add "bookmarks" in Dreamweaver CS4? - dreamweaver

Does anyone know a way to "bookmark" a line of code, for easy reference later on?
It would be very helpful if i could mark a line of code maybe such as "need to fix this someday" or "XYZ variable set here", etc...
Currently i just scroll through code looking for comments or use the Find functionality but some of my projects have so many JS files included that it can become time consuming.

According to this and other posts on the Adobe forums, there is no bookmark feature in Dreamweaver. Apparently it has been added to the requested feature list.


Visual Studio Code: Search Within Files but Exclude Folder

In Visual Studio Code (not to be confused with Visual Studio) there is a search interface (click the mag glass at top left).
It has a "files to include" field, and a "files to exclude" field.
I know that I can include or exclude a file from my search by entering the name of the file, or using a wildcard like *.js.
Is there a way to specifically include or exclude a directory by using these fields? If not, how would I do that?
Some have said that this question may be similar to How can I choose folders to be ignored during search?
I think it is fundamentally the same question, but as I said in a recent comment on that question:
"There is nothing in the title of this question to indicate that you are asking a question about a specific tool (Visual Studio Code). And while you do have it tagged visual-studio-code - making it appear in searches about that tool - the searcher will not necessarily know that this question is about VS Code. Also, you use a Mac specific keyboard command that is not really relevant to the question at hand, and makes the question seem non-relevant to non-Mac users."
So, yes, I guess it's the same question. But I don't think it's reasonable to expect me to have found it.
You could either change the global settings (CTRL + , by default), for example to ignore anything in node_modules
"search.exclude": {
"**/node_modules": true
Or if you don't want to set a global setting, you can just add the foldername\* to the "files to exclude" field. So in our example
files to exclude node_modules\*
Hope this helps anyone searching for it in the future.
For reference:
you can exclude or include a folder by using the files to include/exclude text boxes.
Update 1.73.1 finally addresses this issue and provides an easy way to include/exclude folders in the tree view

Export Google Doc **with** suggested changes to plain text

My research team uses "suggesting mode" in Google Doc to flag changes made to papers that we jointly write (in latex format/syntax). When I export the paper to "plain text", the text unfortunately ends up containing the original verbiage rather than the most recent version of suggested changes. I need the same capability in Google Docs as MS Word provides, which is the "tracked changes" (suggesting mode edits) being exported into the text file without first having to click the "accept" button on the suggested changes beforehand. Is there an app that already exists or which I could write that would incorporate the suggested/tracked changes when exporting the Google Doc to plain text?
The solution turned out to be more complicated than I originally anticipated, which is why it is explained on a different (but related) Stack Overflow question. The solution given for Programmatically temporarily altering a Google Docs and then replacing with the pre-altered version also answers this question.

Excel Found Unreadable Content Error

I have been searching on the internet this error about excel.
"Excel found unreadable content in filename.xls. Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."
When I go to Microsoft Support website, I saw this solution
In this page it says "To resolve this issue, remove the expressions from all Current Time Member and weight on the KPI properties." I did not understand what to do exactly. Please help me
This is an old question but I wanted to say that. There are lots of ways which you can see this error. Firstly, your computer's clock. you should set it to your terratory. Secondly the Excel version. You should use a formal instance of Microsoft Excel. If you do not want to deal with Microsoft, LibreOffice is free and full of good features. You should try that.
Click yes, save under a new filename, and check the contents match what you expect. If you're able to restore using "Restore previous versions" (right click on the file in explorer) then that's an option as well.

Any way to apply an exclude list to the Visual Studio "Navigate To"-list?

I'd like to exclude code-generated files from the Edit > Navigate To-list which appears when hitting Ctrl+, in Visual Studio 2013, as these files are never to be modified by me manually and in those rare cases where I want to see the contents of them, I'll use the solution browser. Is there any way to do this? They produce a lot of noise in my search and greatly reduces the value of the Navigate to-function.
Edit Nov 2016: added an image for illustration in VS 2015. Very much an issue still. The first search hit is a .g.cs file in the obj-folder:
I assume that by "code-generated files" you are referring to files such as .designer that are also part of the solution (and found in solution explorer). After quite a bit of research into Navigate To I was unable to find any reference to such a configuration option. Currently there appears to be only 3 options for configuration (discussed in the MSDN blog below). A possible work around would be to leverage the built in filtering features of Navigate To (#, Capitalization and Whitespace) that are new to VS2013 as outlined in this MSDN blog:
Another article I found in my research:
UPDATE: I use the ReSharper plugin and only after posting this answer realized there is a Filter results from generated files feature to exclude generated files and is discussed at the link below. Though it does not pertain to Navigate To, it may provide a satisfactory alternative:
UPDATE (12/1/2015): Now that some time has passed I decided to do a little more research and found a similar request posted on SO here. I found this to work pretty well, and VS will even save the list for you.

Writing a Chrome extension that highlights "current" line

I have an idea for a useful tool but I have no idea where to start. (I apologize for the vague nature of the question, but I do think it can be answered in a specific way and therefore is appropriate for SO.)
Here's what I'm after in a nutshell: a Chrome extension that darkens/shades the whole viewport except for the "current" line, i.e. the line you're reading. (I explain momentarily how the "current" line is determined.)
Pretend the line outlined in red is the highlighted line and everything above and below is grayed out. (My mockup sucks but I'm working with limited tools right now.)
When the page loads and you turn on the extension, the "current" line is the first line of paragraph text. To go to the next line, press the down arrow. Ideally, your highlighted line is in the exact middle and the rest of the page "slides underneath" to the extent that it can so your eyes don't have to move.
So here's my question: if you knew HTML/CSS/JavaScript well enough but you'd never written a browser extension, where and how would you start this? Do a plain JS POC first? Build the POC as an extension?
To be clear, this isn't a "plz how i write ecomerce site" question where I'm asking you to spoon feed me the whole thing. I'm just asking what you'd do as the first step. I realize this is a non-trivial undertaking. Thanks in advance.
If you know HTML/CSS/Javascript well enough to get the effect you after, then getting started with a Chrome extension shouldn't be hard. Just read the Chrome extension developer documentation. There are loads of example extensions as well.
You basically need to make a package directory, containing a manifest.json, and specifying a single "content script" which would contain all your code.
It could make sense to start out developing based on a bookmarklet that injects a script tag (with file:///path/to/yourscript.js) because I think that would be slightly faster wrt loading new code, resulting in a slightly faster development cycle. You could also set up a dummy page to always include this particular script tag so you only have to reload that page to see your change. Even fancier: Use
Otherwise you need to instruct chrome to reload the extension manually after each change in your code.
You may like to use Extensions Reloader for easier reloads.
I like the idea by the way!
