Undo (ctrl +z ) is not working for text area when I use jquery autocomplete in IE - jquery-autocomplete

Jquery autocomplete breaks the undo in IE, In case of textarea what may be the reason ?
Try this,
Open this link in IE
Type any text in input element, for example type 'a' select 'ActionScript' from menu
now do backpsace to remove characters.
Now do undo ctrl + z , It's not working why ?
can any one explain ?
Thanks in advance

I had a similar problem:
Html text input undo not working
In the end I found out that if any JavaScript updated any visual elements, all the text boxes on the page had their undo history reset. In my case it was a timer updating a countdown clock, which made it very difficult to trace and debug. I imagine it is the autocomplete JQuery causing the problem here. The difference to mine is that it is updating the actual textbox, not an external element, but I suspect it is the same issue. I'm pretty sure it's a bug in IE so there's not a lot you can do about it, short of adding your own history functionality to the text box.
This is a problem specific to Internet Explorer - I suggest you try your page with Chrome or Firefox.


FabricJS Textbox - The cursor position is not set correctly for certain fonts

In the above image, the cursor should be at the end, but for some reason, it is placed before the last character.
This only happens for certain fonts.
I don't think it is related with how the custom font is being loaded, this image was taken from http://fabricjs.com/loadfonts. Also, the last version of the library is being used.
To reproduce the issue you have to do the following:
Change the font-family to "Pacifico".
Click on the text box to enter in edit mode.
Start typing.
Sometimes, even the last character goes outside of the bounding box.
I think that this has something to do with how the _measureChar() function executes, but I'm not sure what needs to be changed.
Thanks in advance!
I did more tests and it seems that this problem is not present in IE.
This problem appears in Chrome and Firefox.
It is also strange how the characters are being rendered in each browser:
add below code before canvas.requestRenderAll();
fabric.charWidthsCache[this.value] = {};

ST3: Find text results in panel instead of a buffer

I must have hit a setting in ST3 and caused my program to display results in a panel instead of in a buffer. How do I get it back so that find-text results go into their own tab? I've done some digging around but I can't find what I did.
In the Find in Files panel, there is a series of buttons to the left of the Find field, and the right most one of those is the one that controls whether the find results show up in a panel or in a buffer.
Note that the button may look different in your version as it appears that you're using a different theme (the image below shows the default theme). You can verify that you have the correct button based on the tool tip text.

How to scroll past the last link in a HTMLComponent (LWUIT 1.5)?

How can I scroll past the last link in a HTMLComponent? I am using LWUIT 1.5.
Moreover if the link spans over multiple lines, it stops on the first line, so the whole link is not visible.
HTML file for testing: http://bit.ly/uJ8RbN
UPDATE: The issue is here http://java.net/jira/browse/LWUIT-487.
Any workaround tips before the issue gets resolved?
Scrolling past the last link works properly in our test cases although its always possible there is a bug in the HTMLComponent implementation. If you found such a case please file an issue in the lwuit issue tracker in the LWUIT website and include the HTML that triggered the problem. The same probably applies to the long links issue.
A simple solution is to add an empty button to the end of the form, format the button to look like the background, without borders etc. This way after the HtmlComponent there is still a button that doesnt have focus but allows you scroll to the bottom.

how to click on ext JS drop down menu items using watir

I have the ext js drop down menu as shown in the image.
is there any watir method to click on this button?
its respective HTML code is in the image.
Naveen Kandakur
See my answer to How to click a strange link looks like button in watir which appears to the the exact same code, and thus gets the same answer.
for which btw I have code that works on the sample site that appears to be the same control, and is why we constantly ask people if there is a site we can access that has the control on it, because nothing works as well as a real example when you are trying to figure out what makes these custom controls tick.

Browser Ctrl+F find non-visible text

Can the browser feature of Ctrl+F to find text be integrated with text in popup windows.
I'd like to have some scientific reference information given when someone hovers over a species name in a web page. Generating the popup, tooltip style text is no problem, the problem is that anyone using Ctrl+F won't be able to find it, or if I position the text out of view when not required, it will be found but be invisible.
The same sort of effect applies to "accordion" style expanding text areas.
I'm looking for some sort of event generated when find is highlighting a result.
Unfortunately there is no such event, you can't interfere with the built-in find.
About the best you can do in this case is to provide your own search function in-page, which searches the DOM for Text nodes containing the given text, highlights them, and opens up any closed accordions they're in.
The only idea I have, is to put all the text from your popups in one additional scrollbox (maybe at the bottom of the page) with a height just large enough to display one set of detail information at a time. This way, it doesn't take up too much space on the page, and the text can still be found using Ctrl+F.
