MKOverlayView usage Sample Code - ios4

I would like to make an app to track running routes (real-time) on a map.
I think I have to use CoreLocation(GPS) and MKOverlayView (to draw routes on map).
But I couldn't find appropriate sample code on the internet.
Is there any good sample code?

I used this tutorial for drawing the path in my app. The author explained very clearly. Hope this help.
This is new link


Defining API class in component based structure

I have been reading the 'Node JS Best Practices' Github article. One point that I I found interesting was the very first best practice. Here they split up the project structure based on components. One of the advises was to use functions and classes outside the component by defining them in an API class. But I can't find any examples on how such class should be build.
This is the link to the Github article:
Component bases project structure
You Just Connect Your Main Index file .
every script File Then AutoLoad Practices.
Var myVar2 = require('./your_file')
You can have a look at this, if you wanna structure your project in different parts and make that more readable.
Im attaching one of the boilerplate link of github since, it will be huge to tell you everything here, just look at this setup you will know everything.
check this link for boilerplate.
If you have doubts let me know.

What is react-virtualized is all about? How its different from normal react.js?

how react-virtualized in different than normal reactJs. Can anyone please explain me with an example ?
Thanks in advance.
Author of react-virtualized here. I think you might find the slides from a recent presentation I made about the library helpful. I suggest starting here and stepping through the slides (by pressing the right arrow key):
I think this talk will be posted to the Forward JS YouTube channel soon but as of now, only the slides are available.
In short, react-virtualized helps improve the performance of your React application by limiting the number of calls to render as well as the number of DOM elements created and added to the page.
Edit: Link to the Forward JS talk

Android Studio: Google Map v2 How to Create Route Made by Multiple Polylines following the Roads Only

I cant found step by step tutorial about multiple polylines following a route in google maps and I need to code routes using multiple coordinates using Android Studio-Google Map. Ive been searching about weeks now and I don't have a single clue where to start coding multiple polyline that connects to the road to make a route. Any tips would really help me. It is kinda like connecting A->B,B->C,C->D to make a specific route possibly using array of latlng. My project is like bus routes, I need to code many different routes and only show 1 route at a time.
I only found straight polylines, codes like these. Not much of a help to what I need.
Polyline line = mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions()
.add(new LatLng(16.416213, 120.582274), new LatLng(16.415246, 120.590181))
Anyone could give me a better idea or maybe one of kinda a step by step?
A big thanks if you could help me.

Make Spheres on a Canvas3D 'clickable'

I've got a Canvas3D which holds a couple Spheres. Is there a way to detect when the user clicks on a sphere?
In Java3D this is known as "Picking" you should read the section on the Java3D API Tutorial if you haven't already. Here is the section on Interacting with objects, you're looking for page 35 by the way:
Heres the entire tutorial:
Hopefully this answer didn't come too late! I just started Java3D myself, hope this helped!

Starting on AutoMapper

I found Automapper quite interesting from the concept. I however am trying to burn (or heat up) my fingers on it. Can somebody help me to start on this? I am yet to understand where from I can start for this. I shall like to write some code from scratch (and not use a sample of others) and then do it. A step by step hand-holding will be the most welcome help.
As Darin said, the first place to go is the home page of AutoMapper and the documentation. If you need something like a How To, I would suggest you this article: and here is an example how to map view models in ASp.Net MVC ->
Hope that helps you a little bit ;-9
