How I do create the elements like pagination, crossovers and pagination easily as mentioned in the design page
Is there any external js/css that can be used and how can I download/use them? There is no written documentation about them.
Read this question, this is how to use the Spotify pagniation/slider plugin.
How to create a "carousel"-like widget in spotify apps API?
I had a look to, but didn't find an action to do it. Is it possible to achive it?
No, this isn't possible using the Web API.
I'd like to allow Spotify users to post a small note along with a song when they post in a collaborative playlist. Is this possible with a Spotify app, or will I have to implement something else? Thoughts?
+1 for the feature idea, but I don't believe it's possible with the current system. You could maintain your own database of comments linked to the playlist and track ids and display it in a Spotify app.
I'd like to implement autocompletions on a Google site search engine. This site uses the (paid) XML API however for customizing the results. Google's documentation only talks about autocompletion for the JS API with custom search.
Is it possible to fetch some XML or JSON feed with autocompletion data? Or is there some other way to achieve autocompletion without giving up on the XML search API?
I wrote my own autocomplete, see demo here:
If you have your own dictionary, and own WEB-server on unix-like platform, you
can run my autocomp. I can share sources for free.
I'm investigating the possibility of re-using Google Apps/Docs in a local hybrid desktop/browser application.
I've been going through the Google documentation on manipulating docs, eg. the Spreadsheet. I can't seem to find any info on actually hosting the UI. Is this possible, or does it require some form of permission from Google?
You want to basically embed an browser control in your application pointed at the URL of a Google Apps doc? You could use the Google Document List API to retrieve the documents for a user, then use the URLs of those documents in your embedded browser control.
You don't need Google's permission to do that; you're writing a browser with some extra smarts built in.
What do you mean by "hosting the UI?" These apps are HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Are you thinking about embedding them in AIR or Titanium, or in some kind of web control in another app?
i briefly looked into doing this, and figured if i really wanted to i could just load the gdocs page content dynamically, and use javascript to strip away the superflous elements like header and footer. but instead i'll probably just use an OS alternate because they have come a long way and I want rich hooks.
Is there any way to add google search results into your site such that the results appear under your domain (and the page doesn't get redirected to I know about google cse but this is not a free solution. Is paying for CSE the only way? Thanks.
Use the Google AJAX Search API (my emphasis):
The Google AJAX Search API lets you
put Google Search in your web pages
with JavaScript. You can embed a
simple, dynamic search box and display
search results in your own web pages
or use the results in innovative,
programmatic ways.
You just need JavaScript - nothing server-side.
You could use Google Search API.
You could also query Google search engine through a Web Service. Here's the WSDL and here's the FAQ. But I think this will be discontinued in favor of the first suggestion I gave.
I've never used this but if you're into python check out Python Library for Google Search from Peteris Krumins’ blog.
What about this?
And there should be even API for PHP etc.