remove uneccesary drivers during linux kernel build - linux

I was wondering if anyone knows a way to prevent building unneeded device drivers when building the 2.6.32 kernel in Ubuntu 10.4 on VB? The reason I ask is we have to do a project for my operating systems class that involves adding some system calls to the kernel and the instructions say that after you add your call you need to rebuild the kernel(which takes like 3 freakin hours) and I know its because Ubuntu doesn't know which device drivers I need on so it builds them all so I'm wondering if there is a way to have it only build the ones I need? and if so how to go about that? or if anyone knows a way of being able to test added system calls without rebuilding the whole kernel(as this is really the issue)?
Thanks in advance

You can manually change kernel configuration with with rather friendly menus. Just type make nconfig (or menuconfig, or xconfig for gui). And remove drivers that you don't need.
Here are some links that may help you:
Also, do you have a multicore processor? If so do you use advantages of it like here?
UPDATE: I've remembered a faster way. You can wrap a new syscall in module, thus avoiding recompilation of the whole kernel. Look here and there.
You can easily find everything here with the help of Google, though.


Stripping source from linux kernel

Is there a (/an efficient) way of stripping unwanted source from the linux kernel? Would it be possible for the configurators (xconfig, menuconfig) to work?
As an example, I'm planning to create a different VFS design, which might break all the VFS-dependent kernel components. Also, working with the full kernel source (currently ~400 MB) is not desirable due to space reasons (I'm only interested in booting the system & debugging my code).
Note: I've thought about removing files, but I can't find how to remove the dependencies on them.
[edit] Note 2: Ok, I'll try again deciphering the Kbuild system.
If you don't mind the files just hanging there (which unless your hard disk is 50MB, it's usually not a problem), you can disable basically every disableable feature by configuring the kernel using it's own configuration tools.
For example, simply type
$ make menuconfig # or any other available configuration option
and start by saying no to everything you don't need. There's a LOT of stuff, so this may take some time! Read the README of the kernel. There's another option (which I don't remember the name) that starts the configuration with the minimum configuration automatically detected from your running kernel. That may make things easier.

How can I get edge events via GPIO on Linux without a busy-loop?

I'm working an a system with embedded Linux (Kernel 2.6.31).
It is a AT91SAM9G20 chip inside, and some of the Pins are forwarded to the outside.
Now I want to use them as GPIO Inputs.
I read the gpio.txt documentation about using the GPIOs via filesystem, and that works very well 'til here. I connected some switches to the gpio-pins and I can see the result in /sys/class/gpio/gpioX/value. But now I'd like to react on a change without busy-waiting in a loop. (i.e echo "Switch1 was pressed").
I guess I need interrupts here, but I couldn't find out how to use them without writing my own kernel driver. I'm relatively new to Linux and C (I normally program in Java), so I'd like to handle the Interrupts via sysfs too. But my problem is, that there is no "edge"-file in my GPIO directory (I guess because this is only since Kernel version 2.6.33+). Is that right? Instead of "edge" I've got a uevent file in there, which is not described in gpio.txt.
In the gpio.txt documentation there was a Standard Kernel Driver mentioned: "gpio_keys". Is it possible to use this for my problem?
I guess it would be better to work with this driver than allowing a userspace program to manipulate kernel tasks.
I found a lot of codesnippets for writing my own driver, but I wasn't even able to find out which of the 600 gpio.h files to include, and how to refer to the library (cross compiler couldn't find the gpio.h file).
Sorry for newbie questions, I hope you could give me some advices.
Thanks in advance
See this for an example on how to do that. Basically, the thing you're missing is the usage of the select or poll system calls.

Execute code in process's stack, on recent Linux

I want to use ptrace to write a piece of binary code in a running process's stack.
However, this causes segmentation fault (signal 11).
I can make sure the %eip register stores the pointer to the first instruction that I want to execute in the stack. I guess there is some mechanism that linux protects the stack data to be executable.
So, does anyone know how to disable such protection for stack. Specifically, I'm trying Fedora 15.
Thanks a lot!
After reading all replies, I tried execstack, which really makes code in stack executable. Thank you all!
This is probably due to the NX bit on modern processors. You may be able to disable this for your program using execstack.
As already mentioned it is due to the NX bit. But it is possible. I know for sure that gcc uses it itself for trampolines (which are a workaround to make e.g. function pointers of nested functions). I dont looked at the detailes, but I would recommend a look at the gcc code. Search in the sources for the architecture specific macro TARGET_ASM_TRAMPOLINE_TEMPLATE, there you should see how they do it.
EDIT: A quick google for that macro, gave me the hint: mprotect is used to change the permissions of the memory page. Also be carefull when you generate date and execute it - you maybe have in addition to flush the instruction cache.

Stripping down a kernel in linux?

I recently read a post (admittedly its a few years old) and it was advice for fast number-crunching program:
"Use something like Gentoo Linux with 64 bit processors as you can compile it natively as you install. This will allow you to get the maximum punch out of the machine as you can strip the kernel right down to only what you need."
can anyone elaborate on what they mean by stripping down the kernel? Also, as this post was about 6 years old, which current version of Linux would be best for this (to aid my google searches)?
There is some truth in the statement, as well as something somewhat nonsensical.
You do not spend resources on processes you are not running. So as a first instance I would try minimise the number of processes running. For that we quite enjoy Ubuntu server iso images at work -- if you install from those, log in and run ps or pstree you see a thing of beauty: six or seven processes. Nothing more. That is good.
That the kernel is big (in terms of source size or installation) does not matter per se. Many of this size stems from drivers you may not be using anyway. And the same rule applies again: what you do not run does not compete for resources.
So think about a headless server, stripped down -- rather than your average desktop installation with more than a screenful of processes trying to make the life of a desktop user easier.
You can create a custom linux kernel for any distribution.
Start by going to and downloading the latest source. Then choose your configuration interface (you have the choice of console text, 'config', ncurses style 'menuconfig', KDE style 'xconfig' and GNOME style 'gconfig' these days) and execute ./make whateverconfig. After choosing all the options, type make to create your kernel. Then make modules to compile all the selected modules for this kernel. Then, make install will copy the files to your /boot directory, and make modules_install, copies the modules. Next, go to /boot and use mkinitrd to create the ram disk needed to boot properly, if needed. Then you'll add the kernel to your GRUB menu.lst, by editing menu.lst and copying the latest entry and adding a similar one pointing to the new kernel version.
Of course, that's a basic overview and you should probably search for 'linux kernel compile' to find more detailed info. Selecting the necessary kernel modules and options takes a bit of experience - if you choose the wrong options, the kernel might not be bootable and you'll have to start over, which is a pain because selecting the options and compiling the kernel can take 15-30 minutes.
Ultimately, it isn't going to make a large difference to compile a stripped-down custom kernel unless your given task is very, very performance sensitive. It makes sense to remove things you're never going to use from the kernel, though, like say ISDN support.
I'd have to say this question is more suited to, by the way, as it's not quite about programming.

Linux - mounting a user space file system(mimicking one :-) ) as a FileSystem

I have a piece of C code which with a chunk of memory(static array) can mimic file operations (It has APIs similar to fopen/fclose etc). So, any code that is compiled with this mimicking FileSystem can use these APIs as a FileSystem for all their needs :)
But I was wondering, if its possible somehow to register these APIs with Linux system/mouning this File system, and hence enabling any client to use this FS by using normal FileSystem calls (without any need of statically linking it with the My_FileSystem).
While searching for a solution, I came across this idea of making my_FileSystem as a Driver!!! =>
Is it possible to compile my code as a device driver (with the memory chunk in the driver) and mount this File_system # say "/mnt/MyFs", and divert FileSystem calls like USB drivers do? (If this can be done, can you please explain how its done or point me to somewhere I can read about this).
I don't want to add these as new System calls and recompile the kernel (And making life of ppl wanting to use this difficult).
This is mainly for embedded systems running Linux... But other suggestions are also welcome. :)
Thank You,
MicroKernel :)
Look at FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace), especially on examples. Its quite easy...
Take a look at tmpfs and ramfs. These already ship with Linux and do all that you're trying to do and more. I don't think either of them would be too expensive for an embedded system.
I would consider PlasticFS, but that will work reliably only if everything uses system C library (i.e. no statically linked binaries).
