return offset of a string with lua - string

I'm trying to search rather big files for a certain string and return its offset. I'm new to lua and my current approach would look like this:
linenumber = 0
for line in io.lines(filepath) do
linenumber = linenumber+1
if result ~= nil then
I realize that this way is rather primitive and certainly slow. How could I do this more efficiently?
Thanks in advance.

If the file is not too big, and you can spare the memory, it's faster to just slurp in the whole file and just use string.find. If not you can search the file by block.
Your approach isn't all that bad. I'd suggest loading the file in overlapping blocks though. The overlap avoids having the pattern split just between the blocks and going unnoticed like:
".... ...A BC.. ...."
My implementation goes like this:
size=4096 -- note, size should be bigger than the length of pat to work.
overlap=#pat,'rb') -- On windows, do NOT forget the b
while block do
if block_offset then
if offset then
print('found pattern at', offset, 'after reading',n,'blocks')
print('did not find pattern')
If your file really has lines, you can also use the trick explained here. This section in the Programming in Lua book explains some performance considerations reading files.

Unless your lines have all the same lenght (4096), I don't see how your code can work.
Instead of using io.lines, read blocks with The rest of your code can be used as is, except that you need to handle the case that your string is not fully inside a block. If the files is composed of lines, then a trick mentioned in Programming in Lua is to do,"*l"), to read blocks that end at line boundaries. Then you don't have to worry about strings not fully inside a block but you need to adjust the offset calculation to include the length of the block, not just 4096.


How to input a string value of unknown length from console in Fortran? [duplicate]

I would like to use deferred-length character strings in a "simple" manner to read user input. The reason that I want to do this is that I do not want to have to declare the size of a character string before knowing how large the user input will be. I know that there are "complicated" ways to do this. For example, the iso_varying_string module can be used: Also, there is a solution here: Fortran Character Input at Undefined Length. However, I was hoping for something as simple, or almost as simple, as the following:
program main
character(len = :), allocatable :: my_string
read(*, '(a)') my_string
write(*,'(a)') my_string
print *, allocated(my_string), len(my_string)
end program
When I run this program, the output is:
here is the user input
F 32765
Notice that there is no output from write(*,'(a)') my_string. Why?
Also, my_string has not been allocated. Why?
Why isn't this a simple feature of Fortran? Do other languages have this simple feature? Am I lacking some basic understanding about this issue in general?
vincentjs's answer isn't quite right.
Modern (2003+) Fortran does allow automatic allocation and re-allocation of strings on assignment, so a sequence of statements such as this
character(len=:), allocatable :: string
string = 'Hello'
string = 'my friend'
string = 'Hello '//string
is correct and will work as expected and write out 3 strings of different lengths. At least one compiler in widespread use, the Intel Fortran compiler, does not engage 2003 semantics by default so may raise an error on trying to compile this. Refer to the documentation for the setting to use Fortran 2003.
However, this feature is not available when reading a string so you have to resort to the tried and tested (aka old-fashioned if you prefer) approach of declaring a buffer of sufficient size for any input and of then assigning the allocatable variable. Like this:
character(len=long) :: buffer
character(len=:), allocatable :: string
read(*,*) buffer
string = trim(buffer)
No, I don't know why the language standard forbids automatic allocation on read, just that it does.
Deferred length character is a Fortran 2003 feature. Note that many of the complicated methods linked to are written against earlier language versions.
With Fortran 2003 support, reading a complete record into a character variable is relatively straight forward. A simple example with very minimal error handling below. Such a procedure only needs to be written once, and can be customized to suit a user's particular requirements.
CALL read_line(input_unit, my_string)
WRITE (*, "(A)") my_string
PRINT *, ALLOCATED(my_string), LEN(my_string)
SUBROUTINE read_line(unit, line)
! The unit, connected for formatted input, to read the record from.
! The contents of the record.
INTEGER :: stat ! IO statement IOSTAT result.
CHARACTER(256) :: buffer ! Buffer to read a piece of the record.
INTEGER :: size ! Number of characters read from the file.
line = ''
READ (unit, "(A)", ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=stat, SIZE=size) buffer
IF (stat > 0) STOP 'Error reading file.'
line = line // buffer(:size)
! An end of record condition or end of file condition stops the loop.
IF (stat < 0) RETURN
Deferred length arrays are just that: deferred length. You still need to allocate the size of the array using the allocate statement before you can assign values to it. Once you allocate it, you can't change the size of the array unless you deallocate and then reallocate with a new size. That's why you're getting a debug error.
Fortran does not provide a way to dynamically resize character arrays like the std::string class does in C++, for example. In C++, you could initialize std::string var = "temp", then redefine it to var = "temporary" without any extra work, and this would be valid. This is only possible because the resizing is done behind the scenes by the functions in the std::string class (it doubles the size if the buffer limit is exceeded, which is functionally equivalent to reallocateing with a 2x bigger array).
Practically speaking, the easiest way I've found when dealing with strings in Fortran is to allocate a reasonably large character array that will fit most expected inputs. If the size of the input exceeds the buffer, then simply increase the size of your array by reallocateing with a larger size. Removing trailing white space can be done using trim.
You know that there are "complicated" ways of doing what you want. Rather than address those, I'll answer your first two "why?"s.
Unlike intrinsic assignment a read statement does not have the target variable first allocated to the correct size and type parameters for the thing coming in (if it isn't already like that). Indeed, it is a requirement that the items in an input list be allocated. Fortran 2008, 9.6.3, clearly states:
If an input item or an output item is allocatable, it shall be allocated.
This is the case whether the allocatable variable is a character with deferred length, a variable with other deferred length-type parameters, or an array.
There is another way to declare a character with deferred length: giving it the pointer attribute. This doesn't help you, though, as we also see
If an input item is a pointer, it shall be associated with a definable target ...
Why you have no output from your write statement is related to why you see that the character variable isn't allocated: you haven't followed the requirements of Fortran and so you can't expect the behaviour that isn't specified.
I'll speculate as to why this restriction is here. I see two obvious ways to relax the restriction
allow automatic allocation generally;
allow allocation of a deferred length character.
The second case would be easy:
If an input item or an output item is allocatable, it shall be allocated unless it is a scalar character variable with deferred length.
This, though, is clumsy and such special cases seem against the ethos of the standard as a whole. We'd also need a carefully thought out rule about alloction for this special case.
If we go for the general case for allocation, we'd presumably require that the unallocated effective item is the final effective item in the list:
integer, allocatable :: a(:), b(:)
character(7) :: ifile = '1 2 3 4'
read(ifile,*) a, b
and then we have to worry about
type aaargh(len)
integer, len :: len
integer, dimension(len) :: a, b
end type
type(aaargh), allocatable :: a(:)
character(9) :: ifile = '1 2 3 4 5'
read(ifile,*) a
It gets quite messy very quickly. Which seems like a lot of problems to resolve where there are ways, of varying difficulty, of solving the read problem.
Finally, I'll also note that allocation is possible during a data transfer statement. Although a variable must be allocated (as the rules are now) when appearing in input list components of an allocated variable of derived type needn't be if that effective item is processed by defined input.

What is a quick way to check if file contents are null?

I have a rather large file (32 GB) which is an image of an SD card, created using dd.
I suspected that the file is empty (i.e. filled with the null byte \x00) starting from a certain point.
I checked this using python in the following way (where f is an open file handle with the cursor at the last position I could find data at):
for i in xrange(512):
if set(*1048576))!=set(['\x00']):
print i
This worked well (in fact it revealed some data at the very end of the image), but took >9 minutes.
Has anyone got a better way to do this? There must be a much faster way, I'm sure, but cannot think of one.
Looking at a guide about memory buffers in python here I suspected that the comparator itself was the issue. In most non-typed languages memory copies are not very obvious despite being a killer for performance.
In this case, as Oded R. established, creating a buffer from read and comparing the result with a previously prepared nul filled one is much more efficient.
size = 512
data = bytearray(size)
cmp = bytearray(size)
And when reading:
f = open(FILENAME, 'rb')
Two things that need to be taken into account is:
The size of the compared buffers should be equal, but comparing bigger buffers should be faster until some point (I would expect memory fragmentation to be the main limit)
The last buffer may not be the same size, reading the file into the prepared buffer will keep the tailing zeroes where we want them.
Here the comparison of the two buffers will be quick and there will be no attempts of casting the bytes to string (which we don't need) and since we reuse the same memory all the time, the garbage collector won't have much work either... :)

Find the file offset for a character index, ignoring newline

I have a text file of 3GB size (a FASTA file with DNA sequences). It contains about 50 million lines of differing
length, though the most lines are 70 characters wide. I want to extract a string from this file, given two character indices. The difficult
part is, that newlines shall not be counted as character.
For good speed, I want to use seek() to reach the beginning of the string and start reading, but I need the offset in bytes for that.
My current approach is to write a new file, with all the newlines removed, but that takes another 3GB on disk. I want to find a solution which requires less disk space.
Using a dictionary mapping each character count to a file offset is not practicable either, because there would be one key for every byte, therefore using at least 16bytes*3 billion characters = 48GB.
I think I need a data structure which allows to retrieve the number of newline characters that come before a character of certain index, then I can add their number and the character index to obtain the file offset in bytes.
The SamTools fai index was designed just for this purpose. Which makes a very small compact index file with enough information to quickly seek to any point in the fasta file for any record inside as long as the file is properly formatted
You can create a SamTools index using samtools faidx command.
You can then use other programs in the SamTools package to pull out subsequences or alignments very quickly using the index.
see for usage.

How to partially read from a TStringStream, free the read data from the stream and keep the rest (the unread data)?

What I want to do: lets suppose I have a TStringStream that just read a string with 100 characters. If I call .ReadString(50), I will get the first 50 characters of this stream and its cursor is going to be placed on the position 51.
My question is: how do I toss the characters 1 to 50 in this stream in a fast and clean way? I want to read the rest (51 to 100) later.
Thanks in advance.
You cannot do what you are hoping to do. The string stream's data is a Delphi string which is stored as a single memory block. Memory blocks are atomic, they cannot be split. You cannot free some part of a memory block.
If you really need to return memory to the memory manager then you should create a new string with the already processed data removed. You can then re-create your string stream with this new input and destroy the previous string stream.
Having said that, it's hard to see that doing much other than increasing your memory fragmentation. If the sizes of memory involved are large enough, and if the string stream persists for long enough, then this just might be a sensible approach. Otherwise it sounds like an attempt to optimise that actually would hinder performance.
Perhaps some class other than string stream could be more appropriate but it's very hard to advise without knowing more details.
You can't do this. If you really need to do this, you should write your own class that implements the stream-interface and which would let you process some data a little bit at a time and free whatever you want to free. Note that you would only be able to go through the data once, since you've now deleted your data. That is, seeking to the beginning again would become impossible, and your current stream "position" would be a lie.
In short, sounds like you're confused.
If I understand correctly you which to skip forward in the stream?
You can do:
Str.Position := Str.Position + 50;
Or like this:

Doing file operations with 64-bit addresses in C + MinGW32

I'm trying to read in a 24 GB XML file in C, but it won't work. I'm printing out the current position using ftell() as I read it in, but once it gets to a big enough number, it goes back to a small number and starts over, never even getting 20% through the file. I assume this is a problem with the range of the variable that's used to store the position (long), which can go up to about 4,000,000,000 according to, while my file is 25,000,000,000 bytes in size. A long long should work, but how would I change what my compiler(Cygwin/mingw32) uses or get it to have fopen64?
The ftell() function typically returns an unsigned long, which only goes up to 232 bytes (4 GB) on 32-bit systems. So you can't get the file offset for a 24 GB file to fit into a 32-bit long.
You may have the ftell64() function available, or the standard fgetpos() function may return a larger offset to you.
You might try using the OS provided file functions CreateFile and ReadFile. According to the File Pointers topic, the position is stored as a 64bit value.
Unless you can use a 64-bit method as suggested by Loadmaster, I think you will have to break the file up.
This resource seems to suggest it is possible using _telli64(). I can't test this though, as I don't use mingw.
I don't know of any way to do this in one file, a bit of a hack but if splitting the file up properly isn't a real option, you could write a few functions that temp split the file, one that uses ftell() to move through the file and swaps ftell() to a new file when its reaching the split point, then another that stitches the files back together before exiting. An absolutely botched up approach, but if no better solution comes to light it could be a way to get the job done.
I found the answer. Instead of using fopen, fseek, fread, fwrite... I'm using _open, lseeki64, read, write. And I am able to write and seek in > 4GB files.
Edit: It seems the latter functions are about 6x slower than the former ones. I'll give the bounty anyone who can explain that.
Edit: Oh, I learned here that read() and friends are unbuffered. What is the difference between read() and fread()?
Even if the ftell() in the Microsoft C library returns a 32-bit value and thus obviously will return bogus values once you reach 2 GB, just reading the file should still work fine. Or do you need to seek around in the file, too? For that you need _ftelli64() and _fseeki64().
Note that unlike some Unix systems, you don't need any special flag when opening the file to indicate that it is in some "64-bit mode". The underlying Win32 API handles large files just fine.
