Expressionengine hooks - expressionengine

I have a safecracker form that submits an entry. The form consists of title, url_title, and description. I want to create an extension hook that filters out certain words if they exist in the title of the entry.
I already have a function that take care of the cleaning function clean(){....}. I understand that we need to use an extension hook so we can clean the title upon saving the entry.
What extension hook do i need to use for that. can you give me a complete example of an extension hook. I'm very good with PHP but still new to hooks and how they should be implemented. I already read the EE documentation but still find some confusion of how a hook is used

First head over to and get your base extension file.
You'll probably want to use the 'safecracker_submit_entry_start' hook to throw an error if unclean word is entered. The most important part of the extension is registering the method and hook you want to use, otherwise none of the code will run.
Your code should look something like this:
public function activate_extension()
// Setup custom settings in this array.
$this->settings = array();
$data = array(
'class' => __CLASS__,
'method' => 'clean', // point to the method that should run
'hook' => 'safecracker_submit_entry_end', // point to the hook you want to use to trigger the above method.
'settings' => serialize($this->settings),
'version' => $this->version,
'enabled' => 'y'
$this->EE->db->insert('extensions', $data);
Once the method has been called you can start your cleaning. Make sure you pass the safecracker object to your clean method when defining it. For example:
public function clean($sc){


Page Object Pattern in Cypress?

I want to use a workflow similar to the Page Object Pattern that exists in frameworks like Selenium. I want to use my login.spec.js in my editSettings.spec.js, because it requires a user to be logged in.
How do I achieve this in Cypress? Can I export a function from one test file to use in another?
Yes, Cypress supports the ability to create and reuse actions in your UI, such as logging in as a user would.
However, Cypress also allows you to control the state of the browser more powerfully than a user would.
For example: I create a test that a "user can log in with valid username and password"- Cypress navigates to the login page, types in the user field, types in the password field and clicks the "Log in" button. The Page Object Pattern would have you reuse this action on every test that requires a user to be logged in (most of the tests)
Cypress supports this; however, this is slower than it has to be. It takes a considerable amount of time to navigate to a login page, type in the information, handle the response, and navigate to the page under test.
Instead, Cypress's API allows the following:
use cy.request() to directly hit your server with the login credentials. This requires no state of your app, no typing in fields, no clicking buttons, or page directs
Any cookies your site uses are automatically set, or you can set localStorage using the response
Make this a custom command, call it before every test, and boom- you've generated your user's state almost instantly and most importantly flake-free
I actually came up with these two examples, one using JavaScript and another one with Typescript.
Hopefully, this helps someone else.
Create a SearchProduct.js file in fixtures folder (You can create it anywhere).Then create a class in it and define your all the methods in it something like this:
class ProductPage {
getSearchClick() {
return cy.get('.noo-search');
return cy.get('.form-control');
getProductsName() {
return cy.get('.noo-product-inner h3');
getSelectSize() {
return cy.get('#pa_size');
getSelectColor() {
return cy.get('#pa_color');
getAddtoCartButton() {
return cy.get('.single_add_to_cart_button');
export default ProductPage
After creating the class, let's import it in the command.js file. After that, let's create a new object of it to access all the methods mentioned above in commands.js.
import ProductPage from '../support/PageObjects/ProductPage';
Cypress.Commands.add("selectProduct", (productName, size , color) => {
// Creating Object for ProductPage
const productPage=new ProductPage();
// Doing the search part for Shirts.
productPage.getProductsName().each(($el , index , $list) => {
if($el.text().includes(productName)) {
// Selecting the size and color and then adding to cart button.
So, here actually the custom command's class is importing and using the Page class. Additionally, the test script will use the same command.js to perform the needed action.
So, the test script will still be the same and will look as below:
// type definitions for Cypress object "cy"
// <reference types="cypress" />
describe('Cypress Page Objects and Custom Commands', function() {
//Mostly used for Setup Part
{ ;
it('Cypress Test Case', function() {
//Registration on the site
//Checking whether the Registration is successful and whether UserName is populated under login section
// For Loop for Accessing productName array from Features File and Using the custom command{
// Invoke the Custom command selectProduct
You can also directly import the class in Test File by skipping Command.js file.
For that go to the following link:
Courtesy: runActions how to handle context in follow-up message

I'm using node-wit to develop a chatbot application.
This is working fine mostly, but I've run into a problem with the use of the context.
I'm using the runActions api :
this.witClient.runActions(customer._key, messageText, witContext).then((newContext => {}
I have defined a number of actions, which set the context.
This is working fine, as long the context is taking place over one message.
For example, if I were to call an action called addProduct :
addProduct({sessionId, context, text, entities}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
context.product = `myNewProduct';
It will then show a message using the 'product' context key.
However, when I try to use it over 2 messages, it seems to have lost the context ( for example, when asking a multiple choice question, and then handling that response ).
If I understand how it's working correctly, then node-wit doesn't keep the context beyond messages ( I assumed this at first because I'm passing a session key ).
A solution I see is to store the resulting context ( newContext in this case) in a session/user specific way, and then restore it and pass it again when the user is sending his new message.
Meaning, something like this :
witContext = getContextFromSession();
this.witClient.runActions(customer._key, messageText, witContext).then((newContext => { setContextInSession(newContext) }
Would this be the correct way of handling it ?
Off course you have to store your context state, you decide how to store it. But, take into account what is the most efficient way if you're gonna have a lot of users, and your reasources available.
As you can see in the official example for nodeJs, there's a method named findOrCreateSession on they get the session before the wit actions are called.
In my particular case, I am storing it in the database, so I get the session before the action is called, so I can send the context, then in the actions I query the session again to modify the resulting context and store it again, try the best implementation for your needs.

Loading profile only with parameter without the need to key in Kohana 3.x

I'm new to Kohana 3.x. Would you like a website with Kohana with User profile style twitter. Example: to load the profile is passed only paramentro maronems without the need to pass the key = parameter. Please can someone help me?
By "key = parameter" I assume you mean something like right? This is ugly, we can do better.
Let's look at making your URLs look like instead.
You'll want to look at Kohana's routing system.
Take a look at this route:
Route::set('username route', '<username>')
'controller' => 'Profile',
'action' => 'index',
Firstly, it's called username route, this is an aribitrary name,
but a good one because it's intent is clear.
Next look at the regex pattern <username>. This route is going to capture the username and store it in a variable called username.
Now notice that the route doesn't have to specify the controller and action. The routing system will get those from the default values. In this example you'll need a controller called Controller_Profile with an action called action_index.
So let's look at the controller now:
class Controller_Profile extends Controller {
function action_index()
echo 'Hello ' . $this->request->param('username');
Of course you shouldn't user echo like this in classes, but to illustrate the point, if you visit you should see Hello maronems echoed out.

How to modify dashlets to auto-refresh?

Is there a simple way to modify a dashlet to automatically re-load itself periodically?
I am particularly thinking of the "My Tasks" dashlet - we are using pooled review workflows, so tasks may come and go all the time as they are created and then are claimed.
It may be frustrating for users to keep clicking on tasks that turn out to have already been claimed - or having to remember to keep re-loading their Dashboard page. I'd prefer the dashlet to refresh on a timed interval so it's always reasonably up to date.
In order to do this you will need to add a new capability to the client-side class Alfresco.dashlet.MyTasks (docs, source) found in the file components/dashlets/my-tasks.get.js. First you will need to add a new method to the prototype extension specified as the second parameter in the YAHOO.lang.augmentObject() call, e.g.
}, // end of last OOTB function - add a comment here
// begin changes
reloadData: function MyTasks_onReady()
// end changes
It's not the ideal development environment, you can modify the JS file directly in the Share webapp, although you will also need to update the corresponding -min.js file.
Once you've done this, check that it works by running the following line in your browser's JavaScript console
If that works, then you can wire up your new method to a title bar action (see my DevCon presentation for more background info), in the dashlet web script. The method depends on whether you are using v4.2 or a previous version, but if it is the latter then you need to add some code to the dashlet's Freemarker file my-tasks.get.html.ftl (under WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/dashlets).
In that file you should see some JavaScript code inside a <script> tag, this sets up an instance of the client-side class and some utility classes, the contents of which you can replace with the following, to add your custom title bar action.
var dashlet = new Alfresco.dashlet.MyTasks("${jsid}").setOptions(
hiddenTaskTypes: [<#list hiddenTaskTypes as type>"${type}"<#if type_has_next>, </#if></#list>],
maxItems: ${maxItems!"50"},
{<#list filters as filter>
"${filter.type?js_string}": "${filter.parameters?js_string}"<#if filter_has_next>,</#if>
new Alfresco.widget.DashletResizer("${id}", "${}");
var refreshDashletEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("onDashletRefresh");
refreshDashletEvent.subscribe(dashlet.reloadData, dashlet, true);
new Alfresco.widget.DashletTitleBarActions("${args.htmlid}").setOptions(
cssClass: "refresh",
eventOnClick: refreshDashletEvent,
tooltip: "${msg("dashlet.refresh.tooltip")?js_string}"
cssClass: "help",
message: "${msg("")?js_string}"
tooltip: "${msg("")?js_string}"
You will need to add some styles for the class name specified, in the dashlet's CSS file my-tasks.css, such as the following
.my-tasks .titleBarActions .refresh
display: none;
background-image: url('refresh-icon.png');
The icon file (here is one you could re-use) must be in the same directory as the CSS file.
Lastly you'll need to define the label dashlet.refresh.tooltop used for the title bar action's tooltip. You can do this in the dashlet web script's .properties file.
For a similar example, check out the source of my Train Times dashlet, which features a refresh title bar action.
In some ways it's actually easier to define your own dashlets than it is to extend the Alfresco-supplied ones, but if you have the option of using 4.2.x, the new method allows you to extend the existing components without duplicating any code, which obviously makes upgrades much easier.

drupal_add_js() only adds the JS when no error message (D6)

In my custom form (in a custom module) drupal_add_js() only adds the JS when there is no error message.
My code goes like this:
function ntcf_redo_order_form( &$form_state = array() ) {
global $base_path, $user;
$my_dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'ntcf_redo');
drupal_add_js("$my_dir/order.js", 'module', 'header', FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
$form = array();
return $form;
If the validation function used _form_set_error()_ to display an error message and highlight the offending field, the message is displayed and the field highlighted, but the _drupal_add_js()_ call does nothing. Without a pending error message to display, all is well.
EDIT: this problem does not occur with drupal_set_message(), only with form_set_error().
I tried adding the 3 later parameters to the *drupal_add_js()* call to tell it to not optimize it (don't combine it with other JS files). There is no mention of the file order.js in the HTML, and it makes no difference whether I use the last 4 parameters ('header', FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) or not.
In Admin/Performance, I turned off Optimize Javascript Files, and pretty much all caching, which also made no difference.
Extra Details:
I'm not sure if this makes a difference, but it wouldn't surprise me, so here goes:
What I'm doing here is a multi-part "wizard" form that allows the user to proceed forward and go back. Also, many of the pages use AJAX, so I need to do all the "required" field validation in the _submit function instead of letting Drupal do it automatically (since that makes a mess of AJAX). So, if there's a "required" field that's missing, the _submit() function sets an error message, and the form generation function generates the same form again (with the additional decoration resulting from the error message).
Also: this is off-topic, but it might help someone using Google: when doing a multi-page form that allows going backward, you MUST assign a weight to every item on the form, or else the fields tend to "wander" when you go backwards.
Any ideas?
I had the same problem, this is a workaround I found (for Drupal 7, may work in 6) :
1. in your form setup (or hook_form_alter), do this :
2. define :
function yourfunction($content,$element){
$my_dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'ntcf_redo');
drupal_add_js("$my_dir/order.js", 'module', 'header', FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
return $content;
I think this works (while your approach does not), because hook_form_alter (and/or hook_form)
do NOT get called again for a prepared/cached form, so the initial form load WILL load the javascript, but subsequent posts will NOT.
Mikes answer ($form['#post_render'][]='yourfunction';), will work, though its not the optimal way and will cause issues with drupal_add_js.
The best way to do this is by adding your javascript via the form api '#attached'.
Instead of using drupal_add_js or a new callback on the '#post_render':
$form['#attached']['js'] = array(
drupal_get_path('module', 'module_name') .'/file/path/filename.js',
You may pass in a 'css' array as well. Being an array, you can pass in as may files as you want.
*This is for Drupal 7. Other versions may be different.
