Stop highlighted text from autofilling sublime's goto anything search - sublimetext3

I use goto anything quite a bit, but mainly for searching for files. It goes a little something like this:
cmd p, immediately start typing file name
shit, there's a random string of junk at the beginning of my search
backspace, backspace, backsp....
type file name
receive list of file choices that I wanted to begin with
Is there a setting I can set somewhere to make the behavior a little more sane for my use-case?

I don't believe that's a default behavior. What plugins do you have installed? If you log the commands (sublime.log_commands(True) in the ST console), what do you see? I get command: show_overlay {"overlay": "goto", "show_files": true}. If it's not that, a plugin may be binding to super + p. If that's the case, you may either remove the plugin, or create a user key binding with the proper command/arguments.


Is there a one-liner to tell vim/ctags autocompletion to search from the middle of a word?

In vim (in Insert mode, after running exuberant ctags), I am using ctrl-x followed by ctrl-] to bring up a dropdown of various possible words/tokens. It's a great feature.
The problem is that by default, this list starts with a bunch of numeric options and automatically inserts the first numeric option, and if I backspace to get rid of the numbers and start typing a part of a word fresh -- with the idea of searching from the middle of the word -- the autocompletion behavior exits entirely.
I know I could type the first letter of the word that I want, then go from there. But that assumes that I know the first letter of the word, which is not necessarily a given.
For example, if I'm working on a pair-programming project with a friend during a long weekend, I might not remember at any given moment whether he called his method promoteRecordStatus(), updateRecordStatus() or boostRecordStatus(). In this example, I would like to type RecordStatus and get the relevant result, which does not seem to be possible at a glance with the current behavior.
So with that scenario in mind: Is there a simple, vim-native way to tell the editor to start its autocompletion without any assumptions, then search all available tokens for my typed string in all parts of each token?
I will of course consider plugin suggestions helpful, but I would prefer a short, vim-native answer that doesn't require any plugins if possible. Ideally, the configuration could be set using just a line or two.
The built-in completions all require a match at the starting position. In some cases, you could drop separator characters from the 'iskeyword' option (e.g. in Vimscript, drop # to be able to complete individual components from foo#bar#BazFunction()), but this won't work for camelCaseWords at all.
Custom :help complete-functions can implement any completion search, though. To be based on the tags database, it would have to use taglist() as a source, and filter according to the completion base entered before triggering the completion. If you do not anchor this pattern match at the beginning, you have your desired completion.

alter vim's mode indicator text to just the first letter in airline

I have vim with airline, that tells me which mode I am in. I would like to change it so that rather than the whole word it just displays the first letter. So N, I or V. Although I can find instructions for changing colours of the mode indicator, I can't find the command to add to my .vimrc that will change the text.
What do I add?
I don't use the plugin, but was able to locate the information in its help almost immediately.
You're looking for the g:airline_mode_map configuration; the example even does exactly what you're asking for (single mode letters), so just copy-and-paste the fragment into your ~/.vimrc!
Also, I would recommend to open an issue / ask the plugin author next time. It might take a bit longer until you get an answer, but it alerts the author about things that aren't yet documented or are hard to find in the documentation, so he can improve it.

Making AutoComplPop search entire project (or open buffers)?

I started using AutoComplPop for automatic code completions. It works great on the single file I am editing, but if file1 is making a reference to a method defined in file2, it doesn't find it.
The docs don't specify if there is a way to make it search a whole project directory, or even just all open buffers, so I can't tell if this is simply not something the plugin does, or if I need to enable something.
I was testing it out on two Ruby files, if that's relevant. Thanks!
Looks like that the cause of the problem is that ACP set the complete option for its purposes to .,w,b,k (see line #125 in autocomplpop/plugin/acp.vim),
call l9#defineVariableDefault('g:acp_completeOption', '.,w,b,k')
while the default value that is used when pressing \<C-n> is .,w,b,u,t,i. And it appears that the very last letter i actually makes the difference: for some reason vim would not use word from an include file opened in a buffer to complete words in another buffer. So, b option is not enough, i must also be included. Adding the following line into my .vimrc helped
let g:acp_completeOption = '.,w,b,u,t,i'
At least it worked for C++ files, but I'm not sure it fixes the problem for the case of Ruby scripts.
Depending on what is on the left of the cursor, ACP (like all the alternatives) decides what completion mechanism to use.
But ACP only uses Vim's default completion mechanisms: if <C-x><C-o> and <C-n>/<C-p> don't provide what you are looking for, ACP won't help. Try them out first.
Oh cool, this plugin looks a lot like neocomplcache but maybe cleaner...looks a little old. Little concerning that there are so many open tickets on that project and no updates in two years.
Anyway, according to the documentation it doesn't...really...say. Very likely its one of the following things:
Your pwd. If the root directory for your source is some/path then that should also be your current working directory. Try typing :cd some/path to see if that makes a difference.
The runtime path rtp. See if adding the directory with your source files to &rtp does the trick.
The path. Same deal as the &rtp setting.
Very likely this plugin is just falling back on the built in ruby omni completion functions bundled with vim. Try help ft-ruby-omni.
I just had the same problem, and I actually found a solution for this.
Apparently you have to set in your .vimrc file the following:
let g:acp_behaviorKeywordCommand = "\<C-x>\<C-i>"
This will make acp look in every file included by your source for completions, as if you were actually typing <C-p>. However, it is slow, after trying it I decided to revert using <C-p> when there are no matches and default behaviour in the other cases.

Ragtag apparently not working?

I am currently trying to use ragtag to close some of my html tags in ERB files. However, pressing something like (C-X)/ (which I interpret to be , "CONTROL" + "uppercase X" + "/") it just prints the / to the buffer. Any ideas?
Make sure you're in the correct mode. The (Ctrl-X) key mappings of ragtag.vim only work in "insert" mode, which is a bit non-intuitive since most text manipulation in Vim is done in "normal" mode.
First, make sure in your .vimrc file, you have the line
let g:ragtag_global_maps = 1
This gives you access to the ragtag key mappings as in <C-X>/ or <C-X><space>
Next, be sure to note that the available ragtag functions available to you depends on the type of file you're in. For instance, when you're in a standard .rb file, you only get a few features, whereas if you open an erb file, you get all the goodies.
Hope that helps.
Try modifying timeoutlen and ttimeoutlen to something bigger, or delete any lines you have set in your .vimrc. The default value should be sufficient for ragtag to work.

In bash, how to make control-delete mean kill-word?

Bash uses readline, and readline can delete the word to the right of the cursor with "kill-word".
The problem is in recognizing the keypress of control-delete. When I press them in bash, "5~" is output on the screen. I could just bind for this, but it would mean that one day I need to type "5~", and it deletes a word to the right instead! So I'd much rather discover the correct control sequence.
I have googled, and quite a few resources discuss the "delete" key, but none that I've found discuss "control-delete" key. I've experimented with many variations, but nothing works.
The worst is the hours I've spent on this tedious, mindless grind, when it really should be a non-problem.
EDIT: It's through X, so maybe there's a solution with xev and xmodmap
On my machine, pressing Ctrl-V, Ctrl-Delete outputs this:
The ^[ escape character can be replaced with \e, so you can then use bind like this for bash (in your ~/.bashrc for example):
bind '"\e[3;5~":kill-word'
Or, you can add the following to your ~/.inputrc so Ctrl-Delete does kill-word in any program that uses readline:
"\e[3;5~": kill-word
This will bind only the Ctrl-Delete key, you don't have to worry about what will happen if you need to type 5~.
What you see is not the whole truth. It's probably <ESC>5~ or something like that. Try Ctrl-V Ctrl-Delete. The Ctrl-V means "do not interpret the next thing".
So binding <ESC>5~ that should be pretty safe.
Alt+D deletes one word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl+W deletes one word to the left of the cursor
(both are based on Emacs, I believe)
If you type ^Q^V (that's Control-Q followed by Control-V, releasing the Control key between them is fine), and then press Control-Delete, do you get the output you mentioned? I just tried it, and at least using Putty I don't get a response at all. Perhaps the behvior is different on an actual Linux console, though.
For other keys, readline prints a longer sequence, often including a special "command sequence introduction" character, which is hard to type by mistake. Try it, and see if you get a longer sequence with the ^Q^V command (which is, btw, called quoted-insert).
For example, if I press ^Q^V and then Delete (without control held down), readline prints ^[[3~. This tells me I can bind stuff to the Delete key by saying \e[[3~. It seems highely likely that the CSI character is present for you, but you're not seeing it since you're not asking readline to quote the input properly.
Ctrl-W deletes words.
Ctrl-u deletes lines.
They're based on Emacs (M-w and M-u).
