jsf and page fragment caching - jsf

Does jsf 2.0 + facelets supports page fragment caching, something similar to aps page framgent caching
(example this tutorial http://quickstarts.asp.net/QuickStartv20/aspnet/doc/caching/fragment.aspx)

The answer on your question actually depends on the view technology in question. JSF is a component based MVC framework, not a view technology. JSF usually runs on either JSP or Facelets as view technology.
Both view technologies however doesn't provide an OutputCache like facility out of the box. You would need to create a custom tag/component for this. JBoss Seam has a similar component in the toolbox, the <s:cache>.


Is there a way to use Struts 2.0 and JSF togather in a web application?

I've been using Struts 1.x for more than 1 year now, and I've been learning about JSF recently. I know both JSF and Struts are different frameworks but I wanted to use Struts as Action framework and JSF as Component framework in my web application. I'm not sure if we can do that, and couldn't find any materials online regarding this.
Suggestions and links are welcome, Thanks in advance
Struts and JSF can be used in a web application, some(or no) changes might be required in the back end but as both the frameworks follow MVC, the "VIEW" tier would be much similar.
As JSF and Struts both have their own advantages, we can use the advantagesof of each combinedly, like ValidationFramework in Struts and JSF components (html components in Struts)
All this I would just only if you have an existing Struts application, can find more detailed information here
though the link talks about older versions, i hope it gives basic information

Integration of JSF and Ext GWT

I am enhancing an existing JSF app. There I need to add ExtGWT component to the existing JSF based GUI. Is it possible to integrate JSF and Ext GWT? If not do I have any alternatives?
It should be possible ExtJS GWT with JSF?(haven't tried myself..)
INMO if you want to enrich you current JSF application you better look at JSF Component library's like PrimeFaces <- this is example of their table...
also there is this project Integrating the Google Web Toolkit with JSF using G4jsf , not sure how active it is

GWT MVP and JSF at the same time?

If I do a GWT application with a MVP. Can you confirm that I will not have to use JSF? I have understood that JSF is just for MVC application?
MVC and MVP are patterns so they are not aware of any technology such as GWT or JSF. MVP is a variation of MVC.
GWT and JSF are technologies used for browser-based client applications. They have completely separate origins and implementations. The only thing that may relate them is that both aim to offer AJAX-rich browser JavaScript code at the end.
You won't need JSF if you do GWT apps. You may encapsulate GWT application into JSF if you have large JSF application and you want to take advantage of GWT.
GWT is completly seperate from JSF. Thought you could build a site that uses JSF for some parts and GWT for others.

Which jsf component library best suits Liferay portlet application

Could any one throw some light on the following jsf component libraries to be used in Liferay portlet development which supports Inter Portlet Communication (IPC), Ajax Push Support and JSF - Portlet bridge, community support etc., for Primefaces, Richfaces, Icefaces and Myfaces.
From my own experience I have to agree with what doc_180 says, among the frameworks you mention ICEFaces is definitely the best choice, but stick to new 2.0+ version as it has many improvements.
A lot can off course also be done by using the same stack as Liferay itself uses in the 6+ version: Struts/MVC-portlet + AlloyUI
ICEFaces works like a charm with liferay. Especially with ajax push support, its a very good choice.

What will be better view with JSF technology

I am using Struts Tiles with JSF to have one header, menu and footer across application. Is there any other like struts to have one header, menu and footer. Is this feature available in faceslets and what viewing technology would be better for easy development.
For JSF you've only choice of two view technologies. The good old JSP and the improved and XHTML based Facelets. Facelets is much more suited to JSF than JSP. It is a view technology and template framework in one. It provides great templating capabilities and since JSF 2.0 also composite components, while JSP basically only offers the <jsp:include> for templating, so that you're forced to create custom components with raw Java code (which is a bit opaque and a lot of tedious work in JSF) when you want to replace a repeated group of components by a single component. If you can, I recommend to drop JSP and Tiles altogether and go for Facelets when you want to develop with JSF. If you're going for JSF 2.0 as well, it would already be a major step ahead as opposed to JSF 1.x.
Facelets is the first choice for JSF. Your task can be easily solved with Facelets.
