How do I manage TCP Client read/write overlap issues? - multithreading

I have a TCP client communicating with a LabVIEW GUI.
My program calls connect() at the start and disconnect() at the end. It will call passCommand(x) to read or write data to the LabVIEW GUI. However, in some cases, I have multiple threads which may be calling passCommand() and somehow the return data will get mixed up.
For example, in the main thread I will ask for the voltage, which should be a number between 300 and 400. In a different thread I will ask for the temperature, which should be a number from 0-100. The voltage will be returned as 25, while the temperature will get 250.
Is this a known issue with TCP communication and threading? Is there a way to solve this such as implementing a queue or unique id or something?
import socket as _socket
# get python major version as integer
from sys import version as pythonVersion
pythonVersionMajor = int(pythonVersion[0])
_serverHost = 'localhost'
_serverPort = 50007
isConnected = 0
_sockobj = None
_error_string = "error:"
def connect():
'opens a connection to LabVIEW Server'
global _sockobj, isConnected
_sockobj = _socket.socket(_socket.AF_INET, _socket.SOCK_STREAM) # create socket
_sockobj.connect((_serverHost, _serverPort)) # connect to LV
isConnected = 1
def disconnect():
'closes the connection to LabVIEW Server'
global isConnected
_sockobj.close() # close socket
isConnected = 0
def passCommand(command):
'passes a command to LabVIEW Server'
## We prepend the command length (8 char long) to the message and send it to LV
# Compute message length and pad with 0 on the left if required
# Prepend msg size to msg
# python 3 requires data to be encoded
if (pythonVersionMajor >= 3):
completeCommand = str.encode(completeCommand)
# Send complete command
data = _sockobj.recv(11565536)
# python 3 requires data to be decoded
if (pythonVersionMajor >= 3):
data = bytes.decode(data)
if data.rfind(_error_string) == 0:
error = True
data = data[len(_error_string):] # get data after "error:" string
error = False
execString = "lvdata = " + data
exec(execString, globals())
if error:
raise _LabVIEWError(lvdata)
return lvdata
class _Error(Exception):
"""Base class for exceptions in this module."""
class _LabVIEWError(_Error):
"""Exception raised for errors generated in LabVIEW.
code -- LabVIEW Error Code
source -- location of the error
message -- explanation of the error
def __init__(self, error):
self.code = error[0]
self.source = error[1]
self.message = error[2]
def __str__(self):
return "%s" % (self.message,)

This is an example of one of the most common problems with threading. You are accessing a resource from multiple threads and the resource is not considered thread-safe (if both threads are sending/receiving at the same time, it's possible for a thread to get the wrong response, or even both responses).
Ideally you should be locking access to passCommand with a mutex so it can only be used with by one thread at a time, or opening one socket per thread, or doing all of your socket operations in a single thread.


How to update the value of pymodbus tcp server according to the message subscribed by zmq?

I am a newbie. My current project is when the current end decides to start the modbus service, I will create a process for the modbus service. Then the value is obtained in the parent process, through the ZeroMQ PUB/SUB to pass the value, I now want to update the value of the modbus register in the modbus service process.
I tried the method mentioned by pymodbus provided by, and twisted.internet.task.LoopingCall() to update the value of the register, but this will make it impossible for me to connect to my server with the client. I don't know why?
Use LoopingCall() to establish the server, the log when the client connects.
Then I tried to put both the uploading and startTCPserver in the async loop, but the update was only entered for the first time after the startup, and then it was not entered.
Currently, I'm using the LoopingCall() to handle updates, but I don't think this is a good way.
This is the code I initialized the PUB and all the tags that can read the tag.
from loop import cycle
import asyncio
from multiprocessing import Process
from persistence import models as pmodels
from persistence import service as pservice
from persistence import basic as pbasic
import zmq
from zmq.asyncio import Context
from common import logging
from server.modbustcp import i3ot_tcp as sertcp
import common.config as cfg
import communication.admin as ca
import json
import os
import signal
from datetime import datetime
from server.opcuaserver import i3ot_opc as seropc
async def main():
future = []
task = []
global readers, readers_old, task_flag
logger.debug("connecting to database and create table.")
logger.debug("init read all address to create loop task.")
ctx = Context()
publisher = ctx.socket(zmq.PUB)
logger.debug("init publish [%s].", addrs)
readers_old = readers.copy()
for reader in readers:
cycle.run_readers(readers[reader], publisher)))
if not len(task):
task_flag = True
logger.debug("task length [%s - %s].", len(task), task)
opcua_server = LocalServer(seropc.opc_server, "opcua")
future = [
create_address_loop(publisher, task),
logger.debug("run loop...")
await asyncio.gather(*future), debug=False)
This is to get the device tag value and publish it.
async def run_readers(reader, publisher):
while True:
class DataReader:
def __init__(self, freq, clients):
self._addresses = []
self._frequency = freq
self._stop_signal = False
self._clients = clients
self.signature = sign_data_reader(self._addresses)
async def run(self, publisher):
while not self._stop_signal:
for addr in self._addresses:
data = {
"type": "value",
"data": addr._final_value
if addr._status:
if addr.alarm_log:
return_alarm_log = pbasic.get_log_by_time(addr.alarm_log['date'])
if return_alarm_log:
data = {
"type": "alarm",
"data": return_alarm_log
logger.debug("run send data")
await asyncio.sleep(int(self._frequency))
def stop(self):
self._stop_signal = True
modbus server imports
from common import logging
from pymodbus.server.asynchronous import StartTcpServer
from pymodbus.device import ModbusDeviceIdentification
from pymodbus.datastore import ModbusSequentialDataBlock
from pymodbus.datastore import ModbusSlaveContext, ModbusServerContext
from persistence import service as pservice
from persistence import basic as pbasic
import zmq
import common.config as cfg
import struct
import os
import signal
from datetime import datetime
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
def updating_writer(a):"in updates of modbus tcp server.")
context = a[0]
# while True:
if check_pid(os.getppid()) is False:
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL)
url = ("ipc://{}" .format(cfg.get('ipc', 'pubsub')))
logger.debug("connecting to [%s].", url)
ctx = zmq.Context()
subscriber = ctx.socket(zmq.SUB)
subscriber.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"")
slave_id = 0x00
msg = subscriber.recv_pyobj()
if msg['data']['data_type'] in modbus_server_type and msg['type'] == 'value':
addr = pservice.get_mbaddress_to_write_value(msg['data']['id'])
if addr:
"local address and length [%s - %s].",
addr['local_address'], addr['length'])
values = get_value_by_type(msg['data']['data_type'], msg['data']['final'])
logger.debug("modbus server updates values [%s].", values)
register = get_register(addr['type'])
"register [%d] local address [%d] and value [%s].",
register, addr['local_address'], values)
context[slave_id].setValues(register, addr['local_address'], values)
# time.sleep(1)
def tcp_server(pid):"Get server configure and device's tags.")
st =
data = get_servie_and_all_tags()
if data:
logger.debug("register address space.")
logger.debug("no data to create address space.")
length = register_number()
store = ModbusSlaveContext(
di=ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [0] * length),
co=ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [0] * length),
hr=ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [0] * length),
ir=ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [0] * length)
context = ModbusServerContext(slaves=store, single=True)
identity = ModbusDeviceIdentification()
identity.VendorName = 'pymodbus'
identity.ProductCode = 'PM'
identity.VendorUrl = ''
identity.ProductName = 'pymodbus Server'
identity.ModelName = 'pymodbus Server'
identity.MajorMinorRevision = '2.2.0'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# set loop call and run server
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
logger.debug("thread start.")
loop = LoopingCall(updating_writer, (context, ))
loop.start(1, now=False)
# process = Process(target=updating_writer, args=(context, os.getpid(),))
# process.start()
address = (data['tcp_ip'], int(data['tcp_port']))
nt = - st"modbus tcp server begin has used [%s] s.", nt.seconds)
pservice.write_server_status_by_type('modbus', 'running')
StartTcpServer(context, identity=identity, address=address)
except Exception as e:
logger.debug("modbus server start error [%s].", e)
pservice.write_server_status_by_type('modbus', 'closed')
This is the code I created for the modbus process.
def process_stop(p_to_stop):
global ptcp_flag
pid =
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
logger.debug("process has closed.")
ptcp_flag = False
def ptcp_create():
global ptcp_flag
pid = os.getpid()
logger.debug("sentry pid [%s].", pid)
ptcp = Process(target=sertcp.tcp_server, args=(pid,))
ptcp_flag = True
return ptcp
async def modbus_server():
logger.debug("get mosbuc server's status.")
global ptcp_flag
name = 'modbus'
while True:
ser = pservice.get_server_status_by_name(name)
if ser['enabled']:
if ser['tcp_status'] == 'closed' or ser['tcp_status'] == 'running':
tags = pbasic.get_tag_by_name(name)
if len(tags):
if ptcp_flag is False:
logger.debug("[%s] status [%s].", ser['tcp_name'], ptcp_flag)
ptcp = ptcp_create()
logger.debug("modbus server is running ...")
logger.debug("no address to create [%s] server.", ser['tcp_name'])
pservice.write_server_status_by_type(name, "closed")
logger.debug("[%s] server is running ...", name)
if ptcp_flag:
logger.debug("[%s] has been closed.", ser['tcp_name'])
pservice.write_server_status_by_type(name, "closed")
logger.debug("[%s] server not allowed to running.", name)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
This is the command that Docker runs.
/usr/bin/docker run --privileged --network host --name scout-sentry -v /etc/scout.cfg:/etc/scout.cfg -v /var/run:/var/run -v /sys:/sys -v /dev/mem:/dev/mem -v /var/lib/scout:/data --rm shulian/scout-sentry
This is the Docker configuration file /etc/scout.cfg.
I want to be able to trigger the modbus value update function when there is a message coming from ZeroMQ, and it will be updated correctly.
Let's start from inside out.
Q : ...this will make it impossible for me to connect to my server with the client. I don't know why?
ZeroMQ is a smart broker-less messaging / signaling middleware or better a platform for smart-messaging. In case one feels not so much familiar with the art of Zen-of-Zero as present in ZeroMQ Architecture, one may like to start with ZeroMQ Principles in less than Five Seconds before diving into further details.
The Basis :
The Scalable Formal Communication Archetype, borrowed from ZeroMQ PUB/SUB, does not come at zero-cost.
This means that each infrastructure setup ( both on PUB-side and on SUB-side ) takes some, rather remarkable time and no one can be sure of when the AccessNode cnfiguration results in RTO-state. So the SUB-side (as proposed above) ought be either a permanent entity, or the user shall not expect to make it RTO in zero-time, after a twisted.internet.task.LoopingCall() gets reinstated.
Preferred way: instantiate your (semi-)persistent zmq.Context(), get it configured so as to serve the <aContextInstance>.socket( zmq.PUB ) as needed, a minimum safeguarding setup being the <aSocketInstance>.setsockopt( zmq.LINGER, 0 ) and all transport / queuing / security-handling details, that the exosystem exposes to your code ( whitelisting and secure sizing and resources protection being the most probable candidates - but details are related to your application domain and the risks that you are willing to face being prepared to handle them ).
ZeroMQ strongly discourages from sharing ( zero-sharing ) <aContextInstance>.socket()-instances, yet the zmq.Context()-instance can be shared / re-used (ref. ZeroMQ Principles... ) / passed to more than one threads ( if needed ).
All <aSocketInstance>{.bind()|.connect()}- methods are expensive, so try to setup the infrastructure AccessPoint(s) and their due error-handling way before one tries to use the their-mediated communication services.
Each <aSocketInstance>.setsockopt( zmq.SUBSCRIBE, ... ) is expensive in that it may take ( depending on (local/remote) version ) a form of a non-local, distributed-behaviour - local side "sets" the subscription, yet the remote side has to "be informed" about such state-change and "implements" the operations in line with the actual (propagated) state. While in earlier versions, all messages were dispatched from the PUB-side and all the SUB-side(s) were flooded with such data and were left for "filtering" which will be moved into a local-side internal-Queue, the newer versions "implement" the Topic-Filter on the PUB-side, which further increases the latency of setting the new modus-operandi in action.
Next comes the modus-operandi: how <aSocketInstance>.recv() gets results:
In their default API-state, .recv()-methods are blocking, potentially infinitely blocking, if no messages arrive.
Solution: avoid blocking-forms of calling ZeroMQ <aSocket>.recv()-methods by always using the zmq.NOBLOCK-modes thereof or rather test a presence or absence of any expected-message(s) with <aSocket>.poll( zmq.POLLIN, <timeout> )-methods available, with zero or controlled-timeouts. This makes you the master, who decides about the flow of code-execution. Not doing so, you knowingly let your code depend on external sequence ( or absence ) of events and your architecture is prone to awful problems with handling infinite blocking-states ( or potential unsalvageable many-agents' distributed behaviour live-locks or dead-locks )
Avoid uncontrolled cross-breeding of event-loops - like passing ZeroMQ-driven-loops into an external "callback"-alike handler or async-decorated code-blocks, where the stack of (non-)blocking logics may wreck havoc the original idea just by throwing the system into an unresolvable state, where events miss expected sequence of events and live-locks are unsalvagable or just the first pass happen to go through.
Stacking asyncio-code with twisted-LoopingCall()-s and async/await-decorated code + ZeroMQ blocking .recv()-s is either a Piece-of-Filligrane-Precise-Art-of-Truly-a-Zen-Master, or a sure ticket to Hell - with all respect to the Art-of-Truly-Zen-Masters :o)
So, yes, complex thinking is needed -- welcome to the realms of distributed-computing!

Python 3 MQTT client storing received payload in Sqlite - Open DB once, store many times, finally close db?

I have a Python 3.6 code that connects to MQTT and subscribes to a topic. Every time that the callback function "on_message" gets triggered, it instantiates a class that has a single method that does the following: Opens the db file, save the received data, closes the db file.
The Python script described above works almost fine. It receives about 7 MQTT messages per second, so for each message it needs to [Open_DB - Save_Data - Close_DB]. There are some messages getting PUBACK but not saved, perhaps due to some many unnecesary operations, so I want to improve:
I spent a lot of time (not an expert) trying to create a class that would open the db once, write many thousands of times to the db, and only when done, close the db file. to create a class that would have three methods:
1. MyDbClass.open_db_file()
2. MyDbClass.save_data()
3. MyDbClass.close_db_file()
The problem as you may guess is that it is not possible to call MyDbClass.save_data() from within the "on_message" callback, even when the object has been placed on a global variable. Here is the non-working code with the proposed idea, that I cleaned up for easier reading:
# -----------------------------
This code has been cleaned-up for faster reading
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
import json
import sqlite3
Global Variables
db_object = ""
class MyDbClass():
def __init__(self):
def open_db_file(self, dbfile):
self.db_conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
return self.db_conn
def save_data(self, json_data):
self.time_stamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') = json.loads(json_data)
self.sql = '''INSERT INTO trans_reqs (received, field_a, field_b, field_c) \
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'''
self.fields_values = ( self.time_stamp,['one'],['two'],['three']] )
self.cur = self.db_conn.cursor()
self.cur.execute(self.sql, self.fields_values)
def close_db_file(self):
def on_mqtt_message(client, userdata, msg):
global db_object
m_decode = msg.payload.decode("utf-8","ignore")
def main():
global db_object
Database to use - Trying to create an object to manage DB tasks (from MyDbClass)
db_file = "my_filename.sqlite"
db_object = MyDbClass.open_db_file(db_file)
# MQTT -- Set varibles
broker_address= "..."
port = 1883
client_id = "..."
sub_topic = "..."
sub_qos = 1
# MQTT -- Instanciate the MQTT Client class and set callbacks
client = mqtt.Client(client_id)
client.on_connect = on_mqtt_connect
client.on_disconnect = on_mqtt_disconnect
client.on_message = on_mqtt_message
client.on_log = on_mqtt_log
client.clean_session = True
#client.username_pw_set(usr, password=pwd) #set username and password
print('Will connect to broker ', broker_address)
client.connect(broker_address, port=port, keepalive=45 )
client.subscribe(sub_topic, sub_qos)
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Disconnects MQTT
print("........ User Interrupted ..........")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Any help on how to do this will be greatly appreciated!

Can't receive the data from device RFB2000 in python

I am using the module "ctypes" to load RFBClient.dll,I use windll and the convention is stdcall. I want to remote control the device RFB2000 with these commands below:
first step for connection
All the commands
for my programme, the connection is successful but the problem is that i can't recieve the data, when I want to get temperature value, I call the function but it always returns 0, the restype is c_double and the argtypes is none, I can't see there is any problem. English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors.
import ctypes
import time
libc = ctypes.WinDLL("X:\\RFBClient.dll")
#connect to RFB software
#check if connection successful
#Set parameters
#num_automeas = 1; %Number of auto-measurement runs.
completion_count = 2; #% Number of On-Off pairs within each auto-measurement run.
OnHalfCycleTimeCount = 40; # set 2s on
OffHalfCycleTimeCount = 40; # set 2s off
while libc.Zeroing()== -1:
print("measurement start")
while libc.Measuring() == -1:
getTemperature = libc.GetTemperature
getTemperature.restype = ctypes.c_double
getTemperature.argtypes = []

Simultaneous input and output for network based messaging program

In python, I am creating a message system where a client and server can send messages back and forth simeltaneously. Here is my code for the client:
import threading
import socket
# Global variables
host = input("Server: ")
port = 9000
buff = 1024
# Create socket instance
s = socket.socket()
# Connect to server
s.connect( (host, port) )
print("Connected to server\n")
class Recieve(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
while True: # Recieve loop
r_msg = s.recv(buff).decode()
print("\nServer: " + r_msg)
recieve_thread = Recieve()
while True: # Send loop
s_msg = input("Send message: ")
if s_msg.lower() == 'q': # Quit option
s.send( s_msg.encode() )
I have a thread in the background to check for server messages and a looping input to send messages to the server. The problem arises when the server sends a message and the user input is immediately bounced up to make room for the servers message. I want it so that the input stays pinned to the bottom of the shell window, while the output is printed from the 2nd line up, leaving the first line alone. I have been told that you can use curses or Queues to do this, but I am not sure which one would be best in my situation nor how to implement these modules into my project.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I want it so that the input stays pinned to the bottom of the shell
window, while the output is printed from the 2nd line up, leaving the
first line alone. I have been told that you can use curses
Here's a supplemented version of your client code using curses.
import threading
import socket
# Global variables
host = input("Server: ")
port = 9000
buff = 1024
# Create socket instance
s = socket.socket()
# Connect to server
s.connect( (host, port) )
print("Connected to server\n")
import sys
write = sys.stdout.buffer.raw.write
from curses import *
lines = tigetnum('lines')
change_scroll_region = tigetstr('csr')
cursor_up = tigetstr('cuu1')
restore_cursor = tigetstr('rc')
save_cursor = tigetstr('sc')
def pin(input_lines): # protect input_lines at the bottom from scrolling
write(save_cursor + \
tparm(change_scroll_region, 0, lines-1-input_lines) + \
class Recieve(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
while True: # Recieve loop
r_msg = s.recv(buff).decode()
print("\nServer: " + r_msg)
recieve_thread = Recieve()
recieve_thread.daemon = True
while True: # Send loop
s_msg = input("Send message: ")
if s_msg.lower() == 'q': # Quit option
s.send( s_msg.encode() )
It changes the scrolling region to leave out the screen's bottom line, enters the scrolling region temporarily to output the server messages, and changes it back at the end.

Python 3.4 - How to 'run' another script python script continuously, How to pass http get / post to socket

This question is two-fold.
1. So I need to run code for a socket server that's all defined and created in, Clicking run on PyCharm works just fine, but if you exec() the file it just runs the bottom part of the code.
There are a few answers here but they are conflicting and for Python 2.
From what I can gather there are three ways:
- Execfile(), Which I think is Python 2 code.
- os.system() (But I've seen it be said that it's not correct to pass to the OS for this)
- And subprocess.Popen (unsure how to use this either)
I need this to run in the background, it is used to create threads for sockets for the recv portion of the overall program and listen on those ports so I can input commands to a router.
This is the complete code in question:
import sys
import socket
import threading
import time
QUIT = False
class ClientThread(threading.Thread): # Class that implements the client threads in this server
def __init__(self, client_sock): # Initialize the object, save the socket that this thread will use.
self.client = client_sock
def run(self): # Thread's main loop. Once this function returns, the thread is finished and dies.
global QUIT # Need to declare QUIT as global, since the method can change it
done = False
cmd = self.readline() # Read data from the socket and process it
while not done:
if 'quit' == cmd:
self.writeline('Ok, bye. Server shut down')
QUIT = True
done = True
elif 'bye' == cmd:
self.writeline('Ok, bye. Thread closed')
done = True
cmd = self.readline()
self.client.close() # Make sure socket is closed when we're done with it
def readline(self): # Helper function, read up to 1024 chars from the socket, and returns them as a string
result = self.client.recv(1024)
if result is not None: # All letters in lower case and without and end of line markers
result = result.strip().lower().decode('ascii')
return result
def writeline(self, text): # Helper func, writes the given string to the socket with and end of line marker at end
self.client.send(text.strip().encode("ascii") + b'\n')
class Server: # Server class. Opens up a socket and listens for incoming connections.
def __init__(self): # Every time a new connection arrives, new thread object is created and
self.sock = None # defers the processing of the connection to it
self.thread_list = []
def run(self): # Server main loop: Creates the server (incoming) socket, listens > creates thread to handle it
all_good = False
try_count = 0 # Attempt to open the socket
while not all_good:
if 3 < try_count: # Tried more than 3 times without success, maybe post is in use by another program
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Create the socket
port = 80
self.sock.bind(('', port)) # Bind to the interface and port we want to listen on
all_good = True
except socket.error:
print('Socket connection error... Waiting 10 seconds to retry.')
del self.sock
try_count += 1
print('Server is listening for incoming connections.')
print('Try to connect through the command line with:')
print('telnet localhost 80')
print('and then type whatever you want.')
print("typing 'bye' finishes the thread. but not the server",)
print("eg. you can quit telnet, run it again and get a different ",)
print("thread name")
print("typing 'quit' finishes the server")
while not QUIT:
client = self.sock.accept()[0]
except socket.timeout:
if QUIT:
print('Received quit command. Shutting down...')
new_thread = ClientThread(client)
print('Incoming Connection. Started thread ',)
for thread in self.thread_list:
if not thread.isAlive():
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Ctrl+C pressed... Shutting Down')
except Exception as err:
print('Exception caught: %s\nClosing...' % err)
for thread in self.thread_list:
if "__main__" == __name__:
server = Server()
This is created in Python 3.4
I use Pycharm as my IDE.
One part of a whole.
2. So I'm creating a lightning detection system and this is how I expect it to be done:
- Listen to the port on the router forever
The above is done, but the issue with this is described in question 1.
- Pull numbers from a text file for sending text message
Completed this also.
- Send http get / post to port on the router
The issue with this is that i'm unsure how the router will act if I send this in binary form, I suspect it wont matter, the input commands for sending over GSM are specific. Some clarification may be needed at some point.
- Recieve reply from router and exception manage
- Listen for relay trip for alarm on severe or close strike warning.
- If tripped, send messages to phones in storage from text file
This would be the http get / post that's sent.
- Wait for reply from router to indicate messages have been sent, exception handle if it's not the case
- Go back to start
There are a few issues I'd like some background knowledge on that is proving hard to find via the old Google and here on the answers in stack.
How do I grab the receive data from the router from another process running in another file? I guess I can write into a text file and call that data but i'd rather not.
How to multi-process and which method to use.
How to send http get / post to socket on router, post needed occording to the router manual is as follows: e.g. ""
Notes: Using Sockets, threading, sys and time on Python 3.4/Pycharm IDE.
Lightning detector used is LD-250 with RLO Relay attached.
RUT500 Teltonica router used.
Any direction/comments, errors spotted, anything i'm drastically missing would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much in advance :D constructive criticism is greatly encouraged!
Okay so for the first part none of those suggested in the OP were my answer. Running the script as is from os.system(), exec() without declaring a new socket object just ran from __name__, this essentially just printed out "terminated", to get around this was simple. As everything was put into a classes already, all I had to do is create a new thread. This is how it was done:
import Socketthread2
new_thread = Socketthread2.Server() # Effectively declaring a new server class object.
This allowed the script to run from the beginning by initialising the code from the start in Socket, which is also a class of Clientthread, so that was also run too. Running this at the start of the parent program allowed this to run in the background, then continue with the new code in parent while the rest of the script was continuously active.
