Is Regular language always infinite - regular-language

I'm kind of confused by the concept of regular language.
Since all regular language can be accepted by a dfa and dfa always has loops in it. So it seems like the dfa can accpet infinite number of strings. Does it mean all regular language is infinite? What about empty set. Is it a regular language?

The definition of regular language includes the empty set. It also includes the singleton language {a}, so no, not all regular languages are infinite.

No, not all DFAs have loops in them. A regular language is one which can be accepted by a regular expression (using the mathematical, rather than pcre definition), and for example 'a' is a regular expression which matches only the exact string 'a'. So { a } is a regular language. :)
A DFA for this language is:


Prove regular language and automata

This is a grammar and I wan to check if this language is regular or not.
L → ε | aLcLc | LL
For example the result of this grammar is:
acc, accacc ..., aacccc, acaccc, accacc, aaacccccc, ...
I know that is not a regular language but how to prove it? Is building an automata the right way to prove it? What is the resulting automata. I don't see pattern to use it for build the automata.
Thank you for any help!
First, let me quickly demonstrate that you cannot deduce the language of a grammar is irregular based solely on the grammar's being irregular. To see this, consider the unrestricted grammar:
S -> SSaSS | aS | e
SaS -> aSa
aaS -> SSa
This is clearly not a regular grammar but you should be able to verify it generates the infinite regular language of all strings of a.
That said, how should we proceed? We will need to figure out what language your grammar generates, and then argue that particular language cannot be regular. We notice that the only rule that introduces terminal symbols always introduces twice as many c as it does a. Furthermore, it's not hard to see the language must be infinite. We can use the Myhill-Nerode theorem to show that these observations imply the language must be irregular.
Consider the prefix a^n of a hypothetical string in the language of this grammar. The shortest string which can be appended to the end of this prefix to give us a string generated by this grammar is c^(2n). No shorter string will work, and that string always works. Imagine now that we were looking at a correct deterministic finite automaton for the language of the grammar. Then, whatever state processing the prefix a^n left us in, we'd need the shortest path from there to an accepting state in the automaton to have length 2n. But a DFA must have finitely many states, and n is an arbitrary natural number. Our DFA cannot work for all possible n (it would need to have arbitrarily many states). This is a contradiction, so there can be no correct DFA for the language of the grammar. Since all regular languages have DFAs, that means the language of this grammar cannot be regular.

How do you determine if a language is regular, context free but not regular, or not context free?

I have a homework problem that requires you to prove if a language is one of the three:
A Regular Language
Context-Free but Not Regular
Not Comtext-Free
How would you prove each one? I know Pumping Lemma can verify if a language is Not Regular or Not Context-Free, but that’s it.
The example to help me understand better is the following:
{ a^(2n+1)b^(3n+2) | n ∈ N }, alphabet { a, b } where N is all natural numbers.
The pumping lemma for regular languages can tell you that a language is not regular; however, it cannot tell you that a language is regular. To tell that a language is regular, you must do the equivalent of producing a finite automaton, regular grammar or regular expression and then proving it's correct for your language.
The pumping lemma for context-free languages tells you whether the language is or is not context free. That is, if a language satisfies the pumping lemma for context-free languages, it is context free; and if it does not, then it is not. However, you can certainly use it in the same way you'd use the pumping lemma for regular languages and go ahead and find a pushdown automaton or context-free grammar instead.
In your case, we can first choose the string a^(2p+1) b^(3p+2) to show that the language is not regular by the pumping lemma for regular languages. We can show the language is context-free by arguing that for any string of the form a^(2k+1) b^(3k+2) where 2k+1 and 3k+2 are sufficiently large, we can always choose v to contain 2 a's and y to contain three b's, so that pumping maintains the required property. Alternatively, we can just give a CFG for it based on the same insight:
S -> aaSbbb | abb
Then we should show the grammar is correct, which is left as an exercise.

Is Rust's syntactical grammar context-free or context-sensitive?

The syntactical grammar of hardly any programming language is regular, as they allow arbitrarily deeply nested parenthesis. Rust does, too:
let x = ((((()))));
But is Rust's syntactical grammar at least context-free? If not, what element makes the grammar context-sensitive? Or is the grammar even recursively enumerable, like C++'s syntactical grammar?
Related: Is Rust's lexical grammar regular, context-free or context-sensitive?
Rust includes a macro processor, whose operation is highly context-sensitive.
You could attempt to skate around this issue by only doing syntactic analysis up to but not including macro expansion -- possible, but not particularly useful -- or by assuming that the macro expansion is done by some intermediate tool which is given a free pass to allow it to be Turing complete.
But I'm inclined to say that it simply means that the Rust language is recursively enumerable.
There are a number of restrictions on the validity of macro definitions which probably make the language (at least) context-sensitive, even if you settle for not performing the macro expansions as part of syntactic analysis.
This doesn't mean that a context-free grammar cannot be useful as part of the syntactic analysis of Rust. It's probably essential, and it could even be useful to use a parser generator such as bison or Antlr (and examples of both exist). Like most programming languages, there is a simple superset of Rust which is context-free, and which can be usefully analysed with context-free grammar tools; however, in the end there are texts which will need to be rejected at compile-time as invalid even though they are part of the CF superset.
Answer straight from the source code for Rust:
Rust's lexical grammar is not context-free. Raw string literals are
the source of the problem. Informally, a raw string literal is an r,
followed by N hashes (where N can be zero), a quote, any characters,
then a quote followed by N hashes. Critically, once inside the first
pair of quotes, another quote cannot be followed by N consecutive
hashes. e.g. r###""###"### is invalid.

Finiteness of Regular Language

We all know that (a + b)* is a regular language for containing only symbols a and b.
But (a + b)* is a string of infinite length and it is regular as we can build a finite automata, so it should be finite.
Can anyone please explain this?
Finite automaton can be constructed for any regular language, and regular language can be a finite or an infinite set. Of-course there are infinite sets those are not regular sets. Check the Venn diagram below:
1. every finite set is a regular set.
2. any dfa for an infinite set will always contains loop (or dfa without loop is not possible for infinite set).
3. every non-regular language is an infinite set.
The word "finite" in finite automata significance the presence of 'finite amount of memory' in automata for the class of regular languages, hence only 'finite' (or says bounded) amount of information can be stored at any instance of time while processing a string of language.
In finite automata, memory is present in the form of states only (whereas in the other class of automata like Pda, Turing Machines external memory are used to store unbounded information). You can think a finite automata as a CPU without explicit memory; that can only store recent results in its registers.
So, we can define "regular language" as — a class of languages for which only bounded (finite) information is required to stored at any instance of time while processing language strings.
Further read (for infinite languages):
What is regular language: What is basically a regular language? And Why a*b* is regular? But language { anbn | n > 0 } is not a regular language
To understand how states are uses as memory element read this answer: How to write regular expression for a DFA
And difference between automate for finite ans infinite regular language: To make sure: Pumping lemma for infinite regular languages only?
Each word in the language (a+b) is of finite length. The same way as there are infinitely many integers, but each of them finite.
Yes, the language itself is an infinite set. Most languages are. But a finite automaton (NB: automata is plural) works just fine for them, provided each word is of finite length.
As an aside: This type of question probably should go to
But (a + b)* is a string of infinite length
No, (a + b)* is a finite way to express an infinite set (language) of finite strings.
1. A regular expression describes the string generated by some language. Applying that regular expression gives you all the strings that can be described by that language.
2. When you convert that regular expression to a finite automaton (automata with finite states) , it means that those same strings can also be generated by traversing from state-to-state on that automaton. Now, intuitively, each state here represents a group of strings belonging to that language. It says, after having "absorbed" some input, the string is now in state X.
If you want a regex to accept strings with even numbers of 0 , then you'll have one state (group) which indicates that even number of 0 has been observed in the input so far. And another state (group) for odd numbers --> this state would be your non-accepting state in the FA.
As shown here, you just needed 2 (finite) states to generate an infinite number of strings, because of the grouping of odd and even we did.
And that is why it is regular.
It just means there exists a finite regular expression for the specified language and is no where related to no of strings generated from the expression.
For many regular languages we can generate infinite number of strings which follow that language but to that language is regular to prove that we need a regular expression which must be finite.
So here the expression (a+b)* is finite way of expressing 0-n number of a's or b's or combination of that but n can take any value which results in infinite no. of strings.

Is a*b* regular?

I know anbn for n > 0 is not regular by the pumping lemma but I would imagine a*b* to be regular since both a,b don't have to be the same length. Is there a proof for it being regular or not?
Answer to your question:
imagine a*b* to be regular, Is there a proof for it being regular or not?
No need to imagine, expression a*b* is called regular expression (re), and regular expressions are possible only for regular languages. If a language is not regular then regular expression is also not possible for that and if a language is regular language then we can always represent it by some regular expression.
Yes, a*b* represents a regular language.
Language description: Any number of a followed by any numbers of b (by any number I mean zero (including null ^) or more times). Some example strings are:
{^, a, b, aab, abbb, aabbb, ...}
DFA for RE a*b* will be as follows:
a- b-
|| ||
▼| ▼|
In figure: `(())` means final state, so both `{Q0, Q1}` are final states.
You need to understand following basic concept:
What is basically a regular language? And why an infinite language `a*b*` is regular whereas languages like `{ anbn | n > 0 }` are not regular!!
A language(a set) is called regular language, if it requires only bounded(finite) amount of information to keep store at any instance of time while processing strings of the language.
So, what is 'bounded' information?
For example: Consider a fan 'on'/'off' switch. By viewing fan switch we can say whether the fan is in the on or off state (this is bounded or limited information). But we cannot tell 'how many times' a fan has been switched to on or off in the past! (to memorize this, we require a mechanism to store an 'unbounded' amount of information to count — 'how many times' e.g. the meter used in our cars/bikes).
The language { anbn | n > 0 } is not a regular language because here n is unbounded(it can be infinitely large). To verify strings in the language anbn, we need to memorize how many a symbols there are and it requires an infinite memory storage to count because the number of a symbols in the string can be infinitely large!
That means an automata is only capable of processing strings of the language anbn if it has infinite memory e.g PDA.
Whereas, a*b* is of course regular by its nature, because there is the bounded restriction ‐ that b may come after some a ( and a can't came after b). And that is why every string of this language can be easily processed (or recognized) by an automata in which we have finite memory - and finite automata is a class of automata where memory is finite. Yes, in finite automata, we have finite amount of memory in the term of states.
(Memory in finite automata is present in the form of states Q and according to automata principal: any automata can have only finite states. hence finite automata have finite memory, this is the reason the class of automata for regular languages is called finite automata. You can think of a finite automata like a CPU without memory, that has finite register to remember its internal states)
Finite State ⇒ Finite Memory ⇒ Only language can be processed for which finite memory needs to store at any instance of time while processing the string ⇒ that language is called Regular Language
Absent of external memory is limitation of finite automate ⇒ or we can say limitation of finite automata defined class of language called Regular Language.
You should read other answer "finiteness of regular language" to learn scope of regular language.
side note::
language { anbn | n > 0 } is subset of a*b*
Also a language { anbn | 10>100 n > 0 } is regular, a large set but regular because n is bounded, hence finite automata and regular expression is possible for this language.
You should also read: How to prove a language is regular?
The proof is: ((a*)(b*)) is a well-formed regular expression, hence matching a regular language. a*b* is a syntactic shortenning of the same expression.
Another proof: Regular languages are closed to concatenation. a* is a regular language. b* is a regular language, therefore their concatenation, a*b*, is also a regular expression.
You can build an automat for it:
0 ->(a) 1
0 ->(b) 2
1 ->(a) 1
1 ->(b) 2
2 ->(b) 2
2 ->(a) 3
3 ->(a,b) 3
where only 3 is not an accepting state, and prove that the language is a*b*.
To prove that a language is regular, it is sufficient to show either:
1) There exists some DFA that recognizes it. In this case, the DFA is trivial.
2) The language can be expressed as a regular expression, as mentioned in another answer. a*b* is a regular expression to recognize this language.
A regular language is a language that can be expressed with a regular expression or a deterministic or non-deterministic finite automata or state machine.
A language is a set of strings which are made up of characters from a specified alphabet, or set of symbols. Regular languages are a subset of the set of all strings.
a closure property is a statement that a certain operation on languages, when applied to languages in a class (e.g., the regular languages), produces a result that is also in that class.
this RE shows..the type of language that accepts multiple of (a) if any but before (b)
means language without containing any substring (ba)
Regular languages are not subset of context free languages. For example, ab is regular, comprising all the strings made of substring of a's followed by substring of b's. This is not subset of a^nb^n, but superset.
