How to iterate over a cucumber feature - cucumber

I'm writing a feature in cucumber that could be applied to a number of objects that can be programmaticaly determined. Specifically, I'm writing a smoke test for a cloud deployment (though the problem is with cucumber, not the cloud tools, thus stack overflow).
Given a node matching "role:foo"
When I connect to "automatic.eucalyptus.public_ipv4" on port ""
Then I should see "Hello"
The given does a search for nodes with the role foo does and the automatic.eucalyptus... And port come from the node found. This works just fine... for one node.
The search could retun multiple nodes in different environments. Dev will probably return one, test and integration a couple, and prod can vary. The given already finds all of them.
Looping over the nodes in each step doesn't really work. If any one failed in the When, the whole thing would fail. I've looked at scenarios and cucumber-iterate, but both seem to assume that all scenarios are predefined rather than programmatically looked up.
I'm a cuke noob, so I'm probably missing something. Any thoughts?
I'm "resolving" the problem by flipping the scenario. I'm trying to integrate into a larger cluster definition language to define repeatedly call the feature by passing the info as an environment variable.

I apologize in advance that I can't tell you exactly "how" to do it, but a friend of mine solved a similar problem using a somewhat unorthodox technique. He runs scenarios that write out scenarios to be run later. The gem he wrote to do this is called cukewriter. He describes how to use it in pretty good detail on the github page for the gem. I hope this will work for you, too.


Isolating scenarios in Cabbage

I am automating acceptance tests defined in a specification written in Gherkin using Elixir. One way to do this is an ExUnit addon called Cabbage.
Now ExUnit seems to provide a setup hook which runs before any single test and a setup_all hook, which runs before the whole suite.
Now when I try to isolate my Gherkin scenarios by resetting the persistence within the setup hook, it seems that the persistence is purged before each step definition is executed. But one scenario in Gherkin almost always needs multiple steps which build up the test environment and execute the test in a fixed order.
The other option, the setup_all hook, on the other hand, resets the persistence once per feature file. But a feature file in Gherkin almost always includes multiple scenarios, which should ideally be fully isolated from each other.
So the aforementioned hooks seem to allow me to isolate single steps (which I consider pointless) and whole feature files (which is far from optimal).
Is there any way to isolate each scenario instead?
First of all, there are alternatives, for example: whitebread.
If all your features, needs some similar initial step, maybe background steps are something to look into. Sadly those changes were mixed in a much larger rewrite of the library that newer got merged into. There is another PR which also is mixed in with other functionality and currently is waiting on companion library update. So currently that doesn't work.
Haven't tested how the library is behaving with setup hooks, but setup_all should work fine.
There is such a thing as tags. Which I think haven't yet been published with the new release, but is in master. They work with callback tag. You can look closer at the example in tests.
There currently is a little bit of mess. I don't have as much time for this library as I would like to.
Hope this helps you a little bit :)

How to write feature file and when to convert them to step definition to adapt to a changing business requirement?

I am working on a BDD web development and testing project with other team members.
On top we write feature files in gherkin and run cucumber to generate step functions. At bottom we write Selenium page models and action libraries scripts. The rest is just fill in the step functions with Selenium script and finally run cucumber cases.
Sounds simple enough.
The problem comes starting when we write feature files.
Problem 1: Our client's requirement keeps changing every week as the project proceed, in terms of removing old ones and adding new ones.
Problem 2: On top of that, for some features, detailed steps keep changing too.
The problem gets really bad if we try to generate updated step functions based on updated feature file every day. There are quite some housecleaning to do to keep step functions and feature files in sync.
To deal with problem 2, I remembered that one basic rule in writing gherkin feature file is to use business domain language as much as possible. So I tried to persuade the BA to write the feature file a little more vague, and do not include too many UI specific steps in it, so that we need not to modify feature files/step functions often. But she hesitate 'cause the client's requirement document include details and she just try to follow.
To deal with problem 1, I have no solution.
So my question is:
Is there a good way to write feature file so that it's less impacted by client's requirement change? Can we write it vague to omit some details that may change (this way at least we can stabilize the step function prototype), and if so, how far can we go?
When is a good time to generate the step definitions and filling in the content? From the beginning, or wait until the features stabilize a little? How often should we do it if the feature keep changing? And is there a convenient way to clean the outdated step functions?
Any thoughts are appreciated.
If your client has specific UI requirements for which you are contracted to provide automated tests, then you ought to be writing those using actual test automation tools. Cucumber is not a test automation tool. If you attempt to use it as such, you are simply causing yourself a lot of pain for naught.
If, however, you are only contracted to validate that your application complies with the business rules provided by your client, during frequent and focused discovery sessions with them, then Cucumber may be able to help you.
In either case, you are going to ultimately fail, if there's no real collaboration with your client. If they're regularly throwing new business rules, or new business requirements over a transome through which you have limited or no visibility, then you are in a no-win situation.

How to manage multiple tfs gated checkin build definitions

We currently have 2 solutions that share several projects between them, as well as have some projects that are unique to each of them. We currently have a build definition for each of these solutions set to Gated Checkin.
Unfortunately, it seems that having multiple definitions with gated checkins set means that if I make a change to one of the shared projects, it only runs one definition. In a perfect world, I want it to build both solutions in this circumstance.
I know that I could just create a single build definition that builds both solutions, and this will work great in the scenario in question, but then if I am modifying a project that it unique to a solution, it will still build both solutions, ugh.
Is there a way to configure our builds such that we get the best of both worlds? I would like the consistency of insuring shared code correctly works on both solutions, but I also would like builds to not take double the time for changes that affect only one solution or another (by far our most common use case).
Or am I just stuck with the tradeoff of one or the other?
The basic problem with your current situation is "how to identify the change"? Whether it's the common project or the unique project that was modified. I dont think there is any EASY means of identifying this at the time of building the code.
One option which you is NOT THE BEST solution would be to separate out the common projects into another solution which compiles and put the DLL's to a common location which the unique solutions use. This way you can have 3 independent gated- checkins, if there is change to common solution you compile both unique solutions within the same build definition. If not you compile the common and the one unique solution in their own build def.

Catching resource filename errors at compile time

I'm doing my first iOS App with Monotouch and I'm loading quite a lot of images from my resources directory. Every now and then I get a typo in a filename and the app will then crash on me spewing out some unintelligible error message. (I'll try adding deciphering stack traces to my skill set any day now ...)
I was thinking that there must be a smarter way to handle this. For example one could have a utility script that goes through the resources directory and constructs a list of global constants based on its contents. Each file in the resources gets an entry.
So that MyResources/Icons/HomeIcon.png will be represented by the constant MyResources.Icons.HomeIcon_png. Then one could have something like Inotify (don't know what that would be on Mac) watch the resources directory and regenerate the constants file on every change.
This would of course also give nice autocompletion for resources.
Maybe there's already something like this is already in Monodevelop or online somewhere? Otherwise how would I go about setting it up?
Or maybe there's some other smart way of mitigating the problem?
Your primary problem is typos in resource names are not caught early, and only cause crashes when the app is actually ran.
Your proposed solution of a list of global constants generated based on the available resources is kind of neat, but as far as I know this does not exist yet.
In the mean time, you could manually construct this list of global constants, and create a unit test that verifies all the elements in this list are valid resources (by looping through them automatically, of course - adding a resource to the list should not require a change to the test).
This way you can catch typos earlier (when you run the unit test rather than when you run the app), which is your primary concern. Additionally, if you ever find/write the script you envision, your application code is already prepared.
I filed an enhancement bug on Xamarin bugzilla for you:
So I spent four precious hours to cook up this little python script that sort of solves my problem. For now it's the best solution to my problem.

Memcached on NodeJS - node-memcached or node-memcache, which one is more stable?

I need to implement a memory cache with Node, it looks like there are currently two packages available for doing this:
node-memcached (
node-memcache (
Looking at both Github pages it looks like both projects are under active development with similar features.
Can anyone recommend one over the other? Does anyone know which one is more stable?
At the moment of writing this, the project 3rd-Eden/node-memcached doesn't seem to be stable, according to github issue list. (e.g. see issue #46) Moreover I found it's code quite hard to read (and thus hard to update), so I wouldn't suggest using it in your projects.
The second project, elbart/node-memcache, seems to work fine , and I feel good about the way it's source code is written. So If I were to choose between only this two options, I would prefer using the elbart/node-memcache.
But as of now, both projects suffer from the problem of storing BLOBs. There's an opened issue for the 3rd-Eden/node-memcached project, and the elbart/node-memcache simply doesn't support the option. (it would be fair to add that there's a fork of the project that is said to add option of storing BLOBs, but I haven't tried it)
So if you need to store BLOBs (e.g. images) in memcached, I suggest using overclocked/mc module. I'm using it now in my project and have no problems with it. It has nice documentation, it's highly-customizable, but still easy-to-use. And at the moment it seems to be the only module that works fine with BLOBs storing and retrieving.
Since this is an old question/answer (2 years ago), and I got here by googling and then researching, I feel that I should tell readers that I definitely think 3rd-eden's memcached package is the one to go with. It seems to work fine, and based on the usage by others and recent updates, it is the clear winner. Almost 20K downloads for the month, 1300 just today, last update was made 21 hours ago. No other memcache package even comes close.
The best way I know of to see which modules are the most robust is to look at how many projects depend on them. You can find this on's search page. For example:
memcache has 3 dependent projects
memcached has 31 dependent projects
... and in the latter, I see connect-memcached, which would seem to lend some credibility there. Thus, I'd go with the latter barring any other input or recommenations.
