Ragtag apparently not working? - vim

I am currently trying to use ragtag to close some of my html tags in ERB files. However, pressing something like (C-X)/ (which I interpret to be , "CONTROL" + "uppercase X" + "/") it just prints the / to the buffer. Any ideas?

Make sure you're in the correct mode. The (Ctrl-X) key mappings of ragtag.vim only work in "insert" mode, which is a bit non-intuitive since most text manipulation in Vim is done in "normal" mode.

First, make sure in your .vimrc file, you have the line
let g:ragtag_global_maps = 1
This gives you access to the ragtag key mappings as in <C-X>/ or <C-X><space>
Next, be sure to note that the available ragtag functions available to you depends on the type of file you're in. For instance, when you're in a standard .rb file, you only get a few features, whereas if you open an erb file, you get all the goodies.
Hope that helps.

Try modifying timeoutlen and ttimeoutlen to something bigger, or delete any lines you have set in your .vimrc. The default value should be sufficient for ragtag to work.


How to save buffer (preferably if changed) and then close the buffer but not VIM?

So, I just realized I could use marks with capital letters to go to different files. That's great! However, I'm trying to find a way to close the buffer and return to the previous one. Say I go to my header file to change or add the declaration of the function I'm writing, and then I'd like to save the file, but only if there's changes to it, to go back to working on the contents of the function. How can I do this?
There's :x, but it also quits VIM
There's :bd!, but it doesnt save the changes
There's :bw, but that's even worse (unfortunately that's w[ipeout], not w[rite]...)
There's ctrl+O, but it doesnt seem to work when I edit the file (also, it doesnt actually close the buffer)
There's :up followed by :bd, but that's two commands and VIM's about efficiency, so I'd prefer a single command if it exists
There's a few other options and variants, but none that do what I wanted, afaik
It feels like this should be simple enough to do with one command, preferably without macros/plugins/functions/snippets/etc; as close to vanilla as possible. I get the feeling I'm missing something obvious.
You could concatenate commands like so:
I'd like to save the file, but only if there's changes to it
to go back to working on the contents of the function
Press Ctrl^, or enter the command :e[dit] #
I'd prefer a single command if it exists
Set an option :set autowrite and then Vim will save the current buffer on pressing Ctrl^ automatically.

vim mapping a plugin and providing argument coming from an external script

I use ConqueGdb plugin on a fairly frequent basis for my debugging needs. I decided to set a mapping for it to make my life a little easier. Below is what my mapping looks like -
map gd :ConqueGdb ./binary_name !script_which_returns_pid_of_binary
map gd: ConqueGdb ./binary_name str2nr(system('~/bin/which_pid.sh'))
I noticed that the script in this case is not getting evaluated but instead being pasted as text. Then I tried again by wrapping this script in a function which returns the pid -
map gd :ConqueGdb ./binary_name call GETPID()
Same issue persisted.
Finally, I created a function and within in, I added the
ConqueGdb ./binary_name pid_variable
But here too the same issue prevails (i.e. pid_variable gets passed as text rather than being evaluated to the value it holds).
What am I doing wrong and how can I get vim to use the value stored in the variable rather than assume it is plain text?
It seems you're looking for :exe
I guess something like:
exe ':ConqueGdb ./binary_name'. str2nr(system('~/bin/which_pid.sh'))
Instead of ./binary_name you could also use a variable that you assign somewhere else (like a local vimrc that acts as a plugin that defines your project (preferences & more))

Stop highlighted text from autofilling sublime's goto anything search

I use goto anything quite a bit, but mainly for searching for files. It goes a little something like this:
cmd p, immediately start typing file name
shit, there's a random string of junk at the beginning of my search
backspace, backspace, backsp....
type file name
receive list of file choices that I wanted to begin with
Is there a setting I can set somewhere to make the behavior a little more sane for my use-case?
I don't believe that's a default behavior. What plugins do you have installed? If you log the commands (sublime.log_commands(True) in the ST console), what do you see? I get command: show_overlay {"overlay": "goto", "show_files": true}. If it's not that, a plugin may be binding to super + p. If that's the case, you may either remove the plugin, or create a user key binding with the proper command/arguments.

How to automatically name a file when saving in vim

I'm trying to emulate in vim a behaviour similar to that of TextEdit.app.
As I work I often open a lot of files to take notes, and keep them there without saving them. When I restart the laptop, the TextEdit files will still be there and open thanks to AutoSave. If I do the same thing with vim (specifically MacVim) the files are (as expected) not saved and I lose their content.
My recipe for solving this problem has two bits. The first one is to automatically save the files when I'm not using them, so using a command like:
autocmd BufLeave,FocusLost * silent! wall
This works fine with files that have already been saved, but it ignores ones that have not yet been saved. This is where the second bit comes into play, I would like vim to automatically give these files a default name if it tries to save them and they don't already have a name. Possibly I would also like there to be a default save directory.
The ideal solution would be that when an unnamed file/buffer loses focus it gets saved as ~/Documents/notes/note_1.txt, the second one note_2.txt, etc etc.
I did look around for any pointers that could help in either direction (default name and default directory - the latter is not fundamental though), but couldn't find anything.
Can anybody help?
I don't like your idea, but it is doable.
You need a function:
function! SaveIt()
if bufname("%")==''
exec 'w /path/note_'.localtime()
and in your autocommand, just call the function. Some points you need to note:
the filename would be /path/note_( ms since 1970). your 1,2,3.. index will make vim check filesystem to find out the index. It could be a better name, e.g note_2013-09-11_11:11:11.233 You just change the localtime()
this may throw exception when you try to save a readonly buffer. (help, qf ...) You could check for them though.
Note that I didn't add the ! in w cmd.
it may not work for your autocmd wall. if you want to do it, you have to loop through all buffers, and for each buffer call the function.
after all the function shows the direction how it could be done, it (the quality) is still very far away from "production" level.

Making AutoComplPop search entire project (or open buffers)?

I started using AutoComplPop for automatic code completions. It works great on the single file I am editing, but if file1 is making a reference to a method defined in file2, it doesn't find it.
The docs don't specify if there is a way to make it search a whole project directory, or even just all open buffers, so I can't tell if this is simply not something the plugin does, or if I need to enable something.
I was testing it out on two Ruby files, if that's relevant. Thanks!
Looks like that the cause of the problem is that ACP set the complete option for its purposes to .,w,b,k (see line #125 in autocomplpop/plugin/acp.vim),
call l9#defineVariableDefault('g:acp_completeOption', '.,w,b,k')
while the default value that is used when pressing \<C-n> is .,w,b,u,t,i. And it appears that the very last letter i actually makes the difference: for some reason vim would not use word from an include file opened in a buffer to complete words in another buffer. So, b option is not enough, i must also be included. Adding the following line into my .vimrc helped
let g:acp_completeOption = '.,w,b,u,t,i'
At least it worked for C++ files, but I'm not sure it fixes the problem for the case of Ruby scripts.
Depending on what is on the left of the cursor, ACP (like all the alternatives) decides what completion mechanism to use.
But ACP only uses Vim's default completion mechanisms: if <C-x><C-o> and <C-n>/<C-p> don't provide what you are looking for, ACP won't help. Try them out first.
Oh cool, this plugin looks a lot like neocomplcache but maybe cleaner...looks a little old. Little concerning that there are so many open tickets on that project and no updates in two years.
Anyway, according to the documentation it doesn't...really...say. Very likely its one of the following things:
Your pwd. If the root directory for your source is some/path then that should also be your current working directory. Try typing :cd some/path to see if that makes a difference.
The runtime path rtp. See if adding the directory with your source files to &rtp does the trick.
The path. Same deal as the &rtp setting.
Very likely this plugin is just falling back on the built in ruby omni completion functions bundled with vim. Try help ft-ruby-omni.
I just had the same problem, and I actually found a solution for this.
Apparently you have to set in your .vimrc file the following:
let g:acp_behaviorKeywordCommand = "\<C-x>\<C-i>"
This will make acp look in every file included by your source for completions, as if you were actually typing <C-p>. However, it is slow, after trying it I decided to revert using <C-p> when there are no matches and default behaviour in the other cases.
