My J2ME application take a long time to start running? - java-me

I make a j2me application that almost all of it, are text files.
size: 3mb
The problem is, when I run it on my mobile, it take about 10 sec to run. I do nothing on startup. I have another app with size: 7mb, but it runs without any delay!
Jar files link:
correct one:
install both of them and run. mine take some seconds to show up, but the other shows immediately.

You need to take into account that JAR is a compressed file format.
To use jar file contents, device has to first de-compress it. How long does decompression take very much depends on jar contents and because of that, jar file size may be not directly related to startup delay.
You better use some zip tool (most if not all such tools can handle jar format) to learn about contents of the jar files you work with - this might give you better indication on what to expect at startup.
For example, I can easily imagine your "7 mb" jar file containing just a handful of jpeg images of total size, well, about same 7 mb - and decompressing very quickly.
As for "3 mb of text files" - if these decompress to something like few hundreds files of total size 50 mb then I would not wonder if it takes long to unpack at device startup.


Zip Create Process with Node Express of large ZIP packages

We standing up a low volume site, where users (browser client) will select image files (284 KB per file) and then request a Node Express Server to bundle them into a ZIP for download to the web client.
Issues & Design Constraints
The resultant ZIP might be on the order of 50 MB - 5 GB. Therefore we would like
to give the user a running progress bar while the ZIP is being
constructed. (We assume the browser will give running updates as to
the progress of the actual download).
While we expect low volume of requests
(1-2 request at a time). However, we do not want to completely tie up our 4
core server processor, so we want to minimize synchronous calls that tie up the express server.
Given the size of the ZIP, we cannot expect the zip to be assembled only in memory
Is there any other issues we should worry about?
We assume that running 7zip as a child process is bad, since we would not get any running status as to how many of the 258KB files had been added to the ZIP.
So which of the following packages are very Node/ExpressJS friendly packages given the design constraints/goals listed above?
What I am seeing above is that most packages first collect the files, and then finalize them to memory and then pipe them to the http request (probably not good for 5GB of data or am I missing something). Some seem to be able to use disk, but the question will be does one get update events as each file is added?
Others seem to be fully async and I don't see how you would get a running progress value as each file added to the ZIP package.
Of the packages listed above. Most were not appropriate
JSZIP is mainly for the browser
EasyZip is a node wrapper for of JSZIP, but it does not provide
progress notifications durring creation
Express-Zip is an in-memory express friendly RES solution (but
probably would not handle the size of the ZIP we are talking about)
ZIP-Stream is underlying utility underleath Archiver. Archiver has
the queuing services, so one should just user archiver
YAZL might work, but the interface is more complex for progress
tracking than Archiver
We chose Archiver, since it had most of the features desired:
Express Friendly
low memory footprint
as fast as 7ZIP for the particular image archives we create (we don't need to compress, files are large, etc.) You might have 25% hit in performance for other types of archives
It does not let you append to existing archives (that was one feature we wanted), but adm-zip might provide that gap
As for the 7zip solution. We tend not to like reading the entrails of a standard output stream from a spawned child process.
It is messy to find strings int he streams
it causes context switches to read the stream,
you have a brittle solution trying to deal with what output stream puts out (e.g. in the case of 7zip it sometimes leaps the counter by 30% sometimes by 1%), as well as other sources for brittle solutions.
We assume that running 7zip as a child process is bad, since we would not get any running status as to how many of the 258KB files had been added to the ZIP.
That appears to be a false assumption.
A command line like this will show progress for each file added to the archive on stdout as each new file is added:
7z a -bsp1 -bb3 test.7z *
So, you can launch that from node.js using the child process module and you should be able to capture the stdout progress as it happens. You will need to use spawn, not exec so you can get the stdout data live as it happens.
Running this as a child process will keep your nodejs process free to serve other requests and will allow the child process to manage its own memory, independent of nodejs.
The 7zip program handles extremely large archives and files with appropriate memory usage. With the right flags to get progress to stdout and running it as a child process, it appears to meet all your requirements.

How do I limit log4j files based on size (only)?

I would like to configure log4j to write only files up to a maximum specified size, e.g. 5MB. When the log file hits 5MB I want it to start writing to a new file. I'd like to put some kind of meaningful timestamp into the logfile name to distinguish one file from the next.
I do not need it to rename or manipulate the old files in any way when a new one is written (compression would be a boon, but is not a must).
I absolutely do not want it to start deleting old files after a certain period of time or number of rolled files.
Timestamped chunks of N MB logfiles seems like the absolute basic minimum simple strategy I can imagine. It's so basic that I almost refuse to believe that it's not provided out of the box, yet I have been incapable of figuring out how to do this!
In particular, I have tried all incarnations of DailyRollingFileAppender, RollingFileAppender or the 'Extras' RollingFileAppender. All of these delete old files when the backupcount is exceeded. I don't want this, I want all my log files!
TimeBasedRollingPolicy from Extras does not fit because it doesn't have a max file size option and you cannot associate a secondary SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy (as it already implements TriggeringPolicy).
Is there an out of the box solution - preferably one that's in maven central?
I gave up trying to get this to work out of the box. It turns out that is, as the young folk apparently say, the bomb.
I tried getting in touch some time back to get the author to stick this into maven central, but no luck so far.

Break a zip file into INDIVIDUAL pieces

What I am trying to do is this;
I get these zip files from clients which are 1.5gb in general. They all include pictures only. I need to make them into 100mb files to actually upload it to my server. Problem is that, If I break my 1.5gb zip file, I need to re-attach all of them if I need to use one.
When I break the 1.5gb zip file into a 100mb zip file, I need the 100mb one to act as a separate new file so the server will unzip it and upload the pictures into the database. I have looked for this problem but most of the threads are about how to split a zip file. This is partially what I want to do and I can do it now but I also need those smaller pieces to be able to unzip on its own. Is it possible to break a zip file into smaller pieces that will act as a new, stand alone zip files?
I have the same question. I think unzip in the Linux shell cannot handle a zip file larger than 1 GB, and I need to unzip them unattended in a headless NAS. What I do for now is unzip everything in the desktop HD, select files until they almost reach 1 GB, archive and delete them, then select the next set of files until I reach 1 GB.
Your answer is not clear, but I will try to answer it based upon my understanding of your dilemma.
Why does the file size need to be limited?
Is it the transfer to the server that is the constraining factor?
Is application (on the server) unable to process files over a certain size?
Can the process be altered so that image file fragments can be recombined on the server before processing?
What operating systems are in use on the client and the server?
Do you have shell access to the server?
A few options
Use imagemagick to reduce the files so they fit within the file size constraints
On Linux/Mac, this is relatively straightforward to do:
split -b 1m my_large_image.jpg (you need the b parameter for it to work on binary files)
Compress each file into its own zip
Upload to the server
Concatenate the fragments back into an image file:
cat xaa xab xac xad (etc) > my_large_image.jpg

How to transfer large file from local to remote box with auto-resume and transfer only what has changed?

I try the following command
rsync -av --progress --inplace --rsh='ssh' /home/tom/workspace/myapp.war root#
But it seems it transfers the whole file again each time I execute the command when I make a small change in app that regenerates the myapp.war.
I want also the connection to automatically resume if connection is lost. I think this part is working.
The transfer should occur over ssh.
The connection speed is very slow and can break too so it is important that it transfers only what has changed. Of course it must also ensure that the file was correctly transfered.
rsync does handle relatively small changes and partial uploads in a file efficiently. There has been significant effort in the rsync algorithm towards this direction.
The problem is that WAR files are "extended" JAR files, which are essentially ZIP arhives and therefore compressed.
A small change in an uncompressed file will change the whole compressed segment where that file belongs and - most importantly - it can also change its size significantly. That can overcome the ability of rsync to detect and handle changes in the final compressed file.
On ZIP archives each uncompressed file has its own compressed segment. Therefore the order in which files are placed in the archive is also important with regard to achieving a degree of similarity to a previous version. Depending on how the WAR file is created, just adding a new file or renaming one can cause segments to move, essentially making the WAR file unrecognisable. In other words:
A small change in your application normally means a rather large change in your WAR file.
rsync is not designed to handle changes in compressed files. However, it can handle changes in your application. One solution would be to use it to upload your application files and then create the WAR file on the remote host.
A slightly different approach - that does not need any development tools on the remote host - would be to unpack (i.e. unzip) the WAR file locally, upload its contents and then pack (i.e. zip) it again on the remote host. This solution only requires a zip or jar implementation on the remote host.

What's a reasonable size for a Visual C++ PDB file?

I am working to reduce the build time of a large Visual C++ 2008 application. One of the worst bottlenecks appears to be the generation of the PDB file: during the linking stage, mspdbsrv.exe quickly consumes available RAM, and the build machine begins to page constantly.
My current theory is that our PDB files are simply too large. However, I've been unable to find any information on what the "normal" size of a PDB file is. I've taking some rough measurements of one of the DLLs in our application, as follows:
CPP files: 34.5 MB, 900k lines
Header files: 21 MB, 400k lines
Compiled DLL: 33 MB (compiled for debug, not release)
PDB: 187 MB
So, the PDB file is roughly 570% the size of the DLL. Can someone with experience with large Visual C++ applications tell me whether these ratios and sizes make sense? Or is there a sign here that we are doing something wrong?
(The largest PDB file in our application is currently 271 MB, for a 47.5 MB DLL. Source code size is harder to measure for that one, though.)
Yes, .pdb files can be very large - even of the sizes you mention. Since a .pdb file contains data to map source lines to machine code and you compile a lot of code there's a lot of data in the .pdb file and you likely can't do anything with that directly.
One thing you could try is to split your program into smaller parts - DLLs. Each DLL will have its own independent .pdb. However I seriously doubt it will decrease the build time.
Do you really need full debug information at all time? You can create a configuration with less debug info in it.
But as sharptooth already said, it is time to refactor and split your program in small more maintainable parts. This won't only reduce build time.
