Beginning with SharePoint [closed] - sharepoint

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to dive into the world of SharePoint, but don't really know where to start. Maybe I haven't searched hard or long enough, but browsing through Stack Overflow gave me very little pointers.
So long story short, does any of you have pointers for me where to begin with learning SharePoint, what to do and maybe more important, what NOT to do...
My background: I have experience in Perl and Java, and I'm fairly new to C#, but still in the process of learning this language.
Thank you in advance!

I would strongly recommend you become at least reasonably fluent with C# before trying something like SharePoint as its not a particularly easy platform to develop for.
Having said that a great place to start is with the channel9 videos take a look here

Getting Started with SharePoint 2010 Developmentā€“Links and Resources


What programming languages should a college student put on his resume [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have put almost all the programming languages I have worked with on my resume, while I am only proficient in Java.
I would split the programming languages into Basic and Intermediate sections if you know some languages better than the other.
The last thing you want is the interviewer asking you some esoteric question about a language that you only know basics of and judge you for it.
Well, just tell the truth. If you have an experience in C++, tell them. Be honest and don't be afraid to say you're a bit rusty with the syntax, that's it.
Anyway, if they ask you to program an algorithm live, most of the time you can do it in the language you prefer, even pseudo-code (according to my experiences).

Best way to join a free software project [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm thinking about joining a free software project in order to increase my knowledge of how this kind of projects works, colaborating with people that I dont know (so far), and my C/C++ skills.
I`ve searched on sourceforge and so on, looking for projects that need developers... so my question is: how to join a existing project? (and find one I like)
Pick one you like/are interested in, look over its bug tracker, and contribute patches. As you demonstrate your ability to work along with the developers, you will generally be offered greater involvement (e.g. direct commit access).
#geekosaur has some good points. (+1)
If those don't work, I would consider looking for the lead developer of a project (preferably one with decent activity and leadership) and asking what areas they would like assistance in.
I promise you, almost every open source project manager would absolutely welcome a fresh face to the team!

Interview question: Are you familiar with linux? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I've ran into this question a couple times where people ask me if I am familiar with linux. What does this usually imply? I know how to navigate a command prompt in Ubuntu, edit files, compile c programs, but I feel like I am only scratching the surface. Any tips on how one becomes a guru in linux? Thanks for any advice. Hope this question isn't too subjective.
Strange question, it depends why someone is asking. There's no limit to the amount of stuff you can know about Linux but it sounds like you certainly know more than the average joe off the street. I'd say you 'know' linux to most people, but be wary of saying that at a LUG.
The question isn't, "are you a guru in Linux". It's, "are you familiar with Linux."
Most people expect you to stretch things a little in your job interview. You can safely say you're familiar with it. In the worst case, you'll just need to read up on it the first day on the job :-)

When do you call yourself a programmer [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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"A programmer, computer programmer or coder is someone who writes computer software" from Wikipedia
If you do frontend development using jQuery/CSS/HTML do you call yourself a programmer? If you develop PHP applications that deal with databases, do you call yourself a programmer?
Are you only a programmer if you write applications for desktops and mobiles? Is the web a place where the line between developer and programmer stops?
I imagine this question might be closed off or moved but if you look at the most viewed question on Stack Overflow its a question about Free C Learning material :)
If you are writing a significant amount of Javascript code, then I'd say you are a programmer.
(If you are just copying snippets of Javascript you've found elsewhere, then that doesn't count.)
If you use jQuery, then you use JavaScript, which is a programming language.

Simple Forum Software? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I'm looking for extremely simple forum software.
Something that simply allows a user to create an account, make a post, and for users to comment on that post.
No HTML, no user profiles, no private message, no bloat. Just software for simple postings. Almost borderline blog software that allows user created accounts.
I've looked at the following software and they have way more features, functionality and bloat than I want:
bbPress (close, but even more simple ... and from the lastest dev post, apparrently bbPress is being dropped for a WordPress plugin)
PunBB / FluxBB
Does anyone know of any good simple forum software?
I just found an example forum that is great in being simple. It's Street Easy's forum. I'd love to know what underlining software they are using. This is nearly exactly what I want. The only thing I'd remove is that it has "Categories/Tags". I don't need that. If the Category/Tag could be removed, functionality - this is exactly what I want.
Still no answers :(
