What technology can i use to run a method on a browser(client side) every time a user uploads a picture? - browser

I have a custom function/method that needs to run on the browser (client side) every time the user uploads a picture to a web-server. This method modifies the image being uploaded and sends it to the server.
Currently the method is written in java so I thought of using an applet on the browser which could run this method and then send the modified picture to a servlet residing on the server, but the applet has certain disk read/write restrictions. I am aware of policies that can be used to grant these permissions to the applet but they need the users consent every time.
Also I want to avoid the applet .class file to be downloaded every time this page is viewed. So
Is there a cleaner approach to all this?
Are there any other technologies that can help me run this method on the browser ? (its ok if i have to rewrite the function in a different language)
Is writing a custom browser extension a good idea?

I think, that the JS using will be much better for this task.
One of JS image processing JS-library
, just for example.
How to invoke a servlet from JS example
Writing a browser extension is a really wrong way.


Is it safe to use fetch with credentials from a content script?

Consider this scenario:
A content script wants to upload a file. I would prefer this operation to be done from my service/background script, but passing a File to that side via messages seems to be somewhat impossible without weird workarounds.
This is a good reference for the workarounds available: Passing FormData/File Object from content script to background script in chrome extension with Manifest V3
Workaround 1 seems bad, since it will require to break up the request which is not compatible with the backend API. Workaround 2 seems insecure, since the host web page will definitely be able to send rogue messages to an embedded iframe as it will share context.
I'm considering having the content script perform the upload directly like this:
The content script loads the authentication secret from extension storage (chrome.storage.sync or chrome.storage.local depending on login persistence mode).
It calls fetch directly to upload the form data.
Is that safe?
One hazard I had in mind was that a host page could hook window.fetch to intercept the credentials. That doesn't seem possible after my testing (the content script has a separate fetch defined in its own isolated environment). Is there anything else to watch out for?

Recommended practices when developing full-stack applications based on Node.js and AWS

I've been working on the front-end so far, now I'm going to create my first full-stack application. I want to use node.js, express and AWS for this.
At the design stage, I already encountered a few problems. Therefore, I have a few questions and I am asking you for help:
Can I send a message (simple JSON or database value) from the server to all clients who have already opened my home page in a simple and cheap way?
I'm not talking about logged in users, but all who downloaded the main page (GET, '/')?
Using the admin panel ('www.xxxxxxxxx/admin'), I want to send a message to the server once a day. Then I want to change the HTML to display this message. I was thinking to use EJS for this and download this message from the database.
Can I make it better? If someone visits my home page (GET, '/'), EJS will download the message from the database each time! Even though its value is the same for 24 hours. Can I get the value once and then use it until the value is changed? How to store the message? As a JSON on the server? Or maybe in the .env file?
If the user refreshes the page, do I have to pay for calling all AWS functions to build the page each time? Even if nothing has changed in the files?
How to check if the page has new content and then send it to the user, instead of sending the unchanged page files: .html, .js, .css, etc.?
Can I send the user only the changed, dynamically created html file, and not send again unchanged .js and .css files?
Does every user who opens the home page (GET, '/') create a new connection to the server using WebSocket / socket.io?
I will try to answer some of your questions:
Can I send a message (simple JSON or database value) from the server to all clients who have already opened my home page in a simple
and cheap way? I'm not talking about logged in users, but all who
downloaded the main page (GET, '/')?
I guess you mean sending push notifications from the server to the user. This can be done with different services depending on what are you trying to build.
If you are planning to use GraphQL, you already have GraphQL subscriptions out of the box. If you are using AWS, go for Appsync, which is the AWS service for GraphQL.
If you are using REST and a WebApp (not a mobile app), go for AWS IoT using lambdas. Here is a good resource using Serverless Framework (API Gateway + lambdas + IoT) for unauthenticated users: https://www.serverless.com/blog/serverless-notifications-on-aws
If you are planning to use notifications on a mobile app, you can go for SNS, the "de facto" service for push notifications in AWS world.
Using the admin panel ('www.xxxxxxxxx/admin'), I want to send a message to the server once a day. Then I want to change the HTML to display this message. I was thinking to use EJS for this and download this message from the database. Can I make it better? If someone visits my home page (GET, '/'), EJS will download the message from the database each time! Even though its value is the same for 24 hours. Can I get the value once and then use it until the value is changed? How to store the message? As a JSON on the server? Or maybe in the .env file?
Yes, this is the way it's expected to work. The HTML is changed dynamically using frontend code in Javascript; which makes calls (using axios for example) to the backend every time you get into, i.e. "/" path. You can store this data in frontend variables, or even use state management in the frontend using REDUX, VUEX, etc. Remember the frontend code will always run in the browser of your users, not on your servers!
If the user refreshes the page, do I have to pay for calling all AWS functions to build the page each time? Even if nothing has changed in the files?
What you can do is store all your HTML, CSS, Javascript in an S3 bucket and serve from there (this is super cheap, even free till a certain limit). If you want to use Server Side Rendering (SSR), then yes, you'll need to serve your users every time they make a GET request for example. If you use lambda, the first million request per month are free. If you have an EC2 instance to serve your content, then a t2.micro is also free. If you need more than that, you'll need to pay.
How to check if the page has new content and then send it to the user, instead of sending the unchanged page files: .html, .js, .css, etc.?
I think you need to understand how JS (or frameworks like React, Vue or Angular) do this. Basically you download the js code on the client, and the js makes all the functionality to update backend and frontend accordingly. In order to connect frontend with backend, use Axios for example.
Can I send the user only the changed, dynamically created html file, and not send again unchanged .js and .css files?
See answer above. Use frameworks like React or Vue, will help you a lot.
Does every user who opens the home page (GET, '/') create a new connection to the server using WebSocket / socket.io?
Depends on what you code. But by default what happens is the user will make a new GET request everytime he accesses your domain, and that's it. (It's not establishing any connection if you don't tell the code to do so).
Hope this helps!! Happy coding!

Serve custom javascript to browser via Node.js app

I developed a small node.js app in which I can configure conditions for a custom javascript file, which can be embedded in a webpage, and which modifies the DOM of that page in the browser on load. The configuration values are stored in MongoDB. (For sake of argument: add class "A" to DOM element with ID "B" )
I have difficulties to figure out the best way to serve requests / the JavaScript file.
Option 1 and my current implementation is:
I save a configuration in the node app and a distinct JavaScript
file is created for that configuration.
The page references that file which is hosted and served by the server.
Option 2 and where I think I want and should go is:
I saves a configuration (mongodb) NO JavaScript file is created Pages
a generic JavaScript link (for instance: api.service.com/javascript.js)
Node.js / Express app processes the request, and
returns a custom JavaScript (file?) with the correct values as saved in mongodb for that configuration
Now, while I believe this is the right way to go about it, I am unsure HOW to go about it. Any ideas and advise are very welcome!
Ps: For instance I wonder how best to authenticate or identify the origin, user and requested configuration. Shall I do this like: api.service.com/javascript.js&id="userID" - is that good practice?
Why not serve up a generic Javascript file which can take a customized json object (directly from mongodb) and apply the necessary actions? You can include the json data on the page if you really need to have everything embedded, but breaking up configuration and code is the most maintainable approach.

Method(s) used to pass data to and from WebKit based browser

I'm using WebKitGTK+ ( WebKit ) application that will be a very simple web browser running in a Linux environment as a separate executable that will need to exchange data between another application. The system is described in the following image:
Example scenario:
Event such as smart card insertion detected in Backend processing Application
smart card data is read and passed to the WebKitGTK+ GUI Application
User interacts with "web page" displayed in WebKitGTK+ Application
Data is passed from WebKitGTK+ Application back to the Backend processing Application
What are the common methods of passing data between the WebKitGTK+ Application and the Backend processing Application?
Does `WebKitGTK+ provide some hooks to do this sort of thing? Any help at all would be appreciated.
I know this is a old question, but will try to answer it to best of my abilities so that it can be useful to someone else.
Webkit is basically rendering a html page. You can connect to various signals that webkit provides and act on these signals. More details at http://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk/stable/webkitgtk-webkitwebview.html
For your back end application, if something interesting happens, you can update page either by navigating to a new url, new page contents or just by setting text of desired element. Webkit provides DOM api functions and all of these are possible.
It becomes interesting when getting data from webkit and sending it to your back end system. Again, this depends upon your specific design, but generally you can hook up signals such as navigation signals when user clicks on a button and get contents. Another alternative is to use alert handler and simply use javascript alert and process the alert data on backend side.
Shameless plug for example : https://github.com/nhrdl/notesMD. It uses a simple database backend, probably can be good use case as it sends data back and forth between database and webpage. Even manipulates the links so that desired actions take place.

How do I run server-side code from couchdb?

Couchdb is great at storing and serving data, but I'm having some trouble getting to grips with how to do back-end processing with it. GWT, for example, has out of the box support for synchronous and asynchronous call backs, which allow you to run arbitrary Java code on the server. Is there any way to do something like this with couchdb?
For example, I'd like to generate and serve a PDF file when the user clicks a button a web app. Ideally the workflow would look something like this:
User enters some data
User clicks a generate button
A call is made to the server, and the PDF is generated server side. The server code can be written in any language, but preferably Java.
When PDF generation is finished, the user is prompted to download and save the document.
Is there a way to do this with out of the box couchdb, or is some additional, third-party software required to communicate between the web client and backend data processing code?
EDIT:Looks like I did a pretty poor job of explaining my question. What I'm interested in is essentially serving servlets from Couchdb similarly to the way that you can serve Java servlets along side web pages from a war file. I used GWT as an example because it has support for developing the servlets and client side code together and compiling everything into a single war file. I'd be very interested in something like this because it would make deploying fully functional websites a breeze through Couchdb replication.
By the looks of it, however, the answer to my question is no, you can't serve servlets from couchdb. The database is set up for CRUD style interactions, and any servlet style components need to either be served separately, or done by polling the db for changes and acting accordingly.
Here's what I would propose as the general workflow:
When user clicks Generate: serialize the data they've entered and any other relevant metadata (e.g. priority, username) and POST it to couchdb as a new document. Keep track of the _id of the document.
Code up a background process that monitors couchdb for documents that need processing.
When it sees such a document, have it generate the PDF and attach it to that same couch doc.
Now back to the client side. You could use ajax polling to repeatedly GET the couch doc and test whether is has an attachment or not. If it does, then you can show the user the download link.
Of course the devil is in the details...
Two ways your background process(es) can identify pending documents:
Use the _changes API to monitor for new documents with _rev beginning with "1-"
Make requests on a couchdb view that only returns docs that do not have an "_attachments" property. When there are no documents to process it will return nothing.
Optionally: If you have multiple PDF-making processes working on the queue in parallel you will want to update the couch doc with a property like {"being-processed":true} and filter these out the view as well.
Some other thoughts:
I do not recommend using the couchdb externals API for this use case because it (basically) means couchdb and your PDF-generating code must be on the same machine. But it's something to be aware of.
I don't know a thing about GWT, but it doesn't seem necessary to accomplish your goals. Certainly CouchDB can serve any static files (js or other) you want either as attachments to docs in a db or from the filesystem. You could even eval() JSON properties you put into couch docs. So you can use GWT to make ajax calls or whatever but GWT can be completely decoupled from couchdb. Might be simpler that way.
GWT has two parts to it. One is a client that the GWT compiler translates to Java, and the other is a Servlet if you do any RPC. Typically you would run your Client code on a browser and then when you made any RPC calls you would contact a Java Servlet Engine (Such as Tomcat or Jetty or ...) , which in turn calls you persistence layer.
GWT does have the ability to do JSON requests over HTTP and coincidentally, this is what CouchDB uses. So in theory it should be possible. (I do not know if anybody has tried it). There would be a couple of issues.
CouchDB would need to serve up the .js files that have the compiled GWT client code.
The main issue I see in your case is that couchDB would need to generate your PDF files, while couchDB is just a storage engine and does not typically do any processing. I guess you could extend it if you are any good with the Erlang programming language.
