Issues with bullet entry points for "shoulder mounted" guns - trigonometry

I'm making a SHMUP game that has a space ship. That space ship currently fires a main cannon from its center point. The sprite that represents the ship has a center based registration point. 0,0 is center of the ship.
When I fire the main cannon i make a bullet and assign make its x & y coordinates match the avatar and add it to the display list. This works fine.
I then made two new functions called fireLeftCannon, fireRightCannon. These create a bullet and add it to the display list but the x, y values are this.y + 15 and this.y +(-) 10. This creates a sort of triangle of bullet entry points.
Similar to this:
▲   ▲
the game tick function will adjust the avatar's rotation to always point at the cursor. This is my aiming method. When I shoot straight up all 3 bullets fire up in the expected pattern. However when i rotate and face the right the entry points do not rotate. This is not an issue for the center point main cannon.
My question is how do i use the current center position ( this.x, this.y ) and adjust them based on my current rotation to place a new bullet so that it is angled correctly.
Thanks a lot in advance.
OK i tried your solution and it didn't work. Here is my bullet move code:
var pi:Number = Math.PI
var _xSpeed:Number = Math.cos((_rotation - 90) * (pi/180) );
var _ySpeed:Number = Math.sin((_rotation - 90) * (pi / 180) );
this.x += (_xSpeed * _bulletSpeed );
this.y += (_ySpeed * _bulletSpeed );
And i tried adding your code to the left shoulder cannon:
_bullet.x = this.x + Math.cos( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation) ) * ( this.x - 10 ) - Math.sin( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * ( this.x - 10 );
_bullet.y = this.y + Math.sin( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * ( this.y + 15 ) + Math.cos( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * ( this.y + 15 );
This is placing the shots a good deal away from the ship and sometimes off screen.
How am i messing up the translation code?

What you need to start with is, to be precise, the coordinates of your cannons in the ship's coordinate system (or “frame of reference”). This is like what you have now but starting from 0, not the ship's position, so they would be something like:
(0, 0) -- center
(10, 15) -- left shoulder
(-10, 15) -- right shoulder
Then what you need to do is transform those coordinates into the coordinate system of the world/scene; this is the same kind of thing your graphics library is doing to draw the sprite.
In your particular case, the intervening transformations are
world ←translation→ ship position ←rotation→ ship positioned and rotated
So given that you have coordinates in the third frame (how the ship's sprite is drawn), you need to apply the rotation, and then apply the translation, at which point you're in the first frame. There are two approaches to this: one is matrix arithmetic, and the other is performing the transformations individually.
For this case, it is simpler to skip the matrices unless you already have a matrix library handy already, in which case you should use it — calculate "ship's coordinate transformation matrix" once per frame and then use it for all bullets etc.
I'll now explain doing it directly.
The general method of applying a rotation to coordinates (in two dimensions) is this (where (x1,y1) is the original point and (x2,y2) is the new point):
x2 = cos(angle)*x1 - sin(angle)*y1
y2 = sin(angle)*x1 + cos(angle)*y1
Whether this is a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation will depend on the “handedness” of your coordinate system; just try it both ways (+angle and -angle) until you have the right result. Don't forget to use the appropriate units (radians or degrees, but most likely radians) for your angles given the trig functions you have.
Now, you need to apply the translation. I'll continue using the same names, so (x3,y3) is the rotated-and-translated point. (dx,dy) is what we're translating by.
x3 = dx + x2
y3 = dy + x2
As you can see, that's very simple; you could easily combine it with the rotation formulas.
I have described transformations in general. In the particular case of the ship bullets, it works out to this in particular:
bulletX = shipPosX + cos(shipAngle)*gunX - sin(shipAngle)*gunY
bulletY = shipPosY + sin(shipAngle)*gunX + cos(shipAngle)*gunY
If your bullets are turning the wrong direction, negate the angle.
If you want to establish a direction-dependent initial velocity for your bullets (e.g. always-firing-forward guns) then you just apply the rotation but not the translation to the velocity (gunVelX, gunVelY).
bulletVelX = cos(shipAngle)*gunVelX - sin(shipAngle)*gunVelY
bulletVelY = sin(shipAngle)*gunVelX + cos(shipAngle)*gunVelY
If you were to use vector and matrix math, you would be doing all the same calculations as here, but they would be bundled up in single objects rather than pairs of x's and y's and four trig functions. It can greatly simplify your code:
shipTransform = translate(shipX, shipY)*rotate(shipAngle)
bulletPos = shipTransform*gunPos
I've given the explicit formulas because knowing how the bare arithmetic works is useful to the conceptual understanding.
Response to edit:
In the code you edited into your question, you are adding what I assume is the ship position into the coordinates you multiply by sin/cos. Don't do that — just multiply the offset of the gun position from the ship center by sin/cos and only then add that to the ship position. Also, you are using x x; y y on the two lines, where you should be using x y; x y. Here is your code edited to fix those two things:
_bullet.x = this.x + Math.cos( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * (-10) - Math.sin( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * (+15);
_bullet.y = this.y + Math.sin( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * (-10) + Math.cos( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * (+15);
This is the code for a gun at offset (-10, 15).


Drawing a circle without using a function for it

So I was wondering how does a circle() function work, and how can I draw to circle without using it (wanted to do something related to it). Does anyone know this stuff?
A classic way of rasterizing a circle is using the Midpoint Circle Algorithm.
It works by tracking the pixels which are as close to the x2 + y2 = r2 isoline as possible. This can even be done with purely integer calculations, which is particularly suitable for low-computation power devices.
A circle is the set of points located at a constant distance from another point, called the center.
If you can draw lines defined by two points, you can draw the representation of a circle on a canvas, knowing its center, and its radius.
The approach is to determine a set of consecutive points located on the circumference, then join them with lines.
for instance, in python (which reads like pseudocode):
import math
def make_circle(center, radius, num_points=40):
"""returns a sequence of points on the circumference
points = [center]
d_theta = 2 * math.pi / num_points
cx, cy = center
for idx in range(num_points + 1):
theta = idx * d_theta
points.append((cx + math.cos(theta) * radius, cy + math.sin(theta) * radius))
return points
And if you want to try it, here it is: circles codeskulptor.
You will see that for display purposes, 40 points on the circumference is enough to give an acceptable rendition.

NON orthogonal projection : projecting a point onto a line at given direction (2d)

I need a solution to project a 2d point onto a 2d line at certain Direction .Here's what i've got so far : This is how i do orthogonal projection :
CVector2d project(Line line , CVector2d point)
CVector2d A = line.end - line.start;
CVector2d B = point - line start;
float dot = A.dotProduct(B);
float mag = A.getMagnitude();
float md = dot/mag;
return CVector2d (line.start + A * md);
Result :
(Projecting P onto line and the result is Pr):
but i need to project the point onto the line at given DIRECTION which should return a result like this (project point P1 onto line at specific Direction calculate Pr) :
How should I take Direction vector into account to calculate Pr ?
I can come up with 2 methods out of my head.
Personally I would do this using affine transformations (but seems you don not have this concept as you are using vectors not points). The procedure with affine transformations is easy. Rotate the points to one of the cardinal axes read the coordinate of your point zero the other value and inverse transform back. The reason for this strategy is that nearly all transformation procedures reduce to very simple human understandable operations with the affine transformation scheme. So no real work to do once you have the tools and data structures at hand.
However since you didn't see this coming I assume you want to hear a vector operation instead (because you either prefer the matrix operation or run away when its suggested, tough its the same thing). So you have the following situation:
This expressed as a equation system looks like (its intentionally this way to show you that it is NOT code but math at this point):
line.start.x + x*(line.end.x - line.start.x)+ y*direction.x = point.x
line.start.y + x*(line.end.y - line.start.y)+ y*direction.y = point.y
now this can be solved for x (and y)
x = (direction.y * line.start.x - direction.x * line.start.y -
direction.y * point.x + direction.x * point.y) /
(direction.y * line.end.x - direction.x * line.end.y -
direction.y * line.start.x + direction.x * line.start.y);
// the solution for y can be omitted you dont need it
y = -(line.end.y * line.start.x - line.end.x * line.start.y -
line.end.y * point.x + line.start.y * point.x + line.end.x * point.y -
line.start.x point.y)/
(-direction.y * line.end.x + direction.x * line.end.y +
direction.y * line.start.x - direction.x * line.start.y)
Calculation done with mathematica if I didn't copy anything wrong it should work. But I would never use this solution because its not understandable (although it is high school grade math, or at least it is where I am). But use space transformation as described above.

How to draw the normal to the plane in PCL

I have the plane equation describing the points belonging to a plane in 3D and the origin of the normal X, Y, Z. This should be enough to be able to generate something like a 3D arrow. In pcl this is possible via the viewer but I would like to actually store those 3D points inside the cloud. How to generate them then ? A cylinder with a cone on top ?
To generate a line perpendicular to the plane:
You have the plane equation. This gives you the direction of the normal to the plane. If you used PCL to get the plane, this is in ModelCoefficients. See the details here: SampleConsensusModelPerpendicularPlane
The first step is to make a line perpendicular to the normal at the point you mention (X,Y,Z). Let (NORMAL_X,NORMAL_Y,NORMAL_Z) be the normal you got from your plane equation. Something like.
pcl::PointXYZ pnt_on_line;
for(double distfromstart=0.0;distfromstart<LINE_LENGTH;distfromstart+=DISTANCE_INCREMENT){
pnt_on_line.x = X + distfromstart*NORMAL_X;
pnt_on_line.y = Y + distfromstart*NORMAL_Y;
pnt_on_line.z = Z + distfromstart*NORMAL_Z;
Now you want to put a hat on your arrow and now pnt_on_line contains the end of the line exactly where you want to put it. To make the cone you could loop over angle and distance along the arrow, calculate a local x and y and z from that and convert them to points in point cloud space: the z part would be converted into your point cloud's frame of reference by multiplying with the normal vector as with above, the x and y would be multiplied into vectors perpendicular to this normal vectorE. To get these, choose an arbitrary unit vector perpendicular to the normal vector (for your x axis) and cross product it with the normal vector to find the y axis.
The second part of this explanation is fairly terse but the first part may be the more important.
So possibly the best way to describe how to do the cone is to start with a cylinder, which is an extension of the line described above. In the case of the line, there is (part of) a one dimensional manifold embedded in 3D space. That is we have one variable that we loop over adding points. The cylinder is a two dimensional object so we have to loop over two dimensions: the angle and the distance. In the case of the line we already have the distance. So the above loop would now look like:
for(double distfromstart=0.0;distfromstart<LINE_LENGTH;distfromstart+=DISTANCE_INCREMENT){
for(double angle=0.0;angle<2*M_PI;angle+=M_PI/8){
//calculate coordinates of point and add to cloud
Now in order to calculate the coordinates of the new point, well we already have the point on the line, now we just need to add it to a vector to move it away from the line in the appropriate direction of the angle. Let's say the radius of our cylinder will be 0.1, and let's say an orthonormal basis that we have already calculated perpendicular to the normal of the plane (which we will see how to calculate later) is perpendicular_1 and perpendicular_2 (that is, two vectors perpendicular to each other, of length 1, also perpendicular to the vector (NORMAL_X,NORMAL_Y,NORMAL_Z)):
//calculate coordinates of point and add to cloud
pnt_on_cylinder.x = pnt_on_line.x + 0.1 * perpendicular_1.x * 0.1 * cos(angle) + perpendicular_2.x * sin(angle)
pnt_on_cylinder.y = pnt_on_line.y + perpendicular_1.y * 0.1 * cos(angle) + perpendicular_2.y * 0.1 * sin(angle)
pnt_on_cylinder.z = pnt_on_line.z + perpendicular_1.z * 0.1 * cos(angle) + perpendicular_2.z * 0.1 * sin(angle)
Actually, this is a vector summation and if we were to write the operation as vectors it would look like:
Now I said I would talk about how to calculate perpendicular_1 and perpendicular_2. Let K be any unit vector that is not parallel to (NORMAL_X,NORMAL_Y,NORMAL_Z) (this can be found by trying e.g. (1,0,0) then (0,1,0)).
perpendicular_1 = K X (NORMAL_X,NORMAL_Y,NORMAL_Z)
perpendicular_2 = perpendicular_1 X (NORMAL_X,NORMAL_Y,NORMAL_Z)
Here X is the vector cross product and the above are vector equations. Note also that the original calculation of pnt_on_line involved a vector dot product and a vector summation (I am just writing this for completeness of the exposition).
If you can manage this then the cone is easy just by changing a couple of things in the double loop: the radius just changes along its length until it is zero at the end of the loop and in the loop distfromstart will not start at 0.

Bezier curve through three points

I have read similar topics in order to find solution, but with no success.
What I'm trying to do is make the tool same as can be found in CorelDraw, named "Pen Tool". I did it by connecting Bezier cubic curves, but still missing one feature, which is dragging curve (not control point) in order to edit its shape.
I can successfully determine the "t" parameter on the curve where dragging should begin, but don't know how to recalculate control points of that curve.
Here I want to higlight some things related to CorelDraw''s PenTool behaviour that may be used as constaints. I've noticed that when dragging curve strictly vertically, or horizontally, control points of that Bezier curve behave accordingly, i.e. they move on their verticals, or horizontals, respectively.
So, how can I recalculate positions of control points while curve dragging?
Ive just look into Inkspace sources and found such code, may be it help you:
// Magic Bezier Drag Equations follow!
// "weight" describes how the influence of the drag should be distributed
// among the handles; 0 = front handle only, 1 = back handle only.
double weight, t = _t;
if (t <= 1.0 / 6.0) weight = 0;
else if (t <= 0.5) weight = (pow((6 * t - 1) / 2.0, 3)) / 2;
else if (t <= 5.0 / 6.0) weight = (1 - pow((6 * (1-t) - 1) / 2.0, 3)) / 2 + 0.5;
else weight = 1;
Geom::Point delta = new_pos - position();
Geom::Point offset0 = ((1-weight)/(3*t*(1-t)*(1-t))) * delta;
Geom::Point offset1 = (weight/(3*t*t*(1-t))) * delta;
first->front()->move(first->front()->position() + offset0);
second->back()->move(second->back()->position() + offset1);
In you case "first->front()" and "second->back()" would mean two control points
The bezier curve is nothing more then two polynomials: X(t), Y(t).
The cubic one:
x = ax*t^3 + bx*t^2 + cx*t + dx
0 <= t <= 1
y = ay*t^3 + by*t^2 + cy*t + dy
So if you have a curve - you have the poly coefficients. If you move your point and you know it's t parameter - then you can simply recalculate the poly's coefficients - it will be a system of 6 linear equations for coefficients (for each of the point). The system is subdivided per two systems (x and y) and can be solved exactly or using some numerical methods - they are not hard too.
So your task now is to calculate control points of your curve when you know the explicit equation of your curve.
It can be also brought to the linear system. I don't know how to do it for generalized Bezier curve, but it is not hard for cubic or quadric curves.
The cubic curve via control points:
B(t) = (1-t)^3*P0 + 3(1-t)^2*t*P1 + 3(1-t)*t^2*P2 + t^3*P3
Everything you have to do is to produce the standard polynomial form (just open the brackets) and to equate the coefficients. That will provide the final system for control points!
When you clicks on curve, you already know position of current control point. So you can calculate offset X and offset Y from that point to mouse position. In case of mouse move, you would be able to recalculate new control point with help of X/Y offsets.
Sorry for my english

Ray Generation Inconsistency

I have written code that generates a ray from the "eye" of the camera to the viewing plane some distance away from the camera's eye:
R3Ray ConstructRayThroughPixel(...)
R3Point p;
double increments_x = (lr.X() - ul.X())/(double)width;
double increments_y = (ul.Y() - lr.Y())/(double)height;
p.SetX( ul.X() + ((double)i_pos+0.5)*increments_x );
p.SetY( lr.Y() + ((double)j_pos+0.5)*increments_y );
p.SetZ( lr.Z() );
R3Vector v = p-camera_pos;
R3Ray new_ray(camera_pos,v);
return new_ray;
ul is the upper left corner of the viewing plane and lr is the lower left corner of the viewing plane. They are defined as follows:
R3Point org = scene->camera.eye + scene->camera.towards * radius;
R3Vector dx = scene->camera.right * radius * tan(scene->camera.xfov);
R3Vector dy = scene->camera.up * radius * tan(scene->camera.yfov);
R3Point lr = org + dx - dy;
R3Point ul = org - dx + dy;
Here, org is the center of the viewing plane with radius being the distance between the viewing plane and the camera eye, dx and dy are the displacements in the x and y directions from the center of the viewing plane.
The ConstructRayThroughPixel(...) function works perfectly for a camera whose eye is at (0,0,0). However, when the camera is at some different position, not all needed rays are produced for the image.
Any suggestions what could be going wrong? Maybe something wrong with my equations?
Thanks for the help.
Here's a quibble that may have nothing to do with you problem:
When you do this:
R3Vector dx = scene->camera.right * radius * tan(scene->camera.xfov);
R3Vector dy = scene->camera.up * radius * tan(scene->camera.yfov);
I assume that the right and up vectors are normalized, right? In that case you want sin not tan. Of course, if the fov angles are small it won't make much difference.
The reason why my code wasn't working was because I was treating x,y,z values separately. This is wrong, since the camera can be facing in any direction and thus if it was facing down the x-axis, the x coordinates would be the same, producing increments of 0 (which is incorrect). Instead, what should be done is an interpolation of corner points (where points have x,y,z coordinates). Please see answer in related post: 3D coordinate of 2D point given camera and view plane
