Haskell How to Create a Word8? - string

I want to write a simple function which splits a ByteString into [ByteString] using '\n' as the delimiter. My attempt:
import Data.ByteString
listize :: ByteString -> [ByteString]
listize xs = Data.ByteString.splitWith (=='\n') xs
This throws an error because '\n' is a Char rather than a Word8, which is what Data.ByteString.splitWith is expecting.
How do I turn this simple character into a Word8 that ByteString will play with?

You could just use the numeric literal 10, but if you want to convert the character literal you can use fromIntegral (ord '\n') (the fromIntegral is required to convert the Int that ord returns into a Word8). You'll have to import Data.Char for ord.
You could also import Data.ByteString.Char8, which offers functions for using Char instead of Word8 on the same ByteString data type. (Indeed, it has a lines function that does exactly what you want.) However, this is generally not recommended, as ByteStrings don't store Unicode codepoints (which is what Char represents) but instead raw octets (i.e. Word8s).
If you're processing textual data, you should consider using Text instead of ByteString.


Why do Data.Binary instances of bytestring add the length of the bytestring as prefix

Looking at the put instances of the various ByteString types we find that the length of the bytestring is always prefixed in the binary file before writing it. For example here - https://hackage.haskell.org/package/binary-
Taking an example
instance Binary B.ByteString where
put bs = put (B.length bs) -- Why this??
<> putByteString bs
get = get >>= getByteString
Is there any particular reason for doing this? And is the only way to write Bytestring without prefixing the length - creating our own newtype wrapper and having an instance for Binary?
Is there any particular reason for doing this?
The idea of get and put is that you can combine several objects. For example you can write:
write_func :: ByteString -> Char -> Put
write_func some_bytestring some_char = do
put some_bytestring
put some_char
then you want to define a function that can read the data back, and evidently you want the two functions to act together as an identity function: that if the writer writes a certain ByteString and a certain Char, then you want the read function to read the same ByteString and character.
The reader function should look similar to:
read_fun :: Get (ByteString, Char)
read_fun = do
bs <- get
c <- get
return (bs, c)
but the problem is, when does a ByteString ends? The 'A' character could also be part of the ByteString. You thus need to somehow indicate where the ByteString ends. This can be done by saving the length, or some marker at the end. In case of a marker, you will need to "escape" the bytestring, such that it can not contain the marker itself.
But you thus need some mechanism to specify that when the ByteString ends.
And is the only way to write Bytestring without prefixing the length - creating our own newtype wrapper and having an instance for Binary?
No, in fact it is already in the instance definition. If you want to write a ByteString without length, then you can use putByteString :: ByteString -> Put:
write_func :: ByteString -> Char -> Put
write_func some_bytestring some_char = do
putByteString some_bytestring
put some_char
but when reading the ByteString back, you will need to figure out how many bytes you have to read.

How to get nth byte from ByteString?

How can I get nth byte of ByteString in Haskell?
I tried to find function like !! for ByteStrings, but found nothing.
ByteString.index is the function you're looking for.
Most of the "containerish" types emulate the extended list interface; you also want to be careful because that index function will crash the program if you feed it a string that's too short (as will !! on ordinary lists). A better implementation might be
import Data.ByteString as B
nthByte :: Int -> B.ByteString -> Maybe Word8
nthByte n bs = fst <$> B.uncons (B.drop n bs)
which, reading inside out, drops the first n bytes (maybe producing an empty byte string), then attempts to split the first character from the remainder, and if successful, ignores the rest of the string.

Parsec returns [Char] instead of Text

I am trying to create a parser for a custom file format. In the format I am working with, some fields have a closing tag like so:
I am trying to grab the value between the </ and > and use it as part of the bigger parser.
I have come up with the code below. The trouble is, the parser returns [Char] instead of Text. I can pack each Char by doing fmap pack $ return r to get a text value out, but I was hoping type inference would save me from having to do this. Could someone give hints as to why I am getting back [Char] instead of Text, and how I can get back Text without having to manually pack the value?
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Text
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Text
-- |A closing tag is on its own line and is a "</" followed by some uppercase characters
-- followed by some '>'
closingTag = do
_ <- char '\n'
r <- between (string "</") (char '>') (many upper)
return r
string has the type
string :: Stream s m Char => String -> ParsecT s u m String
(See here for documentation)
So getting a String back is exactly what's supposed to happen.
Type inference doesn't change types, it only infers them. String is a concrete type, so there's no way to infer Text for it.
What you could do, if you need this in a couple of places, is to write a function
text :: Stream s m Char => String -> ParsecT s u m Text
text = fmap pack . string
or even
string' :: (IsString a, Stream s m Char) => String -> ParsecT s u m a
string' = fmap fromString . string
Also, it doesn't matter in this example but you'd probably want to import Text qualified, names like pack are used in a number of different modules.
As Ørjan Johansen correctly pointed out, string isn't actually the problem here, many upper is. The same principle applies though.
The reason you get [Char] here is that upper parses a Char and many turns that into a [Char]. I would write my own combinator along the lines of:
manyPacked = fmap pack . many
You could probably use type-level programming with type classes etc. to automatically choose between many and manyPack depending on the expect return type, but I don't think that's worth it. (It would probably look a bit like Scala's CanBuiltFrom).

Text or Bytestring

Good day.
The one thing I now hate about Haskell is quantity of packages for working with string.
First I used native Haskell [Char] strings, but when I tried to start using hackage libraries then completely lost in endless conversions. Every package seem to use different strings implementation, some adopts their own handmade thing.
Next I rewrote my code with Data.Text strings and OverloadedStrings extension, I chose Text because it has a wider set of functions, but it seems many projects prefer ByteString.
Someone could give short reasoning why to use one or other?
PS: btw how to convert from Text to ByteString?
Couldn't match expected type
against inferred type Text
Expected type: IO Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal.ByteString
Inferred type: IO Text
I tried encodeUtf8 from Data.Text.Encoding, but no luck:
Couldn't match expected type
against inferred type Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString
Thanks for responses, that *Chunks goodness looks like way to go, but I somewhat shocked with result, my original function looked like this:
htmlToItems :: Text -> [Item]
htmlToItems =
getItems . parseTags . convertFuzzy Discard "CP1251" "UTF8"
And now became:
htmlToItems :: Text -> [Item]
htmlToItems =
getItems . parseTags . fromLazyBS . convertFuzzy Discard "CP1251" "UTF8" . toLazyBS
toLazyBS t = fromChunks [encodeUtf8 t]
fromLazyBS t = decodeUtf8 $ intercalate "" $ toChunks t
And yes, this function is not working because its wrong, if we supply Text to it, then we're confident this text is properly encoded and ready to use and converting it is stupid thing to do, but such a verbose conversion still has to take place somewhere outside htmltoItems.
ByteStrings are mainly useful for binary data, but they are also an efficient way to process text if all you need is the ASCII character set. If you need to handle unicode strings, you need to use Text. However, I must emphasize that neither is a replacement for the other, and they are generally used for different things: while Text represents pure unicode, you still need to encode to and from a binary ByteString representation whenever you e.g. transport text via a socket or a file.
Here is a good article about the basics of unicode, which does a decent job of explaining the relation of unicode code-points (Text) and the encoded binary bytes (ByteString): The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets
You can use the Data.Text.Encoding module to convert between the two datatypes, or Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding if you are using the lazy variants (as you seem to be doing based on your error messages).
You definitely want to be using Data.Text for textual data.
encodeUtf8 is the way to go. This error:
Couldn't match expected type Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal.ByteString
against inferred type Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString
means that you're supplying a strict bytestring to code which expects a lazy bytestring. Conversion is easy with the fromChunks function:
Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromChunks :: [Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString] -> ByteString
so all you need to do is add the function fromChunks [myStrictByteString] wherever the lazy bytestring is expected.
Conversion the other way can be accomplished with the dual function toChunks, which takes a lazy bytestring and gives a list of strict chunks.
You may want to ask the maintainers of some packages if they'd be able to provide a text interface instead of, or in addition to, a bytestring interface.
Use a single function cs from the Data.String.Conversions.
It will allow you to convert between String, ByteString and Text (as well as ByteString.Lazy and Text.Lazy), depending on the input and the expected types.
You still have to call it, but no longer to worry about the respective types.
See this answer for usage example.
For what it's worth, I found these two helper functions to be quite useful:
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- | Text to ByteString
tbs :: T.Text -> BS.ByteString
tbs = BS.pack . T.unpack
-- | ByteString to Text
bst :: BS.ByteString -> T.Text
bst = T.pack . BS.unpack
foo :: [BS.ByteString]
foo = ["hello", "world"]
bar :: [T.Text]
bar = bst <$> foo
baz :: [BS.ByteString]
baz = tbs <$> bar

Split ByteString on a ByteString (instead of a Word8 or Char)

I know I already have the Haskell Data.ByteString.Lazy function to split a CSV on a single character, such as:
split :: Word8 -> ByteString -> [ByteString]
But I want to split on a multi-character ByteString (like splitting on a String instead of a Char):
split :: ByteString -> ByteString -> [ByteString]
I have multi-character separators in a csv-like text file that I need to parse, and the individual characters themselves appear in some of the fields, so choosing just one separator character and discarding the others would contaminate the data import.
I've had some ideas on how to do this, but they seem kind of hacky (e.g. take three Word8s, test if they're the separator combination, start a new field if they are, recurse further), and I imagine I would be reinventing a wheel anyway. Is there a way to do this without rebuilding the function from scratch?
The documentation of Bytestrings breakSubstring contains a function that does what you are asking for:
tokenise x y = h : if null t then [] else tokenise x (drop (length x) t)
where (h,t) = breakSubstring x y
There are a few functions in bytestring for splitting on subsequences:
breakSubstring :: ByteString -> ByteString -> (ByteString,ByteString)
There's also a
bytestring-csv package, http://hackage.haskell.org/package/bytestring-csv
a split package: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/split for strings though.
