Trouble searching in VIM with file having lots of slashes and dots - search

I've got a bunch of really big files that contain lines like:
convert ./1776/07/04/T915002.tif ./1776/07/04/T915002.png
rm ./1776/07/04/T915002.tif
convert ./1776/07/04/T918012.tif ./1776/07/04/T918012.png
rm ./1776/07/04/T918012.tif
What I want to do is search for say /1861/ meaning a line for the year 1861
But vim seems to interpret that 'go to line 1861, which is not at all what I want.
Searching for the ./1861/ fails too. I assume the leading dot tried to match any character. Trying to backslash quote it fails too. Clearly I'm missing a fundamental idea or two.

You need a backslash to escape the dot or the slash:

Use ? to search backwards. This means you don't need to escape the /s.


Find and replace '\' in vim [duplicate]

For instance, if I wanted to a find and replace with strings containing backward or forward slashes, how would this be accomplished in vim?
Find & Replace is: :%s/foo/bar/g
what if I wanted to find all occurrences of <dog/> and replace it with <cat\>
Same way you escape characters most anywhere else in linuxy programs, with a backslash:
But note that you can select a different delimiter instead:
This saves you all typing all those time-consuming, confusing backslashes in patterns with a ton of slashes.
From the documentation:
Instead of the / which surrounds the pattern and replacement string, you
can use any other single-byte character, but not an alphanumeric character,
\, " or |. This is useful if you want to include a / in the search
pattern or replacement string.
You can replace the / delimiters if they become annoying for certain patterns.
Quote them with a backslash. Also, it often helps to use another delimiter besides slash.
or if you have to use slash as the substitute command delimiter
I was looking for something similar, to search for register values containing the / character (to record a macro). The solution was to search using the ? token instead of the /.
The syntax is:
backslash slash backslash star
/(<- the prompt)\/\*
so after you type it looks like

Vi search and replace with slashes

I am trying to run this command in vi
but got this error E486: Pattern not found: href="\/
What am i doing wrong?
That error means pretty much what it says. vi didn't find any pattern href="/ (ignoring escapes) in your file.
Sometimes it's easier to use something besides / for the search delimiter if your search has a lot of slashes, so you don't need to escape them all. Try replacing the / delimiter with # instead, like this:
Then maybe you can more easily see what's wrong with your pattern:
becouse there are many '/' chars, try use another delimiter, ex ',':
On another note. That substition worked for me. Just copied and pasted. Are you on the same line that you are trying to perform the substitution on? the 'g' is meant globally on the line you are on. If you need to perform the search and replace on the file the use :%s/

Delete all newline characters not followed by ‘£’ on the next line in Vim

I have a very large file, and I want to remove all newline characters at the end of each line, so to merge all, except if the line starts with the character £.
So, if I have this:
I would like to end up with this:
I was thinking of something like
:%s/\n(but not \n£)//g
Any ideas?
Just remove all new lines, then add them again where they should be. Or use a negative look ahead, but this is simpler, easier, and more comprehensible to anyone.
Solution offered by #pb2q will remove all newlines and a next character if this character is not a “£” or a newline (because collection doesn’t match a newline by default), while in your question you asked to remove only the newline. This can be fixed by either using \ze, or a negative look-ahead:
Note some things: first, you can omit a replacement string if you want to delete some text (unless you need to have a substitution flags which you don’t in this case). Second, \_ adds newline to a collection. It can be also written as [^£\n], but I guess it is not the best thing you can do: any guy coming from some PCRE-capable language thinks about [^£\n] as “match anything except ‘£’ and newline”, while in Vim it is really “match anything (including newline) except ‘£’”.
I would use the following :global command:
It goes through all the lines that start with any character but £,
going from top to bottom, and joins each of those lines with the
preceding one via the :join command.

Vim replacing linefeeds

I resisted Vim, but have now given in. It works large files like a hot knife through butter.
Situation: I have a large text file, I want to put a pipe character at the beginning and ending of each line.
Problem: These Vims and other variations didn't work:
I suspect it's something simple to fix this, but searching Google and Stack didn't help.
You nearly had it:
^\|$ means beginning or end of line. In a Vim regex, the | "or" pipe gets escaped. That is followed by /|/g -- replace with | globally.
Personally, I'd prefer the expressiveness of 'surround each line with pipe chars':
This, in my brain, is more intuitive than 'replace a non-existing, imaginary character at the start or end of a line'.
It also depends on fewer magic chars (^,$, quoted \| which are all clumsy to type and error prone. (I mean, do you remember to quote the regex |? Do you know the difference between $ and \_$? Did you know some, if not all, of these depend on the 'magic configuration' of vim?)).
The above suffers from none of those.

Vim Search/replace: what do I need to escape?

I'm trying to search and replace $data['user'] for $data['sessionUser'].
However, no matter what search string I use, I always get a "pattern not found" as the result of it.
So, what would be the correct search string? Do I need to escape any of these characters?
I did not test this, but I guess it should work.
Here's a list of all special search characters you need to escape in Vim: `^$.*[~)+/
There's nothing wrong with with the answers given, but you can do this:
\zs and \ze can be used to delimit the part of the match that is affected by the replacement.
You don't need to escape the $ since it's the at the start of the pattern and can't match an EOL here. And you don't need to escape the ] since it doesn't have a matching starting [. However there's certainly no harm in escaping these characters if you can't remember all the rules. See :help pattern.txt for the full details, but don't try to digest it all in one go!
If you want to get fancy, you can do:
& refers to the entire matched text (delimited by \zs and \ze if present), so it becomes 'user' in this case. The \u when used in a replacement string makes the next character upper-case. I hope this helps.
Search and replace in vim is almost identical to sed, so use the same escapes as you would with that:
Note that you only really need to escape special characters in the search part (the part between the first set of //s). The only character you need to escape in the replace part is the escape character \ itself (which you're not using here).
The [ char has a meaning in regex. It stands for character ranges. The $ char has a meaning too. It stands for end-line anchor. So you have to escape a lot of things. I suggest you to try a little plugin like this or this one and use a visual search.
