Best way to join a free software project [closed] - gnu

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm thinking about joining a free software project in order to increase my knowledge of how this kind of projects works, colaborating with people that I dont know (so far), and my C/C++ skills.
I`ve searched on sourceforge and so on, looking for projects that need developers... so my question is: how to join a existing project? (and find one I like)

Pick one you like/are interested in, look over its bug tracker, and contribute patches. As you demonstrate your ability to work along with the developers, you will generally be offered greater involvement (e.g. direct commit access).

#geekosaur has some good points. (+1)
If those don't work, I would consider looking for the lead developer of a project (preferably one with decent activity and leadership) and asking what areas they would like assistance in.
I promise you, almost every open source project manager would absolutely welcome a fresh face to the team!


How to answer this interview questions about software engineer [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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Describe the system architecture in the last 3 projects you worked on. In this case I don't know what system architecture they mean?
Which components listed above have you been working on?
What frameworks are used during the development of these components?"
From a interviewer perspective, they are trying to assess candidates knowledge of overall system they worked up on.
Describing system architecture will help interviewer to know whether candidate knows the big picture of the systems they were part of. The answer could be by explaining the logical architecture(functional view) of application or a component architecture(tech view) depending on context. For a person who is oriented more on infrastructure side, this could be still a bit different, but rarely the case.
Question "on which component have you worked" primarily is intended to understand what exactly was candidates role in project. Explanation on how the component was designed, what technologies are used etc could be answered.
"Frameworks used" would probably tell the interviewer whether candidate was into decision making roles for design or at least can evaluate what is best fit for the need and what is not. Mentioning the frameworks(or libraries or plugins based on tech landscape) used and how that well suit the needs would be a good answer.

In a Unixy filesystem, where is the conventional place to put software you're working on? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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This is an incredibly dumb question, but I don't know the answer. Apologies in advance.
I want to download a repo of someone else's code from GitHub to work on it. In a Unix-y filesystem, where is the most conventional place to put it?
I've been reading about standard directory structure on Wikipedia and it looks like below opt might be the most appropriate place. Is that correct?
I'm using MacOS, so the alternative would be for me to create a custom folder under /Users/me, but I wondered if there was a conventional place for working on code within the standard Unix directories.
It depends on your usage plans. If this is code you want to hack on, typically your home directory is the right place, since this is private to your unix user. I personally make a 'dev' subdirectory and put code in there (mine or other people's, via github).
If you're looking to install this software system-wide, the answer varies slightly by the system. /opt is a reasonable choice in most cases, as is /usr/local.

Beginning with SharePoint [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to dive into the world of SharePoint, but don't really know where to start. Maybe I haven't searched hard or long enough, but browsing through Stack Overflow gave me very little pointers.
So long story short, does any of you have pointers for me where to begin with learning SharePoint, what to do and maybe more important, what NOT to do...
My background: I have experience in Perl and Java, and I'm fairly new to C#, but still in the process of learning this language.
Thank you in advance!
I would strongly recommend you become at least reasonably fluent with C# before trying something like SharePoint as its not a particularly easy platform to develop for.
Having said that a great place to start is with the channel9 videos take a look here
Getting Started with SharePoint 2010 Developmentā€“Links and Resources

Simple Forum Software? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I'm looking for extremely simple forum software.
Something that simply allows a user to create an account, make a post, and for users to comment on that post.
No HTML, no user profiles, no private message, no bloat. Just software for simple postings. Almost borderline blog software that allows user created accounts.
I've looked at the following software and they have way more features, functionality and bloat than I want:
bbPress (close, but even more simple ... and from the lastest dev post, apparrently bbPress is being dropped for a WordPress plugin)
PunBB / FluxBB
Does anyone know of any good simple forum software?
I just found an example forum that is great in being simple. It's Street Easy's forum. I'd love to know what underlining software they are using. This is nearly exactly what I want. The only thing I'd remove is that it has "Categories/Tags". I don't need that. If the Category/Tag could be removed, functionality - this is exactly what I want.
Still no answers :(

How do you come up with a good name for a website or software you are building? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How do i come up with a good name for a website or software I am developing. Are there references for naming websites or software?
think of a rude word to use as an acronym, and then fit in the words to make that acronym fit.
SHAFTED was the code name of one internal project I was working on
Tracking of
OTIS was the clean version I used around managers (Order Tracking Information System)
I let my creativity flow and write up 5-10 names.
Then i google them.If one of them is not in use, i take it. :)
I want to be the names unique ;)
Personally? I don't, they're all horrible. But after a couple days of working on the project it's just a group of letters that means "work left to do," regardless of what I called it. :)
Here is an idea from Paul Graham's Why Smart People Have Bad Ideas essay,
[4] I wrote a program to generate all
the combinations of "Web" plus a three
letter word. I learned from this that
most three letter words are bad:
Webpig, Webdog, Webfat, Webzit,
Webfug. But one of them was Webvia; I
swapped them to make Viaweb.
