Releasing resources in an Application? - resources

I am working on an application in which I need a connection to a server. I also need to access this connection from different activities.
To achieve this I was going to override the Application class and create the connection there. This would allow for easy interaction from every Activity as I could simply call getApplicationContext().getConnection() to get access to my own connection class.
The problem with this approach is that the Application class does not have any onDestroy() method or similar in which I can release the connection and any related resources. I do not think that leaving it idle until onLowMemory() is called is the best approach here.
I cannot add a custom release() method, as I don't know when to call it (there are two Activities that can be the last one to be active, and depending on the users actions they do not know if the other is to be started when the active one is shut down).
Is there a good solution to this, should I just ignore releasing resources (before onLowMemory()) or is there a better way to achieve what I want (possibly a Service, but as there will be several calls to an underlying class it might get overly problematic with the Service?)

Just use Singleton Design Pattern. Making your Connection class Singleton gives you approach to access connection from different activities, and don`t forget to handle multithreading.


Is the Azure Table Client for .NET Threadsafe?

Can I just have one global instance of the client and table, or do I need a separate instance per thread?
Each individual class should describe whether it is thread-safe or not. I know some are. I suspect some are not.
Example: CloudTable's public static methods are thread-safe but instances of the class are not.
More than likely, you'll want multiple instances of these. If you have some strange scaling issue where this is problematic, consider creating a "ClientPool" somewhat akin to a Connection Pool to lease and reuse instances.

reuse mongodb connection and close it

I'm using the Node native client 1.4 in my application and I found something in the document a little bit confusing:
A Connection Pool is a cache of database connections maintained by the driver so that connections can be re-used when new connections to the database are required. To reduce the number of connection pools created by your application, we recommend calling MongoClient.connect once and reusing the database variable returned by the callback:
Several questions come in mind when reading this:
Does it mean the db object also maintains the fail over feature provided by replica set? Which I thought should be the work of MongoClient (not sure about this but the C# driver document does say MongoClient maintains replica set stuff)
If I'm reusing the db object, when should I invoke the db.close() function? I saw the db.close() in every example. But shouldn't we keep it open if we want to reuse it?
As it's a topic about reusing, I'd also want to know how we can share the db in different functions/objects?
As the project grows bigger, I don't want to nest all the functions/objects in one big closure, but I also don't want to pass it to all the functions/objects.
What's a more elegant way to share it among the application?
The concept of "connection pooling" for database connections has been around for some time. It really is a common sense approach as when you consider it, establishing a connection to a database every time you wish to issue a query is very costly and you don't want to be doing that with the additional overhead involved.
So the general principle is there that you have an object handle ( db reference in this case ) that essentially goes and checks for which "pooled" connection it can use, and possibly if the current "pool" is fully utilized then and create another ( or a few others ) connection up to the pool limit in order to service the request.
The MongoClient class itself is just a constructor or "factory" type class whose purpose is to establish the connections and indeed the connection pool and return a handle to the database for later usage. So it is actually the connections created here that are managed for things such as replica set fail-over or possibly choosing another router instance from the available instances and generally handling the connections.
As such, the general practice in "long lived" applications is that "handle" is either globally available or able to be retrieved from an instance manager to give access to the available connections. This avoids the need to "establish" a new connection elsewhere in your code, which has already been stated as a costly operation.
You mention the "example" code which is often present through many such driver implementation manuals often or always calling db.close. But these are just examples and not intended as long running applications, and as such those examples tend to be "cycle complete" in that they show all of the "initialization", the "usage" of various methods, and finally the "cleanup" as the application exits.
Good application or ODM type implementations will typically have a way to setup connections, share the pool and then gracefully cleanup when the application finally exits. You might write your code just like "manual page" examples for small scripts, but for a larger long running application you are probably going to implement code to "clean up" your connections as your actual application exits.

WCF - spawn a new worker thread and return to caller without waiting for it to finnish

I have a WCF web service hosted in IIS- This service has a method - lets call it DoSomething(). DoSomething() is called from a client-side application.
DoSomething performs some work and returns the answer to the user. Now I need to log how often DoSomething is being called. I can add it to the DoSomething function so that it will for every call write to an sql database and update a counter, but this will slow down the DoSomething method as the user needs to wait for this extra database call.
Is it a good option to let the DoSomething method spawn a new thread which will update the counter in the database, and then just return the answer from the DoSomething method to the user without waiting for the thread to finnish? Then I will not know if the database update fails, but that is not critical.
Any problems with spawning a new background thread and not wait for it to finnish in WCF? Or is there a better way to solve this?
Update: To ask the question in a little different way. Is it a bad idea to spawn new threads insde a wcf web service method?
The main issue is one of reliability. Is this a call you care about? If the IIS process crashes after you returned the response, but before your thread completes, does it matter? If no, then you can use client side C# tools. If it does matter, then you must use a reliable queuing technology.
If you use the client side then spawning a new thread just to block on a DB call is never the correct answer. What you want is to make the call async, and for that you use SqlCommand.BeginExecute after you ensure that AsyncronousProcessing is enabled on the connection.
If you need reliable processing then you can use a pattern like Asynchronous procedure execution which relies on persisted queues.
As a side note things like logging, or hit counts, and the like are a huge performance bottleneck if done in the naive approach of writing to the database on every single HTTP request. You must batch and flush.
If you want to only track a single method like DoSomething() in service then you can create an custom operation behavior and apply it over the method.
The operation behavior will contain the code that logs the info to database. In that operation behavior you can use the .NET 4.0's new TPL library to create a task that will take care of database logging. If you use TPL you don't need to worry about directly creating threads.
The advantage of using operation behvaior tomorrow you need to track another method then at that time instead of duplicating the code there you are just going to mark the method with the custom operation behavior. If you want to track all the methods then you should go for service behavior.
To know more about operation behaviors check
To know more about TPL(Task Parallel Library) check

ColdFusion singleton object pool

In our ColdFusion application we have stateless model objects.
All the data I want I can get with one method call (it calls other internally without saving the state).
Methods usually ask the database for the data. All methods are read only, so I don't have to worry about thread safety (please correct me if I'm wrong).
So there is no need to instantiate objects at all. I could call them statically, but ColdFusion doesn't have static methods - calling the method would mean instantiating the object first.
To improve performance I have created singletons for every Model object.
So far it works great - each object is created once and then accessed as needed.
Now my worry is that all requests for data would go through only 1 model object.
Should I? I mean if on my object I have a method getOfferData() and it's time-consuming.
What if a couple of clients want to access it?
Will second one wait for the first request to finish or is it executed in a separate thread?
It's the same object after all.
Should I implement some kind of object pool for this?
The singleton pattern you are using won't cause the problem you are describing. If getOfferData() is still running when another call to that function gets called on a different request then this will not cause it to queue unless you do one of the following:-
Use cflock to grant an exclusive lock
Get queueing connecting to your database because of locking / transactions
You have too many things running and you use all the available concurrent threads available to ColdFusion
So the way you are going about it is fine.
Hope that helps.

WCF NetTCP with Background Threading

I have a system that hosts WCF services inside a Windows Service with NetTCP binding. To add a new service to the collection you simply add the standard WCF config entries inside <system.serviceModel -> services /> and then add a line inside a custom configuration section that tells the hosting framework it needs to initialize the service. Each service is initialized with its own background thread and AppDomain instance to keep everything isolated.
Here is an example of how the services are initialized:
- ServerManager
- ServiceManager
- BaseServerHost
The ServerManager instance has a collection of ServiceManagers that each correlate to a single service instance which is where the standard WCF implementation lies (ServiceHost.Open/Close, etc). The ServiceManager instance instantiates (based on the config - it has the standard assembly/type definition) an instance of the service by use of the BaseServerHost base class (abstract). Every service must inherit from this for the framework to be able to use it. As part of the initialization process BaseServerHost exposes a couple of events, specifically an UnhandledException event that the owning ServiceManager attaches itself to. (This part is critical in relation to the question below.)
This entire process works exceptionally well for us (one instance is running 63 services) as I can bring someone on who doesn't know anything about WCF and they can create services very quickly.
The problem I have run into is with background threading. A majority of the exposed methods on our endpoints do a significant amount of activity after a standard insert/update/delete method call such as sending messages to other systems. To keep performance up (the front-end is web-based) we let the initial insert/update/delete method do its thing and then fire off a background thread to handle all the stuff an end-user doesn't need to wait for to complete. This option works great until something in that background thread goes unhandled and brings the entire Windows service down, which I understand is by design (and I'm OK with).
Based on all of my research I have found that there is no way to implement a global try/catch (minus using the hacked config of enabling 1.1 handling of background crashing) so my team will have to go back and get those in the appropriate places. That aside, what I've found is on the endpoint side of the WCF hosting appears to be in its own thread on each call and getting that thread to talk to the "parent" has been a nightmare. From the service viewpoint here is the layout:
Endpoint (svc - inherits from BaseServerHost, mentioned above)
- Business Layer
- Data Layer
When I catch an exception on a background thread in the business layer I bubble it up to the Endpoint instance (which inherits from BaseServerHost) which then attempts to fire BaseServerHost's UnhandledException event for this particular service (which was attached to by the owning ServiceManager that instantiated it). Unfortunately the event handler is no longer there so it does nothing at all. I've tried numerous things to get this to work and thus far all of my efforts have been in vain.
When looking at the full model (shown below), I need to make the Business layer know about its parent Endpoint (this works) and the endpoint needs to know about the running BaseServerHost instance which needs to know about the ServiceManager that is hosting it so the errors can be bubbled up to this for use in our standard logging procedures.
- ServerManager
- ServiceManager <=====================
- BaseServerHost ||
- Endpoint (svc) ||
- Business Layer <======
- Data Layer
I've tried static classes with no luck and even went as far as making ServerManager static and expoting its previously internal collection of ServiceManagers (so they can be shutdown), but that collection is always empty or null too.
Thoughts on making this work?
EDIT: After digging a little further I found an example of exactly how I envision this working. In a standard ASP.NET website, on any page/handler etc. you can use the HttpContext.Current property to access the current context for that request. This is exactly how I would want this to work with a "ServiceManager.Current" returning the owning ServiceManager for that service. Perhaps that helps?
Maybe you should look into doing something with CallContext:
You can use either SetData/GetData or LogicalSetData/LogicalGetData, depending on whether you want your ServiceManager to be associated with one physical thread (SetData) or a "logical" thread (LogicalSetData). With LogicalSetData you could make the same ServiceManager instance available within a thread as well as within that thread's "child" threads. Will try to post a couple of potentially useful links later when I can find them.
Here is a link to the "Virtual Singleton Pattern" on codeproject.
Here is a link to "Thread Singleton"
Here is a link to "Ambient Context"
All of these ideas are similar. Essentially, you have an object with a static Current property (can be get or get/set). Current puts its value in (and gets it from) the CallContext using either SetData (to associate the "Current" value with the current thread) or LogicalSetData (to associate the "Current" value with the current thread and to flow the value to any "child" threads).
HttpContext is implemented in a similar fashion.
System.Diagnostics.CorrelationManager is another good example that is implemented in a similar fashion.
I think the Ambient Context article does a pretty good job of explaining what you can accomplish with this idea.
Whenever I dicsuss CallContext, I try to also include this link to this entry from Jeffrey Richter's blog.
Ultimately, I'm not sure if any of this will help you or not. One it would be useful would be if you had a multithreaded server application (maybe each request is fulfilled by a thread and multiple requests can be fulfilled at the same time on different threads), you might have a ServiceManager per thread. In that case, you could have a static Current method on ServiceManager that would always return the correct ServiceManager instance for a particular thread because it stores the ServiceManager in the CallContext. Something like this:
public class ServiceManager
static string serviceManagerSlot = "ServiceManager";
public static ServiceManager Current
ServiceManager sm = null;
object o = CallContext.GetData(serviceManagerSlot);
if (o == null)
o = new ServiceManager();
CallContext.SetData(serviceManagerSlot, o);
sm = (ServiceManager)o;
return sm;
CallContext.SetData(serviceManagerSlot, value);
Early in your process, you might configure a ServiceManager for use in the current thread (or current "logical" thread) and then store in the "Current" property:
ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager(thread specific properties?);
ServiceManager.Current = sm;
Now, whenever you retrieve ServiceManager.Current in your code, it will be the correct ServiceManager for the thread in which you are current executing.
This whole idea might not really be what you want.
From your comment you say that the CallContext data that you try to retrieve in the event of an exception is null. That probably means that exception is being raised and/or caught on a different thread than the thread on which the CallContext data was set. You might try using LogicalSetData to see if that helps.
As I said, I don't know if any of this will help you, but hopefully I have been clear enough (and the examples have also been clear enough) so you can tell if these ideas apply to your situation or not.
Good luck.
