Using web service to update a SharePoint 2010 list from a form located on a public web page? - sharepoint

I've been searching for information on how to do this but haven't found exactly what I'm looking for after a few hours on Google.
I have a form on a public website (old asp unfortunately) that when filled out and submitted, must update a list on a SharePoint 2010 site.
I know that the answer should be in a "lists.asmx" web service, but I'm having a hard time finding a web tutorial on setting this up.
If anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated.

I am trying to do something similar, and i found this blog post quite useful.

Take a look at the documentation for UpdateListItem


Passing parameters in Web Parts

I am working with Sharepoint 2003. I want to pass data from one web part to other like select a drop down in one web part and the other gets updated. I am pretty new to SharePoint please suggest me any tutorials, links sample code to do that.
Thanks for help.
kind regards
This requirement is specified by creating connectable web parts. See this link:
Although it is for SharePoint 2010 and 2007, but concepts are same.
Madhur's link is good although you'll have to make sure you don't try to use the Asp.Net WebPart infrastructure to create your WebPart. That support was added in the 2007 cycle of the product.
You will want to extend Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart

Where to start learning SharePoint 2010?

I recently started at a new job where I'll be working with Sharepoint 2010 to set up (or actually upgrade) an intranet. Unfortunately, I have no experience with SP2010, and the last time I touched SP2007 (or a virtual server for that matter) was four years ago.
I'll be attending a course soon, but until then I have to make myself useful. I've already managed to install a working Sp2010 server and have played around with some web applications and site collections, and trying to find out how Sharepoint Designer works, but I don't really have an idea what I'm doing or what goals I should set for myself to actually learn useful stuff.
I've also watched some tutorials, but most are really problem-specific (problems I don't have yet) or dive into the code (which I won't, probably).
So.. where to start?
There are a lot of great training videos on Channel9.
Sahil Malik's book is organized as what are the basic things all SharePoint 2010 developers need to know.
It is a good place to start.
I would suggest video tutorials because:
They are FREE!
They give you more context than just reading what to do.
A quick search will get you specific topics.
Check out Bing videos on SharePoint 2010. There's lots of great content out there to get you going fast.
when i started with SP2010, i began by searching:
New features in Lists and Document
Libraries New search capabilities
DocumentSets (they are very interesting!)
Office Web Apps (Excel and Word web access)
A little bit of FAST Search Engine
Integration with silverlight
Changes in the object model
New tools in VS2010
(MSDN, codeplex, codeproject, stackoverflow, and several blogs from Sharepoint MVPs are good places to look for)
I don't know if this would help but that's where I started.. if you need specific help you can find several groups in linkedin.. there are a lots of MVPs helping..
Good luck!
I would recommend you to check out the SharePoint guidance on codeplex. It comes with at sample portal application that is explained and with best practices and guidance for creating a SharePoint site. I am sure that this will provider vital information and knowledge for your project.
Kr., Bernd.
Follow the below link to learn sharepoint. It contains sharepoint tutorial videos and all.
Basically i started my sharepoint learning with the following examples:
Create a feature to change site title
Create a feature to change site theme
Create a feature with feature stapling
Create a feature that activates another feature
Create a site through code
Create a list through code
Populate a list with data through code
Create a lookup column in list through code
These are the basic examples that you can understand what is Sharepoint as a beginner.
Please see the below link for more beginner programs:
Litso install a dev box on you machine and get started.
Try doing some migration from one server to the other.

SharePoint ASP.NET Mock Site

Does any one know if there is a ASP.NET website available that is a pretty good clone of the style and layout of a SharePoint site? I don't need the functionality of SharePoint, I would like to be able to quickly mock up some controls for SharePoint, with out having to actually deploy stuff to the server, and want to be able to see what the controls would look like rendered in SharePoint.
Make sense?
If there is nothing available I'm just going to do a "save complete" with FireFox on my SharePoint site, and convert the results into a master page that I can use. If someone else has already done the work, that would be fantastic.
Heather Solomon has an excellent SharePoint CSS Cheat Sheet. Also, if you use sharepoint native controls like the SPGridView, most of the styling will be inherited / already implemented for you.
Your 'Save Complete' idea is the one I would suggest. You could also have some sort of bookmarklet/script that receives a html page url and injects it into the sharepoint page without actually changing it, but it is way more complicated.
My advice would be to use SharePoint Designer to play with the design and to use Features for deploying the customizations. Your question is pretty vague in that I can't tell if you have access to a VM to do a test install? Also, are we talking WSS 3.0 or MOSS 2007 or the latest version? Is it a publishing site? What kind of controls are you working on? Web Parts?

Access Services and SharePoint 2010 - Need Info

I've been asked to research the ability to publish Access solutions directly to SharePoint as demonstrated in the demo below.
I'm going to keep searching via Google / Bing - but I thought I'd check here to see if anyone has any good links to information on this feature. At first glance it seems like I'm getting alot of brief blog entries with links to the SP2009 conference or to the above video.
Yes, there's some excellent discussion happening with Albert Kallal and others on this topic in the newsgroups. See my blog postings on the topic of SharePoint and Access 2010. I've given you a link to the SharePoint tags as I will be blogging any additional discussions in the newsgroups using that tag. So keep checking back every week or two.
Also I believe Access 2010 is now available as a public beta this week so you can download some or all of it yourself. Visit Technet/MSDN.
This site is in beta, Access Hosting
. I can't speak for he quality of their service (Hosting Windows Server, SharePoint, SQL Server), but they have several tutorials and other information on publishing Accesss 2010 apps on SharePoint. Their service is free for trial and they have not posted any pricing that I could find.

Programatically Publishing InfoPath Form As Site ContentType (Not Central Admin)

Does anyone have any idea how to deploy an InfoPath Form (2007) as a Site ContentType programatically (script or object model)? I do not want the form published to Central Admin and FormServerTemplates, but rather a Forms Library created by a Web scoped feature. The intention is to be able to publish the form via script or code in order to deploy and test the form in dev/stage/prod environments.
Well, I had to cut bait. Seems the two links provided a workable solution for now.
Sahil Malik's articel here provided enough information to deploy the form and the data connection was a simple matter of adding a module to the elements file for the feature. Some tips for this can be found here
Howerver, it seems there is no way to deploy a form to anything other than a Site Feature. After diving into the assembly Sahil mentions with Reflector, there is a check in the code to ensure the Feature is Site scoped. Arrgghh. If anyone can explain why this is, and perhaps an alternative, I would greatly appreciate it! Hope this helps someone else.
