iPhone keyboard, custom handling - ios4

I need to react in a way specific to my iPhone app when the user is typing inside some UITextView field.
Three examples :
I want to dismiss the keyboard if the user types in: 'E'.
I want to jump to a new input line if the user types in: 'nN'.
I want to ignore if the user types in: 'A' or 'b'.
I am sure there must be a quite simple way to do what I want. But after browsing for a while on the net, I do not find a clear answer.
What is the way to go?
Thanks for any tip.

If you are using a UITextField, give the text field a delegate (implementing the UITextFieldDelegate protocol), and in the delegate, implement textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString:. Examine the replacement string and take action based on whether it contains the characters you're looking for.
If you are using a UITextView, give the text view a delegate (implementing the UITextViewDelegate protocol), and in the delegate, implement textView:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:.

You could try implementing this in your UITextViewDelegate:
Check the replacementText. If it's #"e", call resignFirstResponder on the UITextView and return NO.
If it's #"A" or #"b", return NO.
I'm not exactly sure about the other one, but you can probably handle it here also and return NO.

I simple way to just flat out deny A and B is to do a simple thing like this (You would get up a check timer to run the void)
- (void) something {
if([statusString isEqualToString:#"a"]){
statusString == #"";
This would simply delete every thing if the user types a.
This may not be exactly what you want but I wanted to give a start


Correct use of option in sequence diagram

I am trying to use the option condition to show that by pressing [edit, view & delete] UI Buttons, the admin can execute admin privileges. I am not sure if this is the correct way of implementing it. Currently, my thought process is that, if a button is pressed, the button being pressed becomes the opt fragment condition and then I show what happens if it's pressed within the optional fragment. I have nested an alt fragment within the opt fragment to handle errors that can occur. From what I have read and seen, I feel this is a suitable implementation, but any feedback to improve and make this diagram clearer is more than welcome. Thanks in advance
The question is, what do you mean with [click edit user]? As modeled it is a flag, that determins what option is happening if it is set. Now the first message in this fragment comes from the Admin. That means it is a flag in his or her head. Do you really want to model the brain here?
I rather think, what you want to model is, that there are two possible sequences, either the admin will send the edit user message or the delete user message. Depending on what he or she does, different things will happen next. This can be expressed by an alternative fragment without guards. Guards are optional and are only misleading when you are dealing with human actors, whose actions are often unpredictable.
Maybe you omitted a select option message (that's perfectly legal), whose result could be the flag. But then I don't understand, why the admin will send edit user, after she has already selected an option.
In your nested alternative fragment (shown overlapping in your diagram, but I assume that is just a rendering problem), you have the guard [user found]. This would probably be a local flag of the verify username operation. While it is very much possible, that such a flag exists, it is unnecessary to show it here. The two fragments are distinguishable by their respective first messages username valid and username invalid. So I recommend to omit the guard.
As a sidenote: The operator for the alternative fragment is abreviated alt

Dialogflow: How do I get sys.boolean?

I would like to add training phrases like
I would love to
No, thanks
and extract a boolean var $extraCheese containing True or False which I can use later. If I was expecting a color, I would do $dressColor and #sys.color, but then I don't find #sys.boolean
How do I do this?
It is, indeed, baffling that Dialogflow doesn't offer this natively. They offer this as an option for a Followup Intent, if that is suitable for you, but not as a System Entity.
Fortunately, it is fairly easy for you to make a Boolean Entity yourself.
Click on the + sign next to the Entity menu option on the left.
Set the name for the Entity: such as Boolean.
Add the value for an entity (true for example) which is the text value your webhook will be sent. You then also add aliases for that value. This needs to include the value itelf (true, again), but also anything else the user might say to represent this value (yes, sure, etc).
Then repeat this for other values you may want.
When you're done, you can click Save and then use this entity in your sample phrases just like the built-in entities.

How to send multiple statements in google assistant app?

I am creating a Google Assistant app for telling quotes, I am currently using Api.ai with ApiAi NodeJs webhook. I wanted that my response should be in this way:
Innovation is the only way to win.
By Steve Jobs
Want one more?
Note that all the three lines are different lines. I know it is possible if I just use api.ai's ux without webhook (using multiple Simple Response) but I cannot figure out how to do it when combined with webhook.
I tried:
assistant.ask("Innovation is the only way to win.");
assistant.ask("By Steve Jobs");
assistant.ask("Want one more?");
But it seems to speak only the first sentence. I also tried by replace it with:
assistant.tell("Innovation is the only way to win.");
assistant.tell("By Steve Jobs");
assistant.ask("Want one more?");
But it exits just after the first statement. How to do it?
Both ask() and tell() take their parameters and send back a response. The only difference is that ask() keeps the conversation going, expecting the user to say something back, while tell() indicates the conversation is over. If you think of this in terms of a web server, both ask() and tell() send back the equivalent of a page and then close the connection, but ask() has included a form on the page, while tell() has not.
Both of them can take a RichResponse object, which may include one or two strings or SimpleResponse objects which will be rendered as chat bubbles. You can't do three, however, at least not according to the documentation. So it sounds like your best bet will be to include one SimpleResponse with the quote and attribution, and the second with the prompt for another.
This also sounds like a case where you want the audio to be different than the displayed text. In this case, you'd want to build the SimpleResponse so it has both speech fields and displayText fields.
That might look something like this (tho I haven't tested the code):
var simpleResponse = {
speech: 'Steve Jobs said "Innovation is the only way to win."',
displayText: '"Innovation is the only way to win." -- Steve Jobs'
var richResponse = assistant.buildRichResponse();
richResponse.addSimpleResponse('Do you want another?');
assistant.ask( richResponse );
This will also let you do things like add cards in the middle of these two blurbs that could, for example, contain a picture of the person in question. To do this, you'd call the richResponse.addBasicCard() method with a BasicCard object. This might even be better visually than including the quote attribution on a second line.
As for design - keep in mind that you're designing for a wide range of devices. Trying to focus on the line formatting when you have display modes that are different (and sometimes non-existent) is of questionable design. Don't try to focus on what the conversation will look like, instead you should focus on how much the conversation feels like a conversation your user will have with another person. Remember that voice is the primary means of this conversation with visual intended to supplement that conversation, not rule it.
From what I can gather from the documentation, .tell and .ask both close the mic. Try putting all of your statements into one string. As far as I can tell, .ask doesn't actually affect the tone of the speech; it just tells Assistant to wait for input.
assistant.ask("Innovation is the only way to win. By Steve Jobs. Want one more?");

How can I activate (display) a view using Revit API?

I am trying to activate a view using Revit API. What I want to do exactly is to prompt the user to select some walls, but when the user is asked that, he can't switch views to select more walls (everything is greyed out at that point).
So the view I want to activate (by that I mean, I want this view to be actually shown on screen) already exist, and I can access its Id.
I have seen threads about creating, browsing, filtering views, but nothing on activating it... It's a Floor Plan view.
So far I can access its associated ViewPlan object, and associated parameters (name, Id, ..).
Is it possible to do ?
Thanks a lot !
I think the most preferred way is the UIDocument.RequestViewChange() method. The tricky part about this is that unless you've designed your application to be modeless with external events or idling, it may not actually happen until later when control returns back to Revit from your addin.
(There's also setting the UIDocument.ActiveView property - not positive if this has different constraints).
The other way that I have done it historically is through the use of the UIDocument.ShowElements() command. The trick here is that you don't have control of the exact view - but if you can figure out the elements that appear only in that view, you can generally make it happen (even if you have to do a separate query to get a bunch of elements that are only in the given floorplan view).
Good Luck!
I think the solution to your problem may be:
commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.ActiveView = View;
The ActiveView is a property and it has {get and set} options.
ActiveView has only a get accessor, what Mostafa suggests will not work.
I have used the RequestViewChange() method with a modal dialog and have not had problems so far.

Sharepoint 2007 Webpart variables problem on reload

I'm having trouble with the webparts variables... I came from standard ASP language, so, to me, store variables in session and other parts is the common way to do everything =)
Now i had to create a webpart, the wp has to write a graph from parameter and i cannot understand HOW variables works: i cannot understand WHEN saved and WHEN erased and other thing like this!
Let me explain: i have a web part with the configuration toolbar on the right in which i put the values.. Everytime a button is pressed or a value in the dropdown list changes, it raises an event which causes the "CreateChild" function..
Many times the data is "stored", other time they are not!
That's the way i used to store value (in the ApplyChanges override function):
WPChartGenerator wpParent = (WPChartGenerator)this.ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart;
wpParent.WebUrl = txtWebUrl.Text.Trim();
And in the CreateChild event i get the value like:
WPChartGenerator wpParent = (WPChartGenerator)this.ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart;
this.ddlWeb = new DropDownList();
this.ddlWeb.ID = "ddlweb" + wpParent.ID;
ddlWeb.SelectedValue = wpParent.WebService;
Now.. Sometimes this works, for example, when i push a button I invoke in the code of the button and then the code to store every value.. In some case (like buttons) this works, in other (like dropdown list index changed event) this fails and i found every object in the wpParent equal to it's initial value.
Another thing i noticed, is that in certain cases when an event is triggered, the first thing to be executed (even first than the event's associated code) il CreateChild (even first than OnLoad!!!)
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing in the wrong way? Do anybody has a good tutoria for this matter?
Thanks & sorry 4 my School level English =)
Forget to say that every variable has been implemented as a Property, like that:
public string WebUrl
return this.webUrl;
this.webUrl = value;
I can't see all the code there so I don't really know what you're doing wrong (i.e. do you actually have an ApplyChanges method) but from the way you've worded your question it sounds like you really need to start at the beginning, follow one of these walkthrough tutorials and make sure you understand the basics and then start adding in the code for your project.
MSDN - Creating Web Parts for SharePoint (VS2010)
MSDN - Walkthrough: Creating a Basic SharePoint Web Part (WSS 3.0)
Developing SharePoint 2007 Web Parts
