C# - Trying to create a threaded process using a function that has as Action as a parameter - multithreading

This is a project I'm doing for my own amusement.
I started out wanting to experiment with combination and permutations. In a console application I have the following code
public static void Save(string newWord)
using (var db = new MyDataContext())
var w = new Word {word = newWord};
static void Main(string[] args)
var letters = new[] { 'A', 'B', 'C', '1', '2', '3'};
for (var i = 2; i < 10; i++)
letters.GetPermutations(a => Save(string.Join(string.Empty, a.ToArray())), i, true);
In an extension class, I have the code to generate the combinations. I found the code for the combinations here (http://blog.noldorin.com/2010/05/combinatorics-in-csharp/) for those wanting to review that.
public static void GetCombinations<T>(this IList<T> list, Action<IList<T>> action, int? resultSize = null, bool withRepetition = false)
if (list == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("list");
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("action");
if (resultSize.HasValue && resultSize.Value <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException(errorMessageValueLessThanZero, "resultSize");
var result = new T[resultSize.HasValue ? resultSize.Value : list.Count];
var indices = new int[result.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++)
indices[i] = withRepetition ? -1 : indices.Length - i - 2;
int curIndex = 0;
while (curIndex != -1)
if (indices[curIndex] == (curIndex == 0 ? list.Count : indices[curIndex - 1] + (withRepetition ? 1 : 0)))
indices[curIndex] = withRepetition ? -1 : indices.Length - curIndex - 2;
result[curIndex] = list[indices[curIndex]];
if (curIndex < indices.Length - 1)
Then I thought it would be cool to calculate the combinations for all charaters in a list, each in its own thread. So in my for/next loop, I tried
Thread t = new Thread(letters.GetPermutations(a => Save(string.Join(string.Empty, a.ToArray())), i, true));
But apparently, the Action that is being passed in, the call to the 'Save' function, is not liked in the Thread. If someone could give me a nudge in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

The Thread constructor is looking for a delegate but you're appearing to pass a value instead. Try wrapping it in an ThreadStart delegate.
ThreadStart del = () => letters.GetPermutations(a => Save(string.Join(string.Empty, a.ToArray())), i, true);
Thread t = new Thread(del);


How to get schedule element data in revit using C#

I am new to Revit API and am working in C#. I want to get the schedule element parameters value using C#. I used the below code to get the view schedule.
var viewSchedule = new FilteredElementCollector(document)
.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == "MyScheduleName") as ViewSchedule;
Schedule Element Data
From the above schedule, I used the below code to get the element data (please refer the above screenshot link) but it taking long time to reflect the output (10 to 15 seconds).
var rowCount = viewSchedule.GetTableData().GetSectionData(SectionType.Body).NumberOfRows;
var colCount = viewSchedule.GetTableData().GetSectionData(SectionType.Body).NumberOfColumns;
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++)
data += viewSchedule.GetCellText(SectionType.Body, i, j);
Please let me know is there any alternate approach to get the schedule data using C#.
Thanks in advance.
Maybe you can also use ViewSchedule.Export as demonstrated by The Building Coder discussing The Schedule API and Access to Schedule Data.
Yes, you can easily access Schedule data without exporting.
Firstly, get all the schedules and read the data cell by cell. Secondly, create dictionary and store data in form of key, value pairs. Now you can use the schedule data as you want. I have tried this in Revit 2019.
Here is the implementation.
public void getScheduleData(Document doc)
FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);
IList<Element> collection = collector.OfClass(typeof(ViewSchedule)).ToElements();
String prompt = "ScheduleData :";
prompt += Environment.NewLine;
foreach (Element e in collection)
ViewSchedule viewSchedule = e as ViewSchedule;
TableData table = viewSchedule.GetTableData();
TableSectionData section = table.GetSectionData(SectionType.Body);
int nRows = section.NumberOfRows;
int nColumns = section.NumberOfColumns;
if (nRows > 1)
List<List<string>> scheduleData = new List<List<string>>();
for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++)
List<string> rowData = new List<string>();
for (int j = 0; j < nColumns; j++)
rowData.Add(viewSchedule.GetCellText(SectionType.Body, i, j));
List<string> columnData = scheduleData[0];
DataMapping(columnData, scheduleData);
public static void DataMapping(List<string> keyData, List<List<string>>valueData)
List<Dictionary<string, string>> items= new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();
string prompt = "Key/Value";
prompt += Environment.NewLine;
foreach (List<string> list in valueData)
for (int key=0, value =0 ; key< keyData.Count && value< list.Count; key++,value++)
Dictionary<string, string> newItem = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string k = keyData[key];
string v = list[value];
newItem.Add(k, v);
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> item in items)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in item)
prompt += "Key: " + kvp.Key + ",Value: " + kvp.Value;
prompt += Environment.NewLine;
Autodesk.Revit.UI.TaskDialog.Show("Revit", prompt);

How can I correct the error "Cross-thread operation not valid"?

This following code gives me the error below . I think I need "InvokeRequired" . But I don't understand how can I use?
error:Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'statusBar1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.
the code :
public void CalculateGeneration(int nPopulation, int nGeneration)
int _previousFitness = 0;
Population TestPopulation = new Population();
for (int i = 0; i < nGeneration; i++)
if (_threadFlag)
Genome g = TestPopulation.GetHighestScoreGenome();
if (i % 100 == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Generation #{0}", i);
if ( ToPercent(g.CurrentFitness) != _previousFitness)
_gene = g;
statusBar1.Text = String.Format("Current Fitness = {0}", g.CurrentFitness.ToString("0.00"));
this.Text = String.Format("Sudoko Grid - Generation {0}", i);
_previousFitness = ToPercent(g.CurrentFitness);
if (g.CurrentFitness > .9999)
Console.WriteLine("Final Solution at Generation {0}", i);
statusBar1.Text = "Finished";
Easiest for reusability is to add a helper function like:
void setstatus(string txt)
Action set = () => statusBar1.Text = txt;
Or with the invokerequired check first:
delegate void settextdelegate(string txt);
void setstatus(string txt)
if (statusBar1.InvokeRequired)
statusBar1.Invoke(new settextdelegate(setstatus), txt);
statusBar1.Text = txt;
Either way the status can then be set like
For completeness I should add that even better would be to keep your calculating logic separated from your form and raise a status from within your calculating functionality that can be hanled by the form, but that could be completely out of scope here.

Change image after each 10seconds in WPF image box

There is a requirement of updating image in image boxes of WPF. I am thinking of creating a list with all the paths and then using a timer control checking the 10 seconds. After the 10 seconds has elapsed the next id from list is taken and bound to the image box. I am new to WPF. Can any one help me with a working example.
Use a DispatcherTimer to invoke a method at regular intervalls. In this method change the bound image, remember to raise the INotifyPropertyChanged event to let WPF know it should query the bound property again.
Hi i have made thig running with the below code .
private void timer_Elapsed(object sender,System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
Action action1 = () => this.BeginStoryboard((Storyboard)this.FindResource("BlinkStoryboardFed"));
Action action = () => BindToImages(lststr);
public void BindToImages(List<string> lststrpath)
lock (_locker)
for (int i = 0; i < lststrpath.Count; i++)
if (count == 0)
startindex = i;
this.BindToImgIndx = startindex;
AppState.Index = i;
BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage();
img.UriSource = new Uri(lststrpath[startindex].ToString(), UriKind.Relative);
img.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
image1.Source = img;
int k = AppState.Index;
k = ++k;
this.BindToImgIndx = startindex;
if (k < lststrpath.Count)
BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage();
img.UriSource = new Uri(lststrpath[k].ToString(), UriKind.Relative);
img.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
image1.Source = img;
AppState.Index = k;

The method 'Equals' is not supported

public List<Health_Scheme_System.Employee> GetPenEmployeeTable()
Health_Scheme_System.Health_Scheme_SystemDB db = new Health_Scheme_System.Health_Scheme_SystemDB();
var x = (from c in db.Employees
where c.Pensioners.Equals (1)
select c);
return x.ToList();
//Selecting multiple columns from an HR view table together with the scheme name of scheme.
public List<EmployeesX> GetPensioners()
Health_Scheme_System.Health_Scheme_SystemDB db = new Health_Scheme_System.Health_Scheme_SystemDB();
List<Health_Scheme_System.EmployeeDirectory> listEmployeeView = GetPenEmployeeView();
List<Health_Scheme_System.Employee> listEmployeeTable = GetPenEmployeeTable();
List<Health_Scheme_System.Scheme> listSchemes = GetSchemes();
List<EmployeesX> listOfEmployees = new List<EmployeesX>();
//checking for comparision of getemployeeview to getemployee table and then to getschemes
//Then display the scheme name if they are similar.
for (int i = 0; i < listEmployeeView.Count; i++)
EmployeesX emp = new EmployeesX();
emp.ID_NO = listEmployeeView[i].ID_NO;
emp.FIRST_NAME = listEmployeeView[i].FIRST_NAME;
emp.LAST_NAME = listEmployeeView[i].LAST_NAME;
emp.LOCATION_CODE = listEmployeeView[i].LOCATION_CODE;
for (int j = 0; j < listEmployeeTable.Count; j++)
if (listEmployeeTable[j].EmployeeIDCard == listEmployeeView[i].ID_NO)
emp.Pensioners = listEmployeeTable[j].Pensioners;
for (int k = 0; k < listSchemes.Count; k++)
if (listEmployeeTable[j].SchemeID == listSchemes[k].SchemeID)
emp.SCHEME_NAME = listSchemes[k].Name;
emp.START_DATE = listEmployeeTable[j].StartSchemeDate;
return listOfEmployees;
How can I make the same method with using .equals??
Have you tried this:
var x = (from c in db.Employees
where c.Pensioners == 1
select c)
Additional info:
If you use a method on an object in a linq query subsonic needs to know how to translate that into pur SQL code. That does not work by default and must be implemented for every known method on every supported type for every dataprovider (if differs from default implementation). So there is a bunch of work to do for subsonic.
A good starting point for knowning what's supported and what not is the TSqlFormatter class. Have a look at protected override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression m)
There is already an implementation for Equals
else if (m.Method.Name == "Equals")
if (m.Method.IsStatic && m.Method.DeclaringType == typeof(object))
sb.Append(" = ");
return m;
else if (!m.Method.IsStatic && m.Arguments.Count == 1 && m.Arguments[0].Type == m.Object.Type)
sb.Append(" = ");
return m;
else if (m.Method.IsStatic && m.Method.DeclaringType == typeof(string))
//Note: Not sure if this is best solution for fixing side issue with Issue #66
sb.Append(" = ");
return m;
I suppose Prnsioners is an integer type so you basically have to add another else if and recomplie subsonic.
This should work but I haven't tested it.
else if (!m.Method.IsStatic && m.Method.DeclaringType == typeof(int))
sb.Append(" = ");
return m;
(or you can try the == approach like in the example on the top).

Getting a random UserProfile In SharePoint 2010

I am trying to retrieve a random number of users from the UserProfileManager.
But I am encountering errors when deploying to the live servers. I can't seem to see what is causing the error. My code is below:
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfUserLimit; i++)
UserProfile up = profileManager.GetUserProfile(random.Next(1, NumberOfUserLimit));
if (up["FirstName"] != null && up["FirstName"].Value != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(up["FirstName"].Value.ToString()))
DataRow drUserProfile;
drUserProfile = dtUserProfile.NewRow();
drUserProfile["DisplayName"] = up.DisplayName;
drUserProfile["FirstName"] = up["FirstName"].Value;
drUserProfile["LastName"] = up["LastName"].Value;
drUserProfile["Department"] = up["Department"].Value;
drUserProfile["Location"] = up["SPS-Location"].Value;
drUserProfile["HireDate"] = up["SPS-HireDate"].Value;
drUserProfile["ContactNumber"] = up["Office"].Value;
if (up["PictureURL"] != null && up["PictureURL"].Value != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(up["PictureURL"].Value.ToString()))
string cleanAccountName = up["AccountName"].Value.ToString().Replace(#"\", "_");
string pictureUrl = String.Format("https://my.someintranet.com/User Photos/Profile Pictures/{0}_MThumb.jpg", cleanAccountName);
drUserProfile["Image"] = pictureUrl;
drUserProfile["Image"] = "~/_layouts/images/O14_person_placeHolder_96.png";
drUserProfile["MySiteUrl"] = up.PublicUrl;
My code works when I apply a simple foreach to my code above instead of the "for loop":
foreach (UserProfile up in profileManager)
Which proves I can return userprofiles.
Any help is appreciated.
profileManager.GetUserProfile(long recordId)
expects a recordId from userprofile table. It is not an index, so you cannot use "random".
If you want to check RecordId, you can take a look at SQL tables of ProfileDB. Table "UserProfile_Full" has MasterRecordId column. Your parameter in GetUserProfile has to match of the user profile's MasterRecordId.
you can use the following code to get your random profiles:
IEnumerator profiles = profileManager.GetEnumerator();
int index = new Random().Next(1, 100);
while (index >= 0 && profiles.MoveNext())
UserProfile currentProfile = (UserProfile)profiles.Current
Code that handles Random better
public class TestClass
private random = new Random();
private long totalNumberOfProfiles; //ProfileManager.Count not always returns count correctly
public TestClass()
//this does not have to be in constructor but point is to have it cached (reasonably)
IEnumerator profiles = profileManager.GetEnumerator();
long counter = 0;
while (profiles.MoveNext())
this.totalNumberOfProfiles = counter;
public fillInDataSet()
//something is here...
IEnumerator profiles = profileManager.GetEnumerator();
int index = random.Next(1, totalNumberOfProfiles);
while (index >= 0 && profiles.MoveNext())
UserProfile currentProfile = (UserProfile)profiles.Current
//something is here...
