What is wrong with this calculated field for total hours between two times in SharePoint 2007? - sharepoint

I am attempting to get the total hours between two times in a SharePoint 2007 list. Right now I have the formula as...
...which I have looked up and says that it is the correct formula to do this. But, what I get is a weird date like "2/18/1900 12:00 AM" instead of what it should be: 26.
Another formula I tried was...
...but, this will only get the difference in hours and not count the days (if they are more than one apart).
Both of the columns are Date & Time columns. So, what am I doing wrong?

My take is that you set the output format of the calculated column to be Date and Time, while it should be of type number.

In a calculated column, the number of hours between two times is:
Providing that the difference is less than 24 hours. Otherwise, you'll need to look at getting the days difference and doing a multi-step calculation involving the number of days between the dates * 24 + the calc above.


Extract the hour from the h" hour(s) and "m" minute(s)" in excel

I have the list of data that showing the Hours and the Minutes that I extract from the system. I need to be extract the hours.
As example below, column B first row, the Hours would be 64 and the minutes would be 46.
But when I used the formula =Hour , its turn up the different value since its actually decimal number.
Cannot use left() , it will give the actual decimal number.
We tried the #harun24HR 's but cannot readable the value.
But if you noticed, if i copy and paste the value is different. thats why the search not applicable.
4th Update:
To Solar Mike, I have tried the formula given from the thread the i think the value not readable
It's a time value which Excel stores as calculated value based on 24 hours = 1.
To retrieve the hours only you can use:
To retrieve the minutes only you can use:
Your time value is already a number in time format so you just need it to change it to decimal system. Dates and time values are numbers. Even if you see it as 30/09/2019 or 12:00:00, actually, for Excel, both cases are numbers.
First date Excel can recognize properly is 01/01/1900 which integer numeric value is 1. Number 2 would be 02/01/1900 and so on. Actually, today is 44659.
Now, about your data, you posted this screenshoot:
So the value is numeric, not text/string. In Excel, what you see is not always what you have. Probably that column has been formatted using custom mask. My fake data is like this:
The numeric value is 02/01/1900 16:46:36 (or 02/01/1900 4:46:36 PM it depends on your regional settings) but I've applied a custom format like this:
[hh]" hours" mm " minutes"
So what I have is a number but what I see is a text!
We have to work with the number (to be honest, ist's easier to work with numbers), so to extract the total hours, minutes and seconds.
Formula in B1: =INT(A1*24) total hours
Formula in C1: =INT(A1*24*60-B1*60) total minutes
Formula in D1: =A1*24*60*60-B1*60*60-C1*60 total seconds
This should guide you on whatever are you trying to achieve.
From your current sample data you try-
For hour =LEFT(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2)-1)
For minutes =RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," minutes",""),2)

Excel - Photovoltaic - converting hours

I have a problem that I would like to solve. I got data in excel, which are
in this form, basically I have number of hours from 0 to 8760 in a column in excel, which represent the whole year. And in another column I have "Power from PV" which corresponds to how much power does photovoltaic system produce in that specific hour. I would like to convert these hours to months, so I could make a graph of monthly production of power in a whole year. Is there some sensible way to do this in excel?
Thank you for any suggestions.
You need three things:
You need to know that 1 equals 1 day, so if you want to convert hours into date related information, you need to divide it by 24.
There is a function, called Date(), which gives the date, based on year, month and day, like =DATE(2022,1,1).
There is a function, called Month(), which gives the month number of a date.
So, in summary, you need something like:
=MONTH(DATE(2022,1,1) + A3 / 24)
Once you have this in a new helper column, you can start using the Subtotals basic Excel feature.

Excel 2010 - calculating time lapsed between 2 dates & times where it is over 31 days

I am trying to find out the time lapsed, Days, Hours & Mins, between 2 days and times?
Date Opened: Cell J1 08/08/2012 09:00:02
Date Resolved: Cell L1 10/10/2012 07:30:00
I have tried the Following:
=INT(L1-J1) &" days "&INT(MOD(L1-J1,1)*24)&" hours " & ROUND(MOD((L1-J1)*24,1)*60,0)&" minutes"
this works and gives the lapsed time of 62 days 22 hours 30 minutes
The problem with this is that produces this as a text result meaning that I cannot Average the results automatically
I then tried:
The result of this is good as it allows me to use the results and work out averages & sums
But if the lapsed time is over a month it cannot work this out - so this example gives me the incorrect result of 02:22:29 (DD:HH:MM)
What i am looking for is a formula / function that will provide me with the time lapsed in Days/ hours/ mins that correctly shows the number of days even if more than 1 month and that i am able to use the results
It is a formatting issue. The format of DD:HH:MM is treating the result as a date (2-Mar-1900 22:29)
Unfortunately I don't think there is a built in format which will give total number of days
You can get the text you want by using formula =INT(L1-J1)&":"&TEXT(L1-J1,"HH:MM")but this will be a text value rather than a numerical value
Formatting it to [h]:mm:ss would give you the number of hours. Does that help in anyway?
It seems like this is something that can't be done in one cell, but would need to be handled in 2 cells. 1 for calculating the average (and can be hidden), and one for the display you are looking for.

How to get the difference in minutes between two dates in Microsoft Excel?

I am doing some work in Excel and am running into a bit of a problem. The instruments I am working with save the date and the time of the measurements and I can read this data into Excel with the following format:
1 Date: Time:
2 12/11/12 2:36:25
3 12/12/12 1:46:14
What I am looking to do is find the difference in the two date/time stamps in mins so that I can create a decay curve from the data. So In Excel, I am looking to Make this (if the number of mins in this example is wrong I just calculated it by hand quickly):
1 Date: Time: Time Elapsed (Minutes)
2 12/11/12 2:36:25 -
3 12/12/12 1:46:14 1436.82
I Have looked around for a bit and found several methods for the difference in time but they always assume that the dates are the same. I exaggerated the time between my measurements some but that roll over of days is what is causing me grief. Any suggestions or hints as to how to go about this would be great. Even If I could find the difference between the date and times in hrs or days in a decimal format, I could just multiple by a constant to get my answer. Please note, I do have experience with programming and Excel but please explain in details. I sometimes get lost in steps.
time and date are both stored as numerical, decimal values (floating point actually). Dates are the whole numbers and time is the decimal part (1/24 = 1 hour, 1/24*1/60 is one minute etc...)
Date-time difference is calculated as:
which will give you the answer in days, now multiply by 24 (hours in day) and then by 60 (minutes in hour) and you are there:
time elapsed = ((date2-date1) + (time2-time1)) * 24 * 60
C3 = ((A3-A2)+(B3-B2))*24*60
To add a bit more perspective, Excel stores date and times as serial numbers.
Here is a Reference material to read up.
I would suggest you to use the following:
Combine date to it's time and then do the difference. So it will not cause you any issues of next day or anything.
Please refer to the image with calculations. You may leave your total minutes cell as general or number format.
MS EXCEL Article: Calculate the difference between two times
Example as per this article
Neat way to do this is:
where start and end are formatted as "09:00" and "17:00"
Midnight shift
If start and end time are on the same day the MOD function does not affect anything. If the end time crosses midnight, and the end is earlier then start (say you start 23PM and finish 1AM, so result is 2 hours), the MOD function flips the sign of the difference.
Note that this formula calculates the difference between two times (actually two dates) as decimal value. If you want to see the result as time, display the result as time (ctrl+shift+2).
get n day between two dates, by using days360 function =days360(dateA,dateB)
find minute with this formula using timeA as reference =(timeB-$timeA+n*"24:00")*1440
voila you get minutes between two time and dates
I think =TEXT(<cellA> - <cellB>; "[h]:mm:ss") is a more concise answer. This way, you can have your column as a datetime.

Adding Two Times Up In Excel

I I'm have small headache caused today by excel and the way it takes control of everything. I have two time values I need to add together then divide by a value I got charged for that time to work out how much it cost me an hour.
so say I was charged day on for 12:30:00
on day 2 I was charged for 13:20:00
and day 3 I was charged for 20:30:00
In total it cost me £1000
The calculation would be
£1000 / (12:30:00 + 13:20:00 + 20:30:00 = 46:20:00)
I would guess to get the answer I would
1000 / Sum(12:30:00+13:20:00+20:30:00) = price per hour
But it doesn't...
I guess I need some sort of convert function on the time or to divide it by 24 to get hours but I'm stuck
Help would be hugely appreciated!
Excel represents times as fractional days, so your function is actually representing the rate per day.
Assuming your times are in cells A1:A3, you can adjust your function to something like:
1000 / Sum(A1:A3) / 24
which will give you the rate per hour (by my calculations, £21.58/hr).
As others have mentioned, you will need to set the cell to a currency format.
Excel should be performing the calculation correctly, but it is just showing as a time. Format the result cell as "number" instead.
You can use the HOUR and MINUTE functions to get the hour and minute portions of the time values, however as lc mentions, you do need to ensure that the formatting of the cell is set to Number, as it will default to a time.
Assuming you have your hh:mm:ss values running down the page (column A), in the next column put the formula
underneath this you can put your formula
= 1000 / SUM(A1:A3)
but don't forget to format it as Number.
