Portlet is temporarily unavailable - liferay

Im following Liferay in Action book instructions to write edit mode for a portlet. I successfully deployed the portlet. This portlet contains a text box and a button in edit mode. If I type a name in the text box and press the button, this name will be shown in view mode of the portlet. But when I go to edit mode and type a name in the text box and press the Add Name button it shows me "Portlet is temporarily unavailable" message.
I checked the log file. It says "javax.portlet.PortletException: processAction method not implemented". but I have implemented it.
public void processAction(ActionRequest actionRequest, ActionResponse actionResponse) throws IOException, PortletException {
String addName = actionRequest.getParameter("addName");
if (addName != null) {
PortletPreferences prefs = actionRequest.getPreferences();
prefs.setValue("name", actionRequest.getParameter("username"));

You can find the error in the logs (Assuming your also using Tomcat)
When server on : liferayfolder/tomcatfolder/logs/catalina.out
When the server is off: liferayfolder/logs/liferay-2012-03-11.log (date can change)
If you are on linux or mac OS you can tail the logfile to livemonitor it.
For example : tail -f path\to\tomcat\logs\catalina.out
Until more information is provided I suggest you look at the book examples and compare the codes. (Resources > download > code examples)


Fragment in minimize Android Studio

I have a Timer in a fragment and I want the timer to pause when the app is minimize(user clicks home or recent apps).
What should I do?
It seems that the fragment doesnt have onPause! The parent activity has it, which is useless because there I don't have access to the timer.
I also tried to make home button and set on click listener for it but I got null pointer exception error and when I used the code below
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
Log.d("IT home","clicked");
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
but it doesn't work. I didn't see anything it the Log cat.
according to the documentation , fragments have an onPause method. you can use it normally like you would do in an activity.
read more about it in the documentation.
I hope this helps you.

Getting Change Event to Fire in SyncFusion's SFAutoComplete Control

I am trying to use the SFAutoComplete control from SyncFusion in a Xamarin iPad app. (only iPad).
I am not able to get any sort of change event to fire.
What I've tried:
If you download SyncFusion and install it, it comes with a "SampleBrowser" app that has samples for all the controls in the suite.
If you open that SampleBrowser in visual studio and open the AutoComplete_Tablet.cs file after line 97, I've added this code:
countryAutoComplete.ValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
suggestionModeLabel.Text = "IT WORKED!";
But it never fires.
I've tried to use several different events from the list of events this control has (partial list from screenshot):
None of them seem to fire (I haven't tried ALL of them).
What do I need to do to get one of these events to fire? What am I missing?
Thanks for using Syncfusion Controls.
Delegate property can be used to hook the SFAutoComplete's events as per in the following code example,
Declaration code for Delegate property
SFAutoComplete autocomplete = new SFAutoComplete();
autocomplete.Delegate = new SFAutoCompleteDelegate();
The way to hook the events in SFAutoComplete
public class SFAutoCompleteDelegate : AutoCompleteDelegate
public override void DidTextChange(SFAutoComplete SFAutoComplete, string value)
//It fired while changing the text in AutoComplete
public override void DidSelectionChange(SFAutoComplete SFAutoComplete, string value)
//It fired while changing the suggestion from suggestion box.
We have created a sample for achieving your requirement. Please download the same from the following link
Thanks & Regards,
Hemalatha M.R

How to get Liferay Authverifer working

I am implementing Liferay 6.2 AuthVerifier. I developed it but it does not get called that is, TestAuthVerifier.verify() method.
I referred https://docs.liferay.com/portal/6.2/propertiesdoc/portal.properties.html the link to develop tthe est AuthVerifer. Here is what I do below
I make entries in portal-ext.properties file as below and develop the class further.
my code is as below just for reference.
package comt.test;
import com.liferay.portal.security.auth.*;
public class TestAuthVerifier implements AuthVerifier {
public String getAuthType() {
return PhAuthVerifier.class.getSimpleName();
public AuthVerifierResult verify(
AccessControlContext accessControlContext, Properties properties)
throws AuthException {
System.out.println("MyAuthVerifier.verify() invoked..")
try {
return authVerifierResult;
} catch (AutoLoginException e) {
throw new AuthException(e);
On debugging from Liferay 6.2.3 source code I see the point when
the flow is broken is AuthVerifierPipeline._mergeAuthVerifierConfiguration() method.
the statement : Map settings = accessControlContext.getSettings(); returns zero size map.
Finally the actual place where the Verifier is called : AuthVerifierPipeline._verifyRequest() does not run as List authVerifierConfigurations is ZERO size.
I looked in AccessControlContext class and other classes, I could not see any setter method to set _settings or any references which set this var.
any help around this is much appreciated.
note : I verified that LifeRay does recognize my TestAuthVerifier impl.
to make it work you have to work with the hook plugin. First create a file liferay-hook.xml in WEB-INF folder to override the portal.properties
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hook PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Hook 6.2.0//EN" "http://www.liferay.com/dtd/liferay-hook_6_2_0.dtd">
In the src folder put the file portal.properties or if you are using maven in the resource folder with the properties of the AuthVerifier in your case
This is a link of a sample in liferay git for more detail sample-authverifier-hook

Block Check-In on Policy Failure

I've created the check-in policy from this MSDN article as an example (code is just copy / pasted).
This works fine, it appears when I try and do a check-in, however it appears as an warning. So I can ignore it by just pressing Check In again. How can I change the code, as listed in the URL, so that it will return an Error not a warning. I can't see any properties on PolicyFailure to do this.
Essentially I want it to look like the error in this screenshot:
Image Source
EDIT: Here is the exact code that I'm using. Now it is slightly modified from the original source, but not in any massive way I wouldn't have thought. Unfortunately I can't post screenshots, but I'll try and describe everything I've done.
So I have a DLL from the code below, I've added it into a folder at C:\TFS\CheckInComments.dll. I added a registry key under Checkin Policies with the path to the DLL, the string value name is the same as my DLL (minus .dll). In my project settings under source control I've added this Check-In Policy.
It all seems to work fine, if I try and do a check-in it will display a warning saying "Please provide some comments about your check-in" which is what I expect, what I'd like is for it to stop the check-in if any policies are not met, however I would still like the user to be able to select Override if necessary. At the moment, even though there is a warning, if I was to click the Check In button then it would successfully check-in the code.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client;
namespace CheckInComments
public class CheckInComments : PolicyBase
public override string Description
return "Remind users to add meaningful comments to their checkins";
public override string InstallationInstructions
get { return "To install this policy, read InstallInstructions.txt"; }
public override string Type
get { return "Check for Comments Policy"; }
public override string TypeDescription
return "This policy will prompt the user to decide whether or not they should be allowed to check in";
public override bool Edit(IPolicyEditArgs args)
return true;
public override PolicyFailure[] Evaluate()
string proposedComment = PendingCheckin.PendingChanges.Comment;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(proposedComment))
PolicyFailure failure = new PolicyFailure("Please provide some comments about your check-in", this);
return new PolicyFailure[1]
return new PolicyFailure[0];
public override void Activate(PolicyFailure failure)
MessageBox.Show("Please provide comments for your check-in.", "How to fix your policy failure");
public override void DisplayHelp(PolicyFailure failure)
MessageBox.Show("This policy helps you to remember to add comments to your check-ins", "Prompt Policy Help");
A check-in policy will always return a warning and if your user has permission to ignore them, then they can.
Users can always override the policy. You can query the TFS warehouse to generate a report of users violating the policies and their reasons for the violation if they provided any. Or setup an alert whenever someone ignores these polite warnings.
There is no way to enforce this from the policy itself. Only from a server side plugin, as described by Neno in the post you quoted. Such a server side plugin can be created for 2012 or 2010 as well. The process is explained here.
I just got past that issue by turning on Code Analysis on my project - right click on your project, click properties, go to Code Analysis, select the Configuration drop down and pick "All Configurations", select the "Enable Code Analysis on Build".
Do a build and make sure you have no errors / warnings.
This will get you past any policies requiring code analysis on build.

Input File component error messages

I'm facing a serious problem with ice:inputFile component.
When an error occurred while uploading process (like : invalid file name error, empty file name error, exceeding max size error), i use ice:message tag to show these error messages.
I use ice:panelPopup and display the ice:inputFile component inside it.
The problem is : when i toggle the uploading popup the error message still appears, i need any way to clear these messagses.
Please help me, any help is appreciated......................... :)
I'm not 100% sure, if I understood your question correctly, however I guess that the immediate keyword, applied on the action, which triggers the popup, will help you.
<h:outputText value="foo" />
In regular JSF Life Cycle, action events are normally fired after the Process Validations phase. Additionally, values will be updated from the UI to the model.
The immediate property, which is available to basically every JSF component which can cause any kind of event, bypasses validation and, depending on the event type, also the Model Update phase.
alt text http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/3900/jsfimmediatecomponents.png
(Geary, Horstmann, 2008. Core JavaServer Faces - Second Edition. Prentice Hall)
You'll find more information on this topic in Suns JSF Tutorial: The immediate Attribute
Here are two things that have worked for me.
Bind your ice:inputFile component to a property on your backing bean and manually call the reset method on the property when you close the popup pane.
<ice:inputFile binding="#{Bean.uploadedFile}"/>
class BackingBean {
private UICommand uploadedFile;
public UICommand getUploadedFile() { return uploadedFile; }
public void setUploadedFile(UICommand uploadedFile) { this.uploadedFile = uploadedFile; }
public void onClose(ActionEvent event) {
((InputFile) uploadedFile).reset();
Add an actionListener to your ice:inputFile component. This will stop the inputFile component from adding its own validation errors to the context. You can implement whatever validation you need in the actionListener method and display the validation errors using an ice:messages tag. I've found that this works better than relying on inputFile's validation because it gives you complete control over the error message text/style and because the error messages clear automatically when the popup pane goes away.
<ice:inputFile actionListener="#{Bean.onFileUpload}"/>
public class BackingBean {
public void onFileUpload(ActionEvent event) {
FileInfo info = ((InputFile) event.getSource()).getFileInfo();
switch (info.getStatus()) {
case FileInfo.SAVED :
// handle uploaded file
// file too big error
