kohana synapses studio project template - kohana

We started using the kohana project template from synapses studio :
It's great but the problem is that there is no real documentation for it and I haven't been able to find a good tutorial about it. Basically you need to read every modules' documentation to get an overview of it, quite a pain and complicated to accomplish.
I think what is missing here is a get-started tutorial....
Would someone know where to find info on how to start with it, like configuring the database and htaccesses etc, or maybe be able to write a simple tutorial on the first steps to get started?

Actually after some searching I found this :
This approach is a little different than the synapses studio, but it's great anyway!
Simple, self-explanatory, and already implementing i18n and Authentication, installed in 2 minutes!


Cucumber JS and actually getting something done

After being completely confused and googling tutorial after tutorial, reading books about cucumber that do not cover the JS implementation, I got over the fear of flames and decided to post my question here.
I have setup Cucumber-JS on my box, running fine. I use CoffeeScript, because I am lazy. I got my features folder, have my .feature written. Got my step definition and figured out that Cucumber JS requires a 'World' thingie to be anything near useful. I also discovered just moments ago, there can be some env.js tweaking to make this setup find the rest of my app.
I am not building a web based app, as I want some core logic to be worked out first. Where my trouble starts is the part how I am supposed to continue now.
I have a folder called 'lib' in the project root. Inside it, it is going to have my JS app, which I will eventually be running through NodeJS.
What changes do I have to make to env.js, world.coffee and mystep definition to be able to test my code I am developing in lib/myapp.coffee?
Thank you!
Eventually, I found out this is no Cucumber thing. It has to do with NodeJS and the way it handles modules. I eventually ended here:

include C++ application in firebreath

I have created a C++ application using Pjsip Stack and my next step to create a plug-in,for which i am using firebreath. Being a newbee, I dont have any idea of including my C++ project in Firebreath application. Although I searched many links for over a week and tried stuff on my own, I couldnt come up with solution to my problem.
If I can get any guidance for the same I'll be grateful.
The first step is to learn how to write a firebreath plugin, which you can do by going to http://firebreath.org and following the tutorials. You need to keep a few things in mind, though:
Plugins have a different lifecycle than applications.
They start when the browser says and have to go away when the browser says and they can't block the main thread.
They run in a process that they don't own.
Global variables are shared between all instances of the plugin
There could be any number of said instances
Things like the current working directory should probably be left alone.
Turning an application into a plugin is more a process of porting than it is of embedding, and how hard it is depends on how well the application is written; remember that your plugin could be instantiated and destroyed many times before the process is unloaded, so if you have memory leaks it can be a major problem.
The main thing, though, as I said earlier, is just to learn how to write a firebreath plugin. You can best start that by looking at the examples in the repo (particularly fbtestplugin) and following the tutorial to create a new project, then just play until you figure it out. There is an IRC chat room and a google group where you can get help.

How to start a tower.js project?

I want to start a new project using tower.js, I did some research and I think it's very cool, but after I installed it and tried to generate a new project using tower new app I got this: Cookbook [app] not found. I know that tower changed the way the generators work and now are built from cookbooks, but I'm not really an expert on this kind of stuff, so I would like to get some recommendations about how to generate a new project?
Thanks in advance!
As mentioned in another answer, Github is the best place to resolve issues and ask questions. We're not on the IRC either.
We've been currently putting a lot of effort into the client-side of things. Thus, the cookbooks aren't finished (the same goes for the new cookbook). We'll be bringing those pieces to standard very soon.

Intellisense, auto completion with RequireJS in visual studio 2012

I know javascript intellisense support trough _referencs.js in vs2012.
At this moment, I am using RequireJS in my frontend, but I think I lost auto-completion supporting in javascript since I started using RequireJS.
I found require.intellisense.js from here, but, unfortunatelly failed with it after several hours and tries.
Is there anyone succeeded in getting auto-completion with RequireJS(version 2.1.2) in vs2012?
I got Intellisense to work inside RequireJS defined modules by following this Code Project article: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/460836/Making-the-most-out-of-JavaScript-Intellisense-in
The download code is at this link: https://github.com/chrisprice/PropertyFinder-HTML5/zipball/master
The solution that has the working Intellisense is the iPhone solution.
You'll want to download the code referenced in the article and try it out. Between the download code and that article, you should be able to take it from there to implement Intellisense in your own project.
There is a require.intellisense.js file in the source code for the article that is critical to proper operation. I'm not sure who wrote it, but it is different than the one you reference from jrburke.
If you have any follow up questions, I'll be happy to help.

VJET With NodeJS Modules

I have just imported a NodeJS project into Eclipse with VJET plugin. It seems nice that it understands some of the NodeJS but I don't like that it doesn't recognize Node-MySQL. Is there any documentation on how to write a project (like NodejsTL) to fill up that missing functionality? I could analyze NodejsTL one but if there is any documentation and tutorial - I wouldn't have to.
Yes there is some documentation on this topic of creating type libraries.
There is some work being proposed to help with this and we are currently looking for help to extend VJET to do this work. Here are the tickets related to this request.
