Intellisense, auto completion with RequireJS in visual studio 2012 - visual-studio-2012

I know javascript intellisense support trough _referencs.js in vs2012.
At this moment, I am using RequireJS in my frontend, but I think I lost auto-completion supporting in javascript since I started using RequireJS.
I found require.intellisense.js from here, but, unfortunatelly failed with it after several hours and tries.
Is there anyone succeeded in getting auto-completion with RequireJS(version 2.1.2) in vs2012?

I got Intellisense to work inside RequireJS defined modules by following this Code Project article:
The download code is at this link:
The solution that has the working Intellisense is the iPhone solution.
You'll want to download the code referenced in the article and try it out. Between the download code and that article, you should be able to take it from there to implement Intellisense in your own project.
There is a require.intellisense.js file in the source code for the article that is critical to proper operation. I'm not sure who wrote it, but it is different than the one you reference from jrburke.
If you have any follow up questions, I'll be happy to help.


unresolved reference: fillMaxSize() and unresolved reference: size() error in android studio with Kotlin

I started very basic android development and from the very first day it seems that android studio and kotlin are just like a bundle of problems. Like after first installation of androidstudio I build the basic samples on Kotlin and it worked fine. After few hours I got a notification on androidstudio about some update so I did it and then every thing stopped working I looked for solution on Internet and tried for 2-3 hours but didn't get it back working. Then I uninstalled everything related to androidstudio on my PC and re-installed it and then it started to work again.
After few days I started to implement a tutorial and I used the same code and configuration described in tutorial but on the very first step where they just created a basic sample application without any thing and it started to show errors like Unresolved reference: fillMaxSize and Unresolved reference: size and I couldn't find any solid solution on Internet and surprisingly found out that internet is full of these kind of issues on androidstudio.
In the project I am using the function fillMaxSize() in another file where it works 100% fine but in the same project but in different file it gives error. Can anybody give a solution to this?
Apart from this I just want to ask that is android development in general is like this? That every time you go 1 line further and you see new errors and then you have to spend hours on internet and look for solutions and you then found tons of queries about these errors on internet and nothing is clear and particularly working for your case but it is kind of similar error_
Adding new imports, changing plugin versions, adding plugins, changing dependencies and versions.
After few hours I got a notification on androidstudio about some update so I did it and then every thing stopped working
Updates of course are good as they try to fix or enhance something. However, some updates will add, remove or change some previous working functions to achieve the fixing or enhancing purpose. And that's why some programs require certain version of Software instead of always the latest one to run.
In the project I am using the function fillMaxSize() in another file where it works 100% fine but in the same project but in different file it gives error
In this case, you will have to check whether you have really added the corresponding import to that particular file. If there is really configuration problem, it should not have worked in one file but not the other. import is something that you have to do in every file using that function.

Node.js, Visual Studio Code, how to get intellisense for custom methods in project

I have a project written in Node.js, and I have created a number of methods which I have in a commons.js file, which I would like to be included in intellisense. Is this possible? How could I do this? Just to be clear these are methods I wrote myself, and access in the project by requiring the commons.js file. I can provide any additional info as needed, any help would be much appreciated!

Visual Studio 2015: Bug setting TestFramework to Mocha for unit test files in NodeJS Project

I'm working on a Typescript project in Visual Studio (2015 Community edition) build server side unit tests using Mocha.
I however read that NodeJS Tools supports running within the VS Test Runner, and even Typescript unit tests. You have to set the TestFramework property of the file to 'Mocha'. The project I'm working on even already has existing tests which this is set for. However I don't get a dropdown option in the GUI to set it, it's just empty:
I'm using NTVS v1.1 (and Typescript 1.7). Am I missing something in my Visual Studio setup? The build type of the test .ts file is also already set to TypeScriptCompile. Perhaps more of a specific VS question than a programming question, but the environment/tools is so programmer's specific that I thought somebody here can help me.
PS Running tests manually each time is driving me crazy, and I bumped into too many problems with using a HTML spec runner which I tried first, because this server side tests (e.g. CommonJS require and import statements that my browser doesn't get) and also because it's TypeScript.
But alternative solutions are also welcome. I'm using grunt and am also experience using Gulp, I'm just hoping for a full solution, not something that'll cost me half a day to script together, debug and document..
Note: I DO get the dropdown to select Mocha Testframework for .js files (after including in VS project), but NOT for .ts files :S.
Hmm... pretty silly, but it seems indeed a GUI issue:
You simply have to type Mocha into the property field yourself manually.
In the case of Typescript there doesn't appear a dropdown (e.g. caret) on hoover in the 'TestFramework' field. My expectation was really fixed on the dropdown' experience beause it DOES do that for Javascript files and in so many other fields in the 'Properties' window.
So a short overview of things to do:
type yourself and make sure you don't type Mohca or something:).
Install Mocha locally
Make sure the BuildAction of the .ts file is set to TypeScriptCompile
I'm off fixing other issues, this Typescript is nice, but the tools and language are evolving too fast for the 'Google-based development' I have to rely too really work well :S.

Plugin isn't found in visual studio

VS2015 with cordova tools.
Practise project is WinJS ToDo sample app from web.
Maybe this is just SUE (Stupid User Error) but when I'm adding barcodereader plugin (config editor ui -> using git address) all goes fine and new plugin comes to plugin folder in project tree.
Problem is that I can't seem to find way to use that new plugin at all. I can add <script src=""> tag for plugin's .js-file and it compiles, but when I try actually do something with plugin from code, it isn't recognized at all.
My new love with VS is suffering now...
The problem is that you need a definition for the plugin in order to consume it in a TypeScript project. The usual place to find definitions (commonly defined in d.ts files) is on However in this case, the plugin author probably has not defined a TypeScript definition so you won't find it there.
That means you'll need to write one yourself. Think of a d.ts file like a header file in c++. It defines the interfaces and contracts in the library you're consuming. It's really not too hard to write these once you've learned how to do it. Here's one link that might be useful:
Hope that helps.

kohana synapses studio project template

We started using the kohana project template from synapses studio :
It's great but the problem is that there is no real documentation for it and I haven't been able to find a good tutorial about it. Basically you need to read every modules' documentation to get an overview of it, quite a pain and complicated to accomplish.
I think what is missing here is a get-started tutorial....
Would someone know where to find info on how to start with it, like configuring the database and htaccesses etc, or maybe be able to write a simple tutorial on the first steps to get started?
Actually after some searching I found this :
This approach is a little different than the synapses studio, but it's great anyway!
Simple, self-explanatory, and already implementing i18n and Authentication, installed in 2 minutes!
