2010

Is there a way to change the name of a folder within the discussion area of SharePoint 2010? The folder by default is given the name of the discsussion name when it is created, however, if you then change the discussion name, it does not (quite rightly) automatically update the folder name - I would like to though.
Just had a go there, I was able to rename it using SharePoint designer (use the All Files link on the left).
However if you need to do it automatically then you'll have to build an List Item Event Handler, and update the folder name using the API using the ListItemUpdated Event.
